functions Examines Robin PublisherGreen Manager Waite Editor Emeritus cruisers Managing mm MOM HAY Us ID Hal sill Council Buffered By BackToBack Proposals and the is board Baden plan ner be mild sodolopst to the meeting It mthatlnnisthaslourcours or to etiow it Go along with Dantes plots oi rin slgrtnsfion that also includes Vcspra iowreinp Say no to the dt and hope the pro share modes to lirvt es Ancept the deduced devciepntrui or is We air with modified develop mcrt proposa that will Arit itwilh to yard to llr Remickl tiara Recently Oounciilor Debut techie rd voiscd ier reaction Irem lnnbtii resid ent to Darrin plan tie received 13 replies and it they can be construed an an indication oi stint lnritsi residents want the township will not willingly trip the city the replies Coundllor tackle re ceived one in tavor oi emalgsmatlon It was from allarria resident mus Townstup corde artist reel like boxer who has just taken good leltmm hcsvy right and is sagging on in cs Ne seeder did llrrries intermural liaison mnurtittee drop lis bombshell rt it wreLs the WIDSIDP to smigomate than developer said he and his lotions were prepared to month city at be tween 35000 and 65000 eopio in the lsoscra Creek wotcrmed tween the townships nltth mansion and the urn rte kindle it will be no snail wonder it the towns strlp laced with these hackiorbnck plo petals tells the lily it sorta no part oi what many lnrrisiil reorient probably regard as pie in the skytropossl that would serve only to raise err pmpcrty res Whether the developers proposais will get hero restrain to be seen llcnry Bernie who owns or has options on about 3500 oi the p000 acres involved pulled out all the stops when be pre sented tho proposal to towndup mortal Wm llew own uni FRENCHLANGUAGE PRESS This is selectlos ei edited are also unanimity rsitculaua crlninal la idtrtldrvsie sorlusilhorl III Miriam comet test tram wheel hard the heuhIaIIIse Canada surveillance to tile lmprlsonrned tarra murder allth same we or ean an mm rtarcier has MM Orthodox meribrrs oi civil hdwhmdh gun or as na mummy turn would be shorted It so My Jim captured llcrtier was really implanted tor lite They wessld say it was lnrumaa None at these orthodox thlntcrr world be mocked il in order to escape lrom tho lice llevclcr killed one or bi them On the other hand there would be cries cit Iodlgrsatlcar ii the MM titling that mu oi thelt tinieshkilledllcreitr teae transitions to md sglrdorst the mm Kilnidiimaod urscr mm mm Po necwuar hou iiov comeng the risk in yawning being irnprtwned reestoblistanent In Canada are stunning licrderl escape am that at his hhloor has ltmlly rrroved Csnrdss seileltosgen erel Warren Atlanta to ttan ta Drslll 0on mmxmmb yarindgiea uetliy oiierins garner hid earn their living to tend theh iamily honorsbl cannot even rordThcra nuancedto in end roots There is also no need Ior an in order to arndy lull lite tenement sentences No one is triads erred tor lilo Murderers walk tree seven or to years alter We are not arkln log the capital istrrnem we are only ask ng that the state and the law protod tin honcst ciiirco llul prisoners It Mum wanting to escape can bencilt At the raise time it may shed light on the drug tratilcltlng which ruman say it carried oru by guards The inquiry smut also establish whether the motives tar this reg continence em trait alters the improved state at Quebecs while norms the ram time that it has avoided increasing taxes the current government has we created In keeplol the iltxiua ballot pnllc borrowing within reasonable limits The second lmoimnt is the sector at unemployment which has been sitarrbling titer tor the trouraua gov eminent sinus me When his Dotuesu came to power in his MD Qusbecs unemployment rate was eight at New tor the tint Into in three or Idtlr years WWWM mess stroll icul decrease And it the cur not rate Will It we wil see in lPD the Iggcst in crease in employment since imio wou Interesting in tth regard to proerod with detailed cnlnncratlon ot nu memes investment protects both privats and tie cur rently under way Quebec WW mm the hinsssnltrrlsn liitlllliBS mm mtt pcnlterllsllel Like Erik Nielsen the Pm rressive Conservative rnem ber oi Parliament tor the Tribes we send lika