Canadian Ladies To Be Played tiers rut onus Dousirr club it dadsnunrwmnunn moms turning Karma tnuvbsll but first tor Dame In It tntmsng cm lttvttn tions lined no tor this session 31m to Stanly Bar Club Jsdy Colt sod Carin Cnrsry Cl Ideas troll Ind Costing Club Sept other plays 11 and George Knudsau Tin Couchirhmg Colt sort Co Iitsdtrner hss lonST tstleI rom Du sum in mind Drum nenr my urn Intt host the hit Irl hiss tournament ass All 31 the Senior rid tornosmezi suit take glare LIi Cumin Club on MOMmonw Crrbrham piruhis Iiii tale since It htzdr 4rd Coll Ind Country Outs so never had two seeks tturools sieo when he didrt otay gull Itli Ihtdr helps scrum tor his Club phemrnennt wtnntnsrareerTbnt and the tact he believes in pun Jsir 12 mi The trios Gtrs dummhlo tA held ItSIInty thy Gull on Aug llurooiI dutriri includes the toiloling ebdas line Borden tioli Ind Cousin Itosatsin nit Ind Curling nub liarsle Isnt necessary to routine to rush be good otsycr tits reply Club Blue IIsItaybehut tnescrbrnsd Golianiimsry Club oi the gsrrse you are tilting itluilingnood an Cell Ind sbout his Bl tiny Dustin Clrdt Jsdsms Nd miles Colt and Cam On Wink My cut CAMPBELL Ion the Georglsrr College guilt tour oer last Wednesday st Shut Day Carmbell xed set II lover Ilse oar Tl layout Itrrrt Duh us use best It Ilse ladies touched by Eleanor Clastler and Iiarion Kennedy Some oi the best to cost 1mm worn rsrdod by Charlie lidtIrnss John Saw Russ tins ter chit Kennedy not John sten stall ED GOODMAN Iulltf IhIibltsiheisnllwsiliIloioi Iutlmity raid tiasls wiry dont you write something about Som bnessl lIIli oi the young ITIlpv answer Iround gait more are never had st Snead or run Snead omr st hll nssrts mwcytront goliaaotttriniltit Tour rIrolnu sentort chart olvnshin wees InhibitIons en doresnsents Ind public swear as sell as the ltgennr er Enm will be In the held tor the Itoyat cannula Got Most Itiaos and Canadian Open at Ilootrests Tilchelietl Volley July 2M nttcrnoting to win the 3000 tirrt prise Ind the Peter Jscltson Trophy Snesd hns won the Canadian Open three times in rusttsto Issd ittl Ind In 1W1 was still good Enough to tnlse Tommy Asron to In tILhots ptIyntt he tors losing III II really one oi the lust smarts gelicrs nt all time ltes been on ttss tour longer than Inynsse stsesirwe rm ttsr won tour events Including lhm hisstsrs and three iGA shampionshlys Ind hes won Itx oi the Inst 10 PGA Seniors events fly VIC AWARD The ivy innit roosting brand new uniiomis outclassed the ititdhod tndinns Thursday night to tile tune ot at In South stmcoo hosehott league gums nt the btldlInd iurtr it The Lents lauded the honor tr with nobody nut in the tirtt in ring but were unable to roots on this golden nppurlunt hiritostcr pooped out George li hit one hnclr in the yttchrr in Arnold nt home and Monty Elliott lived out to third it won pretty nluuh nitcltrrs yhnitle until the hills inning uhon AAlts Ivy broke loose tor live runs dintton led the parade when he rcsshcd first on an error to tile tsdlans third baseman itinv Donald lotss Arnold thstl stllliilttl triple into the power alley in rim ccntre ItDltntt linttnn Allen Ellis with his third sinr gls ot the game searcd Arnold and when tho scnrrnd hosemnn hJclrrd Dots tlurns stnglo into SHOPPERS tntn nitr at nrsnnrt district THE PRICELESS WHERE youn FAMILYS HEALTH ts coucsnuso orsnnnttmw SUNDAYS tilt in