Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1973, p. 1

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mitts astronauts among rarest irrational Identities mm more Dream in rent YohrNe no In ExplosiOn Sets it ltJmullorl On Fire After Collision rigwivcrnr no rumorrumarnn Urdred States minim vessel to rescue new when irorn meddle liellll tutor tbs minim ship sad the early MI In New York liar tbe Vermonon ms selling both Ihlps hbluldlwluoluplmlons Authorities reported at least Ill seamen depdinehsdloy the nebulaoi the American Iblp sen witch More than to were mod lMill win our crew membernjvrre miss lThe nispensioo holder It the huborI cntrsm Ill closed temporarin no the bruising slope drilled undenmth II klptng hundred of lat the It over the strait be Eon Emilio Ind Sirius nd moourns pullce lunches loot tester Essa Bntls survivor iron the Sea Witch 0er Tracy it at Bar Harbor his In the engine room It the time oi the with line we think It lost our decries year HOOD ONJUILNLNO DECK llracy vho euilrred and trans uid crew nrerohm clan Barrie OnlIrIo tIde Saturday June ms ltrod It root on the ere attendch beIon heiog rescind hy tireboat Another erev masher Ith the Amerlose ship htiohatl OConnor in ct West Ortilc Ni sun flhero turnosonthe rrlpaodintha watervie couldnt Iump borne at an acre trrpptd lo pas ugovoy dlerencesBclwecnSides llroGreal Viol Cong Say cons said today there Ire srerl dllltlml between it Inctho Saigon government In tropic nrcpllng rest reassure lor Vietnam Ilro olllrlIi rtIIemrnl maria llee Virl Goons nutty ocwr coniereoce Iddcd to growing Irepllclsnr Ihout pcosptds tor IreIlIIllc loogtenn true In Vietnam Henry Kissinger and tools In Tbo Ire rchtdultd to meet in Paris Wednesday to the mood round or negotiation stood at implementing prorl Irons ol the see an moment that have neverbeeo pr Into cried the two met tor sis dtys In Port last month an vo Door Glass senior spotrsmao tor the Vlct Cong delegsllon ta lhe twoparty Joint Military mission told reporters the Salem sovcro wtr delegation to the mill tary colomlsilon hos Ml dir mred any change In lta stil Gian said that the Viot Guns delusion to lbcpollllcal talks to Peril has Invited Thu at lour rnrlor problems hlodslng In ri lectlre surefire and his pre sented thI In tenned can crvle and direct proposals 1EliuceRudgetIlllllillion SAIGON OP Alltl lotit months at calcarlotienr Inde crillllmllmm learn ll Iiollly outow Ila budget 3M hieanrvhllz1 lIull In bread qusrtcrs Ic vty ran nndlInI In in on telr llrtt chanon to relax months Thor budget In Intended to cover the operations ol the Isr ternational Commission at Con trol Ind Supervision IICCS lrom Its Isnt Inception to next hlnrchti The bulk at he money Is to be supplied by the tour parties to the Full peace agreement the United Stolen North Viet um eotrth Men and tho lidmrnr mound at tloe ICC tmmbm Christin tlungrry lndonesla Ind Poland was to rwtrlbull two or cent at the overall buds In addition to salaries sad Illawsnceeol rsonnrl list since Conn oil have lclt the commission by July it It will liler pay only its share olcosts over tartsmonth stay illillcultles In drawing up the budgrl tart monlh nearly caused it crisis as It was Irnrcd drlsy al binds would hdt oper allnns White House Tries To Maire Summit Talks into Success WASHINGTON lllPl The White llottw ls making violin nrlnod cllort to dispel notions that Pmldent Nlrons summit Ialhr wlIIr lrench Provident rileorgcr Pomldou were our Jth love than total ruoecsi As Nixonllcw litre lrldsz horn two days at talks wit Eompldou In lcclend his uslrt Inl Henry Kissinger told report in oboard the plane We achieved uhsl we set mil to lililrdngcr sell the press had trade monetary rolorm Illa wisdom ol rrocriurmnit oi the Allenlic community or adoption oi new Allunlic Charter Kisslntrr erruzieslsod that Nixon had Ichlorcd goal ol scllinyu orocodurcr lor nega tlatlonr med It rcshoplns and modernhtnf tho Atlrnllc nl hence loo uding dcpuly loo rlgn ministcre