to the inquiry include all penal inattuiioas in Canoda became are takinl place sv eryw is it will be esnceilrnt any iii Wtll Wtr clear mcrnent We ria agrlnrt good sense and beetme dangerome rl dialloue when prisoners who are not attain are taken to the rm tor hockey times We hood snorkel which mere cnioy are on trial wiltarrsl Glnma bleotresl le Denotes lo cuss one did not believaths remarks oi Mm Barrens end liaymorai Gamers cm coming Gustavs ooonnmy to loth ate but it is now hm recent indicstioue show we not the iuouirsl ends that it everything is not per that one smut act to prevent iect there has been at least On three dlueicnt iranls limit mprnvenrcni as been made on Ilse Canadian data let us restrict ourselch to seedling shit the last Sta tlrlicr Canada bulletin raid conceming lswcstsncnt pros pests tor 1m One sees in aiect that ills moat Impressive pro err in in will be in the prvate to vetstscnlr violin in vcssnen rg sea Quebec it not at the end oi its difculties But the three indications we have examined leave no desist that Quobocs economic health is better than at any other time in the last tour or live years Clam ttyass tiday ill enterprise GRAIN is COLLlNGWOOD to Cleveland and then goes in Erpi tales to pick up Lnltrmlnr 1th item Collingvood picks up iron ore tor Hamilton lilulrer The liealord ls lost at the grcst later irelg tsrs that carry grain irons Thunder Bay to Colilngweeri train Ternunnt Ior trsnslcr to Toronto and slipping to tlnrope The later goes in nu lord ol iron ore and takes Postal 903 tszvnnimrvsrugpw taut inspsvsmot la the tavern My dependent on our sources vwmxatzmmummumizm YOUR BUSINESS Totally Dependent On Energy Sources By VINCENT EOAN business and Consumer atlairs Aaalyst Thomson News lerries Canada is cosmlry oi vast distantes And lcr much oi the year it is cold centuryas yoti heating bills will corillrm Obvious Oi course vs not so ohiiour appar ently to those who are trying to street down any new plan to transport tucls across thorn vast plimrscrls lists an oi energy it takes net to move CliiltiDllS STORY raw materials and tiuinhcd goods across thousands autos And we dont have any choirs about heatlniwcithcr keep an buildings warm in with ttr or sve dont survive All those stimulating intellec tual arguments about develop ment or on natural resources are line The trouble is they so otters lots ight oi basic conditions at tile In this VIIlitth This week there sits lealr oi conildcntlaUrderhi govern ill Crtngdiglrtrddtlu pomsi surplus nrrlp hm than the Us dollar THEM In the northwestern corner at at Carradal to the populated re gions to the south The exami wo nation ol the pipeline plan was canted out by the ccooornlotns ct committee oi the task one on northern ell develop meat The Ottawa group iormd plenty ol grounds on which to criticise the pipeline concept rlurlng construction it would create Jobs or out one to if hat the pcllna to bring natural as Item the llackcniie lilver delta and Railway Opened Way To Whitehorse Dy DOD DOTlilItN The White Pear and Yukon is one at the most pitiumryse rall ways in the world This is not only due to lie scenic smile but term was the opposition the gamblers too moldedIto Tied may horned addaulticientres any sons to select the blackde also to in colorful history it began during the lemon gold rush when men and equipment were landed st Dismay on tiay 29 that The route to the gold lleids was cruel test oi ordinance release or the pods horses urged one duller per pound to many men tried to walk carrying heavy loads and died lrom cshaustloa The narrowrgru railway was built rental ably tililtklyi sicspite the rusted terrain The truth were laid to White Para dip Tltrrtr Examiner ll iiaylield Street ilarrle Ontario Telephone Tiew Second Class ltrli Registration Number dill iiaturn postage guaranteed Drllyi Sundays and Statutory llolldayr excepted lubserlptlon sates daily in cstrtrr its weekly torso year ly blrrla copies ilc uy mall Darcie new yearlyi Simeon County trite yearly Balance at Canada since yearly All other countries tilde yclrif Motor throw all that year National Advertising nlilccll at Queen St West Toronto lite mo dill Ctthcrrl 8L liontrsnt llember el ths Canadian Press and Audit liurcau