Wellington Street urnsrrrcsusoxhunnnnot more Is the the tiuruntI distrl ladies grit mm IttII remit years Idisn Open shieh ts note 1175 sword Colt Ind family Duh on this yet ti BsnIe titetime rdtietsl money record It July It Lise 101 Ilrnost $0001 with that at In Midland Coil wart Hour events is ll Sam IM only Iboui moot less members oi the news media Ire rfy orottrieoi Ihen It eemn IWWNW SmoosideantohIsrnndn Irrsuizcmessis tor North Simeon Capos msutlrml to exhibit their mi stult on the muse Instructed tn rnsnnty manhill will outstation Lents Trounce Midland 81 West hasuhtnp WWIitem For eumpte mpm SandI Arnold tIlrssa In Bonds In his PIlmnI rrnoohoo more Knurled has less than is sooner Snead matnisins that he has in mores lung regularly tte nnee said he Ins told it ALTHOUGH NOT too many goll JACK TIIEWATI JIrk has amassed sprdll tourosmt tor Friday Itternouo June it to decide shat lse des cribed Is the best goiter III the eartd or mouthing It thus sari Players irnrn ttsrrte Ind Drillin Iiaog sills others hope in mm rte Juniorli hits wns one Ill give iliern chore to see the unprosorl ninrhole Simme side course which they have brnrd so much about Darrin businessmen ltttY Atom ts Ilse eiub dumpion Ind tremendous goiter NOS LEZDEII the it known colt Instructor and teeth or It Georgian College here is ovatIIhle tor Instmrtimu It Sink wide by appointment Ind he Iss lsputld to be or hand tor the toumarncnt too Last year county tournn meat tor the mtdin was held at Iiodonte course and ntirIcterl an entry oi some eight guilds No gott record were In with To ElttELDn oi htidlnnd pror tor is its GHONGE ZNNIINY and tilt lUltltAN came up with Ito tacit Itcordin to the telly sheet which was good enough for third Ot listh was unable to moire it to tigdonte last year but will give it try It Stmcoeslde this sets which should be chat Ieng To It the lirst time out on li enrrre LINIII shmtlt who Icons the records st Snnrocstde res hurts ItliL CUIIIIAN tired is tor nine hole sougls it wccirs ago when he was trims sued by JACK GOODCIIILD ot Mississauga with ti tlcrt score oi this young sea son no tar nt Srmrocstde goes to club shampioh ltoy Austin with par rs rrirtre held on same In the way around to score and tturns went to second hicltioster rescind iirst on tteldcrs choice Ian George tli its snorittned Burns home with rtribbler back in the pitcher tlnnty Elliott then looped Itiltti into right Acid and when the right elder huhhied tho hall ticlinslnr wnt ride in scorn irum second tron Shannon then grounded nut and tirlun itctd struck out tn end the Inning The tndions mnnngsd one run in the bottom oi tho iiith but they won health team and the tents added three more runs In tho sasenth to complete tho scoring the slur oi the game and win our II is him was Allin Ellis rsntrn iielricr toe the heats Hills went live tnr live on the night and also hid three stntclt bass to his credit Tire winning pitrhrr with it Itrtkcutltl was Don Shannon and tho lortr war hchsrlnch The nest gum tor the tents ttttttltlii is VALUE tnensutrnrs AM to on to 500 AiiOntIrio trad meet to Tor onto today and tomorrwr tour Irum knirsl The issue irons moral minor nsidlci nge hos or olsyrrs rlroiitd in thc Outs nrio ltorssy Assoctilled Junior annual drsts second round try the London linightr Iltcs amber arts boy who was hotels in the iirst mm by lnrdsorosgh tor the Barrie