Dttlmawcvv cortch rumor cow mm I11 IECKER II Pigffbmgg TIuI Wham Mn IrMYN In tSththW hm km Munron hm humid Ime VKQJIHVU HIM QKJIUH tut in AU All 11 aluminum Ax Kmmmmmm 1twadelthmnuhlharthru1lorhmhhuthemt Wat had It IIIre swung WWI Immmmhm hairsurrnrrtwnm Nuawwnmmt Abmnlnkadthrlix Pu my mhathuurhzzto Ittol oxou mm MotownWWW WIIIIIoode 11 tut the mt Mr mom Euthnthonootumkr II WIII the hurt Irth the moan hu mmde lmmrnt WINKm um be mlullrtt llIr Inuit lhlnt THE STARS SIIY Mld be Inuorn oI that In our matMn II much nursing Id tunl to In what Ito madam It II rn thirty WhII vuto Ito hm be Ian mm 17 Ills ImotIonnt Incd hl PSIIIILIHIIIIhTITIII IIIIII II ml wry mum mm up mm mm mm we hetoreltrylodotoo Imumxgratlhxtymtdo at dttt thin It hrhnvtorrl orotr Im 1mm Mr um um be mm dimmd um yruloutulheth Mutnlhtlraat rm HHHEIKQ WI 1w Mood row iE are haloml orrhkm km of norm vthrr tart than ml MAM mm motor Ilse odIIIou rottdrr many Ialnmr In rould mu thls ulnakm as 113311 IAINIIIIIIII Tm mm MW tIIIKWImkIMIIIIIIIkwhIt 10 Ia MI IIIIIIIIIIIII TITIIIHTNIIIIIILM COMM nlwt Irrrm Toot tall thrrrheIIwm thwart mu to tho dtmorlr at the prohlrnL 21 23 and mum Iurl oIt rrrsrowm III Wary nomrnt IImI that the uhool our Er mm 11 Imllmm Ito Ml MI Mum do 50 ML mtnrrImtht lttileM tor fIvIInIIIIIIIIMItSIIIIizIIIII Idodor lrItdIIr II but rrtttIIl unnhmh arr If um mm thf IIIIWIII mm mm stItItIlI Ozmotlltron ran be en IIIIIC CIIIIIII NILIII hm II IIgnIoI III mmym In yum dtlIIIun mrutunlletnsr Il rmTItrIIrrjirrerzon ztIwlwkrzrvagtheh ht deal trom society IrrrIlorontot tIrutTtIrlIuhn WI III mm Id trnutrIr to him In the WI mum HI Wen WI HIM 1m It to It Into your rteu ulherlmm II II but on III T9 UIII II IMIIfIzImWy trtrndr tor prryI Wrtrh rx Irendy So rd him to IWIIW IIP IIIZIIIyIIgwIIIIdIEIILI mm mlpcnm andlltdwtwhnllwro II WNW he lJunr ttJnl no AIII Ichlctt Input oroouul lnr lwlltr on IIIIIIIIIIII II WWII mm II III TIIIIIIIIIIII MI MI ht mm trlrndr Illc Dr d1 yIIrnII In much TWIJII hth In hm Hank and WITm JIIEUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rlrxtnr ht htmhohad loo nt IrIrIIIIIIIMITJZIIIIIHII moms MIMTJ WI TI Mb IM ALL Uh mug It +1 or crer II IIIFtIILIIIItIIIZIIIVhI In rmuc In worm IL IIInu totlaw rranhIc romuIla It It It WIm IIIIII MI Wm 1325 Int lstltIrIIw IIII II III hm lormln III III oIIIrI IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIvIII $f me In or mam Ir Mt rlcnthl tItCkklIPl Irrwnal mm mm In um WNW II IIIIHIII 5le MMII IRIImEIIIIIzI mm mm WWW mm mm um not Tu We II mm rnIoIt mm It llt IIIMIIItIIIIIIhIIcI at III IrIrIvItIIIIIH Marlow at In ty Travel plant are Intent II rIrIIIIIIIII XIII munInrtlnotrtnrl III sunrqu Itt I2er thIt rnmnlm Mitt Em It an mumWHY worm lrnzlhy rutnrncttll Sutlm ovI rt mt Itutinm nontoth rtir rnJltu W31 day for rrtmrtlltn dtl In my mmy porionIu mm In warnPu tn rm IIIrn II tho In runs Murrttu UIn mm III quIrlII um IUIrhI Ill III III II III mound AInoss thtm II llIrjeIIr IIIIINIIEIIIIILIIIIIIIIHMTIILII rum llIIirrt thh MIT morn mmeln II II II MIMI Ironurn IIIInnIlI IIxudr IIIIIIIIIIrCImIII IIIII IrtucIIIIIItm tlrm rm mum 1m nur IlltlIt II Wit It Mum Hm DIIIII My Mm mIIIt IIII mm tutnh who In mnnnontruwr WWW ME ME Gown lTE wrarnnrnmn nosrvnvrncneew 9W IN gigm POLE ANIDMP IIrllltIt IIlII Wrotvn turmtu I5 or IIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIII IIIIIfIIIIIIIII II IIIIICIIIIII umt Culntwood Itmtr The new llurlrunr II Huml hwrnortrt tlrIII TM II aglc III mm Spell out our Ihort wanII below Urn nuntborod lot III II WI IIIIIIIII II udu Lolurt 573 Mm IltlolrrtnroIoII mama VIIIIIIONSIET WNW WM THOUGHT ID TEtLTHSCttoOLMntM AWIWE 60th Em mm IIIIII ntrnlrhut not to LIlntr Inor Ill lhr Holtm st