PliiliC llllilhll WEATHER FORECAST omitiii hot and wit ethihiy oi ihrtndenicm new mm tow ea rumprmmorrt rloCerIIdI Monday June l9 lacusnnns WITNESS Nel More Then lie Per Copy Center Home Delivery die Weeth rfrnes snu Silent On Corporate TaxlCuts rer crime to ter commuqu tested In the meetln sided erid the retro thin helioul tthtreiircd to meet redonei needs it else rented the Liber elr on hereto polldee end nld Dilelre inert eoccotmcre re nutcuun nnvcnn rele lei lcdrlellon Liter out rpooeibillly in thin ileid Ln lir hteme toldee re the April Plum hllnlrter John Thum treated er no pl thet United hints ya pruen moment rhrl aid the mummlque erueue wrote nearer to brouehr the ten meuuree be it nettacet ry dicetlttt heal the cement lure the Conunnne tent week would tire ell ediene tiret on bowltpithetorerlew corpo end Cmmellvo lender Nob chem et electricity ll min Astronauts ilwaiting Decision OnSpace Walk home err lirlth pm eloreepenoweitotrcee enet iaoeiae ltbe ulrne word todey on theymleht do the tricky hint to we coirtr could apneriy dolhletheloloc trlcliy their WITM epeoe elation ii the we eeeoc ree on calcium lllmehethetrehendhontbe photon penel will be releerod erlll be up to triplet com rneedndrerlee conned who gee happy in trpemnprlae on to tel i3 and jl await the oomnder wbuld went to no out hlnueli Wehndulen director tillttenr dee tele inverter Suh igheelderierepe m1 Repair Mission otilcle tuned daylonu meelln ey et the idlllhtll Dom iilrht Centre lluouviue Ale to ditcqu the potential tor parent put him involved in reper maupereoptto to dance pore enter Muted May mirrion hunch en lo deye to mete up continent lost heceute oi toe porter 00W Nt WEDNESDAY Schneider eehl the nite et tenet could collie tl etryee chnotdey out there trill be no hurry beeettee hrred liiim do it rim then ruled the ram or crown eecti ior eo tly millimeheerd the em clutter in optic the yeer to ten rollup er pillilllhdem porter eumteo etlott eourm to edd lo the new or electricity TwolormerlirinktEmployees Receive Sentences oi 3V2 years them come no UP icrrncr cmpi at tlrlpltgacihtppede were true ere in iron iodly on ctrtttcyee oi righting 0700000 from the co ny creoleca ierle temer midhdlll it net on to chat oi thep whenvlhdy er in court beta test ednertlny Erneet Willlem ttethcr it who pleaded nutty to charro oi mpcucuion oi etolen moncy ne tho eerller court appell ence wee eentenced to iii yeere in tall iourth perron involved liethetlno leenctte Call it ewenrod in court in Toronto iart leech end wee sentenced to one yen in lell on chum oi pereerrlnp elolen money Dominoy end vDowne rurren derrd tn police in Toronto week alter the thelt marred to arresting oillcere led to the ceptupe ot llertter end mil Dunne court create art chniddey Myron enter Jerner ilotemee outlined how the crime wet conunlttrd lie arid the ilrinhr veultwre locked by Dwrne on Pride April at end lte tirnlnr meche niun act to reopen el mltlnlrnt when the two men returned to eltlii the worry into plullo up here beat The vettl wee terceicd end let to it would not open until epm iionday they tell $2000 ln Dcmlnoyr cer end trio in Downy tehlelo both or which were ebendonod in the city tor their irmlllee 111 then met Butter end lett in he not tor tomato The llrrt Initllnr oi the thcit eetnn Saturday when hire Domlney received en anonymous telephone cell tell in her where eho could tied the hprll i1 intortnetton they eeve nu lemliy Iutormbllc CAPSULE News Democratic Primary For Mayor NEW YORK AmOnly about ohethird oi the eltyr it mill lon enrolled Democrele were expected to vote today in the primary in which their men ere reciting to nm or the mayoral eeat imam pricey Ield Iir Slovene lue porter dill low ed in me province could he erredto meet mend to mother retiree oi lime dlilererxer ll Mentioned To Replace Canada On 1608 SAIGDN Miter Dem Motrin here been mmtlmed ee poulhle ropluomente lot Decade oil the hittmliooel Wmhtiahm it pcde to lend the tub lphlp milhaiy he choke edit be title the inter putter lo the Pee spam enamelthe United amplication more end than to let mentioned in tile end vernnreat gt wenttlrttc cl Auetreiie Be Bret mace inn hemtte wilwdw Norway end South Vietneeneeo roveroment othettle eey ttc meet her been mete to lay wintry erid none will be ntede helote the next rotid oi nerolietlone tn Perle between ltenry titulneer and