rut limit 5mm Illr ll rnit Tigers Thrive at Iletloudcrl alrch Inrao dugout Illh With 54 Win 03 While Sen and Nu yum mud on bnnro Warlock on 33 Itd Deim men aged to alarm on miol remedy knm Boa Soy lt Rbllo IlIooo pitch In in can ILI Ibrnnna liar mm no dull IlIlllI dear by Jim Kul oi limooi LJ The Yankee Ibo roared Ila with he cut in Ibe Iago madly no and ml co to our lilimieo In run In lilo More in re Lzl It My Idle ior um nil all Io out Inibo ninlb Ian 06 Mary Ibo Ilm bad ibo hell prescription am man they be llad Em Iar ibI ur eaI lime II as many In pans rbII lieu by taint KIIcabeII In ibe Norman LIIIuI Oakland AilillicI rdie Kw 0U Roil lIilImorI Orlelu donned irelmd Indium lad CIII Izmir Acacia trounced Tour lime umrolzr XIII ran his Iilb lime record Iralnst lb IlaiiI Sal lo dull4 10 by Ilmll lay Ibo hillbillth Lbimom in air Iazlee Tl TIIaI rolrri liirh Goa rare Iar lbrir liver rum in the llird on riarle by Crowd Helps Reds Over Padres ly aux ASSOCIATED am When Cindmall Neda chcd old Imago NIIbI hey mod croudlnlhuuthbui lny didnt need be rwlhlll in or make drilrrracc on he lIIId Rut lny did With an or In llu ile In wind Polo Rose on ilm lbl Joodiorm Ioilrd rau ball to urn mm which Illnclod stood immoral comm On my my eentn lleldcr John Grubb lot Ilara aheuled The San Padres moi hear one mother and ended mequ the Elm Ipal It um lilac cmcua BASES Idler Ill aoillxlob liasian Ind Gmbb remained an Ibo round ahilo Marlon rlrclod lilo burs Grubb who bad the IIXIII knocked oul Ii him IIMIJ retrieved tbI ball but Norm II larldelheonrk bam run ancianall mi en lo we HMctorv Elaeubcro in lha Miami rue loo And Body nu ma Atlanta drive 52 New Tech Neda Idlrd Prtll buixb PIrIlrI dd mien lrao dricaied San mnelm Gi II II and Cliicara cub bear adrlohln PlrIieI The nine bottled SI IMIII Cardl an and Montreal Expos wu aomd duo Io rain and cold Ii looked on leit the was under hiraun paer but was taken to mat Ilroailal Rllll warble bead Injury arubb who remained la lbs radar ruiiered braised taco locir liillinalum had lo sur lhreorun San Diego rally In no rlxbth bolero rrzirtcdnl Nreoveruh victory oi the III Ioii roar In be NIlloael band Grail Ira Nebr Kdu lllaII Ind Torr lbru Itll IIll Ira bu II brmu Itvumbrblmlalholul men mu Ier Lo Sex mule and mu lani yummy mm II IIrI L1 lime to been we do umbillokucaandmae are In In our last man Ill ul lhal brad oi mm In Mason leer Nolle Dm In lamb rlnxle oi Ibo In Item rho Ibo carved bill IIukrer nlalbrnm rally Ixainsl New York lr IIIouII bLnlEhIlELIDIIIJILDII bale rIlriaI LII bailing Ivrrv are la La inn Iad wu er riaib Minnie bll oi ibe moan Dcirod rain homo nan Irom Ell Iy Silaiey In Ibo rlIlb baby and llrn Nurlbruu be reveal to uh Ind and ball oil Balm rIlly rho nlalb rhIt ion on run abort Carlin Fla homered iorIbI Sex in tho resend Oakluda lion liakulun Iur virrd Iluky IlIri Iod rho Illideller cacao iron behind on ranccorlnx alarm by Bill Norlh In urn Erwin la Ibo rialb inning lo but Krnrar Oly close call an close roll ln PbiladeiobII bill ulcndcd bII hllilaI Ilmk In 26 nmu II In an icakiaa bIel Ibo Phillqu III bllI use Ircaod baseman bll bllb them In Woo lam Don Ibo made read lbmv Backrrl Iru run be In Iale umlrln AutlI Damiriii wuai II tllln The lint bun unalt IIIriod Io raise his medium IRA then Dmitri weal hillrea llll rest oi the alibi The modern National 1qu record LI Tommy Nelnm Inner Ician abort oi Joe Diliaydor molar league mark EEAVER WIN Tom Seater keel Ibo bardll tiax Pints from lalll loo much dImm lo hII lillb III at Ibo Iowa and WIYIII GInell bit homer IN The Barrio WIilon Imam ro blimr were we mai ly honored Ir 01y Hall ior lbelr ravioli Ibis Iron Ila vlnz ibI mtqu Illnor Iiocl ry Moorlailoo provincial Ob laplannhlp lbI WIlIon cblb CALGARY tCP mums loan rulo charng Ind Ibo Tuld lioch Aasaciallon IIII becllbolopaliboareada when ibo CInIdiIn Amnierrr llockry Inoculch opens in canal raced Sunday In CbIr reunion Tho irro hockey may have been uaIblo lo mo In line mane an Ibo drIiIinl oi Imn rear playerI rnio minnow CAIIA WI on lbo dull bu been rejected by lbe WILL ham Pruidml GIry Dadd III an be doubt tho CAIIA could hcnalbe luiynlh till propane auto IquuIie mirvl am it play 11 Delnlla oi Ilia retooled Imo meot born not released but In dialled are that II Mid be cindlar lo the National Hockey Imu