to see tor also that not ID litre to time tn lust sec the tor the year tnttlst team stIr ao squad In tint It Ind ThreeRun Homer Gives Pittsburgh 31 Victory ly fit WEED Elm II dairy so it he Ms the big it Itos to reboots in going to II nines hit the bell bsni on it went long stay MIMI Whom vets show home bisstod threes thn AIIIII rile tn the hotm gs is IN Ill or Gentry Ind string the ri rstes to skim over the timer hornet ru nsrrslls this ussoo tool In the nssior team it Iltoju tsp muslin his 1mm is ID oer dads ot Three him Sis diuro so area rescind onir three times heiora unit at those by Mlu Elsewhere in the rim NI tiottsl tesgtso movie bingo Oakland Blanks Ir Till AWARD LS when Oslilltd pitcher lien Minn slid Jim RIy ltsn svss IJIIyI IhtI to hit him didnt hours it literallyIt leIII not till nmr truism the tur hsndsr bree along with oorhtter sAer tetlring the lust to stiees in order until ltIrt tori oil the eihth in ntns Ittb tins shot It statue tnsna left the hell rIrotned so the tiy to Dem Johnson st tint bus tor the on but iiottsnun hsd in tinlo oil the tieist sets ems on In motels the Qs molt so triumph over us You Yankees Thunder can rem ttm insightInd thorn wen tutbslts ssld no son who had per rd game until htstty AlouI Iowt singlets th vststlt Jenkins By 10 Cub Runs amino rm Pitcher mm Justine oi Gringo on more ini IlrIlned miter Ind watered nitsth rim notwithuldii is oil to better out ouosi toe soventh ms meltiory scssou But the towering rtdnhmier lrsever will getI better eIrty cushion than the no hog hi to ttrItitoning smearsled runs vhtnh brought Fergusons ooord to on Thursday with sue the naturism oi Itous ton Aslrna in National ksgus buebstl guns At this time II this suns point tut season the mathnn too nIIisII record on on It tinttied with not record to the weird gImI which pro duced 1S unearned on in Iii Jensisu yielded reversibili sling nonmutlve burners to 1qu Atou and tonuny Ares rtlsiog his gopher bsll total to never hurt suoh bis Mrly tesd in my basemtt arses hut tool my velocity until slipped on reverse throw to tlslt these in the titth tnnhsg ssld JeeIins lly Till CANADIAN MILE Nstisnsi mgue Cut It PILGEL IO hot II 512 IV 21 21 08 its ID 21 Sit Milli tD 36T Phlisdslphls ti TTIIJ Ilest Ssn Franciscan It lists ins Angular so its 613 It ttmoton 21 iii Ghdhnlll It It 56 Adults 17 so scn tdis Son Dim it it liesulis Thossdsy Intcngu re tlouston Pittsburgh Admin Lincinns St ioutr tnohsbia litrhm Todsy micsgo Pittsbuth New York llontrest s2sw2megs$mrwammm Atlsnta ttlnrrison oil at th cngo lttooion Hi 130 urn Ctnctnolil ttthiothlin Hi at Pittsburgh tDlass Mi erbium ttouston IDterircr out at St Louis ttttuvelond Ni 9pm New Yortr lKoosmntt hit at SIn Iliulo tilrtti Jhl this pro ttontrosl illoqu 3d at tor Angelou tDountng its it out ihttIrtetohlI twitchclt Jail hi on trsncisto tilrysnt 13 it not isms OsturrtIy Cincinnult It tltidntrgh Aiisnls It siesta itonston It touts itontrenlstloIA etcsN New Yorir It hut Doro lhiindetohln It Ssh Ftsmlsto Anrrrtrnn tessuo Knit ltiiIL ZJ 21 till it All All its 20 it Add Tit iii 21 ADJ hit 20 El ll hit Irut 21 All tislrntt New York Baltimore Boston Citittlitllti itlhvnuirco hlcsgo Rollie Flo all than last you in in use buttered We Mm Netmhrilesumsithsrlo 1H Ind Mutt lids IO Iizh threeidtier insists CIrdinIlI St ULJMII toots AtlIIiI lsln 0chng let II Km Itternoos gIroI tats Ihiia MUM iii Linctnnstl mar into tnts Mm to Joe Itos bud llsuim II It Muir Ned lieu Ill It Ssn Diego Psdns Itootml Em It in Angdu Duds Ird WWI Phlllles It has modern Giants in