news ROUNDIIP compromsing Pictures crossovers ByUKiaper lt2 EE dem E3 egg or OTTAWA ICPI Iman Itlur at ttoeulkaaoileitoe to aruneor led rr mooted Saturday that cit1M Canadian medluuuetsnity peril teoUlrIee are belne was to ily Mas lit raid mastmumceuril procedures on pednsrters or do trees are being Itr ruse ii the ranent rsstt oi We status mid require mud motivation proaIrm Caklry ltrrsid Inld learned oi the rbansn In Italns item secret directive sent to brim directors truss PIaI FI suy commissioner or times Miter Commuter Trains TORONTO CPI iLMsudlrtbelrrolrn Farmer rente should on turmsi today because Custom Notional Railuys nurture Ibo boobed oil rlels 7114 have returned to work The ccistern mornan oi the International Brotherhood ol Locomotive mm oil slot to protest tack ni pm rarr Inirordrut talks being held In Montreal Cited For Bravery mono 0st ta there irom the hilarity rovrrn srsetll III presented Saturday to brim Don Hilliard oi lire nova police by In bemlcr minister oi natural resources Pod Mrbcr oi the lesirlaiuro or Knots Consists Hilliard was cited tor bravery and disrrrsrd ior personal lately In volunteerlnr to Haiti the retswsy at back who New himsell up tfyy lit or constahlo blillinrd Iuilrred run It cuts In the blast runovrot Cll Rev new ll Johnston it at ThundEr Itny Ont was chosen moder alor oi thc out yenarnl urem hycot Idha Presbyterian Church am at its cnln be Sunday nirhtF moi mister oi Si Andre Dturth in Thunder Day iorWIII liars Dr Johnston holds de peer In both theolory Ind in nsduattnr irurn Torustos Knox tellers In ml and Irom Ul rlode law school In 1911 lie on mrmher oi the Presbyterian Idrnlnlstrsltvs matll when It wss first termed In trio and has served ll mission board thnlrrnIn UIIuiIinz to Ms AirhInisiIn Taiwan and Japan Trench Version ouourn tintmistresses trrslots at some works by II Doorlu iosstder oi the bociIl toodit movrrnent hrs been publisde by Les Editions Tare thEI rh boos hcdsi Credo it this ilrst in series If volumes tht will menthol term oi llir Doul shore theories laid the MINUTE pherlt ior Ioclsl croilt philoso rrarulatlon oi llr Douslss worttr srr helns carried out Renaud Dourret reresrlellseli employed to Ottawa Convene social Credilesdrr Ends 0i Justice EUDDUIIY Ont CPI The ends oi Iostlro will be served in an unusual setting here this weektho Palladium Room oi the Holiday In Tao PAW cases were on tho docket to handle them all at tho downtown district courthouse some oi them will be traul lerred to somewhat less nutlera sorroonrlirtsr Sherlil Urorrs Simpson said oltlre he made Irranre mentr to rent incilltler at the Itch to so with tho overload The lollaoum Room will Iervr II courtroom lor one with ii today but to wrrade their encompass the Alli tan mu moonstone at strait WW is theta II Abraham eoovles skimmed Kin Til Ibn language13 booth on the national CBC TIatu at Dilutions works nberr are so Mr rIdlo am can mess ibiri Inrtgerinr irons WW Ln lmldgdhi rrlueooe to the Mots over the mommies air in many cases InnSpires sold tbrlirltisb are more was lo the French tact tth Idiant Cruiser Explodes KTNTKNV lut bell Kiri bio Ville Irene oi oi Rinutoa tattered burns when their ltomebullt moot cabin oruioer esvlodeei and unit in Ibo Lawrence River near here Sends The coupL nII rescued iiorn Ibo water and ltiten to hospital then their condition was de scribed as Iatirlactory Mayors Meeting CliAleTElOWh PEI CPI lbo trIditlonal munlrl pat concerns at roads Ind sen ers will likely latte back seat to broIder social and economic lilies II this emits Mnuai media at tho Csaadiso Feder ation oi avors and blmldpal lites idlitl The coulerenec will debate in cater consultationsth munir titles on major Irdersl osrams tueh II local Ina tlalives and Whitlllcl tor youb prolrctr And there II or coded to be short strpport Ior proposal urrlnr icdcrni and protluclsl rovrmrnrnlr to pro vgdle rlnre llrgrdri hello to ma ncpai er outta titres iletnx iicld PoW Found Dead HARRISON NY lCIl United States Air Force Clot Edward Drudno it prisoner at war in Vietnam ior elrht years was found dead Sunday Itternoon Police said he was suicide III was the Ilrst oi the Hardlyreleased l7th to have lIiteo his Ilie suicide note was then to tho medical examiners