uncut auau aa It Inquiry Ill touehod oil that the ruturlut to tilt buildtnl cInldI pee corp IrIII reeetvod Ir onus Corp IIed DirtIoson entry ItrlltIIo In which potter Island plnItie bII WillllD Iboot two porndI It Etienne beileton to be her Into Hydro Developer kiqurYWhelher To Call MPPs IN TOWN IWI Irietl Ieo ot the Ontario Irrit III Tuesday trod enreiutly the question oi whether lawn mothersInclude dorIIny Premier Wiillnrn DIIlIIbould be relied to ill loverlluiion tnlo deal by On turto liothn wills developed to build III million hereautr trrII Al the committee met In set round ruieI lot In Inquiry IteIrd trout III eouotel IhIt puertlon II warriIotIte III Ind Inceptod MI View tor the time hours It lenrt IIIII JILPII Iboult not be retired have iIintntntIon not laI otherwlte er thiieeturet ItiorrnItion IIIIII Irwin Iherrl oi three corn petinr tlrrnI eid oi mm Mm vettirrttn tht httitililldlllii who III III Width eIeIuIttI tum recently he could III Inwtedre Wanted by the earn her eanttrm nor drny thnt lhI ntltlre the may it perIottI rteod ot tItI premier pTOiIONTO tCli No deell II III been made on rebuild or relocation the Autumn lIrCInndI ltd pinol demo by explotlont nnrl Mutiny pIIIeIrnIn emsny Illd nltldy We hatenl Iten mover the bodler pretumnhiy there Did Gears Duhe ItoerIi Iottnrei lor Aihland lIND III Irritant were pelted dtondIy night In the Into It In IArnortlon Iiotel It Photo nines Wily rorlrthuted to the omurvItlte eInIlern trend In the MI OntIrIo reuerIl eietr Ilnn Counsel It Shittley told the another TuadIy IhIt III evidence not Mr lioox rontrttr Ittod In th romnlnr only or III tunautter lot It would be considered releVInt provided It wu Ihann thIt this Iileeted the ludztnent oi personnel at the roveromeotownod Iiynto commuter In pmentinr evidenee hI Ilse would turn to rnnrider whether lrttlldty reiItlonIhlp between the developer Ind mother It thI house or hydro ItrteiII were trtItItIII VITIMII though he would not hetItItI to cull either Ilr DItiI or IJberIl leIder ltobert Nixonwho not been In dlrt While IIld he will Itit Ynte council In buy the IiII oi the wrecked plant with tho Idea which pour ieII oi the till Ird rt III on com will or Invllrtl to meet on telly to let them know what In being done Imrne dIIIer tor their bonellt Mr they IIid hIweuld let not to hm tocIiI Ill Mutter oi the legiIIIlurI II ol reselling II to eotnorny ll oomptny Ipoltermtn IIld hhn IIIrIIrI II at Toronto III II trrotnyeer Injured In III killed when he war hlown throurtt will like bundle oi Terr II Itnre nnlnInrltint IInit rIrttodrd Itandhy Iettlnr ll the tire plliuinr Ind mtunwd dead hrboth zomplny Illil iire do plttlncnt oliiclILt Ire Arthur WImorIr It with re ntroed In tho turnlnr plant ttI tern oli velvet Ittintrnnnl Corina II who no warhlnl hII nnrmIi dIy it utauri innit til who with his wile hId been pinnninr Vir inriI Day hniirtIy JIAY NEVEII Iltl FOUND ball IannnJIid the menu bodiet my new be Iound ilitIyor Philip White ol the ntnlntd In Merttel TueIdIy hint hit condition wu described