night rots Gentry curled tuohlttrr do in Indrrulcsdlnglo mtopiosiootatisetusstnoissulbs Its cith It Pittmr tires no homo tlonnoo rerosson Swill best out Is initeid Jail4 In Iru he winter with we is no My All the no run were linear waned brinnu up mended Iith Dru moan 94m Ind Wills HIM mu mos the pies Willis Wt handinqu sing buns ttrs sully not concerned run Lathettnttnningnlir bovrIoogiheyIreIIlrtlheIidsrirl Ihomsnninihs Itsswi Plate taint when one hick Iimdsy Ilse horo yoodo twelhtlsaioiisetniiorlhem otrher he tends to but does Jenn Am Ind turrunin Ages hsrder on you nest those bornerrd tcr toruton Yankees City Ind Detroit to Minnesots toe toughts garner GOT Till ITAGCEM never sure Ilse hall ssld llohunnn oi ltIrtI drive AI first it didnt hurt Then rest dm not tried to tchlsverthnvtnthsmsm mod Ind mm mi Igurs lot horns nos Itsrted to hurt ltoitrrnIn thinkier Wit my yum hit tworun III subsystems summon mm mm battl support its nnu Ssnmnciscootmts Ms mm In mm with mm tor the As who ended lys mm mm game losing rims Km hob Oliver who earns into mmmmlnm the month at my with lust may me three nistshatted in note on Itsson totsl to It with three memm in run bother to the serenth to niiiidi mnltsriutrs hangers hers Cievetnod Indtsos mm mm CItItomlI Is It New Yorts Oslisnd It notion ltIitimors II Tues dcngo It hills qutee Ctrvetsnri It hunter Aided turn his tell large red iner on the but at ttolnnsns iatt leg just below the hose Ind was serious enough tor the piteher to be shut to hospital the orecssninosrr xrIys Hockey Owners To Seek litiilietion NAOMI ttIt ream ot tho it turns plIyIng in the or into Itucley Association Justine series vr IA their elm srltl seek to estshlss titted Ilitlnllom with second level isntor All teams In the rmvlnce Punch Stems gsnerst oun sgsr hi Kingston Canndlsns In exporuton trsnchise to begin on erItten this hit rcsd pro rsnred stItcmont prior to the 01m priority druii oi mislch and overago midget players shcnror Iairl tint tat Instr tuturo turther mung will be ensured with mmttlees no resenting tho hinioe soil tier twoiove grougn to try to tor molntn yhn that would be so arguable to both levels ot hockey in Ontsrio tastier hiris dililort thn DNA The erusountcrnmi comes on the heels oi the granting oi irnrsclllso agreements to recond lovrt child by tho Ottt It its annual meeting In April iedanwsscla lanoktt mo erbisrio sort it begIn gtv ins ms trouble And Im still Isotherod by bed blister on the index truer or my lchlns ltd Jenkins mtrdnllrerl his niir hi bid BASEBALL RECORD Calitomts llamas Gly OaklIIId Tens hi TO It 500 ll TO M9 tilt itesuits ThslsstlIy California ltoston NtnneeotI hltiwsutteei 0de Now York It TesIsItleveiIotit tlsnsss City hettimoro lesgn to Detroit Prohshts Pitchers TodIy Cslltornls Siam not It New Your ttieitioh sot 71st om Osirishd tiinmilton so It Boston ttstiin stt 13 Inn llstttmore tAterIoder It It MII titterriit oo nzit om Chicago twood ltd It tiii wsutroe Short tt MD om Cieteisod mirror to It Kansas dty tDrsgo Ill so not Jctsvit tCoiemIn out It Itin nesoiI tttnst on Inns Genres ssiurisr Oakland It Boston CIitIornls It New York Dctrott It Minnesois Oovetsnd at ttsnsss 01in Baltimore It tcsns uricho st llilwantrco Glasses some day meats Insert he didnt Is beans usually In seem no do more with my 0th munng ttnltey Dick ylo has had some trouble liliiildd3l5illlr Bgsgyggg Iioh locker It the Itsrt oi the Irelant me but it still bothers Anrrtrsn Lesson Inst loam Jenkins yielded Ktritutrlck iiC ttdE ssnse Alien Chi 15519 is sn ttenderson on 13521 Iiitt