cordrrcnco that could be held or early as July to pull all these things to gclhrr STATEMENTS CONFLICT Iha wron lrnoge about tho Ar Nixon Ielt Iceland one so thalieyklrrtlrtrlirr French spokesman was rolling lre lSecrotIry llonnld 7Jcslt rcoortcrs ho meeting at deputy id II the vturunit was never lorelgn ministers would Involve uauum oi Air Camds and in DRNCI REClTlll HELD dance rccllnl by Ibo Al colleslsla Fridly night Mom on slaps Lira Cameron Ielt lurdIlo DInca Sehoollndlpan lira it Itudtrsts participated techie her rlslrrlarrurry litter noted by the Store Art lloth In the show at ballet lap and soldiers unlIorrn property era was proacolod It control palate danrlnr Iiolore solos tmmioer Photos sorderneisico To HunlISICI OTTAWA car on an came back In hsuhl Oppodlllml 1AAth Robert Sinnllcld Friday as the mlncrlty lecrnl govern mcni rrlectrd his proposal to embody public ecrvlro bIIIA notation principles In the Dill tlal Lsucrrascs Art Conunurdcsllone lllnlstrr Oc rIrd Pelletlor combinng gh Commons dchnlcs below art not Idcpted In no nuolcd the Conscrrnilro Icadcr us says In lansuosr legislation was un necessary bcrnrua clcarlyde llncd sci al principles uuuld ho more cllcvllro Tho rclccilon lcll In doubt Parole Correctional Ollicers To Be increased By Govi OTTAWA lCl The gov rrnrncnl will hlro ill more on role and corrections olllclnls as It acclrs to Improve lh corros tlonol ritualica huldu Ind out rldo prison spokesman lor Solicitorv Gcncrnl Vnrrvn Allmand said Friday there will ho is new pas role norm and its more pcnilcnllary olliclnls There also rvltl bo Inrproverncnls in working conditions or corrco Ilorrs siullr whose morale has hccn rcporlvd law changes announced In the Commons Friday by lIr Ah Imund Includcd Unhlcnlnp ra One at the Irvorile games It Maple Grove schools We tern Jubilee Pridry illth wn lone lilWllltb the nisdrntn dug lnlo Olld ol sens In truth al color More llle our persons Illrndtd the treat or coalitdlarslsonworylortho rolo rrocrdurts ollmlnsing sthuole Iuoplcmrntnrv lund rnou hElrr lotrr Walpole teachers Shirley mpnlnshrm vomplns the hostile burnt and appointing what no callcd mrrcctlonsl onrlrurlrnran to hear prlsnncr complaints llo ndmltlcd ho was mutiny tr shorticrm rcsnocro to corn plains and that innpirrm nn Iwrra In some rprrstiuni srro ntcdcrl Thoso rrnuhl coins Islrr and will tale Inln zitcount studs Is now avrrllrhln unrl ulhcrs that our to court II study on paroles and loavcs by Mr Jusllco James llugcsscn oi the Qucbce Supcrinr Court In said to suggest how wayrr oi doalln with tho uhuie qucrllon Some ol the rrcorrunondallons dellpnodlo producer ngrrcntenlr only Franco and tin United success on threeday leaves by are coullnucrl In Mr Allrnundr on Looin problem as states the penttcntlnry service re Friday unnounccmcnl dsn llcCurdy slrll organiser and insure Duals For story see page Esrrnlner Pholol infield toolbarsch Conscrvatlvo amendment to resolution nrnml by Prlmo Illnlrlcr Trudcau that asks the Commons lo endorw the gov rrnrncnt bilingualism prurrnm Ior tho ISOAOOmrmbcr public rcrvlcc Tlrn Social Crtvlll lnrly liar odd It will rule Idalnst tho Conccrrntlrc prouusal and vhllo the New Democrnls have rat to rlccldc Nill llouso Loader Stanley hnnwlcr said Friday he Is pcmnnlLv slvpth cal about ll All partlrs but Sovlnl Crcdrt have laid Ihcy will vote or rho main resolution nhcn It routes to rule probably ncxi ucck Iiut srvcral tntlirldunl Curr leirallvct Including Iornrcr vrimc minister John chlrnhn Itr uro crpcclod to lump party ranks and vote pith Social Credit Provinces loin Forces To Protect Consumer laws QUEBEC tcPrIhe prov inccs have loinch lorccr to toughen up cunsurnvr llrotccllon lrglslntlon arsl halo called on tho Iedrrol govrrnmcnt to not on tho bandrason Al the cluso at loaday Insulin hrrc provincial minlsv lcrs oi consumer and corporate allalrr sold In Joint rlatcmcnl Iridsy tho lcdcrnl government must overhaul its rorslp Irr rrlcqunloconsunrcr on aver Thcy plsu called on