otllcr police said Its euntentl were not known immediately Iirudno was round with plastic bar over his head shortly bolero pm EDT It the boron oi his wifes pIreolI pollcr ssld Cement Workers TORONTO CPI hlembers oi total are Cement hiatus Watcrprooiers Ind iatcepielscttr voted unanimously Sunday In iIvor oi strike action It neces sary business mantras An thony Iirriis said This union local re resents about too cement lint In hletropoiitsn Toronto and It On tarlo liydro protests in the province lir Amlr said the unions bargaining committee betlnl tIlIts today under pravblcisl corscliistlon oillcer but misht break all the tolkt early The union contract aspired ills The quettlon ol money It not been discussed It It meotlnrsheld between nrtotis tors tor the union Ind the To ronto Construction Association llid lir limit Oil Reneries WINDSOR Uni Iut lt Tho provlnclsi council oi tho Oolnrio New Democratic Psrly Ivar postponed ior three montht oetirlte strut on the Issue ht public ownership ot oll reti setter ltelerstet lo rotrntil meet lnr Boutrday decided to wait Ind see what steps tho rovrro merit villi liver In three rllltih troduecd in the legislature The bill call tor the eslni Iithrrtent oi department at eoerry msitlnr Ollllrio llvdro Crown corporation and Inrcndlns the Dressy Iionrd haudiui oi resolutions demand ltltlltd Mill ready to be in ho rottenm iCPl Ilore than imp penau tinned out Salon in to not 15mm to nine ior the new Toronto and WIIhm inrluded the rosyors oi wolssnssn tor the too said it II him will be realised trarn the ulhshon tor the too Im sounder rmstnsetion In aortbenotorn Toronto Tilden Dies MONTREAL lClt Samuel Tilda intruder oi the Tilden rentaw system died Sunday It the us oi 7b Mr mien rs tabiisbed the company In last Ind remained chairman oi the baud ursil bis dratb Funeral 51mins Illl be bold brre Tues Con Recaplured VANCOUVER tLII raped bant robber lohu IltCann was recaptured by po Iito Saturday tan wrclts alter bruisinr out or the Dntisls Co lumbln penitenlluy in New Westminster Ilcfanu was or rested by Vancouver elty polire shoot Irn minuth alter he ltdl nightclub in downtown Vancouver Immparllrd by three other people Body Recovered UNIOCETORT NY iAII The body oi tlrhcrman mirr lns rluce Itay II rtIr round tiostiut Saturday in Oneida Lake near here State police IIId Charter Winter II or Ntstara Falls NY war last seen llrhlnr alone hour an our board motorboat In the lair nnvio LEWld Price Collusion VANCOUVER lCI NDP leader David touts Iccuslnr motor otltvrnpsnles at price collusion culled Ssturdo lur establitluncni oi puhlirii ironed Canadian petroleum cor porsllon notation to about us pcrsoul altentitnp tlornlate Ntll Iursdrsisinp dinner at lhsUul verIliy oi titliilis Colurrshls the national leader said the corps ration Mitt be armed to ob der lhIt the eslsllnr all ma nopon can be broken and dice tivo competitlon esILNitiIrd During hit Iwoday visit to Dtl lir owls repeatedly at tukod International ot rom mtes primarily lmpcrisl Oli lio said ilciyowned vor poration woo rations the as odillnnt proilts ot the cxialiur dominant companies Hungary Reaction VIENNA llteuierl Till llunrarlsn Communist party de scribed Canadas decision to leave Ihetnurvnsiton truce ob server lorre in Vietnam as rc rrcttuisla but said Sunday the Canadians would not be dlltlcull to replace The partys newspaper Nep ssolrsdssr sIId that more than once the Canadian dclcrallon had ioood liseii isolach on the International Commlstlnn oi Control and Supervision ICCSI In Vietnam the lluururlau news arrucy hltt rrporicd The other commission mem bers are llunrsry Poland and Indonesia The newspaper said It be listed there were indications that the Canadian departure was lorrrly precipitated by no Iuleai considerations on the the trout Nopirobndsog sIld it wus particularly regrettable that Canada was leaving Just when North Vietnam was making Arie rlttlouul cilorls In Insure corrv Act to site II the never to re pilunco with the Paris pence srrccmenl Tannin and us live boroutbs it retarded Cambodian sol dier and his loirnl son shaft the same hospital bed in Phaorn lenh shore roost svsr Businessmen Come In Types Professor Says wNDON Ont ttnit uralnessrnen are you Type or Type Dr you