Coon midgets Envision are Brent lsher Ems tloak Dos Booth Ind linve lioowrsn rvmoeilng in the senior Ihotout youths too tor thou mire Ind ttrtasr iurnrs Ind Junior lavetin reu pertivclr With Jim Whitlscltl Nine high school Ithlctes irom ttsrrie Ire hcsded tor the students are going trotn North Ind liasislew Ilong srtth one amtlton tom the Dan Orilsi by Onions Ililre Bull Jm utk tColtst and Fred Jonesi It tasks or Ilse iisrtooras iiurray VIllqucttc lrout tor tturrIy IIitqucttc Jones was not rhoscn until its 21rd round was pushing tor him sor tier he said Vsiiquettn players chosen irorn ihs Iiidr Ontario Junior ll league spooks uoll tor the rsiibrc at play In oisrd tlill Branchnnttt oi the itd lsnd Hyurs us chosen by dun iiyler htrCauicy oi Cuttings Mood him on shown by St Catharina Jim liolxris oi the Ouch Wild Greys our church try Ottawa and lint Sireetel the Drliltn Trsvulwnss was Iiso chosen Movie Greyhounds bird the tutti intent in ntind Thursday when they selected lstir VIlirgscttu oi st llnrys trrst tn the Onlnrin tiovkey Association Junior scricx nnnunl priority dtnlt Vntiouetlc Is risIoottwo Ind Isl moods and his scoring with itarniitnu was drilled tn the band Shsryd irom Cltl Dordcn Altx itchcndry who nlsytd and the Dolls was chosen In the third round hy the hud bury Wohos in tho iuurth lutmtl Suds bury ngsin choe Cult Tim Winston who played rcgulsr Ihitt on dctsnce tn hrs tlrst year oi junior hockey ttomltlon tied Wings chose TerryAgnmr who played toe North Bay In the Provincial Jun lnr lesson nnd graduate oi the Barrie itinor tiocirey Assore Intton other tlsrrieyisycrs shown iColtsI hy 5t lsnn tCoOD Angus in tho seventh inning gore the Sports nod Cycin sound load osrr lnltsvicw lntsviow had openrd tho scor tng with two runs in the around inning on three hits thrn nddtd nnulhrr in the third tor 10 lead going into tin huilom oi the Inning in tits hnttnm oi the tlrtrd Colin ilctlillivnry scored tor Newmnrlret in tho inurth Likeview wns held scoreless us Cary ltines llrnin titties and Julie Miller grounded out and in the bottom at the Inning Nswrnsrtret Idded Inothcr run Nettrnartet scored again In the tiilh inning to tie the score and rolled on Icrrys holster to gtvu them the lead tn the Angus Georges lurnrture run tinund thcir string nI victories Thursday night dctcnttng Alossor and tcrlord insurance id in llarrie nnd istttrtct Senior Sott hrti action One nlhor rrntor game was played with Ncwnrartret hunts and Cycle downing tnlsyinw lJIiry 7D with stood Iinm homes In the seventh inning Irom tlnnriy Perry non htclnddrn thn Angus otcthing not playing right iivlri led the batting and scoring Is he doubled in the second innlnt nnd stole third Ind home to sure tttcinddrn Irlnlcrl in the north Inning and completed the scoring on double by Jim IicAttiotsr htcAttislcr who hundlrd the pltrhlng chosen salvo up nnly two hits to the AliOntario tun ior champions and nttowrd only tour button to rcnch ttrsi titll Frcciletto the Slow pit chef scored tho tons rnn Ittrr touching tirsl on till error in the sixth inning in tho other senior game lcrrys grand slam home run seventh in the eighth lnirrviow ting rd rally as tluh ltiniiinn got on UN on In error and Curby Adonis singled Chuck ItoNtrot waited and tttnes singled Is stallion and Ad only soared Doug Cook pitching in New rnnrtrzt stnroir hill to leteylew bnltcrs and wntltsd