ml under which ll any the CAIIA drvelaomcal money CARA President Joe Knuth said In linemen lI rowed will lbe Will there would be no lIlIInt out Memo lilo Nlll Iadlbo CARA my mid lilo to slabs InibollnilnnlnlJboCbb Inks dMI In lbm runr ior the Nets lire oer IrrIaItracats ulllr bola rmnlrnuoaa lberr they would alralr alurulr cunrr oraocrro cusroM OREPAIRS AND RE Atllml MOTION Ilirmbcn oi Ibo malarial will Ibo rlblrol ire rebrdulr LIT SOCIETY 10 DUNLOP ST OPPOSITE IAN gdrdzoa Glen Rocked bad COM COM COM auauc DENTUR ES LINES Old dm unauditin moneynan uIrIalII II III OIryIIr unruly IIII IdluslraIIlI on III III draium OFULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES No sham icr rooaallolim society oi 0mm ll Imdited racmbrre our charm Ior Ienlera realeun colIbllebrd by Tlll DENTUIL OFFICE HOURS Monday to lridny II to 030 Saturday 10m be Inn PHONE 005 72647 UEENS HOTELI ONTARIO CHAMPIONS HONORED ert Sore olieiily RIyna PeaLaod John walla laponleri llIrk ciduden Ken Robrriaeu coarbl nnIn Tamblyu Prior Drunnnond liort lluiebiasan ilulnorllliil51erarlaiurray emailed record at ulna elm locus Ind III lira in York Em league tourna ml and Wild Played lion NW dlbo club Iru men LEFT lbIcIl row MRurnaad many Tours Rule Changes WHA To Highlight CAHA Meeting know Ibere they rain well Irma In pl overseas would likely be Involved bui alv Ind lrorn lenn Rina Sue dm PoiInd mo Germany Ind Mall lLIIIlIIn rtorcualalirer brouxbr up the Iublrrl LIBI week while in lionirenl Ior lhc Stanley Ora IIIyolla lbeymiualouadlim Ior rum in our oi lbzIr iournn gala la lAnlnllad In Derrin blellachrm racy unuld Ibo like as In era pradder Canadian looms Ibo Inrcslia Iauroey bu that The my mm we usually chla in aniiunal loam Ienlnlim Irom the 11 CldlA mum bum um cm loam Illany enough In Io on am also be diamaan roll Probably lull the random In Canadian Imaicur Pl Tho Sorirl Golden Mk lear Kmm um um nnmcnr ler minor lulu play alrvscarr rv 7288011 we dont have senior irrI ior IImcI MII been re ltims LIP Em lbil IIyI ber olIyux barrty ltd Trrriao new Ibould be data lb road blazed lbs all roud bate shot dirk nq no Bin Iii III sold lea and Tmim dill my much In Included rare Iain my lblld round Ill be 71000 Dlury munMom Gail Cassie ILII bad is de Ian amm bluz Dli med In round adih our reader and new puller rip II he IDX lbrcndn Inr 09 In My mad round lor lalIL urra unirr oar on lbo Iiadnrvl Shard looial wiry CB course Niobium lIsIIalIal lniner timid row Hill 113th Don anrrlaad Torn Danae Sooii ROOM Dill Rob erta Rid Jermey Vim Ter Iignl Ioba were Ind ilIl nuke IPbeio By Faverel wllh lhird opportunil lo inRusrlI VI The principal canaldcniian Ii lire rind media will be admin now at lhe arm CAIIA Inches Io ihey hora LINK vain Ii III rnrcliaxa Plays Horrlbly But Leads Classic IaI rmlrcrcrslII mil Ibo wnalslAl aura1 at unsafe lb on incline rm In In one ourrm Iirckgb bald IIoIIrrbI lead am bu neural rlalkzxcr renaming lorry arm arm III aim Io around all la IS The rare Chadian in the rannamr IIlIed In willy Iur lbs bird mad Ben Ken aI Tler bad id ier or mini John llama oi iduin lot 151 Ind Coon needm Ii Turmio let I1 escaped Iitb liie LI and Anubi have down the road And did II II It Irom rbo middle oi the ialrny in rallhl bit rny iron THIS MONDAY HOLIDAY RED 75 LAP INTERNATIONAL Featuring Bobby Allison Ind olhIr lop driven Racing Every Solurdoy Nighl TRACK OPENS 6OO pm RACE TIME 800 pm RAIN or SHINE No7 HWY MILE EAST OF HWY 400 LATE MODEL srocx can races covrnroauo HEATED STANDS FARE MODELSI PARE QUALITYI PARE PRIQESI Youll buy The HIIIidIy Way Family fun II year round lhlnu whon you own ilIlIiday Collage Swimming bearing and lishing SUZUKI vmwVrawv Elmo unlit ii one given wilblrr IIR 22 nearsso cc 150cc While they last 72 Model clearance 73 Models at 72 Prices In uummor Skiing and snowmobiling In winlar And those iall oolaur boonliiull Chooaoyour HIIIIday College now lrom 13 models 47 diiloroni iloor plane Oroer brim Juno III ondbm FREE delivery wlihin 200 miles at Burlin Ian lsoemrdmcoiilyltrrieiI HaIIrdIyWomcale UNDERRAE HOMES lIMITED HIGHWAY NO ll NORTH ORILLIA ONT PHONE 31579 also Holiday Monday Open Friday will par Town dyes Spools 60lelrviewRdllerrie preorasa alrarrrloleswrammrearllvrlrmvvmeIIIJ on on an lllld ANT lab 1wytyryzmmmMmlyrn MANN wom 4Ivjhv iilllr7rrn Iryu