limit in Due The which berllu Wedncetley mile in Saigon eey elxhl oi countrlee mentioned cur be diteounted Renee her tonrterrn inter eeil ln Vletnntn North and South which it it unlirely to risk in the controverrtel com mlrrton which luevltebly comer under the item ell elder vellum itei end Swltreh lend eye min ilniereet or lien in the em end ere not looting tor the lntemtlonel tacitly which center with Ine en lntcrnellonel obeerver Crotch little in Newloundland SlElllENV Ntld OP Pilot DIVE551 oi Ditewe end two river werdom were yd tdlind to the weekend crertt at helicopter wont to mile cert oi this wertern Noeloundlertd town hall eeld iodey Pctlco lderttliied the two wer done er Celvin Swyexe ii cl helnt rented by John Ureieey Poreoarte at bed weetlter could hrrlher trim the turnoutr lrishPrientSaidlnvolvedlnllill COVENTRY Enrlrnd lAPId itomno titlhollc prlert wII titreed hm todey with hetptna to run local unit oi the out um not more Army unit ltev ritnct Fell in Wm Willi It All Boole lidlillit CIlMic illicit here till remanded in custody until next iienday com olden Science or Last Tango BOWNA iter titulcrtAn at cont here today old trod the trim oi the oontrccente ltlm tart Term in Perle tnd eentencrd Americen ectnr Merton itrlndo end Pheneh cotter ltttrle Schneider to two rmnlhe ell Alto erntenced were the 0W youoe cum amen cmenlo Errloluoei producer Alberta nnmnnt erd dirtrlhuior Ubttlo Nolltuecl Eech wet the time one the tebout on Bhitter hole Wanted By Municipalities CliAttlmmWN tctrA muntclpot leeder demanded to try nernleipol role in tedrrelpeovlrclnl teitu on roclel murltu Ind other mettern lleyor Newman oi hidtby Ont vrtel lent oi the Cenedlelt Federation ot iieyore end iiunlclpailtler it ttttrelton that the icdcral rotrrnmenl her not men lionrd the munlclpelltlee in pruporeir lo rovlrw with the prey IW will receipt lrom hcelth care to Maine it north plunges to with Will lid tenre tell to not swlte teem In tutu tdlmiieamen ntariemlh neuron and em Preneh trim to Perle ell new tour pt Hooter latituaend otttt hostile lilld hommmu nltiee ere nur here The elrcreit owned by Vihlnl llcikoptere Ltd oi otle wet on ohrrter to the ioderll tith erch retried tin Youny end Mr owyere were cerrylhx out In Ilrpllrtl oi eatrnon rtvm in hilly heevltywooded etee when the helicopter creehod ehour live mllee oil the trenececlde lllehwru Transport dopertment lnvceth nor were tecertehr whether to emit occurred lete Seiur dty or early Sundry Cciiee nothing itt yourpeereticrt AIR third metro winner to hllv OWEN Nico roorulhl lllrhtt were cancelled lodrp by Air Cennda alter moo mu inlele here beach More wellout et am we nid trtre eupervitcry poncho not would be called in to he with melnlenenco oi alrerel eher metrian oi the inter nettonel Aerocletlon oi llleehln let llAhll called their eeeonrl welth within in hours More cancellation among the ri iliehle echrduied to leave here todty were mooted he otticltit would try to ltrrp er men ltlehle Militia in ecrvce elthourh eupcrvieery perli piece an accent on khtt WILL He FMNFS some illlhlr not tilted to ce WAStthCitON AP Sene tor Sun kain Ieye he plane to mume the Sennlc Wetrreole neutrch Nelda despite the request or tel prolecertor Archibald For that the teievircd conech be delayed eoverel wrote The North Caroline Democrat who hood the Senate ttetco nte twnmtttco told hm cordcrerwe in Benton Sunday that Cox hld ettod him to It hrrtbcr horrlore untl ltt drliellir have been returned That could meon lwoto lour month delay on that wont heppetl ii We up to me rho lustkn department he had lhle can let elmotl year The American people have lento not to the bottom ol Committee eoorcer eelu wit Mttct to he tailed coon illelude convicted consoleelm Gordon Uddy exeempa tonnnltloe treetttrer llurh Soon and toe mor commerce recrete Ind mien licence chlel iturlco Siene Mewtldlo Democretle New tlooel theirmen itobert tilloust ocdirntod one report thet volume tor Illr Cenetla lunuil lretprlrowtnewr at the linrrln Ye hlrne Club pct pncilp nutdd be cancelled and pnneenrete would be Nlliuiie dated on later iiiphll in an ei lort to out down the nurubcr oi elnrnlidt that requlrcd tervlrlnn II Aileruttlo littlll oi trunee portellon would be enacted ll putrlblc by nlrllne otlieiein lor cuttonwrr whom llldiie were ceneeiled Air Canada tllrhte cancelled this morning were Quebec