Iar It the Illustrated BIBLE Joseph Interprets Pharaohs Dreams me man Imam atrntm rm tenr at Then Fiuruoh rent Iforllotrph and they hrourht Aim hart ily out the dungeon and itarrnotr mid unto Joreph In dreamed dream aunt thrre rr none that can interpret IL Grnrsla dliidIS in prison Joseph had successfully interpreted the drum of two inmates One at them butler lorlhmohmueteotu Illy released and rrtumerl to hit position It losrph foretold Ulturrit Rtrrrtnr it 3351 Two yern lrter Pharaoh had two thtTihOIIC at men It cattle dcruurrtl bytcren lean onrt the utherntscvcn lean can of com devouring aeten Ta ones When none of the Egyp trIn seen could interpret their meaning the butter told his mrtlrrllrout iotephr rill Tltanol rent turioreph who pre dicted rerun years plenty antiaetrn tanttne He also advised thnolr on romenrtion methodr to prevent the Irra lnhlhmoh impressed made him ruler of all Egypt attend leo Chittall or am En nu EyeJirnumJ FR era Rontnn Cotholici THE ARMY DLNDONALD Alttt mu torn ANNIVERSARY strum conducted lay tUSLILSSIONIZR Ild ilILS INCH DRICDIETL III RIM LENS WILTON TtihllLl NI THROW Mn IllSICALIZ mow serum tt In EVERYONE WHICH lumen 21 named Why to the Papal formulation tor Social thmrrrmlratim hodv out tilt in run try Im PM hi to loot Itter Itiean relation Irth lite media hate lm no petmzl rornmuntcrtton regarding my duties and dont rtmt that hrte to travel to Home rrr Itniy hope not McLuhan Predicts Electric Liturgy TORONTO Wt Advent at electric Uiureye teierloed irturvrat rervire than and seen mmeuhere tn the uotht tt hour dry urroundwrt predicted mm by tortum nleItloaI expert literahrtl plum i0 new latury oh uottial be in unaKttrN$maTr raid in It interttevr Itter htr appointment try Pope Paul to an lntrrnrttonrl mnunltrton at mile Idvtaera tor the Roman Catholic Cirurrh tn televirrd liturgy Ihet church mitht be Ihle re rtIhi lire the ptchlc ltru or its number rho Iere disturbed try the trance at Vrttua it he raid admin to the rcurr nirat council called try the Illa tune John Xhttt The vernacular man may heroine ruddy nuisance in the electric Ire there In retro thinp prrmature Ibout the weed uith which the use at lo cal IInttnto oar greed Ittrr Vulcan It not ttelathan director at the Centre tar Oiltuto Ital Tmhnnioey It St itiehaelr Cola lose Unlveralty ot Toronto war SUNDAYMASSES adamant Story Told Of Conversion OIL Former Drug Addict tty IAUL ROBINSON you are one at the palm lpcople uho realirr how extent Iive the 0an were ta today or II you have ever unrad ahmr hook youll really rroovo on that met ttraa Road near ly three year no In Toronto Rnd rnuilnaldmihtlthtt dian eIrmur ta IrItdIor the tint ten minutes la la Iturnth tndivtdurl to look VOver letl tell tony curly hlorda hit in In atrocut ahhp dutlr Hitter Unlrene at tho Paint retort tar try tron the poundr pitt pint thetvlrc relate taitt diarrhea mhulmanitky ulio tsflknlohevety rare at eunn limo pllla to protttuter tron that rh urr to armed robbery ii it Idiot day narcotch ha lIt Brian rtIrtcd life In tho to preacher hut Brianl 2an Sunday am 510 tn Im 1pm ED 5355 HAUNTED EIENIMRS our part um pmrrirrt try ITO Strtlr um Ittxrt hlm Drum ltev Pro hilllt FIRST FITTITATS ttrIIald iln Nararu Turk lirth no rIlahle Ildlla end heavy habit he Tell ao remorte Itealtnp the collection tram hit tothern church ulLlrrl the turn lture tram hlr Iticad horror of soliciting tor prostitutes to trrd hirnIeJ But growing hahrt required storing locum