Conservation Areas Constantly Improved DISTRICT NEWS mumbenmuounahrasrmtrs Old Elmvale Paper Reports On Restoring Edgar Church is Est SET EEEs gt5 RE To an go it sir Zegg lactiltles swim rafts tree aring bran trails edit tlcarsl rim tmle tablet and herbecsses beech improvement and prism control TWTDMDGI hteior lmpreremmt It To pie last year In cmrrrssttien at ioothridge linking the earth and semi shore oi the pa and the united nature It New changing realities Iere mum at tho New isswcli malice ares sided with 5500 dilation item ecemm lions club Dillercsd organise lions have helped with equip moot at the thirstrung area as sgig RE i423 slits sis NATLN TRAIL The Utopia area otters as his torte null mlupood and dam tell as marked aetun Knit good running and pie picking The memoir ls stock ed each year with bioohroui by the ministry oi suture re mums fishing stocking Is also pro ride at the New lowsll Tot tcehrm sud Tillie MANN r5 sin Meets Tuesday WATER Mi l3 ccitou oi etiicere and htt ttdr ei reports are the the agenda tor the Stmcoe Korth Worneus insulin dis inlet meeting which L1 to he held her sorrow Trades liay 19 Plans for another busy term tor the midi Non sire Ill be discussed including appoint aseotr oi dele tee to the area convention is is to be belt at manure on llacalsy and Deadly Oct i5 and to To The eruuisriirar oi the am is iian in per cold by it Oasrio govemmesrt and so by the Buddha mens show through the Nat ure Comment oi Canada new encore riser rot CtittiiDllttl strum new world record psioe ten to tocabekerosllandlm abore dime Doom edlsarecerdpetra tor mediums iarnr dairy trestle was scientists me or Peter loitering oi Arne NY and line Shore in back row are to We on NY terrace muwsuwuw aws OIk Rinses ratios to an it YorkSimeon MP Raps the bra and germ Another ceding item laid at an Elmsale curling rial wintr bonspiet at Barrie ii lchie Ias skip and other can lots were Rue Ellie end iatnes ibiurrsbrss agave commslslmers ap rrov prunes so are as aloe poes ior taue rlreet They also decid to Install areas in order to give or iutsne nctris oi recreational laciitties on the error the authority board hurl cairnslu piannln stule prrparrd tor the Uto gt pie New tmcll Totteabsm itss Fred ltchean herds the blade curls and Edenvaia lluroola Vosrionr institute here with Airs Alvin labyrinth INN more amulet tfdht handsome 0l0 Ctelk In long History Box Storage Plan means better for yolbthes overloaded erauh tressurrr airs Ddaoon it Murdock was reelect is also district director his at cars it nth Thl do their cspeo lesion oi lira tcdcrsl ministry at trea sport wu uitleilod sumo Stevens MP in his steel to port hum Ottawa tor tottering that be termed strange cedsrn lee the proposed tag airport it Is clear that the depart stilt or is said the bromine tor Yorhlinooa riding in pain on or eat your audio liareh It 17 iorlhe proposed almost They plan to to their and In tact the tiret elm days oi they they disclosed had already it out Ill ton to lormei od owners or risott gage holders in the area noun or heroism 0n the other hand he adi stl the minister beget to es srnlnr PillDulm mutlry which Isl turn will look Into the need tor ths airport and the type oi iarlllty that should is incorporated at the site it it strange way to approach protect that may eventually the is in than as secl in pl pro exv up ol would it the would oi the be oi more in dis carries it or and Dr urban the to win slur school than in the lt cost ssooeeopot and which may never be needed Air Devens also selected to the meeting at the trans tomrvrittee at which the rervallve mothers moved out itl reclining estitneaadrnd revnw or proper too should be rcduecd The motion was discussed lor two hours with the compile tee mnrberslrip to halt attend trite ha scoorted Throm old the eotiragrooredin it was tsutyr ta how value the startsy oi transport and lie oilltiats were eooecming any dildalluvxlihreiwdh the nets sin they were that their deci sion to build second airport was correct when the Committee rooted motion which would have had the cited ei at least delaying dein oi the were part troro two ND err on the committee stated his Sierras We were naturally ausprls ed thereto when the vote was called to linti that the mo lion was voted won it to he said The eight Liberal ascribe Including Barnett WorlnlrepPInnnad Tor Canadians WWATEt Sinlil new eetlteie surkahop building is planned at the Canadians old log cthln proioa here pool smdrr the totem meats New llorltons program has been approved it was sons issued by member ol the board lire Darb ars Tytrell who is also Cold water tillage councillor Oinedlena he been mayor tourist slliortion ler tho and with much interest shown in the pioneer displays tempest melee mire The proposed have pores to operate dimi ly nr indirme