to htontrrnii Montreal to Quebec Montreal to New Yortt New York to llunlreei Ottewei Ottawa to Toronto tilrcnl to Throttle Toronto to hlontrcrl Al the eumo time both with pnny and unlonwcre really to dry to elert their lourth etrelrht day at motltetlcn lathe Ale Cennda epoitermnn Paul Carey eeld Sunday alter the Whlergale Hearings Chairman RejectsliequestlorilDelay hie Daliee home was runtorhrd three wcrlte elier the Victorunto brcehrln leet year lNothln wee etolen he told but he belcver tho hurrlare were mulching tor party tlnunclnl wordy Stroutt wee putty lretrttrrr at the tlme and Wetcrtlto bur pier itemrd unrlter hue teeti led hie men were looking tor Dorrtocntie ltntrwlnl recordl rhen they were caught lnrlda patty headquarter at the We create MEDMUttED CALI littld Ooltlttnitt luck Attdonon re ported today hilt cell ilil were recruited to uheedlo to lltlcel rotectr lrom Democrat at their Miami iieaeh ron ventton last year tlut invertin tore hovo been unable to do terrnltto whether they were no tunlly turd Andcreon cold Senate inverti etlore learned about ptuu tor euch en operelion lrom lormtr ouotncyecncrcl John Mitchell who told them the hire won Ie mprnte lnlelltpdtuebr cmo ptopc uddy The Coitttliilirt quoted eunuch oi hiltdielie interv view wit the committee eteiL pnrzc iwrnitrns nrrr lieurecn Kenney ii ttcltl chclle ti uherte hem elm ethnI it illYW lntreducce her hiiiHL Timer mm CA bioty and another picture on taeo hilhlllintr holol Wullcout Hits Montreal Nine Flights Cancelled third day oi tnlite ended lhut there hue betn come properu pride but they havent die cuxwi the nmcy attention yet Dinnoel the rotating rt huttr rtrlkce heuun by the M00 nnmbcre oi tho international Altocletlon oi hittitinlele llAMi hlr Carey told the level elon to cite tlhour notice cl etch little but only the hours notice oi their locllittlll leave the ceremony waiting tor the other choc to deter lhu tiret ethnol etriltc called at Vancouver lhlnronton end Celtury Saturday ltllltd in the cuntulirtlon lot too lllehte lir Cate Ield hlr Cinntte crtt prom opcrme in utterlyI normal manner In ell but hippcrt centres Hush rtnllon line It rupcr vlrury prrionnul reudy to otrp in on bucyepehnndllnp end rnnlnlrnnrwe nuke he told its Just nucttlcn oi how well they can cope Eight lilo Killed in Ship Humming NEW YORK AP Vitit rlphl persona ltnmsn tlrctl that elrht moto xttll milllnd tuatl euunl burnt oi inquiry con tcnce today to tool into why United State container ehlp rimmed lielcinn oil tanker in New York harbor Tho millrlon curl htttmlay touched oil rcrce oi cit plorlone and huro tiro which ellil llieltertul early today on tho unteer rhlp Sen ltiich Firemen had lurpendtd con tinuous llrrtiyhllru on the See Nitch Sundry tor tear that too much Writer in her hold would on ire her iiut rporndte tire tln linr continued at new erect her to Tho Coast Guard laid the dancer uicupeliln now war not treat bcceueet Ih we partly benched and the tire pale not cohtltlcttd nut ol con Ill witneetce raid the See Witch euddrnly veered oil centre and limit the enchored tenltcr Biro hnuecle lull eiter rnltlv night Friday night lrem ItPReeirr CPI tnvestlrnton pitted through the when hi So tlrt rrprrrnezlc elrltnrr today trying to turn why the pride nt Rusrtnn rlvlilnn air fleet crushed It the lnrln elrehol All tie aboerd were hriltd er well eyht inhntittunr cl tth Perle suburb Another let inlured Thouunde oi rpectnton wettth Sundry as the lumen inc TUitt exploded molar ere uhlhitlcn flight it In the llrxl reported crech oi ctrecrtonic civilian elrllner time the Soviet hem their prorrem in the weld 1990 The plane he maximum cruising rpm oi 1530 milee en hour ill time the weed oi rolled it ircrwhttntleh consortium hen built iour Concorde rupee conic iris and the ietert ter elon made demonstration llleht Just bclcre the TUitte lllhLVG WW PASS trtrcsxcn new the Nutrient pinto male lowlevel euh conic pm hetero the trend etnntl ior toucheendro nn norutrc then no lnlo Itch rllmir with the wheel ellil down Not illlrnll Noelor levelled out lutt below they ricud rover The TUeltte noeo dipped add me troloot plme wee1 into re hi it muted the attend plmo oi the rich wine broke all tonsuo oi tune that from the piece it hrole epnrt iorl ol one wlurt crashed into the courtyard oi the townhntl limmii AillL Then it mt here that the Pertr elr chew