lcdcrrrl an lhorlllrs to enact legislnllon to rcfulnlo adverllrlnd ulmrd nI chldrcn and set It lcdcral provlrclsl commlllec lo study they possibllily ol unllorm codcs at consunur Mlll ndvcrtlslnz Irvl dircloouro throughout tho country din Norris Examiner llsironaulsl llONthElla Ql more Wu machinists and up tract talks Saturday mornan Iluls shoot as machinists 1a Calgary Edmonton and Vern came bcilu but valiant The eltlrrle II the lhm nest trn ti WOW larer No hours More It began and the rst to revenue at rotat lng Idrotir strikes by the Inter national Association at hiahln lot In lls contract dispute with the atrium An Air Carrada spotrsmau bcre slid the walkout er Van rourcr rcsutlrd In the remit Iion at one llltlrl irons Vans mirror in Toronto Iltrr minor mechanical problcrn cou not Back On Job lllier Day Oil HOUSTON Ali Slylahl uironeres returned to their re search today while nrourrd ex perts considered rpm walk to IIrnmcd energy panel Ind the possibility at extthdldl the mission beyond to days Charles Ooorrd which almost Paul Weltseven re lulu user day olt Friday In plushlbw root routlllrsl he mind the airline hrs about is Ilighs L1 and out or Vancouver duly the sprlcsmsa said The mount tails Is the prrscntv at federal government tuned aims in Ian Em Sat must The airline has said It tlll maintain service to the limits at It ability dcsplic the raisi rtrries by the our morbid Cprruneatng on the Inter national Association at llurhln Isis lirlt naoorraccment his day that rt would begin the sum IW Ibo Air Canada rming msdiailon talks by company opti mistic ol In early seltlrmcnt but he did not elaborate hillte Pricitlord In IAII spolitsman snIl Friday tho ro laiin stritcs Introlul to bring the airline to the bargain lng table in lrorm oi mind conducive to realistic negatin llons rscre chosen Irrrlcnd oI general strike to mlnlndro In wnrcnieoce to the prdsllr Were aiming at Air CauadI not the people who me It lle laid there would be etrarc showers welcome Vllcl otter alchl def at work In the pm space alien TodIy also mashed 0on2 murder BoarIdI birthday at run and rise observItlons more medical investigations and In cIrlJr rcsuums pass to mils goo In Iprlwlturnl Ind oternographe rurroyl In Itdrrnlls strip ranging trons nonbwcst or San rrlnchco to Mexico City In laboratories hose and II Ilunlsvlllc Illa spcelIlltts Ire toiling repair lcshnlucs that might be used try Istro neuts tun shield virtle away clut Ing the launch or Skylab hlsy II and one solar panel was torn my and nnolhcr Iarnnicd de creasing tho Imoum or else lrlvsl pourr nvnllairlu to the spots slnllon Itotxo Ittlunc dlrrclor al the IIuntsvlllo ornirc Isld ll Iho famnrcd panel wold ho rc cased thcrcr possiolllt lhc mission could he crlcnd lic vond tho lilllllttl lorrr wccts Lr would pcrrrrit the spurth mon to make up Icr sumo oi hc exrvrrlnrcnls lost In this carll sllgu oi tho llirhl vsnrisItI stairu Mm In IImI 0n the schedule were series the RUMOR Allin MP hushed linemen who crossed ssnoo tuUrr or latte America Ial Ir is ac with their moon rIrtsorn Thclr escape became Lnoun Illcr Ihc exhausted pilot Coll taln lluro lloiina landed the rrLllm hr the Argentina ropi Motion raid the hijackers had escaped with lhe money In ito slstcncln no Arxcollno rlly too mllcr north ol hcre Thor llcd Into the sparselyaeltled Charo reulon 1n pickup truth be told rcportcrs rho hllarters urdcrcd mo to fly to Itcslslcncls end throat CAT In Nil the iltwordtsscs rclusrd In llcslslcncla lhry trend to board the plane in riot in pickup truck provlrltd CAPSULE NEWS Protestants Win In Ulster Election Protestant polllcleru hrsdrd lot huge vlclory In Northern lrclrndr local eltcllans today lesvlrrp bai lcrtd lloman Catholic Ind nonrcrinrlnn panics In thrlr unto The Unionist party Iradrtlonsl representative oi the povlocos Isoto lllLLlrlSI llltultrl mcdlatnr ltry Gallagher Ic III by the local police dont than into Mr notice at each nlhoat but that the Disco to be Illected Iould not he Isnoumd