sir Type you might lust lisc Ionprr than Doc rolcnpuca Proi John IItrriurd oi littl vrrssiy ol Wcslem Ontario adios oi business ndntlnist trotion here says his research Indicate there are two Iii tlnct types oi bruinrssmon spa Aihe corunory cun didstols cumprtltllr ng oresslvr impatientV hyper alert explosive oi spotch last worker and no ocbletrr Type It is rssylpolnr rc lascd seldom lmpsllcut not easily Irritated works hitJIL ily Is not rlrcoccuplld with social achietcmrnl muvcs Ind spouts more slowly and takes time to enon olithcIob Vilults th lyrics are extramus SIMCOE HOTEL retools mourns cursnrnmhrzvs 900 FM To not AM DAILY OUEENS HOTEL TERRACE ROOM IhII Wellss tinirrtnlnmrnl BURGANDY lIIrr Lanrh nr Dluutl srlth us In our dinlnr sum The Train Will Tell Visit Our illDli AWAY LOIrNtllt Ii Dunlop El ltchLii rIoiisltics recuperate customary to Cambodia and other tottheast Asian nstlons ior the paiieats ismily to tilt Proi lloward told the this an nual business eorirreoeo at the university Saturday Dr tween them and mixturts oi the rstrrruco are three other chaithrotlons lie said Itth oi 2200 tnsnarrrs across the country revealed the motor work lut lors coniributln in stress and Job dissatislattion IIIY tsxnstiuan WANT ADS IIIONE norm ONLY 25 STEELEO BLAKE POINTS LOUNGE nu BAliAIIDS TRY OUR BUFFET FULLY LICENSED UNDEII LLCIIO Tits LAAIELICIIIlili ROOM Fully licensrd Ilaslosssnaens Lunch herrrd illit Trill CALICO IUlt It tltnrlnr Nlrbtiy till am Mon lhru Sol WINDSOR HOUSE Iirtnria hl IV Allistttn idHEtl its uuwouuosorwm aids him in the hospital until he is well enough to leave AP Photo II sham MINER MONDAY ELITE it in FreeTrader Head Of Manufacturers TORONTO lCIi Keilhs III III rnliral ti rant Duties hanks rt In easl meriurnodiodusirhlist with inooictk reaction to his DV rrnrneoi was elorted presided oi the Canadian Idsnularturrra Association today for more than so years he tractor tor the subsidiary oi United States company and then resistred competinr US rrmpany that It shouM bars Canadian operation The competitor Irrced nnd blr ltapoey moved in at the too Ihen Alicnilradiey Canada lidrias established in lbit in Call Out No Is ieneat irreirsdrr Ind would have pnvrrrunents cumprtint L1 Ibo masketplsre writ rrrna oi their prerrorna internment monopolies have led to runsuny spendinr be said In an lnlcnlrsi Our concern really is how you put plus in the broiru dam htr Rapsey sold II it had his way be INIII malts rosrrn ntrnl medlrslearc and pension plans rompeta with private ens tcrprtsr by ulioaiox people to opt out at the sovrrament plans rbsnsrs in reelian scrulstious truth be said allow aimed debatable rlsims and provide veUIre tor mole the Its not madly unable to the lnsuranel principle has been loosed out the window shit the latest changes ILTRLI N0 SENSE his ltarsey doe not leak po Litiral serum in his Inseam mcot oi rovemmrnl prompts ila says the baby bonus docs rot malt rcuosrric mat be route the urns ellert could be achieved easier thruutb lororna tax exemptions and because the system encourages latte lami CS Ii youre luikint slralrhi economirs there should be arrslive baby bonus at some point but whos loin to do that colitlrallyi Not Faring tho lssucs ol rmnth II the Ihrme at this years CtlA annual mtctinl Ibirh opened today and panelists will be dis russin such thnts at Club ol Rome predictions that the Iirn its to math on this planet will be reached within the nut too years CAR LEASING 6399 no AS LOW AS l973 VEGA LEASE ll thNTll NIIT 0THER MODELS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS LEASING IS OUR RUSINESS NOT OUR PASTIME RAINBOWS GOvGO DANCING LIVE EVERY NIGHT WELLINGTON FULLY LICENSEDIUNDER LCBO DUNLOP ST CANADIAN to 7282445 THIS WEEK WE PRESENT TO YOU voiciuoss savertons no Notlawnsogu Inn Fully Ilccnrcd 15 min drive from Dorris on liwy to Top Entertainment This Week PAR PLUS ONE No lotrr hnrrr Monday through Irldnp Conlcrcncu scorn ovullsbio ol no rhurru HunPsi pin430 pm Lull lsr rctorvollnus lll Thitlihuil or HitLOCI Coultstuws Nu tidbit DUNLOP ST MOTOR HOTEL PHONE 7285518 THIS WEEK THE IAN WEIR SHOW BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND AT THE BROOKDALE INN tTlItI liiPIOlNTI III llunlon iiirrrt tlIrtI tstslltt its sw ti