WWW new diltriet medium Veai leederoi the Pint Bl rie at Port lith pie Ilretplecenttite rm em It Came mum emu er mom Yen Der IndnnIiltrevhonrIi muniner Photo First Barrie Captures Annual Cuboree Title he Pint IIIrriI hilt PIeh VII the mend Iinner oi the 1m Osborne II Cernp Wildinen monitor Beerh on the week iian then too mu micro Inn to em rub peeks reelA Monday In dividuri end turn we terted individually on their bowled oi the coir III Ind produce the tile oi linden Pen ell Minnie urety knetr the eoenpm brd Identi lleotieo blade we end uietr new kind to Dell Mir end to roll into II In bio It one In terms they corroded nirut mi other in toxoIIur Indover In ohdIrII eouru Iinnr Diorkederi Irrisiaoi die Irirt mmiuioaer aid the lud inr our the hirhiieht oi the It you hate erer Ieen Iir rubs tower on rope or III the1 ere north you writ know whet merit he told When Ill the eoinpetliione were completed the herd mm were tellch Ind mated to their art The were to the Phi Prelim lillli liIr riI Peril iieii the cult oltlu the Tenth Emit the Pint Inniliii the Ilrtt Dude the illicit urntt New Church Building Dedicated By Free Methodist Congregation home In people ooded the Mullen unit oi the IrriI to ItethedIt dined It the oenur ot DIytlcid Int Dilton dtreeie May Iherooen Pellwinr thedprriude or title manor itlrteo thoeellte woe Ihlp VI Potter Cert DuI Itev an Bell told the invention the congreutlonei hornet are Iottereduoygyrenr imp rm Ind ilev Diild liere Alt itntre Liking extended acuity in the cooperation on Iwhett oi the mine Dotuo Per the iieye to the new durdt were presented to mom Pet IMP the builder to Iltttim Cor tireen itey Sutton Weioe Kirk Ind Border one in turn them In Bitiwp memor the dedlcetton The ronrrrrttton oi the free liethedet Owed voted in Wit te demelltti the WWII it wu 05105 bonrIi 1m ceuiruo tion heron on the new lime are The corner house wee liter moved learn the property to pro ride puking Im DAMAGE Denim em ettlnuted Ii teen tailor In ucttcnt on Count ty tie it It illitewoy ii it bib Wit Saturday The driven Involved were they Words oi OrtlliI Ind WHOM ltleiu oi Itltihtroiid hill WIN or we no NONPNIII Ierd the tube hed le tempera Wider Ind seiner dry rightward to cm tinIPdn elite meMthe temp fire the record night TIIOIiIY WINNING The ninnerI oi there it Men were the Tenth limit the Elm nnieiii In Idditlon to the tire euh out who amped out ItI tec orid Allendele Scoot Trees ire der the Ieederehlo oi hick Me eet up two eunotiirr lrtdey nilht Ie lit the lithe new it till done not ernnlted lttiir def ohrteeie room Ir Itieeludert Ieid he VII wry pimed with the lure euro her of pIrtieIpIrite tn tiiieyeeir Cuber Iitd how there will he iurt rneny neat peer MINE it on IIIrI hill Port Erie Ind tiertoelend The but Itli Ie Cedririlteu strut moi In mid rt lturridet 10pm Cortvoi the trip Anione nielinp to it Irked iewcoii ltr Bloektdcri It not Car iiollr Over Woman In Killed Petricie eelrotten It at liid Iettd wee idlied Seturdey IiltI when the can the was drivinr wept It On reed end rolled over The accident occurred on iilphwny II iirrt welt oi Poet IicNicnii It tilt pm the the our occupant oi the vehicle EOliII lilT COMPETITION kitted out one at It Menu Irons II iodine our to the em to compete teed stcIIirPelni rnqdqullpr rieritrreln nrw Cleo Iii lull Bhop pine Cerere llInIrer mot be opted in riot end In piper Phone Notorite drum or write hill diuretic neir Peint Ioi Wellorper vII Dottie Toronto in the indurteiIl Accident Prt ventlon Alreciettorie third In nuel lair liit competition Set iltidly moraine Eremlner Photo IMMEDIATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Per Prnimluioned met lllill Drrdiord OniIrIn Ier iniormetien write In In her eii ilirhney II II imlicd cI II inrutrnrni ILP OIL IiID Ito Duncen liillII ltd Don title Onierie III III TurrlII Or ElliIiIII Hill III III Handicapped Children murmur Illnl mum Ichoei tor men tell headroom thildren It git Pzt Sch in harem 100 000 Inter year Inldt ennhied them to hire In exirI IiudnL The vent llil Iii NINE Iir pm Ins or elitidren vii Ind mm lelrninl dirIIdiitIu In the Ii ternom in Iddiiien to hot mrI oromrn of Ira Ind mite mu Irnu Ind rperiel tripe the rtodenle Ire Inn to in voice the children in ienriIi metronome Manufacturing Opportunity Days Slated For Barrie June 12 13 prooincieiiyrpenrored linn IrrInled It the conirreaee ier niIciurinx OpportuIiiy Deyrpro lnduItrier lo Iveluole monoieo mm will he held In llIrrle torirr oooonunlder to censu unwogun Anyonreiuto June nerd Itetthe iialldty ietlon with Lodoetrlel develop tere th Inn Iiitdcrimedtourlri but ITIMI rifleen trimmed in admin Ind Sim