All Baroda with ztbour no to rtrite will Like is psmmwlar region midis any cots the suite to have he said Air Canada chairman Yves Prailo raid Miss the striker vill disrupt lrIveI plans at thori sonds ot medians The strikes will oral their mslcst lsrtIII Impact on short hsui dorocrtk nights irony toltld have to be csncciltri he an During the rear armor rind the many hustle Mp1 than soo Illper Ind 10000 pns renrerr daily About so per cent at those Rights Ire nornestte VOTED WEDNESDAY The machinists series the why rorrd rrrioesosv to II rer oi the suite shortly bolero tilts resumed helore ledrrallv amines mediator Roy Gol At the time earlier lath PM do soulful demands bythemooltlnlstslxdtldcdn iwoday Iorx week and true Increase at per toot over DWI coatsst Hilhrsx With Ransom vlm Tensor stop eliminated coda IIIAeusrdon Romany llnrlnutod dylagltlme any gen to Buenos Airer sithour hrolisI tuled his airliner to In Ilr lorce terminal out his motors Ind lrrunedtrtely tell the with his live over morn rs lscludlns three IlevIrd ulltllguimc hll hcdtb Co is ac lumblan airliner on domesile Ilrpht Wednesday and in the next two days Iorrrd luo solo at pilots lo It to Mom and Aruba then an to Ecuador lcru Argentina Paraguay and back to Arcnnllru ilollna tolorrdrlsn holun Aruba lo rcllole Certain Jorge us at but Ital wllh victors victim has Irolrsltnt nulorlly vron Seaway Trolllc Back To Normal MONTREAL CIl Iralllc on lb SI Ianahrrhtornwau sect iron or the St Lawrence rclwny rrtroocd to normal today when so river pilots ended Mour wort stoppage About so oceangold vcsrcls were lltd up become at llro rtoppego Six Dio In Read0n Car Crash GRIND IIAMIS Mon 01 Slit pcrnons died esriy today In rwocar Marlon collision on lllglrvrs in three quarters at nrllc south ol hero Police say the crash Iliad lira lrenrgcd nul es in northbound tor Ind the driver at northbound cor Conspiraiors Released To Teslily WASHINGTON AP three convicted llnlergsle complaint have bcen ordered released Irom tedsral prison so they can trrtlly beloro as Angclcrprand ury on the hrcatIn at the oltica oi Daniel Ellsoerse peydrlorr st UK National Press Suscumbs lTo Attack Of Royalty Fever spoons Crr lllllllnt lllllltlllll ms has succumth to on black ol Nynlty lcrer ovcr Prisms Arror null rncnt that old hands up hasnt been since the heady duys ol the Queens toronrtlon the on annivcraary ol shim Ialls to day On that relay June months In llhl thalabe and wrrbah lcrrrl ilrltrln tll under nsrttrl iunl rationing was rcady to throw Its hat ovcr Wcsirnorter Abbey It lll llrsl rest spleen pl plicuniry tines Im new Elisabeth Age Vlu moclnlnrcrInnrl Tlrrre was genuine surge or addition lor the slamrrour your Quccn To noun It all lirltons opcned their news sane on Ooronettoa Day to lscovrr that llount Errrcrt lhe worlds highest pcot had been climbed tor the tint limevby llrlllsh Cum monwen lh tram Tno DalLv llell even brought out In edition printed rniircl lsr old One commentator has said rmnlli it wise the last line the its loss and tho loco brought In ratlrlt crrn cynical strain which allrcled press treatment oi royIliy along with much else That has vanished overnight In tho authorise Itroosplrere at tho roal romance Every non crlvah nrptvt oi Annes hos trolhsl to hisyorrold hlcul Nortr ihilh hss btcn spread out in the all two daysdown lo Iha Iropca vi woman Ilikv warm irrnicr Ihrl Anne will choose ilrllldr silt lot the world tlrhlclt optimistic auspices and epoclll story bur hellcrol Bill the euphoria did not 1er on the roudoe blank Labrador dogs Ilorlnrty and Flora Bonner hrsdllm hsve sprouted such as Anne lets lrr hltn Joy To All or See and Myron lor Anne liy lirrl The licaverbrcor ownol Evening StIndsrd ol landon brousht out special color monument headed lave Slota nrarrrtntd with pictures oil entered couple and than horseellvwn courtship It now has been dlsclulcd thIt Anne Iniuulcd hersell In several tunes to sea lian in aorso

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