Items runsltsyberry liens It Iletton Chicago to ttoston st timber ltsns NItlenIt Lemta Watson ltou Cssh Pub 131 350 LA it it IS Jit Truth SD tilt 22 it JJI Itotnn runs Stsrgull iitts iIsI Angelou I2 ilrnrh Cincin llnghntn Cincinnati Tat llJ pectinmtsssptohiogt Ind thItwnrrn wesiherwouid tog im on the June July Ind August it lust body In the warm weather nor DUNDEnNLD mIn sold he wasnt concerned either our Jehlsssl homerun Percy with control but Id only bu transmits Jenkins in us relieved by eighth said try to block out mm my mm By THE CANADIAN PRESS mulchttytlsossdoitheses All It Illrt son Ill mian give up lltotnhcrs NY 95 ii ADD abortion Kelly Chl tit Si 329 lilnun bills 11 AJ 31 sh Bu lib DD NI 511 Hart NY 105 ll JJAII Johnson Tn in id 0itsttC 2tthi 301 III City is Atcn it ltuns hIIted IHiiDfnY Pitching it deetslnnIlltoiis mIsI Onllshd 1M BJJ LN Ins City li Clit csgr iJh All It It Prl It Bi Jli htnddox Si It to El htD Shem Altl lDttI JTMO trunnion or run Is on Aiotn ltA ttTl5 JJ JJJ Robinson ihIlDOiT ILJTI Tom Stir 117 ii It JEI burgh it Arron Atlanta is hulls batted in Ferguson null he ittrhtng drcisionsitllle Downing to Angclrs it Its Ihotogrsyr lhtdrnuni 32 Dunlop St OPTICAL Collier Ind Clsyycrlsn Titllit hllntitsrtlu 23 lJ It oo till hater rust 4+++44+444+44M4 ane historic Csyc Col him give Imnis littlio Jain King hint shout which my hrs putt is going CFL Refuses To Accept Bid From Gardens Ballard vote try thrue oi the this Itrit ernnroret to last years ilgttrer ul T1550 SIJ and SH inning ts rirotng torsion the ronrrrtttire round to ctlnunsto UllAIVA itlt The Curin rtiIn tootbntt tossvos stilttitt nuIi meeting slosorl will rush Thirsdny nightI but not bcturo the emotive committre hsd dealt with ntlciy ot topics The meeting originally had been scheduled to end todsy but threstesmi tlwp oi Ilr truths in soirrni Canadian elites hrcstne oi lIbur dit puto turned on lnrrsnrrd once on otticilis ot the hills clubs Du hctorrs going into lcsnihlt tor their that tch slrclsluni tho osemttvo committee conclude that it routd not mud bid by Lest Gssvicns id to ob is sh mood ingots tron shine in Toronto The eononlttm ruird that In application tiled by the Gardens could not be processed hmuve vireoresldcnl titit ttsllanl oi the new grossn hart not nhtstncd ocrndrsion irom Tutdltlu Argo nItttr to apply it would bo nmuery lnr Ilse Iygvticsnt to lirst got rlcor Imo tram lie lcsns that holds the exclusion ItT rights in that tJt rornmissiovrr JItrc GIudnur sold Idling Ihsi the In hunts hid not done so lthotA inst spur3min the Argonauts tor ocrmtulun to tuition by Dillard theruling stngc low llsysnso president It the Asses rstd rsclthsr be nor mslmssn oi the board John tlIstett had been arproarhnt NEEDS VOTERS then it normal to Imsly to the team was granted by the Argonauts it would still tste unshlmws consent by the tour EEC Icnlns Ind isvershie the Itlltttuu tvtronnnl rtttultlttS CIDWNSJIIAII 1t AilitSiii lltAiNtll ANiAiAlh lttlc MAMAtty no crows coutun not Ytnrt lnr READY Willi liD rhamp during tint round Dis ern lnothaii thinlorclcu cooled nlrltout iudrhottr wlwn gslo on the exccutlve III men it the Argunssts we preached Int screed tn the rosmtlratlon is We against it thus snii Llt the bidder less In cs sindtsr deposit chrottcs shire Irctors ism until June 17 the rt ttnmilton not both the Fist Ind th iorrnrc has allowed tho Nov It Ind the host contest tor will IIitio to Who from rtyyssysstsrstssrrssysg GARDEN Boos JIlING CIRCUS svrtscurrn nv Sheba Shrine Club DAttttlE ARENA Wednesday Inns in till Mn Ind