II emu rvavaP dram44 alairl arr4rnulturarra MI trout tn an lien Minoan has oittmeabro mom like this meant do iory tor the 75m Lttth Grlf heard with hot Killam oi Van rvurer the skipper la the Guiltno rail lrorn lilo NZ Manor To To Study Rapid Transit Systems AUCKLAND N1 CD Amada multinational and whrriul maIvr sir Dereliynr accepted an all ammopaid otter to visit Can Ida to otudy rapid transit am term in Ottawa Montreal and Toronto Sir Dorediyer aged at la eel aommoltnonorrarndi usually in brisk centrevcuy and anmenne An inveterata traveller he agenda deal tom city morme aim ottn Irrubloai akin to those at Midland II antn arrest wt an about 650000 but it it made up at elite and Interim In hour ayatern the Aunt tand rezlooat authority hartdlea area problem nnllo Mariam rtly the la est at tho tonsill llent local in the th area sir Dorihim itobinaon i1 mayor oi Auckland and alto nsernber oi the regional author lt Lataty ha was uttered two wurtoay that to the United State and he asked the trait land regional authorit to meet hall oi his hotel bi In the United states to enable him to artnnd hi atay to at rapid transit and Mango wooal both oi nhkh are undtl dimin Haidaracing rrtln Nora aw mrrrbrn tori to We Ilatlrry and slnmlalo imaiammrd ahtet block It Pinto Visit Canada alnn In Auckland Sir Domthnr an ardent Inmate or mold lnz rapid rau lantern tor Auckland instead or utendiru the motorway aetnortr But the raalonal authority rrlnscd to maintain to hi on MRSAM wmmlttee notch mlderod the rennet nted on against ll mm Sir 06M llaentencd to re atan from in anthorit manna SLICED BilllltNil l6 or package oi rnean narnnr nded and Stirtad deciaton vim coma Ola authority at titrad not asked tarmdinumtan DoraIlyara mm The aouti be those oi layman ntrereaa the authority needed adrlee imm truhniral eaperta and had already dett assist ance lnxn there best equipped to adviaa Sir Dovehirer had the last laugh nhcn the martian omnmmt altered to pay hi1 nay from the United 8am mum tho Canadian trade wnmdnirner in ltellinrien Builds Canada altered to meet his amuse in alum rapid tranail ayrtenu in Ottawa Montreal and Toronto tie it particularly luterostul In the Tomato tandem oi nahwa lint plus toedor bu Hoot in went to the plain proposed iur Auddand lO BOY GOING PLACES Ronald Bowler ROUTE NO 537 Your Examiner Carrier Ronald la the ion at Mr SI and tin Tliiord denier at Park Barrie lie has delivered newtmm Ir tn I2 nnlumm la the Titanic lites oral Sophia rlrcris area or the past ninn manila itooatd it nulqu in wort at Prime oi Illalcs school where he is Grade otudrnt llo Pitcher or the admit rollhall train lit rlrllmlrra The Examiner hreauae lllrr to mm on ale and make weaning money IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THIS YOUNG INDEPENDENT BUSINESS BOY BY ACOUIRING YOUR VERY OWN ROUTE SIMPLY MAIL THIS COUPON TO Il ltl Coornhu Clrrulatten Ilanazrr The Darrin Examiner Olin nrriettxamim crncuiarron oaranrmanr ROBIN HOOD 12 bar inr CANADA GRADE PRIME nacrcarraaa no1 SPANISH ONION LUCAS arrnur SEACLIFFE WHOLE ORANGE 19 oz GRAPE LEMONADE it Atarggi TOMATOES OPEN All WEEK DRIVE LITTLE FARTHER SAVE LOT MORE AT FUDAS THESE PRICES ARE FOR REAL arm EIEI nm Trill llurmwrlawunnsMinmtonlait hailnnlolnta Livy Nut ll Iain inrn 3min laMenthUnMQoumln READY TO EAT SHtllDER SMOKED PICNIC SUNKIST ll3a PRODUCE 0F USA CANADA NO WAN PES ATElll sraurrrrl US NO l2 l5 lli AVERAGE