II IIIiIIIdOIy Giotm Iome day Into the notations Ind tnI only III cn murmur owtoutmml onIII unto oonue tum new Moe Wllwi more tlllliti mil plllol Jralt otenow ruernt OUTERRIGHT RED IIAND GRADE bit STEAIIS fond ROASTS lonturrtorraw eoi III ROUND STEAK ROAST titottt IIIIIII loll All at BONNIE Potato Salad lowest ttlit Cllll IWIII lltlllh VIEWII nrm Cottage Rollnmutmn o98r Ix with Him VAIIIIIII cooked Meat idor Impress IX Ililtb Vhllltltl Kdt IWIITI IIAIII OIIIIII Italian Sausage will IAIJIIAJIOXIN Side Bacon 68 Shrimp COCKTAIL pipollwotoslerr78f Iurttr IrIrIn notnrtt lImIlI Ibnrpiea4 IIIIIHIOIII IRANP IIICIII Side Boron lump=9Bi Frozen Cod amt Instr It Illlil STEAK STEAK tm IIIIIIII ttr Cuti rune ltrh ltiieii Pork Shoulders u68i va ItIrll ItnIlId tutu Plum Elyll VIM trtlrd Boneless Hams lb$138 IuInI IIANB II Cooked Ham Wilt AND IND mt IND till IV lltl IIKI Extra Low PricesAheolutely NoCompromiselhhuolityl IIOIllII lhINbII tlltth Potato Chips BlcksReIiIheo 3ltllIuil00 hm cherry run turn AIIIIII IIrIthny Inn mm Smiths damn rttIxtn39l ACTION TIIOIOI Illlltlltl diet with lilo sin WASPARAGUS rtttII tln Peritan StewI DAVID IMPIII Chocolate rum Willi MOMMWIIII ONIONI IIIIIIIIOOMI Heinz sitter 3nts IIIIIIIII tnutttrtrr unit mew IteII Inn on uttotr COTS Bit0 tin Innrou no Imp III New moon mrm ACTION RITE Mallownuuutsdi mtnonntewntnnnmoumunnonnm nttouen unto III III rm mm nttut mom Broctoli M39 uuraoar more men ouarrtIt IIIIKIIII fCarrots I2W49i tinsro MONDAY MAY ert liarBO TurnstilesOren on Idtiili Iurrwenttronewn BEEF STEAK IIIII Alltll OIIII Illustrious WM ml rSitOUlOER STEAKS 51 AKS no st26 no In n31 Itossntsn Allltlittllh otrlr on rous ornt It VIC IACelIdll SX WIENERS vlii68r rnrsn TURKE ruins WHOLE WHOLE tIRA All BREAST or LEGS BRIASTS LnaQunrtort rb79tgtsly09 t78t rlIIl Pdllil Illillttil III lull Bie Deluxe Pen 3nnsl00 rtt vrtntno thou rttetnt 59 WIN III VTIIOW CAMETIII Marshmallows rtuutlutIZSr Ii MVWII till Iltolln 100 Minute Rice nuts StoutSim Paciel Tissue Milli $100 ACTION Vlltll OPTICAL Collier Ind llerertan runtu BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC CUSTOM DENTURES oun oi York where the Birht it Ioehtrd IIid Tuetdny will III IthiIth to minute In Inothrr Iilii II It rim to bull it 5100 Beverage tutow clot JOilolhlir 99f Margarine Monroe AylmethttltllllS akert Vllue Item mm III IN SteIIIDIV mum viii lull Ill urnon ntrtat It 19 at Cake 2mm IVI ll uh IrIII rtttr IAIIIII ttIIAVIItchIittltAl say mrerntmnetn erot titer till this nrrntns AND RELINES to our uneandttioIIt moneyheel nmniea II III new Irninrel prurient eyeIr errIIty II In IIJuIImrntI II III III deotoret FULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES gt IltIrII lnr contotlIttonI OtternherI oi thI DenturiIt doetrty nl OnlIriI neereditrn ntemitrrI our IhIrrrI tor IrrrlneI eeniom Jillit IDA rlhiill TM Irhillltlr dlllltlllllld It TIT DIINTUTI mum orttclt tttIlltIh MoadIy In FrIdIy It to It lulu ll lat lit will DUNLOP ST PHONE 705 Tilml gt OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL