Managers Nine Words Salvage Dodger Victory Irmmmm rim to hurt ineLlier re in re commie THE GEORGIAN GUILD iI plenninq on holding In In mm EWING must II In um iii are midterm luv the igrmilrdwm rune tor melt the WWImmmhM Imp Dodetr tilde 11 zlluzllttlithree in me tum Iw Denier it the lane ANTIQUE Snow AND SALE memmmhimaem abut or mother dry mar Dy ilrtixrrth hnirs hell Inn mg IA ILId debtll PERM III Houston Anroe edged nus timer eiu to kill Iain Nu trh Alm mm to Loo It limimll us no IIlnyrleoooedbeemolruenimid MWLM sman IW 31 do we to to may weather ll us the mod rtrreht lame rsh merrier then rottiIDmtpouLItItnkar the name id pm in Ihirh the Man rII bet tnonn Iinele to until lt lied in the late pm in but They lctml the mu Wain Orr Wins Norris FOr Sixth Tinie MONTREAL Pi Dolby Orr Metamorth tuulile um bu won the June Norrie WU Tr Ilib llodry tum entmmd to dry The tr nul rm totem ohm who Willie lW the mean the M9 mm in mg position on boom nsllve at rm 5on4 on minted at itembiowwinithm WM IME XIII the irohulcnli new erlen Mendelian NIII were waded on the hub of tor record leth time the National ls Iurded In the or firstth toil three mood Ind lot oi the alan chmdm Nontml nus ruan in the Midi WI Dalmnfmn thIn thinloixe lllli nnlt ot 11km Blertr itseb Ind Bred Yuk ol New grownulve two tor selection Ihlla WW 3730 rum with his Inserted on the Ninth Trophy Iol to 11 Selctionsi shelve IntoNiILi ronorrro ingot IoeInrtsy nme plus no nhe ruehed tor lhI elm NHL Witt In the World Hockey Aimlntmr tint mild pro dull Thunder DINI my itnd themulvel eorthhound today They delved riceon into Nr Lionel tinder hem roetm tor its plum and one turn Itrrnnrd its titIiI by length into CInIdIIn Inan not to droose ino Ions oi ionner Nilblarwtlilore Iiovre oi De troit EIrhtum us permitted to oroteci 30 ohm Ind dull to tor romplement at 50 They Iil wsltoozd in mm by no dam selection at esIIhiiIhed Nllh lll Iuch my Em Iito Stan ILILIII Bob Orr DIrryl Stiller Ilenrl Rtltltd soon on merit rut ii Wm tut tee in MIL hitth In in DA moo lndltioIIl mid tLt column um mm or IN roIIto Mm llhltie hed mlnlnlilteilmeslnl Pientl won the IetlnI lfo vity too goaltender irotn it comm mo with llootreIL muons tenu tron But Houston plrh lode APRRILED CIIAhlll uIeIsthvrntntIcheeobome Mu rinutnl Ihoclrweyes top the tonventlon room when they selected lurk llewe Is their ntotbround choice Ind his broth um Is their ltth Mark llyenrolrl rlehtuinxer nith the ilernorini hip chom iun Toronto ltIrlhorot Ind llIrty thenold drienremnn with the some team were ex uded to he named In the WilAI junior trait that IIIrls Orioles Down Indians BIltlnInre pitcher Jim Palmers lend lag his third oova Ihutou Md teeelhunhtrneolIle Bil Ihn the ninthInnro home no hit by Gore richer DIVI Dunn Iiowed rolling rim norm on from iii Iron Newtthrillinan llI good no to ride Ilutwt him aid at his Wool mletIh Inerhehedhottheinoiensln thmbltriorItltnioietio tory 1tvuIiIronilthIti didnt thm in the rIrht mtl lrledlotteoitImtmnhim butltvrentomthemltoit lo the other luoerlm teem rrnel Nu York Yuieel rIl ed to but hillontiu timers Detroit mere binho Bos ton Illa Sex chlz II towed he Mama were 5oz edctd meme illul Ind Dak lIne Alhietiu Inn wt Wim lllI Angel to or hroh not into the Mary column Iltee tout ctr louse Wine NotIn numerator on John lorerin Mill minim nt AIM lesson ol distill unit room IN Maine Secrotaliat Faces live Opponents BALTIMORE AP Secre tIrIIt the Triple om eon tcnder teenllotly but in the torus thet umcd him the til hem MW Imllgl Icid ol thI Both