and to super rise the operation at all salt air and water passenger trelli ales isrtaruger clllisbloxvtessltt1ri or no cd to establish prorintlal and regional turban nintnritlca mooted oi ied ernl provincial regional and muricipsl representatives as remitted Pickering Procedure Darren at York North and Nor man Cnllk ei Ontario riding rot ed against the motion slung with the two ND some All seven Conservative mesa bets on the comsotttee opport cd the traction which was lost NE AUTHORl htr Steteias also his bill to establish national turban transportation asshcrIty in Canada the hill proposes to crush such an which in turn world marlin atl planningll dengcontrol over an er posecnger traltle in urban centres in Cans ads he sustained litters we consider the met deal oi contusion and needless enritty which has developed in our area with import to the timed Toronto international No at Pldorlnx and the entirely unssilsledoiy hen dllslg oi minder betlrrrtras mumbled iesi Tube Breeding To Previde Better Cattle illlialiotr In tsttiube More will continue to grow unit It is ready tor lrsnsler or lengterm storage PROGRESS MADE it these developments mill Ianirtdred Just Number that the winning step has already been reached with it per cent stirrer in Digidud slid DODth gigs neuronal oi bovine embry oe is under minutial rcseaml in mono Ctrlldl nite and Japan Dr lismlsh Robertson repro durtlte physiologist with the Animal Rrecaldr Institute in Ottawa one at rainin oi sx ports reconnecting In the land magarlae rays cloning the technique at probed tlnioe number oi idesstlcat eggs enrbryo is an arcs oi study vital to Canada because oisthe export tmldcd auillrlonl undo are made available can see this becoming practical reality in about tire years he said Meet at the experts even these who admit caution to their assessmesl at the techni que admit the rate el press In completer umprcdlc table What we thought was long way all three yenn one now lootu like its belnt selv ed said not WW THE SPRING LOOK IS HERE superiors tricolor pi super server Ior testtube until practi cal possibility according to Good Farming magnetite which describes in its current Issue the potential alki pittails oi the new science oi entbryo trans less in nlrnpls terms the Idea oi embryo translcre lsto obtain all genetlcully superior cow shy surgical means The tortill red enrolyea are translorr Irons the good cause less superior recipient eons tor the duration oi the term To make the technique less this the donor MI is treated with ierlilily sins in stimul ate multiple egg eveloprnent Five days alter tumult art itlclul insemination the embry os are taken taunt the donor cow in quantities oi it or it andtrunsterredto other cows The salt is blood typed and vs graterod as the etlaprtng oi the osloont use and arm it all are welt with this new techni up so genetically we enter calves item are excellent row con creole line datry in very rlwrt peeled oi NEW MONTE ilui his is on the Hill aims in lCIttlItlIc preccll on Good lanming toys can advance Veterinary med icno into new lrontiers Twins can be W1ng FEititAltl Wins Milliiii Gummy lAPi lcvtin Jackie icirst and tin rtztlnwnn oi Drltaln drovhll tsrrurt suit to were Sundsl rNtiilnr two llomctra race at the livers ths seventh leg oi the hionulariurcrr Chain rcricr Arturo bier strip at llrty and Carter WC nl llrrill ilnlshetl nlhrr terrrrl stiltmnd in In ed study oi the chromosome are placed in the ut em or the recipient cow tur ther tho calves can be identi cal twists it reseawh can cut tura new embryo lrom sells nurtured under microscope been an origlasi Then the cot cow produce twist eaves with exactly the woe renette continuous Predetersnlnation at sex it close st hand made possible by the mood at low cells removed the tmblih and scientists are new at work on llndleg nseihod to longterm storage at the embryos Once it is pprgl ble to store the onslaryoe than can be shipped instead ol crtv lie to White blood liner in other htuttrlu At the mantis Milt international laws gover ulhl the le lrdltdlcr oi diverse to this practise not it is coming up for study scientists are letting at the wrslhtllly oi producingo eggs mier the body at cow This will remove the danger and retailers oi surgery which can only he done three iimes and sometime leaves tin genetically superior cow barren eittr the that operation The drirtpprncnl oi growing eow will eventually lead in tor and mutating eggs outside the DUO 45 Dunlap ualom drapery lahoms aervlre irons one DRAPERI Eatenatve range at Ilmplrr ttpcrlellslng in sheets Cuttosrr shades trartlrl blinds thousand authority baths aps Edith to urban is alien mecccpirbie he stat tux there are Iirnilarnrhan rohlom In all Canada rtdhority alien not would she ellc transportation NW 726719 DAISION tbtalliThecilon