ono ll his tsnrns dotonsise ploy detrnted thn Dairymsn tnksvisw Itsttsd lno lislcoust pitchintt hut replaced him In the seventh with Dnve tlurtnrs nitsr lnrrys homer thieviow has some mind will hs tnnigirt against the Thi tenhnnt licnrr oi the Ivy hnlt posts It pro Lents nnnhsoh It tndions Atltllltlltti trs bitttt illousr Dine In Eisgsan In llth Century Oscar Licensed under Liquor Llrsnro Act lion to Fri It to it midnight siturday phi to it rntrtnl torn utndnys pin to tilt pm Business Mens Luncheon it nun intuit our PrivIta umtnr yIrtIrI noamv stuns ttAtthE innit thn Greyhounds gonts gonses was players truly the number nt mm mm circuit the only iirstlttct hist who Itnttcs Junior team lost ars Ian wns chosen second by ilsmtlton Tied Wings tttnOsurt minormidget tiS Bury old had to be given on pitIr tool Doug litItbnruiih trum tluolph tllltnsnro oi Edges Siessor In Senior Softball coronation rn stronrsnto urns Item the North conch IrI FROM LEFT Itg cuntter hunter tto metro turdle this Forum Andy Poser rrn tor lesgue in the province Black rnstre Forgrsvo London Chooses Jim Hamilton In Junior layer Draft the St hlslys Junior club lot todowlth rusting him artseason had heir No tchuko in its drnlt ot midget and uvrrsd rnidgct ptnyors Tho his ccntrc who noted It the iirst oi tlrnitetl Isy Ilse it clubs up the DNA Junior lnr tongue in the province Sault Ste Marie carnod Iilsi shot by virtue et Its lIsigslIco ilnlrhinthe Ilnhtllntls this year Date littorat right utogsr ptryod with Sudbury the Wolves since his house was outside the Sudbury arcs nor his wss ineligible to he put on their protected list Kiiclwner ltnngsrs uith thlrrl sit he Ontnrtn Junior tried Saturday night It Queens Park to moire up tor the ruins rd ont gums tcdncodiy night ltulnsl Angus SPORTS TODAY hohttlAtli ltecrsstlonst tesr torts Petroleum st Quecns its tcl ttottlglst pm Dro It Dsntorlh ltsdlo 810 pm Senior Angus Georges tur hiiure Itinlrevtovr Ilstry I1prn Sal BOCCEII Darrin City Its host Drshgeyllln Canucirs Flir grourvln um ltarrts th is It tyrsngovtllo Athletirs ltUtittVr DIrrtn illC birds gntnst Toronto hurtsnrlsns anrth st tinrrio ltd0 Seconds to Mt Toronto lindsnrlsnn Thirds North mi pm std nddosi t2 Isttsts In so IIONTIIZAI tCllIdmtsul Candiers Ind Clintso DlIcI links this run note they hwsis dominate seunos Maui ttorher Imus teams MM tony whens who finished tint in the NttLs East Division and then sent to best the ltIers in the sunley Ciro tinsl pinned three men In the rst turn Ind one as the mod Ihlle Chb ago West Distdm rilIrnulou tud three men on the Boston Bruins had In men on Ilse first team Ind Detroit Red wingshstt one while New vnt hangers nu PhiiIdetphlI Flynn each pissed one Inn on the and turn The Csnsdlens noted to the fuss team we goaltender Ken Dryden delenecmso Guy tsp olnie Ind tellsinger Fruit hiss hqvlith Boston placed deters remnn hobby Orr Ind eentre Phil Emilio on the tint squad whlds was rounded out by De troll right winger ttthey lted maul Goaltender Tony Erposito rte tenmnsn tlill lthite Ind telt wirsgsr Dennis ltutl were the Roots In the second tum ttobhy Cistte winner at the Jim Trophy Is the tesguer retest nlthlo Islam was PhllndriphlII rsvrnsentntlse wtstlo dclemmen tlrod lIrI oi the Nahum and right Itngrr Ytnn MUM ol hlontrcnl convoluted the tenth None It the ds iirst tum members drew the unanimous totsl oi tto