et ctrrrllu lions The Canadian Press it arrive lvsly entitled to the use toe to publication rt all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it as The Assoc sled Press or itcutcr and also the local news publla ed therein The Darria Examiner claims copyright in all original adverv tls ng and editorial material cre ated by Its employers and rr produced in this newspaper Copyrllhl Registration Nura her Toitli register at summit by centurys to Vvhlidtbolrh in in One at the me dlihcshlt mod Tribe horas airports on They did no wentio oi business The leadtn Soaps Bent men were killed YIELD Ltd Our complaint is that the liacltenzle Valley naturalvges pipeline would yield only one starter as much revenue to tha anadisn govcnimcnt as the tillllsAldIhD all pipeline would yield in the Alaska government Thlr appears to ignore hinde mental dlitercncs Alabir Pmdhoe tiny oil field was known to be ms or repoelias olerudsoil silent eelt eompay ales rushed In to stain their claim The llecterule Valley mi 11 coming ontheotherhrnd was as drug coy that our lovrmment had to plead with developers in go in and explore it in yctum tor tan coecsrseas resistor in the end there est Valley natural as prune tend avert the vase tc laa tor crudeoilplpvilneloni irons the rambler Cessation Atrtlcl and he tried to Prospectora were re iced by MP the talluwy builders This law to carry supplies or year resulted in gun ttgtst between to prevent starvation and the Ssvdun and Frank llotd hia ws city engineer in will but it would he rash and are mature in rciect any such pro set new even hctora iha gas have to put up merieywhsr romplrlctl lir current mu tlrril Srrilthg body was pimp liondollar rtudf oi ths Iceslhll wagon and exhibited throuctsout liyolthuplpelnc the area or wanting lie was set amend tir Attiwunh he no die the mortars in his garrsbilng tam The Ialg question Is not lobe nor taxes nor iorclgn exctunge rec nor lurclgn control it the ton ernrntrit authorises construc tion it can act terms that pro he had the runners at south vlda lor orderly development rm geoilcasssn and VIIIle with minimal cited an the dub mng may to diuretics and other in let retention olCsnrdlen worthy estusea lils nioiia Tlsawa eithatrsa sorts liordiohulii Im Mlii MAY EVENT was control and so on The real studios in the end In whether our nosing need lor energy is going to be met to an orderly way Development at listOver Washinoa our sturaireso connotes then Dsltish otllcer detected touch on and Ottetlkd water Canadians at Great llaadoss tap it must as coalition Pk titsdown Csnadt authors lard raising oi tour rrglntentr oi mltllla titsm and bi lioch were heavily damaged by tire process in the UnlicdSlrtes short Ilghtest declslms tskeep astu ralgas prices low and to pro hlblt the construction at new oil rettnertes have led to this years acute shortages ut gas and oil So iar we in Canada hair not lmltrilway epcrittl he been laced with similar short tween Oodelieh and Pelt Eris intileum oi Commons red that old are star it was selected lIsidro nae ages But listless we balance our basic nerds against our ideals at economic pesleerlon it may use be many years helore our gasoline stations start to rise dry and our homes turn told act 39 tailDionne esslntsspteta were room near North Day Dnt ltihledeni lteuss lint hesdel German aisle to ttait Canada lessPederal govcrrnnerr and Manitoba agreed to build Greater Willsttittl oodwa million itle Dlltlil CONTROL TOKYO AP About 62 rent ot leplncae connch prac tlse some method at birth con rsol the health and wstiarr ministry said BIBLE runners The on is not aiuk eer eemlng his promise or sense mi lsassatieelar to ragweed not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance Peter are one at the great recruit the lord has not came back that tie is giving you time to come to iiim lss llttti an hour rs ya think not the Sun oi man lomrih silly int will not always strive wl man IOT per adustrythu pro is wins would men count rlaclteerrr but Ir LETTE To lira lubeila ilepkinl re silent oi hlmroe Hence in Deeloo has attended the Community Friendship Sun dry Shinto airlift Service In Dania tor the peat olive years and each year alter the service has been inspired to write poem