rat buddy provided the encouragement needed to Itart tho bitten erlma Iprea errry teen in ueatrrn Can IUI Four year later liuud was In III In irlnre Albert lilllllinl trial tor tarluua mitttecdt tac Intr to year oJ utth no hope at amuitt Brenda ot hit rchcllron in tail ho war tinaily put lnta rott nd here the rtory chant Irvt dIyr later he melted the ticttitm in the lion Spirit and been to whom to every one in the tall The touches rustomcr in the tall wen we his heart to Jeaut and the warden moved hlm be equ he nor Itroid hed rtm revival to tail her time came the his trial and orrtormrd another mir Iele Ilr one on trlIt tor bruit and enter at drugstore Inrt ricotta their Iupply at patrol lrs and la rnterlnf through men tome ot hr hur got caught Since the polth tound the pill bottle in Air errant hla tinp erpnntt easy to IdcnlUy ttnuctcr in court the lnrpccx tor Iran the torenrl rcleneu tah told the court the Iinprrprlau and the hair did not matrh and he war acquitted God led IlrIIn into youth cv utpelrrm Ind truer peraonal et perlrnee can mi why people IIy hrI led 30000 tidr to the loud Tho your ot tiod luat ttowr through him and you ran Ire It In hia olta Itory Tilt Tlllt BEYOND Tho but book lvo ever read tar nitnctrinp to unrated young people IttLl Dotty Imhrterlrta Churrh BRUSSELS liclxtutrt 11T About it per rent the Coup rmn tiartrt cnruorrer are uomco out only 31 pct trnt hold tqmheiun jobs the amt peaa trading lobe and Slum not In 910 hm ANNIVERSARY AND MORTGAGE BURN cttatcrrupsr BIBLE ING serrvrca CHAPEL sr ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner ol Dlrra Ind inniry Slr hilalrirr litt Samuel htrtlttll Oreaaltt tItr Irr Itrnrrtl ltItllo lltqucIrt trtttlt SpcrlI Spulrt The Tin TIIIIIII Moderator It the lhrrhttrvhl thureh ta trrada EItllli TtlliiIllIlp Ilorar 100 run JIM Std llynrtr Sin rMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH ST VINCENT UTATTATLTIIE Interim tIrtor ttrr itrpty tard Tho only book tint nIlutmT war tildtott ltilrit bout hed never read Re no horrid In tho Old Tertamrrt but in the New Tcrtarnrnt he lound rupereool rout man with hhom hr could teci trtcndrhirr tlo puryrd thm Im not naiin you to urt run not at here lurt uonl to he your end And Iornrthinx happen thc guards looked at him in nmarrnrrnt and told him ho looted lite hed run an Intel Immunm 00 It Vlarnlnp ltanhIp LLN UlrTltLiTANllilt Hi lrII Scalar tlttttth Srhrol 000 Irn PrIyIr Meeting 010 Inn Impact CKBB dial 950 905 Inn FImIIy Bible School ISNT FULL ALL ALTIS ALLIANCE CHURCH form at Pooh and Steele htr BOOKS BY ROSALIND RINKER AND NICK Mi am Itrrllr not or 1am Arrthurr Cttmlll TI ttIrrle Aulllhle It CROSSROADS AITDTIURST llarII 1104001 thou lll Junior Ihurrh tirttool Alt talrttna tvrztmtuz Wayne Kerr lortor By tho llmo he urn ll hlo rurr an lrtrorrlrllale delinquent mimd III had lurl completed GrIdo 1an edueallmwtu rut Ihort duo to haunt hoee boltlo Ttu had use Ior God Ill uhrrr hr war mm Ui mil Iurt littllhrd It hit Ichool prInel nut and being to than out ha Spectrl SpIIkIr Rev Henry Ford 700 pun Gueri SpIIttIr Rev Roy LIvrton Youth Director TRYPA Ouut Sololrt ante Scott Numry TIcltitteI It Itt Service VVV VVVVVVV rumam Loolr Ar WOMENS LIB II viewed by 00 Int Communion larrhlp 100 purl livenltrl Smite FIRST CHRISTIAN tutti hit 1100 TtiIcit REFORMED CHURCH rant rrnrt It tIreIt It tlI Codrta St reatrcutrl Ilrltrnr More on Pute tttuturn liQuestiorli Hanging Over yReligiouay Order Future my