zest miner uot Priest Becomes Big PEI ittll mm rel Iui nee nu Deni Gnilut ml Ile arrived to in ISA rimmed to Turn iM Lin dwelt hat bl do 19d IrtIiI at only 75 mutter oat at the reels within me liIhermen er tImtm in Inner and member In winter Iith trite mono tor ti thine Father Gallant III In that one at the new that It um ltsilotl to lhil will Mali WM DlSPiilr ovra STONEHENGE Te Edith Ami belt tee tartar tune the Blue Ileiu terry or Intent rotted eozle nupottme ever rtlIinl amt Il pm preh mtcremeinrThe he or turn in rebeIrIlee tor rm drIptIy Mum tar or or over I5 The turn ta composed rtx Emanuelest he an pelrxed It trim lam III dildurinl make in VIriety at rota ICI Pbotot E1 Century Photo Show Marks Camera Birthday Tilrelhta IAiiiS titeutert The tilt ohm Ntrepltore tiiepce painted hit tantra oat In ttte Italy aterloottat htr Uiie errantry Hill in en Frame he hardly crrarmi that the With Out rh arraph would think the to It Ioriely died at bitehl tr hie at lot In in rrirhed Ind Intieriy Otamrntrd man no aware that hi invention ttwai alter the our rnIn rhtonirled Ilil htrtary Ta mark the 13th Lfittilfit my III the intention the Ittlull rtziture mlnItry in arranged In exhibition at more till one pril photo unc ram rote lhhgiitary at Put to ygteturu ot the etty lam try etolt tn the toll tntient uprlv that ll lll opened by the lieri ot Rnawdon phototrapher Jawbone at more ItIr amt wtt told all member rt hit re ion oer mt SUVA Iui iAlt Ierciml WIeI trml DA used to Hit too tor tin NM he ttoeI titer the tour And In expo mm with Wild lioiln Ihirl Ind ll Akin tales ll Iii to the rwrtrt treaty New Tea llnd went fDutytree Into tire the ltreetI at the Vltititilil town It litrrI New hetelt TWA the III IItertrmt oi the tormer tlttiir uty rottrtrm name In the only lnhrttry that and int Innah to will 5trnctttntu Tiltilait lriunm hm limit mt roll It hwrtl nrwrrt both EM Httttttlttlt rater tElItrlitrltei Ioliil It Tiiilgu trimartt tirer el lIIttiI wuthd ttiied mile we ntrtrhttaittt ninth our the twentye mart rlrwrtuntttal aw yiun gin Enttiwr ut ttt Cruthertpt 1n tiltrlitttll Swe Aan totam tun xii and Rh lthlle attaining ewttrl that route out thuir ilttl it they Ithtv tum to re IIIW The may that Irtm In in In in Int hm hm tmtrt or time anal tltttlirittlltttl river alwayI run time trade tonal lillt ttp ltrunlrn tililtlt lttttlttli tat mnrt It the tail lttlikitlrl AID then ll rtrr tent In ml mly it or tlill me tut tar til it It not or IM ear littrlttl etnlrnrr BI rriav truly rare Atnrtt lotto Iie arr rant to ttrtl ttl ttpttl trout and tcwrr Iran thrre arr erut ytt erotattttt IttTiNtl than year TOLILY liiiliiiihhlliii nAI the IJIIII Ittrtililtlwtit an turntltt tam put it IIiiltlittl hut Ii ttrtutulte print IilIitIIttl ry whtrh lItUtihtt tlwI tntna ht humane Ihnrllnnt mot thu tiltti to tit them It ililiilililtni ltiIltttiHl the general rim It In lirrl tirtnmr as an oltltrtmlnl in edilenlinn anti tlenrotrl Aliment Itutiiu shown that anly about Innthird at adult it tail end it per cent at tune to had hurl any turn at pro tytttonnl trnrtlnz The trim thtrrturr to lite debt to the rrilettarlng irrndl tnrenlor Him detrrahed by bit trieod polite