Inlnmt ten to spell correct onrwor to Put IIIIc ImW WhtIITO HEAR TLLHHSORRY rnrenrrma ourrttnansus unrth I5 LIKL EASY BALLIDAD ARI mpr Irrr You Into run my Iur tour brlttII Shawl hItrrloI pod ultrr plrrrurc Curtrm mm min In vrlrrro III 24 In In Ntn tcnlurr mt tour to It not lulhy tru rnrlrnnnxnh Imtu uu hun ml the tnnulrtmn ol nutd rmroxh them Tnlr trltt IIIIICIUII In turn dun hy THOMAS 105 Jenn IIIIII rttler 71Ithrew ItlIIIImfIII Ilwdx Itttrr Harman Ahmr rurrnr tmrmtrg IntlrltZ mun In prrrlrmr llyhlHIWIWICMIIIIEIIII mttunIrttnnlmpnmrrou mg mum ntl Mi Jortjth lhtl Ilmr Intolnnd Sr Cltlltnl hurt on MI IIIHWM IIIIIIIIIII III Wmdot IZIdrI lelonIII MIMI mpldy mm the rnrrllttx rt hurllvruut mt Ilminm 1me mm ml Mummy MUM In our IttIttIItlI try ILIIM III III In Mm 1an 111w Wm mbttlIlirluttIvrdtlrtlIvtttrIIItl trrrntur llrltrnor lllltrmr Trmun mm In 310 Thlt bwurht drrtroyrr tltxprrrIerl thswnhodr IKIIILI It IIIIIIIHII IIIt laughter not IItwtmII anI thrIIIrIIIItm II III IIII II trtntrtrmr Irma Wt WI mtmr II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 11 LIIWIIC IJIILIIIIIIIIIIIoIttn IIIn lthm wlIh IIIIIIIZmr IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII tlrt Iltc tot In to who WWII IM Iln tonal hmlrlrn unJ hor Tammi andlrmr 1hr rnrmwrn IUIIIIHIIIIIII IIIIIIIIJ II IIIIIII III IIItttm tunth mu Immr bcwutul ant uIrtuI trlnltrr lo IIIIrululm Buzi SAWYER tHunqu hhArroII IItIttIIIII BARNEY GOOGLE HUBERT WHAT WU NEED t9 MORE EXERCISE lltunguhh mm BLOWrIrIWtWFltAIt To SCHOOL TI thtlr hum and rtIL not IM PM ImmI 11 UHHIIIUI Mn Stu All ton mu ynt at our rlrrlnln the IIIItIlII ol IIIrowyh1nynmgIMI 15 mmmr Manor 11m nIhIIIIttmI vtrrthy Multan otll not In III Itnttur Icrr Irurnrnrutl IITJ ttrlrrlltrul ItuI Arm muh ml WI mu of mm mm urtrrrtrnttmyIgrrwrhrr Int WWII 41 In ItIIt lnntrlll In WW armort tron rnl Irr rt In rap IIqu Mtxuntcr IN the wrot ltrv Ioortr Junta htlrntlrd Ittl to no nondrr lho Inter III Churlh twn laymen llott tlnlr lhlt own are gout LJtlltt AII IIIIcrtrrwlItIrzIttjtllytlltmIlooIl 11mm mt wry haurdo mu ttrlI It Lllntrtur rln star or lmlltulcyrutortn tnr KIWI In them zIKIlrptlul honour and the tctktlltl III mlnIIIIttr IIItIr lhn nun theme II I1I MM no 1600916le metro tIunItItl ItclllwroltII to wtdtltng III and way at ottmtvo own Im IIIIIIIIIIUOII Im Mk In St Jnmu now II to III In our do II II II II Dreaarlntt Into out Stan IIII we mum on MN II II rr ll ET My HAN uI which ordmtt an tn thrlr cttettlvc rncxtato Ind mm yyrlrndr Iorrnnlher In thlr IInuIlI II II ONWTW mam mam JIIEIIfmmO unrltorthtlhrroIrr7torlhr twoOrIrlrJlannlrttrrII wmroto HIM OIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIM to WWII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WWW Itontzmoruntarlanrann Ihntn It ottth rulvoI WREXW Eastern Slurln lhn httntny lurr tlth olll ho In llltlItttIIIlI nttrrrnry rrrrtm nl lnlruy mm In NI rm mm nvn thNtlttt utr IICNA In turn lllt FNQLIIIIIIIII IIII IIIVA XIINFWO OCITM ICITI IIC VIIIIAIIIITI VIISJTAS IltlraltowclrnmI MN Shlrlcy Thmhor to at to ttolrtlInThIENUttIIIlIJIYAHKrtttt IWIIKI4II tvIIIINIIttIYrII vqrnnonmunrwnnnnrwnInw III III The wante muttI nfr IIQIIINIESMIIL IIIIIIII IIIIIIIrIr III mrot Tom urmuIrmImmrm ASEA TUIIN FILM UIIUE DAVNIIIIIII hhrtrnmlmrlrtnradtorowm ItlwtMCENIEIIFUQE rrnnd Mutton ot Ontnrlo lI Lwal SIIISIIIVTII My NOTIIMIIFIIIIItthSlANIttthltlI NMIIIIIIMIHMIM MuttlnlImun llI rIcrttd nntl uypolnted llEnvr nxntvrAIIII 0UJMIIKIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII WW It ntItIfrtIIIIIIITUIIIIlIIIIIIIILIMItrltttlEf I0ITTIMttIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIEIIMHIII uIILtIltttlIltlIrtthIrIttII IIIo IIIIIrlC III ANIIthtt it It WAS 0900 009900