monitor hi aucrttorr rnartrhurrr today roverttretutun ot the old we thrivtra Ind 0000th tr litiotta order oi Roman thotlclrnt ttost Ire rhrlnldnr crtuncrr OFTHE NAZARENE Item Vlnrart III Arm and down In ditterent artIrt lIItlurtI Ind the dovrloratent at now eomtrnllicr Irrctndln men Ind women young an old morrted Int atnrio dola with all carter dropped trutn 2510 to hm it the number at run tron tam to teoatt Middle have proioeted roa iititttd deciliter product thrlrlo middle am the or Itylltivtte Ii Coihorlr orqu mm mm rim ern tVethitt Bettth imm iterator Service limit at ltread 700 an mini Iaottty txlote 00 Btudy trr tirothcrt the till htvo mutt eon lott pim ALL dart revert years drrnite ru Dunlvli lt datli III Ian 01 not already dead It noted American chureh rrholrr rrye bluntly thryrot Thin it the tuition that oi zurothee Gabriel tiorrr puopentiy articulate lnlclirc tor and leader In one oi the lchurohr not venerable tctchitta ordere the Christian Were Iot to Ilte it uhllo toothed people ieIt in the ttttotmttt to crylttalllre now jtiviryp lormr at community he rays there tr rtlll rome lhi that could be 0006 but lit L000 too true tor lonp while other church authori tteI clto variout ailment at the relltiour onion low tort cut with the idea that thryro totally delimcl and many ll rnra llrolher tloronr tlrw or rnereiy radlly needlin oi eomolrrrncy Ito ma vhlolnhl attertlonr to unto rreolo up Ind moire than thl commented his rape tier ruth II the trrnctacanr Dominicartt and Jcruita long have beat the writrprin oi the thuecha academic and ro eitl creritvity not their rote rlio nttatltruo hur waned in modern timer Theyre Iiooly dirinlccrot Int Brother Moron cont tnetitcd In distorting the ultra lndirnaru roottlrnt to his conclusion that they hold become moribund lt it wrrnt vaittl he added the retrain uuuidnt in an ion ItI appurcntly too lllrtaitlt lnp lttt the lrrttldttlonrl rhurch in hour In to tho rhttrth harm on dctptrttirly to It tern that not urrtlnr he paid rtiltlu IUlt NEW IOttilll ltrothrr titornn It protot lror of theology and cdtitntlon and also the elected tttpcrior WWW ot the lung trlaruiNcw Erra lnnd province ot the Ulrliiill Boothe har rounded itta warning Ilnra mo In leettrtct WI the myearoirl Chri articltr and bonito Ila maintain the triizlma order hat tool it cltrctlvt here car no Ionzcr recom pilrh ltr porous tut roused to he viabo Iorrn oi orporth lotion and lhitl tn citcct Ir chd Ilthooph thousand oi pcopie rtiti are rncrnbcrr That they llll remain Id harem were coniinuint but gradually tiivoppdttiitt norm tor developing new mode oi continually retitioua Ilia that era rurvtvr in modern timer lte rayr ll0 aayl ihlr will to rain total dlrmantllnt ot Ur old lomtl uttlch tomato met rior In Rome Brother Airy iur Carrmdy jtian tirothetr NUMBERS DWINDLH Nevcrthrlen rtatitticlily era has been tteady rhrtn to la mort relitloua ordrrr out men red women tor the mucous cheaper In their attraction rule and Itlllti in that period in the United Stnicr the number prlrata rclitlour orderl he trllen irom 2100 to 1000 iho other ot brother hr WE WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU INSIDE OUR NEW CHURCH DEDICATION SUNDAY JUNE Std 045 am Sunday School tor ovrry ago trout 1100 amMornlnp Worship Bishop Edward John tpeaitcr too pmDtiDtCAltON sutvrcn Blrhop John Speaker Invovlnr ell ttatir ot Chet titnr To Icoontpilrh thisI how am would rcqulrc huh reattrnmenr at church author tiy he