III melert man Iortai on the trier tor 20 In Durtrt hit ehihihood on the tenth etllle oi Ital Ntctp hare Ind hh hrothrr Cletxie tnrenteti little worLthI motleit oi machines end the Tliuly tie aeioped into portion iiath aI than Itlrr Ihoti tlintI ht the Irmett Imiter re turned home to alert the pyr eainphare In mine whirh pro ocied boat dtren the River Seine but they tied to exploit ll rammrrtlal ln tote true lar itlhazrl Khy mat tram Ind hlrep are tried to that waI II oopyinl deIIIn an intro graphic IIDHH For three run he uprri mented with Ilene larI met IiI Ind paper uhieh he Ienri tiud with vatlout chemical mnroetlant in rate who Iurrru Ll Iart he radioed that Now Walks far Tourists Not For God It tor mare than than may Keefe who mutate torn re 00 eaah year lIlInd Iranire to tht swih Port to Inland 1200 mliel ml at AuttrIltI II no and only to Tlilili lint unlike other paraditer It her he IeI Ianhut Ileady ruttt tine t1 tijil thiri well it lie people Our whole image it trlewllineer ghee Iwa It thurirtr dont mil with the In rIit IIyI Ill ottlttlt It the Vlatter liureru The lrlarytt halt tntlitan tent uuatiy Itr VliIIIII the prtumrrir tone to Itlttl ItIHI to itali Ir inwtn Irr text Wt ll ant1 oi them lllil lrllry tel no tI turrutttr Al itlilnm anaerer rev trite the earn were no the leinr Iriarirtt Mtltitir oinul tlw In tam hlrtei route are tittiutttai and return rr Nun rtuattu at what tr irtt Iur whit armory inllt the ml twotimely do tar rattnt and letllititll tit Iiitil tern tuty Ilulf dr lltattrl OWN Althlllt ttrtttl Lite uttowtd to Mt nthr tint rm work 0er rural Item their unit ititdrta tnrl lirtinaon at tin lil Iltltmi ttrtl tat IIlll Irma tiI tr Armor Int let our tent Ira we Ubtli and pro outtan Iill tweriy ILItiI It It rain tntrerm Iiuwriuil the mummy ran Mt tht titilnrta nthtiltrllt lat mum tt tlv want It it kiiit In rntunrrrI the Witty attrt worth It will he rattratrat tr othlt Jettt Hitl htttlttuy ttttzatttre attawit hilt hour at Imth that that iry the it trrt Merritt It titty are will he Ithhitl they yet monthly hole y= larnr Irt=thtll arr hiitrhttl In at up Ittrtr nun tlrittuiie Iti tum guilt tar that tiny ltthkttitt Irtiyrttyuuttte In the Irllil trut ttrtlu In the year hate Iitawn that triti httttt ttrntrln till the MAIN it It ratrnl rotnrntrttmt on tho Iuhtrtt titaaeateri tltll tiltt yrentlt method will turn tlnua RM IIIIII Ihnl Wittlelrf lttirillin tIiIIliIitli Ihtttttd nit tD tent to tall at all Otliti adrtutuetnr itzi ll rrrhnmlrmteti that ptttrmr ht kept or IIIIIII It out neIItlreI at pIper truted Ittto Iiiler chloride Thea next breetthrattth rante when he name to re rem the tone Ind produce phatoentuvlnl the mph at Pope llut Vll An noted courier Ihawrrt It to talent Alta promptly dropped Ihti Imellted it Then trltd hit tIrtletrt pholoxtlpll It more try Im In hia center out It It attic thew Elam hourI later he rinsed the eImerII Ihutier Ind the with IirIl photo hart been tetten ll Iiloeed courtyard in hiumd three with pttern hole at the iclt anti peIr tree an the mm with pIteheI at Ilty perplnn throttm the brendtrt Demure ot the tan Inmate the Inn teamed to he Ihininz an both Itdr ot the courtyard