RODNDUP Oshawa Ma yor Vows if To Pull Out Of Region TDRDNIJ it Mr or Jim Potltetry erd Iy 1o trod to pull 0aan out or PAW Mimi Interment Ventantler hit Im rates no tor chapter are mode to hand Ines Ind division at twtlnu liaror Potttcary led deten tion ot elite indeed to prieria rneetin Itll Premier Wulitrn Date to eet to the on re Lalottti mm which he citintt mint DartIII emotion by all too am to the dart IcIatmt blue Mayor Pottlury told men ported an alter the meeting thIt Otll Ill had been tarnticed to lruul expediency Ila odd be III turprlsed Ind abocthd It the change in horrid tries done richest prior con Iuitltioc Somoiwl the mica at the tame were chanted Ind we werent iotd about it Goon Squari mom There it hit oi out round that out tar I1 itxitscrimineieiy It Druaura oorrenlonel in Itttutttn the Odette lerLtlIturt raIt told Thtatday by Ellie tiar tei mustme Eatii sylltnortt Apps rrttnitier oi mreertionrt unicu Isid thIt he tottnd the abuser Iry dit tictrtl to heUetI but ht would lavuti tie them Mr at IIH durtoy Witt on tha rntntttera ertirrrtlet that his room or lotormstion It the priten our wintry tome the gonads lte eald tlut in one cm prhoarr III sprayed with its as in hit cell alter gurrd tted the man or laughing at to Halo incronsed TOMATO Torohlo iiondnion Bent Irutouncssl Thumin It is incoming its prime lenttnx nia onequartrr otomperceottatitpureor 1t toorIIsI Ioiiwa similar raitI announced by But at Nordrui tart Fridsy Cuntdtr to chartered bnnis Iii tnoressed their prime lend to rates in rnidllay most to men per not trons Al the time it was the Iecottd Itnerrl Inctetra ot onehtil pertcoiara point in tin wceta The two enerai tncrrnacr tots toned time in the Bank oi Carndaa htnk me in In Ittort ta aloe darn eredlt explosion Ind ination angoraNeedod3 rononto cm lane ministry or nttorri te Iourrea tilt is iooktnr tor tun tor rangers rootetmon raid Thunder The ministry her between too and soot young persons in the TitidLmiiiiiilll wine pitta this yoredolor work on Crown ltndr such It eietrin trails cleaning trn litter rod building Irma roads tint there still are to under tor youths Iho are 11 eIra old but will not htre rerchcd their run birthdrra he tore Ant The pay is it dry liiti the ministry lodtrs and lords the utter corps dunny its tour oi duty in the bruit Owner Fined BELIEVlLLE Ont th iphn Eturka pt Beltauitie tor mrr owner or nightclub our hero out lined yum in provin llal rout Thursdty tor tutors to pry tunes on two ihtume Judge Clcndcnnlng trotted him one month to pay the line tir Sturta t5 rleudtd guilty ueelt hetero to to shuttle at in erosion IiI admitted thnt trom loud to mt ha placed til ttt in rental rccelptt trom the nightclub in his pertooIi bunk nroottnl and tilan dcelara tha turninur on his annual income tut return The penulty inrposcd by NEW iN TOWN and danrinuw which we to turn calltho WOW rttrr Youll on plan you did Manic eluded to the tirure mutated the menu department its ns lined It hr in erIIimtha amount ito tIlted lo terrorand 01 tor cut at the tour yesrt in Illicit he Ityned latte tttlrnttnu or hit return Forest Tires TORONTO iCPr Tha min istry ot nalmi rc Thtntdny that it torest tires were bruntda in 0mm th tit them in the Antonio district There also me three tires in the Wave region in in Kitt tIndlataandmaIchlnthI districts ol Court Napalm int 5mm ltxt Punter Sioux troohout and Bed latte The htrtest lire us oooIcrI one in the Cosmo district but it out batty held by Ibtrti too llreiiartert