notes Including Month in the concept at the prterthocu ttrelt and eventual replacement oi the prevent Icorraphtcolly loud purist ryrteni itihf 1N Alt tltASI NUilTll lIAY iClt Carol Joyru ltollrinp oi trtuwnua out that curly ttltlay uhrn thr err in which hit was por Itrtitvr an dctnolialictt tollow inn tr tuncot ntulticnt ln hoovy top tier httrhnnd Irtderlrr David 2t Ir pilot In 121 Tue ticat ilcileoptcr Squadron bored It CFO ltlutt FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH are Cranierd lit ttrrrie 013 urn dundIt school Ior thr vtaoto trrotie tiahd Inn iterator lirrrhlp 100 run IirrnlaI Service lTrdnrrdIy 000 pnu thrLrIIII tlrolth llrrrrr th ITIan Datum 1200150 Hemtlry Til0000 ilrr Danae ttraaheuer Frtradty ttrterme Anita You llrdo Irrr We Nine to artltrr to celebrate Godl prerraee 100 prn lilm by tlal Iiruiruy author oi Satan ll Alive ml ttcli lurcctul coveruvc oi Sotnnlrrrt tn Amerltu nod with you in mind trel welcome to Ittend THE OCCULT tlllch rtenlng tantra to art Turr t0 pnr Thcro ntertinrr art plan IrL II00Irrr 100 ynr lleiy hMt God Seat ltrttul Rev huan hprclli Speehrr Inrl tprrIIl hlurle Sundry II 100 pnIi lorrrrna luyer hlrvllal hlral lrayer hlrrtlnt Looking For We have dilator Tlpll lilting 1W urntstttn the TRUTH that HEALS Chrlrtlen Celene Rldle Serlel UIIDU am Inn UIIIITUII ttlt pair that CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Bootrl Gilt In Open Mon to Tel 000 to 000 pm Sat 000 Im In 000 pun ATTEND THE CHURCH Record Etc no Irrriall ht it SCIENCE sorter it Critter Street Church Serrlte litradry tirth ll MI Trrttrrroay ttertinl tad ttro cert month Pti OF YOUR CHOICE Nurture Ilrkotm aarrdly lilornlal itedlo Ilitrl to led our rat to turn rut arr CIIIC 190 KHZ 730 000 All IAN CHUICN Mt Imlurid Sthlal aura In irrrry Wanderer PMt BACHELOR 950 Im Sunday School Bible Chem 00 Int Family Worrhlp Service COMING HE HOMAS EAM SoiJuno pm GOSPEL SING the Lib Movement In Rllale Timer Sutt June l0 00 It Ind 100 pan Child In yearrl rm II Tunlr rt rt rum lltItrrtI THE sr GILES crtuncu 05 IIttl htrdrt Thu ett little Torah MB lint lloly ltttttlttttltlun 0000 Itt lloly taruruunlnn Church hehnol lllil Nurmy ST GEORGES In it Kryr II Int Iturtoa Ind tirtltttlill sundry rent 00 Inn and 1030 IIrt Iteclvrt rrtrrcosrrt our too rwr ANGLICAN CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH Critter rant at Port uttirr rtluoI TNI IIV Illllt Mo Lm Itclurloir SUNDAY MO ditty Clmmunil Lit arttarry Ivrtrrtrr and term arr trrntrn lttl lettnrn IVIRYONI II WELCOMI 1hr ltrr It ll ItIye THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAL United Church Rot rad Toronto Strrtir 00 am Seaman Collier St ltl toiilrt SI litter the church him any tNrar llly iltallt IIrtar at thin 00 atu ttrnhtrr thin to uy that our help our everyday tlrlrIt Hpunlanrnur Huntl titlolrtrrt ltrv Arthur More no my llAttlhtl til CONFERENCE INSPIRATION luv ti ltverltt dthlrnr ItAr ILII ill Carl Green Soloist 445 pmRctrcshnionlr for guests attending 700 pntlitittllii liiill Pastor Carl lluli Spoukct rat METHODtST enunctt lirttlrlti and Dollar tttrrrtr hlrrrr tIrIlitlrr to rrrvo au hrtlrr Iran will he the topic It mu tiara Upratrrr into Mr itrv lit ll Filthy llUitNth IOllSllll IIUUII TU TZNIIIH II BURTON AVE United Church LIT TIT You Ate Welcome Iltlar 030 Iud our thrith hthttol m0 and Ilttt M0 The rhurrlr rrhoolr rare It Irtt and and it arlort Welronrp To Joytul Chrlrttirnircd irttomhipl humry Irritltlrr Warm lecome at UM