which the roof to wrangling each spr as pro para oar required to success lulty trans look sitar save ug itinchcea and surly return so many shut ins to their residences and Ibis year has been no excep en tire Hopkins while contin ed to wheelchair looks alter the luck shop at Srrt toe Manor and this year she submitted the leiiowlag poem to the modules uTTENINO On itravelled wit sihrtll On in wry to shtdias service At St Marys on the hill The Universe was singing Ita music loud and close And many were the sounds uthat tell New post my ear to closed any are to listen in the current dtbe suns Iiod heard the voices at my irienda As they aottty spoke my name PROFESSOR SAYS lbfibtsl morning pun EDITOR rs some at many wheel ch in And the tlpplltl at care The rustle oi the program And then the music name On the toy oi ywthtui voices singing praises to the lord And the voice at Dr Findlay As he told us oi Gods rrerd About the shepherd and flock story creed they From cents or he he knows the voice car And calls each oneb name hull listening heard Innlre or people moving Ires Tokemcre the tables had been To have cup ol tea Theblchtcrhai soruvd oi unor it teardsolt every bud it reminded ma oi Pentecost And the throats trons errant land We titanic thee lord tor to hear And lor the lrtvnda who care Who mate it possible year The hiredsz Dr to share oh may we listen tor Tbs volte To guide us on our way And teach us how to do will As we live tram day to day Thin years service is June si Rural Children More CloOperative LETITDRTDOE Alte CPI The as cuiva every rnsnderhlnissi utastyts pur sued in todays urban society reduces extensive sly says University or lot bridge psyctnloumrolesaor lien is hatlcelly social being aayl Dr titller who has recently cwnpltted not published studies shovdar that coaperstlvr or competi tive behavior in young chlu drcn is inaction at their sa sironmcnirutsl children have more cooperatively than Mtlbim in not ill or props ass on toe both competitive and co operstlte lelpdlilld re Dr liltlar Untertunststav our society emphasises in Vldrtdl competitor but lg norer mans social nature llost adult North Arrest cans place premium as indi vldua competitiveness The successlul com elites air the goodies mate sl wrath sue rear prestige and power The unruceesriu campeiltor in our rental truursted made to tea unworthy viewed assistlure The psychology protester ssys com tlan rused nap proprtstctly The remit waste human resources We dont use lha talents oi people who lack ths luck or ggmsuveneis to got to the WARN YIiOlii PATENT Miller says one at the most damaging aspects in parental presnsre on children Children absorb compell ttva astute trons their pars arts The iearrtat very enrly age it to succeed la in hrlndx glory to the family To be short hockey playsron the team will make daddy look pretty good will make him proud and wtll most likely result in rewards tar junior Dr litter says when chlis drro grow up to be more com ciltlvo than their rural coun rpssta hccause oi the impen renal tuition in which they veto They they less or nrix boss these it out light community bond that loved in riutl dress Peopta lend to work on their one an urban setting rather combining their resmsces customary in rural cs Dr lililer says or corpo be rations or taetorler raid vestigate ths possiblllt solving chronic labor an dudlcc problems through pcriments with mprtlllvl group work situation as posed to the individual assem ly has WORTH TESTING From point at view ychnloglcal health it worth testing to see eratlva venture not or both in terms employee ratlsiacilon and quality at product turned ou Dr lllller arrlvcd at lIel in the positive power realisation through several sin or conducted with than too school children Grades and Using vita known as rooeration head he and his in the ed children to see whether they would attempt to earn prisecandles or small rthraugh cooperative competitive behavior in comparing the dlltereut behavior at native rural urban loitrbrld children billltt round let the children competed while rural children cooperated help the whole group prlses Its also tested vhlts dents in small rural and again loom the tendency to naeperlltl stronger the desire to compete