Ioecountieete ohiItn no need riled in mad the lthi pro uett Ier their menuiecturinr premier wheiIrcr proicuiotui Idriee the minorneed erected in diIciue in menuiIciurlitr opporturiiliee Imduuuuiudmt from or or mm or rm Idtiltd to toniert linh lirl end tourism in coo rim with Iywood mnnrrer oi the Grater lierriICliImber oi Commerce APPLICATION th prom belies the our viii he dix IppiicItIen iernu moon the permit when children puddpuod In int promm cIn noIIct ltiu Emu It tame the nemnineinrtiihnriut gnome ehteiutely iree eI er Other nudeoiI wallet on the promrn include LyndI Cooke Iielirrier University tier Ev and WW Wm loeot iodurtriei rernmiulent In tddiiien te eiierlne new rodtiete Ind OD reIrtm where more rttmr Iiudent horn heterloo pump mm momma EIItvien ucondery Ichooi lien or no Greene locondery Ieheei undone Steve Done Univerlliy Ind BiiiNonihie mmderp Iehooi nIduIte more then who iierne Won lour Events In Neptune Meet One oi the hit winnerr in the rmo or held It die Prider VII ItiII IlkinI litre wen the Weird im Itrie rice lee it end lento old dri to true telMiter the too yIrd hechtreke an inn fulll lheuopeldinitteriiy it met minim more no rad indvldtui medley in more rninuu she piece record in the tooyerd hreutetroke eve IIOII APARTMENT Ernie remen were celled to It Dtnl St El semen eiierneei tr ruldetit oi the Wlditt used her itmrtt 1me extreme hot Aulldt by Iiremcn rhmdiioriinteitnytlu MEN All Benin city police Ire new chin tor Iiidi Cherreiet tilr ien IliirdIy from the city rnIr lnI rotor lot The oer irenod merit Terrence urocque Eire Dordcn it Iourdeor mIroorr vehicle with hildt itit treat door lieertce number to IDD OPENS IAIIIIIE OFFICE Former IIII InduetdIi Development Dept Inneuoeee thee olnr II In or uniop titreetE Bunnie um hueinoeemrniridimcoecouotr Ind the Dietrich tiunlcioeliir oi liiukolu The lndurtriei Devlep thI link providee ilIthe IllttlllY In the oim ni trot lane to lrnelier hurl IreeIeI which unehie to ohtIln Ilnrnciel ueiiteoee iron other Iourosl on moon IhlI terror Ind condition lDIi Intrlue ieleo te elmt we uI III curd lmnuiltlill tnur ie iodinery eonItructlnn lruie Ind retell trade rprleultur Indreenyotheu Idol mornunle Iiimie new or 11ml lie he hIri come twelve In IIrviee with IDDIu prioLto hie nt trim no compare on gut South odiee oi thI eItI oi the run niiiee Iieo inciu II lioeth Indi Stnoi who were previourly It the ltid0ntIrio odee of the enhnrnnio iio Armpe ee mention The moon lI ioonrored Perrcnr the bottom development divi SALVATION IiIIMY MIIIIKSIOYEIINS IN BNIIIIIE snu Street narrower uni Illeemed Oernreiuloztr our iewiuod lireme on ed to were ntOiliJTli limpet rem lo Burie ll the Collier ter Dertt Dudley lire iInet wet the car driien Buddinp tnventon Ire nice to LEIP OCENIE itendy sim rnoiids harbored vie involv Iolnt venturee Ind conirutr ed in eolliriori urly suidey vIllsoiI tram iiier centeinlhI merolri It the tire Politil in terrrctoer with ueenrl ve Prtvele Ippeinlrritntr cen he hide Iltlde ion the Icon eoce mu hrindter Fred ll member Photo crrvnzwr rim salient eminent uoruir porn 71 LOCIII iiND GENENIII mm 10 HOSPITAL ruin Joe of lorerile mm Thomd Oktorueliwel lIlirrl attended It moo no room Scnroerouph nere hath men in mm In Mm and lioyIi VirtortI liotpitel iolka ingeoeeetlcntori County tired mi Im 21 WWI mo MI teeth here ROW perm re thinner and more ffywnmlw mm icrldehll reriedhldiiirliKbotin itoilepr IIPIllmItK street RIDGE ROAD Ii the Cook Domination wiliiIrn hitched Boyer ni ttil experienced More hiIchr lordeie uIr retro to tioyIi Vie out liter hrdre pole on iorlI iieIpttIl lettering on to rent Bench lined mm Dre eidtot en itidrt iteed ItOoe the tire Ill Iiiriod by line Iin Oreimthioet line in rurhlttx the top It tetraday the other driver in pole it mired in the Initile on title router turn mm Meagan3 outivfIIII Paradise ftliI 771035 9pm H4 eexe in Renovation elebratian ARE YOU READY FOR DATIIING SUII WEATHER Nowe the lime to pet requeinied with Perediee Heeiih Ind Flirmr 51 Ill Id ier ry Individuel or Trire Idveniipe II this Speeiei We Ixriilng Ieeilliiei Proieiilenel prepremet CIrtiIchiI iedIy DARRIES ONLY FULLYEQUIPPEO FITNESS CENTRE OTIIOPICAL lWIiiIIiIINiI POOI UIIIIIA NIOIIIIIIN 0th AND courounmo IALON Irint iIOt noorrm CONDITIONING BUILDING ANII REDUCING EQUIPMENT IIIIDIIMIIEMPY wirrnoroon ueiorrrur INIIALATOII noon OIAUNA N00 IUICE liAli AWN IIAIII DIIYEII UN ItOOlI IIRIVAII OIIOIIIIIIS Ionivlirn eiIiNoi ilOOlli IiNit mourns OINDIVIDIIAII PEMONAL PIIOOIIANIHUPIIIIVIEIID IIY BXPEIIEI IN FITNESS Member oi UGA IOO AIIIIinteI Acton North Amerird Pa wonm Lardminions Spas We me as can 726m I2 It Milli sit 4749900