points although Dryden And 136 Ind Orr hnd zse in the voting conducted most members oi the troisssionnt llocltey lrtters Associstlou tlltWAl tn the NltLs to sides Voting was hIsed on live points tor instplace choirs thrrs tor second Ind one tor third tly placing three men on the tint trans Cansdlenl equalled to one season their totIt first tenns Isledlons tor the int seven yenrt it Is also the ilrrt Ion tour worst in the re cent Georgian Dry meet Ind will be competing in the to metre trsptn mo and no hurdle in the midget division rExnmtner Photot MOTHER JtAt HAMILTON sugar secondtutti circuit ltsngerr took Idvnnts ot change is dealt pr ure this cttt nnrt rltlttii him Is on overago rodch who has only one ycsr ot inntor rumitiloo remaining in previous seasons thn midget Ind olcrncn midget drain wero Ml combined Riseborough ted the Southern tongue Inst sensor with more this 100 points Sudhury1 look And bllutt II the tsurt dryer to be drnitol Shutt sit winger was member at the Canadian thn Ionniol my tinsiirts trndtrniro Lumber Kings oi the tyitnwlt and District ltortoy Atroci ntinn Saturday June mowers are DASEDAIJA Tolierthnm It tvr tests Interior Decorating Begins at ltoutht Itrs tittetta Curran Ieur Interior ltrcorsting lionsultnnt BDDTII iurntturI Int Aunilsnrrs itAtIlItihTilN tttnors lvr Into It Dolls Hobs Hawks Lead AilStars non Iincs trains that donned hIs Ind tour playmnsmui both teams Ltsrtns selection to the and two is only the mood posieeom trans it is the first list since 960 the tint Trophy winner bu been selected to the lust snr sound Jenn Delivean It Itostresl III nsmrd the tint Trophy winner in unset Ind tlnrre this season In oted the semd term Although it is the Am to my hero on the first teIm stare Dom trIrJr htshovtieh is the torso Instor the ptsyurs Is tor seltctions Iiistar teunr are concerned lihDDiNilt hss rustle the squad thlm times osd the nod into six times On has been selected to first mm to the rust sis rears mi to 196W ho IIs second turn shoire Bostons Esposlto hIs bten Just team rrntre the part tile furs Ind IrIs recordteam prir in tsetse Chicagos tspottls us tint IrInr goaltender last and lit loom It is his Inoculation on the second Parts iilsi tram Ill twice is mating his second pesronre on the No while Cournoysrs secondtrnm selection has his iourth nusns SPORT CENTRE miles North Ii IIIrrie lltsl side at 21 llIy TIEJib Chrysler OBeItI Ind Ontbulrds ouster IIsts Sentrs Ir Tops trusn III OIInoes horn on Accessories Its dI it right the tlmr NAttltlE hour COOPEtlAtt Stark rnr rates were mtwciied lsst wccirrrri due to heavy rain BUT Midget lndiInInoUItypc cuts will its back DAttlttE srsuuwnv lit Indra Ittrnction ACTION BEGINS AT PM litstrri nlnt trnrlr is treated hathva lsstwrcn ltsrrts rtllill cssi oi ltighwoy it on Unit oi Urn Tonintrip tlohlll ANll ltltiNG Tilt hNtIttli tAlllLY Suddenly other obsolete BOLENS MULCHTNO MOWER Needs no gross hog Loaves nothing behind to rake us Foods your lawn every time you one it So unlquo its poiunlcd Tho Batons Mulching NOW 10W Wt Mourns outs your grass chops ll tntn tin loco thou hlows lha hits to ground invnl lnylihcgm nutritiousmulchNnrtnnqornusdlechur ouhule turns clone both sides in iii nnri Np nrodnls Culling widths 18 and 22 NOW MADE til CANADA Ill Alldlll tlsry ti south It letII lil ltIrrte smells HOOD id In hp Dnnlons oi itoonstotts Moonstone IJlliil