erneh oi Ruselee eu tunic Thrpolov Tillit elr nu might nilrct the iuture oi its Auriohench rlvnl Conrordc Norman Trhbll Cornervetlve iii and torrrtee eirlllio pilot enitl lucky that even It the enlcty oi the immilunhmrr Concunlu were not questioned the Tttpolcv tlixertrr could do lay the entry oi the Western plrrrult lnlu commercial ecrv re it the titanium here their own eupcrecnle elrcrnlt in reru lee lhcp will be happy to do deal to rt til operate our en route elrtrtil over line icbblt sold it their is tlcleywtl it to wit oi the crush beyond the WINDSOR Ont it smitten innit eeylny he will travel the rovlnto more end spend icee ilmo in the treble lure announced Saturday he in lende to remain lender ol the Dntnrlo New Democratic Party at least until 1m The announcement ended werlts oi rpccetlnlton that llr icwln ilyeerold Ion oi nae tianel iNliii Dntid mu would step down Sir ilWl told the NW peo tincltl rotrnclt meeting bl deci elon wax mndo eilee very touch pcrrunoi euNrmenl with men perry menthch end wee riebitct bl course to the approval ol the petty next year tlont intend to Ipend en executive number oi hourl ep peytlnp ccrtelo pert rcnll mcnle end interne petty hlrtrrinr ho told ebout lto doletctts And that intend to develop an lntniuntlott with the kettle ttvo protest lr lowir mid ho route to trevcl more to etrencthen tie with party In neooerty erottpr ltliLPhst tilcutcrl Three were new trere et buyth at hrtintte mhln airport today ettcr ruerrlliu tired rocket an oil tnnicrtnlclt The rocket lulled in cupiclo end routed lltllo dunno but tho incident ielo Sund ntrht conllrmcd that tho heevlyvused airport remnlned turret tor xuerrllla actlun Two bombs were recently planted on runwey Ono ex am be other wee dctulcd but now nrsnsreu end tiltex dehrle ripped the root oil to house end plunged into uhonilhuiitngm be by home hi hi andk by ermine teetering cavern tom newline tnntrr detonetln it end netting houses on fire Fabric lrcm the planee cr nnre and blue interior rm draped over utility liars Leta paste end rcd itlc roots MENU DillSlEli he tore tutu thinly In our tnlne room rehcn there tetdttttcr thudilrrlng third end then en expiotion ehith lltllittl all our windows neld the owner at house turn blue irons the eruh elte ll we like hell said month where hence was partly dextroycd local olrinix who here tried in Venture the prominent into banning euperrunlc elrtintre tmm an liipori bent built nearby hinmed th who per mitted the orenrlrcre to hold en elr show in such conditions but Anmd lnreve hlititeer Robert Galley chill the rhnw melon lhowcerc tor lrench and loretxn nlrtralt menulncturerr would continue It is unthinkable that In to emotional diiplzty ol lhle nreln should be rupprened he said lelley raid the dcicrwe rnlrtlr try will open an inquiry into the which In cooperation with the Sova tlnlou lle tndicetrd then might be an independent inquiry into the question oi in crenml rntrty precautions Crash May llliect The Future tingleFrench SST Concorde tilo Concorde Li ready lo no into service thry may not he to helpful MOSCOW SMOCKED Tho Intllel response in him cow we rtunncd elltncc For more than live hours So rlrt ncwe mrtlln did not mrn Lion what had happenul Thcn tho nrwt wen reported in lhrccrcntrneo report by Thur the chitin new nirnry llolh airliner were expected to brain cotttttlrrelhl lllthtt around this but relation experts in tondon told the Newton rer eion eimlihr in design to Cott conic could well be delayed li technical leult ruined the Sunday tenth Tho linily tlill Hill the ttux elen orrldcnt nerd not cause tattle ehoul commie Lewis Will Not Step Down Will Travel Province More WHEN LEWIS lie also teld ho Winnie the kill to pay more Attention to tcmcl organization luchriltte mentberlhlp iillnhcri and what ho termed humtll rotation chips at the riding letel Belfast llilpcrt Boycott Fenced lliterGuerrilialiocltetSlilte tllnle cancellation at several lllnhtr trern ttrltnln bocatun elrline crewewould not risk tendlnu there iotlnwlna tncteated rocurtty meiurer however rcrvlter re turned to normal Security eourcce Iititi the rocket Sundry nleht was tired from the road ouleitlo the hire portr main ale nodqu tile rcelwl at an oil truck purltcd beside Milne depot near the piotlcd ermine litllo denture pareenccrltrmlnnl lt exploded Ipnlart eccerlty tho cldcnt connect the Item lance