ilrI bombing Iir rth and helicopter Fire duper rtttntr Itross the province ranted irom mod rrrie to high Noise Pollution CitATitALi Ont CHI EI cessire industrial house may arise itattrrI mention to tul ier lost rt beutaI ii reminder to curb it Ire not eiiectieely Id bored to an expert to resident pmrrtiitat raid Thunder Sportint to Iemtnnr on unite control to the Kent Ind max brooches ol the lotion trlni Arrldent Preltntton As clIilon lIAIAi Fred Bisyney oi Toronto its Isalstant mnn arrr oi trntninz serviccn said amino noise to industry is dnrnnrinr to one or mom that tenses and that unless the mutations prodded by uteru meni tellsiotion Irb totlorrcd cnrriuiiy this detierilntt rout rouirt route tlrturr generations in be uithout litr ability to hear OverStalled TORONTO lCii itlrrsun Polytechnirnl lnslitutI is our liliirsl by to to too tradrert Ind mu beiin cuts It rap idly It possibe IIyI Ion ruthlI report mrda nubile murtdsy The Toronto mnnutement cousuilrnt tirrn ut Rates Peel truwtte and Co not it in Itlluta iI cart at line with root pIrnhle institution In CanIdI and the Unitedsttits and Itintlldtttilhl mam Hench In by it towoer cent and the intinrttion burial by or per ml Lest yelr lirerron hired st new tctehtrs tn erpectriian that Inrounett would Jump to 7000 torn 7000 itmuuer the enrolment increased by only to etudents Blood in Water TORONTO lCIi Eddie tment lbtirey Bruce raid Thuradoy that residents hear rbiritrn plnnt clone to Toronto Ire potting blood in their tsp will He told hirvie latte inrmr Ltd in Citinruuco DEDICAIION SERVICE not to more Iatinst the limo later wide the lectslslure nooksmta in ltr DIris oi Untrttthepremierbtdae med his coronation Iitb the Duration in Item It your ego itccuses Govt TORONTO It 0toosition Levitt Robert Nixon Thunder accented thalprortncttt dism meotellrrtnytoputoolu the trout ot uhool costs by ap pdotloa another commission to review them ioumro commission la in testietie the structure oper ations Ind name at the To rottio reboot IyIierrI III III moored Wmndly by intu tlon lttnihter Thoma Weilt it is leaded Btrry tour iorrrwr tieim 1rd or edtltr iron ehstrrrtan and deiested Prorrcrrlre ooruenutlte candt ll it the int protiuetal elee 0h hir Nitoa swelled to Pro rnicr ltle Darin titli the gotemmtnta committee on Ichool torts is Iiitl in extttroce Ind rstrci Ihy tooher oom niitce wIs needed Cars To Dealers mootto sat mitts menl hlinttterdhmes Auti rsid lhurtdry he is coolilertu wart ot emrel ear where to take their seniors to aele denier tmiesd oi abandonle thcnt Ono would reqqu Motto droosit on ilrrrteopiaten lie III reptylnr ta Bernrrd Nemtn Ime WItL cntiioi who on eslrd that It choror in odd to vritlcla ll mtcer to our tor the rleonur oi thalidon tciiioirt hir Auid IIid it ire would not trig ho hixh enouait it litVl at tio to til it roots to tow rat to Iorsp yrrd ite raid he opposed chtrtlol mpomlbie oeaerr tor the Ir lions at tee aodr reeled returnable doparit it be an iomtttrI to prevent abandoned trhttlet CoEd Institution conotrnc Oat Cti The Bmtside Training School rorrettloml institution will turn coeducational this August Director ioiirrd an nounced Thursdnl Girls will provtda more nolurnl setting iOf the Ichooi iir tullard Itlll At present to boys brinoen the tort oi term rod is re ceive special tuition at the tthool Six new dormitories Ito under eonttrurtlon Tho rrhooi rounded in lItd employs more thnn loo trurh avw rrr totial workers not psy Ihiulrtsts mths Ico TE Mutt ILLDu