ltw guns hits DUNTAIISS ii stitysiyissssssrrvswirls Tickets Ivstlsbio irom JIslrtonI Grill LIltIvIIw DIlry Christies IGA AlisndIlI Ind Burris or my Shrtnsr DR WM GARNER wishes to announce the opening oi his practice in DENTISTRY 7287892 to nest on the lush stress the smooth SullyFaberge troArn Tournament tittiic tor the lelcatton in be no Tho cnlire sllustlon Income Sssio lisrrdtton TiiilsCJis stee rhanocs oi newton it the Cturtsur idiicstad the 352001 ltdotmitthst accompanied the IIpttration will on returnei to been returned to revisits trss in other businoss rsiiitrollon oi tho Wit scholqu wns dcL the league sllstIr gums as The mom to an equal to sum artuduta by oil ttdml to soar slid the Idoptitn oi ldcnti Int nuddenriosth cmiitssl Ind tlnnt otsyott games tomb con to move the dots oi tho tVlI Grey Cup game in tsntouvrr attend one wool to Sunday Tho Itll season will see the earliest start over with the tint gsme sisted tor July It NI Wills Grey on gum to be held hr Turonto Nov 15 Mil he more esgscnstve tor the Ins GIudsut ssld ticket prices 4x44444444+4 VICE uh in tot clubs the Ralph rt thst In Iitow would or all on is ncnxes had tho lie oi next Cite ov it or an despite the nitrite tAl Rho WNW that lit the past have silosrd sums trim to rimstmchl tho sinus rtth rule mvlauriy nhon ulster nsi suspended hc rould lid pllmi returned to the hunt trsttr This Iutise Itspowder Nsyer must be unveiled or on the lore he cnn panelists with tho duh the CPI tnrvtrml to Istrt thIt At the some time motion by Donation Dunn incrcme number oi Christian ptsicry cnrrtod by such trim to is nuts oriented The rosttrr will In rosin tho some with it Can dim and 15 Americans as csrh round only took up the turns neat Igo llsilslhi the out wmctiltKJ SJsihclutu player tlsrdoy trial wtheut bring ms list oi artists plnyors bu sons in IDll Weiskopt Leads Record Round LsgleaLheelomskeImIery It psr sth this hIi the eld It In relished or inserted our 11 Ind there me in the uses Arum them vere nvrrsrold Sun Snesd It In melon Ind Tmos hen Km II rs and detrncu Kempcr chm plan Dug Sisters tt Gsry Ptsyer had hk prob iems homes The little South Airtrsss rushing only hit second mnnltheslminLhtUnltnt States could do no Drilcr duo is and must tmrtsm It he trio spuhty tor the hut in nude Sumter Ind Sundsr Weislgel said he didnt get in gesture mod and om de cide until Wednesday to bin in this tunosnxzn Id surmised to play he unit but both our habits um Lch hly IrdI toms trelissx too it ether ti shed herded help In tniln cm at the Elder Ioshiss have some re tIn Doze mm time inssee this yeIr headed group It nun thus hlidoms Itilssthetorringmstoch musings oi netsnetted goit Boston Calls Conterence MS ON iAli Dmion Bruins toilet om runtereoce todsy warmth to snootroec Ills stgring ei rents Andre Sass uni the trusts No choir L1 the moi National Hockey MAXIl drdt Ssvnrit also the No plot by men ostliusen in the World ttorsry Association drstt wisest Ind dined by the Bruins in Denim tIst werhrnd lio Isu lrzsohed with Phil milio the NHL scoring ehssrntm sELFssnvrci druid ONLY 25 STEELE Cr BLAKE erALIAltRIISDIIIDtIPIIIAERr113M CALLS iDglIJltfEVEttiiiiEN TNElCAltlSEEIiI its Protltrlintln sonit spinner his the internationilh potentrdsontc sender tint salthss Art the doubts thli concave convex tuned this tends on continuous hydro sonlrwitesdultttlttrntstttorttltnt tittichrs dirstityto sluit without swivel sissy at th sngto Inbitsntedoouirontortupersrttanthreading lnttttnr stysur insults sporting lttsis stars In Ada wms m5 DISTILLERSESTABLISHED 1802