Ilia brother wrote tram PIrtI it tI one at the moat metal In brllitIIl dinner in at the rrnttlry to time their live Ind eur tameith ItrInrerI littt mm ruuamt them in the proton IlULVJ IiOliiiiItD When the iconic el lienI II lInd decided Ieteral year Ian to do their lament that weiltint tor the tourIItI they had to ehrnte mm at the ruler in time part hrewrltrr halt In IlAtlltl tram act and racenull tor two will him the tttual With rim wine Itrere in Ittt III time ueieod Why not une lobe trr men in the rtde NM The women at the therth whateered to prepare Ind Iene thI toad Ind rural Ierl elmstd It tor Ill they Matl eIL am have men ILoee then mi tIIt lllr nterthetehtoraicbeterupV Ptr III to To hinder it Itlli bargain hunter and meat night there tincttp eutetde the church enemas nooltI lodey the latarter dream hIte bledcotno of WWI Iii or comment Ire tr Iter In the protect The women itan in In Ilrenrtdb tinned Itlrhen mietr with ItIlnlaII rltd reItIurIat eqwprnmt Ill hotlaht Iiiil revenue trotn the dirncrr The Ilrmeptaere tI theory Ind relaxed nith recall ill tiny in MN rm at tableI reterad with red Ind white dotted elleloth Ind deco rIied with Martin Ind ow at bar uhitlt otwrater It one ride ot the hall eor thtwyir 1000 botllrI with at wine In Ipiritt The decor iI Itrirlly church torment or average impra ttud no room The toncretI tear it painted grey Ind has let point were the meal blodr walk nth nettint came autlagtr the piper Ital hornu roping lItItI erotmd the rep gorl porn and red nirtIInI read the mail llItllTWI Ottlnltt Conn Zatt play Iup per murlc We Irrte up to 500 are iores when wet lite not rt tniy tour ntyI athlirme Iretwun time Alienate mill in tire yea tirtterantthanaett wand one old iArI man tlrit when it tar limit ilI nit the mm the ltIitorI llurrau hI Italtau witty to thin out mate Iriara tottltit Irrlhem thetxtmlrrt not their aoeur it VIIitthtt too lwIAittI one with ram drewthy roinr tweltinr ulhd the ttrte IItttifif In ertrlalnlnt ta lfttt Ir naItI in ii tor them It ltthiUlI tlIIlli When you her rd ill new hurl mutt youll tow tht llirrh the III tar tm write at an tail yror YIN oiled tltt new Wm tar Met 11 Molly run Ilin lent Itilttl the lot Haunt to mill utter tttntrhttAttttUtA at it to root Itotril btl he main IIiIM trI till Mo tetlhz WWI the Illtill re Mia Ant rnaet Irate Int put up Irth tarrltn trawler torn qtl the 1M inhttrtlrd Il arate at the VIII 1th yrnrt Iliy II heIt rwttnunitiiy anti titttlllrl her all tintele irate Tlltrttt th vtttIrtI tlnr hey we trui rare Itlhi Inlailtwtt try an triIHiiI trtvtrlyvheitl ilthI ta rare Ilti thine itttulhtl itile Irrtl lolly Irwtuttny tV Ittar tttyrrirnt lion nth rrInt In lliittll retreat ell tiara It you hoped that ittinht wuuht Iattttt Mutation htttrlel Int tent ttwtn to itlttilil in ttttltre tlertioprrtrnt It tiiil littler it rrttln It thr Itrlilil not heal Irlptttler lmt horn Itll Ital aunt ml the It thriller illle been thin to tawutonrte latlithe to turn ion Ittttli Now the it Irllln amt merit trepttetttn lhIt IIrtttr iIItlItt It taint to turn tun hit ehttm at watlh amt whttrhett atmrvtrt hue hmyttaw IAIilthi Caterer pen week Ind int meet om it IIbn