TILDAY JD it 12000 Telephones Stopped in Height 0i Business Hours m4 TOIUIIIO run 0m ot the rolls on elhrrr The it Lt Io Noni than in month irrr Ity Idcctad stl uterus immvfw mm utoo telmm tr mmsirtttra downturn Toronto It the butt tCrry Iytlcot at human hem Mr DrierIrpry rennet acre Ibra the truth III rtaared noted It in the purine In Iv Itthcridu totuxt itiiit Stern run at lrlrphcoa Nesttime M5 54 all manner bsieric itarl AN litROUTE CALLS been mulled pm at then hm Gm suprri wruliatnilrd immunelter ttailtmunee countunmet Irliard Itid fur NEONu at police lm in the rm raid they Std been Jaded by it tr hour iaziure nosed Inca toaitt marred in the memory pH at three cktrotxc II hotrdt It Bttl Emit etllcrr Deli Canada wnuor ilun Duane criteo it one Ihd Irortt torn Iatu new equipment In Installed it THE GEORGIAN GUILD pianntnp on holding an on Friday SrpiIrrtioIr Allie and SaturdIy SepilmioIr TPtit Ir thI lIrriI Armoury ithererer himt Slant ltdpit tIi Istirred okalioat pnIri irirtton mes WORLDS OLDEST PILOT Tom thtitms l7 tiliiS to be the with old est pilot untrs his memoir on the purple or Iii bonus in Sermon Ont liiUlhmr its town oter aotooo miits attire iirei getting his ptiolt turnso in till out 1er your liillums hu decided in rait it Midi and not renew his lic rnrr lOI Iitotoi Report Suggests Snowmobile Bctn ToittlthlD tuli The lczis lslurea acted tomrnillre on motorised snow rhirirx IILU recommended that Inortrmiries ho DitiilWM trom provincial highwayr by mt Tho oonvniilce tabled wide rInrinI interim report Tbsrt tisy In the lettrlslure which recommended tiller regu iattoita no inr tor the NM or snowmobiles rod other Iiiirr rIln ehitles Among the hey rewrrmtcntlas None were that rhildrrn at it STATS or are Ind otrr be Illowcd to coerrla the which it they rorrwrtenc irsi Iild Mptlhiidm oi it an over he attuned to cross hittiwsy it they posth ntld motorized snowtrhitie lirrm it was IUClhiCti ihtt the spa dirt enormuiziie iimn would be issued otter completion hi cowlrnty lost to thote tho didnt hute rotuinr drivin it more The ronunitiro consisting ot ti hlliI heard vrrlout presen tliiuli liilt bm atM public me Is one oi mdrtlont THY bXhhltNEil WANT ADS PHONE Sidtilt THINK RICH Looking tor proltrIth IIUIiMIIT Youll Find Great Selection Ar Toronto BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXPOSITION 13 JUNE it FOUR SEASONS SHERATON Set lnlrreslinI ctluhitr talk to eperiaitslr about rrriety oi tuli mt portlirrw htttlness opportunities or men or women EXHIBITS SHhiiNAM lltll drindstton SIM JUNE 3RD 300 pm GUEST SPEAKER BISHOP EDWARD JOHN WlTH ORATITUDE TD ODD WE TAKE YOU iNSlDE OUR NEW BUILDING SOLOiST REV CARLV BULL tlonrt Neon you NEW CHURCH BUILDING SERVICES NS amSUndIy School 300 pm 700 tamEvening RIlly BAYPIELO AND DALTON STREETS REV CARL BULL PASTOR BARRIE FREE METHODIST CHURCH otd he slid But Ia nrrgt or lot lit Motto Setrrti at our ism Irrs out WM Hm roll able to more th VILLA SECOND HAND STORE BARGAIN BARGAINS NEW USED ANTIQUES COTTAGES SPECIALS We invite you to come on down and cut our print we AM not YOU TO GAIN on DEAL we EXPECT YOU TO ILLA 13 DUNLDP ST WEST BARRIE Artso DUNLOP 51 nannte ruour 7266585 GENERAL FREEZER El This 82 oil it slimline cabinet usos only 12 15 at tlonr space Features sturdy storage harlot and Snioty Sentry Light rr It rtreetone Thir 9point spacial include complete alignment plus other riding Iyttem services AMiMSloiwclnl Iwmisriuraspiaeuiun IhdI rule titli uniquI Sanyo Urtironr IpoIlrIr