oi is on the rst years Ictlvi sitll highi ht muting oi itsmpcnlelt District Womens intuqu whichls to be held at Dalston Untied church on Thursday May it President tor the but year Tits lioy will preside and turn Dicklmon secretarytreasurer will record the minutes still will present her rvposi es pmldcnt lira liter brain rcnlntlir hire ltcl Dixon wu WWW titre unite hire hater ear Needrmuir tvaator dirt lit Jamtesoa is in charge oi minions whllr hire hillte liitillng will pro on nonlerebce It Unlverslty at Waterloo Otbcr converters who will be making rsportr include lire Wallace Cairn tor agriculture and Canadian industries lire Willie ior education and csulural adults and list it Spomglo tor ismlly rad con sumer still iteme economists Susan llrl salt and Barbara anden Bosch oi the Ontario minis try at agriculture and loud oillce at thinsale also will speak Dslston times institute is the host brunch oi the meeting uthch lwll include seaming and aitcrnoen sessions The Kemp eulclt District Womens lnstl will mart tlr seventh birth Records show it was rinsed on May 31 into iicslder Dalrto is present hrsrwhes locusts Guthrie liaw kcstone ivy Closes haig DRRTIIS lty rna cavemen rnnsa loadersJasmine Etiinrer ht louder ei ittuterr Remitiso ge services it RelyJacques urchin inlme sculptor who won the gold rrwdal tor sculpture rem the American Academy and the Nullonul institute to Arts and letters lilonthriaoa Franco Richard Miracolt Prth roe driver tram interles sntiered car mishap Stalls beta YugoslavleFid mdswtelo thuglisol ltailrrr rm torcyclo racer item lnhrrter sullcrod in race accident Eliot John NDNclsnn ital tentatry oi liberal in the TONlGlll AND ONLY ZAROL Jenn niivvn MILIS Dulcimer Atrot Join in the hunter ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DDX OIIIl OPENS It DULCIIM hit ONLY 7ITDV llih ONLY tiOIil IllIllt Dalston To Host Kempenieii WI olhecrr and prescristloa oi re Grey oi liautrstone hire Marissa Tuck oi crown Federated board rsresnbor while speak as ledrrollon repre OliO STATlON IStultt In cumbent lienry Nculeld torv mer East 0m merchant to only the this municipal clerk in 0rd history as municipality according to local records tlrst clerk oi Ora was Gen rge isrdhope who was ousted td by Drmcen ans ilenry mishaps wu anointed in iron lost Wele Tiaihope in my Nestled was appointed in alter serving several cm as uy rlerl Strv at the plum itr Tbsdbope minister tlrrk dated back to me when the itsrt municipal erganlmleo was set up with governmentappolnted comvussloaern in charge Pul iovsing the paulng oi the Bald win Act in MI eluted muni hural man lull strand Thorsten tiltchel Utties llill Painswick end Shanty Day Mlnesing lirea New Fire Hall RIINESING Stall Ncw ly constructed eapra iire hall in the central part oi this Vesper township com munity has been rcccivhtg at tention lrom visitors as well as local residents In mm The the hall is one oi the has but live at its server sire Om was lrst united with Sets Orlllta and then because sep arate municipality with It orig ceumll to uni tiprl councils came tote beta Impersonations misnomercursor nwetly institution new bovine Ia iris and when an linple rtrctt leads into ran lleKtnloy in nu ll housing arcs with other new mom mg mm mp strrels expected to Kit hell lust and George llacltsy signs soon This Is in the tie my inlty hi the blincsing rcth The community centre and library conilnuo to be busy places The Vesper the hell hire is the around serving the township The No hell on lmlay lined in lltdhurst was mmtntrtrd as ccnlrnniai SETS RECORD DlltiliNGltul Bruised theater llaria Sytora ol Austria set world more tor the womens Dinette tasrdler ei 550 recoruu Srmriay at he British interdsuntlcx rock and solar in somntemersllng liett drasppiorutaa the bet Oanudan tooth birthday in tried the prcvious mrrl oi est 1907 moods acttwo months ago by There has born the stolen Antennae tcndy Kealg tlen squipmeni horn in illn eilny ior seine yvars hill with the new dcvclopmcnt oi recent years it was tell the community and area also houitl have its own lire hall OLD LAND FEATURE The Canadian shield is by tar the thrust and oldest strutturnl land lesture in Canada 2ND WEEK pm and 915 pm lllhtllllttttihl llimr third applaudedam ttlghtlurilomeuttobettityeara rrsndenulatstissvnavay Bliititili universities manner GUIDIEHllrll mHOthti o4 mam tantrums cotuvrwnevonrs mm cums sacrament STORAGE You pay only the normal eleanlng price on delivery next tall Your wardrobe stored in our humidity and temperature controlled unit WRIGHT CLEANERS till DAYFIELD ST 7286 NEW TiliilillilimllliS TRIPLE AWARD WiNllEtll BEST SCREENPLAY DIET OUPPORTIND ACTRESS ELLEN BURSTYN BEST SUPPORTING scion BENJOIINSON nmmm Im nsnmsiiw NNlililT anus thrwrtIrtvIsvtl Itlllllkji The Dirty Outlaws Kansas Cly Bomber my