MUM oi the 30m um Plumes Silk numb teth homer It the ieIdinx the Marlboro to the MIrlr on instruments to And even llll trainer Is TWILIGHT Tronth tor Nth Irons In tin leiiii hLutd leIgue irotn oheII limit we pre sented to Iinners in both the mens Ind Iornenl divisions rhino their recent benoiirt oi the OddiuliowI llsii With their IInnLe rrru ERDhi LIFT lion litibinn hirh Ills Iie oi ztr isrk Syrnrs high lnoie oi bit and ltosty Drink Vlitt high nvoraze oi tEInminer Ihotoi But you OUR MUEELERS ale GUARANTEED lot as long as you own the car Imoil dcnvextvr radio The Miller Shop llil INNISIIL iih zil firth loot Dine In Eleme In lllh Century Deenr Licensed under Liquor Llunee Art In Ill to line nutrient mamrsymlomom Eminent MInI Luncheon ll noon to to Prith ml in entire Save nowatyour Radialliro Firestone stones makeit Equipment yromove up to 1973 Original firestonel Doluxe Champion Iheire nowon1973cats This lino tire is now being toetoryinstelted on many 1973 cars Andthot says lot about riding comion periormsnce Ind IIIround dependability on Friday Soptembee Tlih Ind smrday 50mm It the Barrie Arrnouti Inquiries Phone new rttis MONDAY HOLIDAY so coo rs LAP INTERNATIONAL Reeing Every Snturdoy Night met OPENS eioo pm RACE TIME 800 pm RAIN or SHINE LATE MODEL STOCK CAR mes cohrtto AND nrerrn srenos southwestwgnttnt rzeesasf FIItvrlno Bobby Altim end other top drivers till sentient Lnllltllttlllltiliii No7 MILE EAST OF HWY 400 gt xx lmpreued with his millIll record turnout Is executed II Ptmlito drenn by the men nettlm oi the hind Stable wit my risen In Iddtd boon by In Intlehl Iereweli tor lor rhenoiomhb oi OrnIdnI pre rnier iunlot horhey lettuce they detetled llcdtrlne Mn 11 terr at the Western CInedI lloclcy teem Ind Quebec llemourts ol the Quebec Merle vi bin eeriee last met llIltimouOoils ettIrter Memphls Class Neellinwhlnrnigel betHM not WlliStAPlrDhnSil Iirnott Itomedto LAM oil the ihifiiiihiliihlii III IAFTER YOUHAVE FILTERED THROUGH THE REST Because no car meter would ever Icrirnp on something or important Pd mm In 1mm Irstho tire The Firestone SUPRBBIIIIBJDIIUSLY polynsterlirn body lot cushioned ride And two Ilrenn belts ol Fibreglass tinder the tilted to stlotch tire mileage improve driving control Ind protect you trom impact damage Thin is one great tilo at any price but It prices the these in menell Sitter Leading oi the mom Denny limouqu loll clutle it on lost DI essy round the kind you like to play ery oieuent enough to monotone didnt lilio too many Ion wile Ind made Ill the Ihort otter Puttlnd he been problem this lesion with the husiy rimshouldered lawyer ltut three steels no missed trom test then two tee to lose olnyolt It Dalian Ind month before that hed rnlmci irotn noon the some distean Ind tailed by one stroke to Icl Into olIyett It hit home ton to the Greater Jacksonville Open our it me till ynt lion week form not or seoson lcrctrln liNllllliiED GONE liIAKES AN ILNDIE VICTORIA WEEKEND SPECIAL 24 FT BAMBOO POOL 87500 lneiudul Too nil in Mill liner to ur IIrrInIr IIleiy lIdder Jutlnl not litter unit rote sentient Ilmre Ind hoIe teII hit chlorine ON ONE TWO ORTHREETTRES Also to Tangnwooe or Bamboo Pool liiiiiiiiiiiiilimswmmwn Top Roll Complete Kit FlltIr Lettdtr etc Millennium at 39 Blitttl too v11 Noreen eI PIONEER roots Clem lleIide been on ileylleid 5t Phone illtill It PM It unrelentotllttlixiwrfl WtmlyMlei um gmuuQmIK Reg 1033 mus it i9 win IIrlilitu proner N9 Ircllcd etttttton tudme UMBRELLA MamaImmu Dom St mildew Grill IIIIIBLE 53 MI 0rnutvwA mumuso7 Vi