Greene Surne Mole mm In oliaa II tom ttmu watt tint Itbol ton ride Ind tutI mil Iteak Med monsoon lletnuped Mi timely termI the tka end my noen lrlttr Era Ire aettin earring the diner ML The dinner lneluded like lobster or IteII uutoer homemade rolls IIlII tired tar time tiesIert at pie or Mulberry thirteen tented Ittlr mt Ihi mun Ind toeterm We put Ire Ind extrI helping IrI tree erupt lhIt mode at lobster or Iteah cod $1 Anar tastier ma the on em lm on the Ilili Other anther Ieniee lth and enennmil II than 1th mm the tIl tntarrml IItaleInrne It rrIrIphere In oIItIIhloned mud WI The Ire Ierted only duanINii Ind Aural IioIt lobrler unett Ire rrditter Ited tor the Iurttmer Ieuon 4M lrbetor Iowan openI tier Ind rum till June so Ind mom Ia midAlarm ltertIurIntI hotel ritnin room tnedhhouum lpbtter to em tIreanrwIt prize mILatanderI havent ma lot lent time tlIm Ind oyrtq ween Ito no real to It and unmet at clams Other i0li ma include ltIlpeLEe my nation tln rum sprint Ind tIllt clIrrI tIll Iwmmeri cod lieuttder hut tiotl reti IiIil IeIilopl and queen rtah rnt September Ihrn the loiarter IupperI are over there will be that day in the itte at St AnnI Tlunh Int Father that The ehurth drtat will be We otl Ind the partthionetI at St Ann atil Ntementeliy burn titer morttutte COASTAL IIIELI The Atlantic rootlnantIl heli eItetttlI tar about its miter oil the met It Nora Seotin and up to so mile on the roart at hewteundland youre POINTS tOUNGE SIMCOE HOTEL mom NltIIITIV NNTIIIITAINIIENT 900 PM To IOO AM TRY OUR BUFFET norm IUlll LICKNIH UNDER LLOIIO OUEENS HOTEL TERRACE ROOM Itrtt Wreltt litrlntIIImIrnt liURGANDY IIIrr Iattrta ar Iiillll with In our Nillltll litrm The TIIlo lllii TrIi Vtalt Ourr tllltll AWAY Irolttttttt It ttttnlhn ttl It Ilhltll TlaI lulllILIODTEII ROOM Iutlr Lirenlrn llaIIretIrltrII LIIri Ielred lltll It CALICO run to IlAlllInl NIIhtIy till IIl Mon thru Set WINDSOR HOUSE Vittoria lit Alllhlon tilwl CANADIAN mom CInIdtII no to the United sun mud tum Min in rm ttTII MINI MINE IND It 31 in pmmrm amen we we mhhllhed memrtmeeere Manta Piaytite tetrtattttnr EVERYTUESDAY IN aan attentiveff you CAN WIN vIwIatr CASH prizes AND are 71974iiiliiii COURTWNINEAIT MERBIJRYSALES ltl EVERYONE ISAWINNER IN ACOMETI YOU CAN PURCHASE 1913 TODAY AT MOEFATT MERCURY FOR AS LITTLE AS parrot riimuu SII one at our rourIIou IIIeI RIprIIeelItleI SIIII MIMI DILiIte JonII IIck Dutly LIrry Fnrquher Vie limit AmoI Lloyd At Low BrIIn MoIIIlt Die Shaw Sherry YIrhIr Mvmy Watson norrttt MERCURY SALESLIIAIT II ESSA RD DARRIE EJLILI iii if oooo DANCING LIVE EVERY NIGHT WELLING ON FULLY LICENSED UNDER LCBO DUNLOP snw erZAIS THIS WEEK WE PRESENT TO YOU HELD OVER CANDY POP BAND From Ireland In ThiI one youll Inlay them MOTOR HOT DUNLOP at PHONE ratrare THIS WEEK THE FABULOUS CINDY DWYER SHOW AT THE BRODKDALE INN lTltii tnrrorNn III DUNIOI ETIIRIID ltliItT Illill It ll Nottoonego Inn tutiy Llreated ti min tlrlto trom Dorrie on tiny at Top Entertainment ThII Week RICKY FRANCIS Na tutrr ttiartr Airndoy tltroutlt lrltlay Conirrenrtt lti Ill Itatlalate It In arge Month yamtrio pm CIiI tar rrrrrvaltaItI ih TAMJIIAIN or IllLlillhtIltt Cuukatnwn Nn Ill owl