neg it staggers Eras $552 a=5= Inn hormones at man Street Illl bI lod ed In new mothers total mull Governor Trim Wu Sim Irons Sisyner Thornbsry Ind Ceillnr wt bs rtsllln lbe llumsln xuuon oi the lumi an mm Ind Mutu Wet read11 he will meet with the ill WIsazo heath will be we THE WAMOA HAM IrenI Ind hock school In ollldai iy open with ribbeneufiial rerenwnlee Saturday Ilium PrivatelyOwned Arena Opens In Wasaga Bedch While rnotiyounrstersand tourists to ers Beach thI mile uet estedlnihebeochandw cuprt reltroop will be primarily inter ers will be more interest It use so IrenI wins hockey windmill muioIrnIndIt Ichoollhlesummrrutheiirst Tmlwlllhh predeester sventotibe newhopened build pt do end dinner to honor We onensnldovernols It VIIIer bluntiodrey lioldlnu lilting openinr oerenlonles 311m annrtuo Ixnsmsnn Ironnsv sour lilm ieIllod Ilsnuai on Death BOW itlI manual bi denlh is firmly lichen INFORMATION Corner lleINNYNOK no you been someone who is bllndi Borneone who could bene mop umnli lisve yoJ ever at btwllhll era to eip somewe else Inow iblt to lllzdul the burned and those WWII In low II ms lncludlnr runes whorolilereilnotalrendystom persie ne der the iluiiiao lluue Gilt Art vol rm person may give tune th to wrliiu or orally in lront ol two witnesses tor his body to be used ior therepeoile porpon eI Upon his death the conunt ets blndlol Meats end you Idvlts ran Irlr 1hrlr 9min hol It Ilre snow or 1in tbekin to desire their hot laI tor rIdlIilon reIeIrdl Ind their heartl Ind tldoeye ior irenspisrlt purposes in case of dItIl Iecldenl but week the Conlumer As rIociItion bl Ontario pused rerolullon It their must meet ln urrlnr lhe CInIdlIn llieul Amclntioa to give more pub llslvy lo In men donor pro ram Supposlnl you ranted in re Irysle some ol your parts has solid you shoot it The lJvln BIriI II non ill orun Illon whleh noon dlnIleI lbe dleporilion and use ol InIiImleal rllll it miles on request uniiorm donor slid plan donor repelrallon term The dots is recorded ior lillllhl relrlevti Cull if youd like the eddresx Tom is prtvluelsl iorm ior bequellhel which my be oh ed lioiil lily medial Irilooi the Coroner GenIrIis Odlon It Queens Perl our irorrl The Action iniormellon Centre it sister the approved prosodu toIdvise your lsw Ayer and have it Ilelod denitely ln your will ii in mm lhIt you Ihould also not your feucutor Ind nexloililn In tht It lbe limo oi your death your vlsb may be carried out ionr before the will is read iound the answers in mIny oi my muslionr in llltle book which sells tor other in cation Ind Slrrple Nllilll Guru hey Norman wrote ol it This the side at llle AI rt at at lower it is rolebud in bou or photo owers The is put out by til Aaoodstlon oi moral and trial societies and was lent me by the stay David siss orI who in one at group lnieresird in formlne ll society in dlmcoe ill eIllviy lI memorlsi sodclyi university with be lndlvidusltn life II sreli II dull sold his desire ior simple but lIL These people have become roamed oi the need is us in Idvsnis ior their own 0th As with my reoperellvsveuiore it an considerably rodure the hint colt ol dylnI II well Is the strerree Ind mine on its bvlny The IssoclIilon contracts with local iunersl director provide funeral IrrInrornenu reuonsbls cost which may be tery eorts timbers oi memorls Ioelellea do not believe in the enchainilny process The Toronto Iierrvorlal Society pw not newalellrr from wit the ioliowlnl in mutant those people who Irs pI tng or have paid into the cans Pension PlIn rlwelld beg inlnd there is limp iit wields Lt payable on the death oi it eonirlbuior Ind Ilro widows and minor henelli The benellls are not Iutomatls and must he ed for One iIller whose and hId died suddenly wss entitled to nearli tsoo death benefit In it she bid not been dllelllllli the lunerIi rrrsnrtmenis with our lilo plmo eonaultInl Ihe mldrl nev er thI been Iere lint me had in ii Tile Oorwlnners Association at Birds in holding public meet in oil Wednesday It 130 pm It the new Oonlurners Gar bulb dlill on Ferrir Leno David ales more is colleduledto lIllr on his morlel Societies Ind workshop dimlona will toilow ll youd like to blow more shout lormill tho Willi society conlIc Joanne Gore motionless at this sfeerlnl committee Wilma PIViik WWI Ind DIild Ellie more moms Ire Illa mrm re So much tor dyln lions to ma lhounn of doom while livinr For Imsli ire Consumer Willi Limited will poi your morime lhrouyh ilI ufer Ind you will come out ric er NrpIrenlly too Imolil exlrI can me you tin bid and lump Ilon at tile levels borrowed It lo per tent run role you 01ml All you hero in do is rend them the Inlovni at your morlrare lhs Irvlusl interest rate your month if pIyiiiorll minding iIIeI Ind dale oi your llrIl plimenl Send this to 030 iioriysre Senire Consumers Coupulln llmllorl iiox Wtilowdllo Ont MIN VIII CAM dCMlCIlED Iliiyone uniomobllrI on live our lots on Bradford litreei re solved total of 600 demure iluntlny alter yandalo erroiiherl lbe hroda with IhIrp oolert Ntseleen ours on lbe lot Il lrrnoll lloinrs ll ms at Sari ionhrolt iiolurs term It llIy City llolors lllr Ii Tote ilolorr ro oi le prlnlIrly uduidlh Windmills not three Il illit ones were demiud Talia put in the em locumsimmer Ind Eerl It rentre lee Ire Filo Llll Elliott seen It Flee Tombip Clair Robertson rceye oi WI mainline Pboloi urn Beads DI Gus wires Ircs bustneumen and All Stone Jlrn Arnolt Ind Asrhle Gould at Toronto In lids you nilocnlmnn Ind to how bad ormcd the WI IIII Heath Ithlor Iloctey AI IoclIllon Their games were play ed on In outdoor rink in some times adverII weather Alter ytIr the menbeyan lhintlny It In indoor ice IurlIne me out at work went into plans for oomrnrnuty mm but it loud bttorelhe sod was turned his Cameron however iell goodly eeoasb to eonllnus with loot plate saiuron Ilternoon with ribbootuitlnr eerernontea on the Ice wriIce Ind lo the lounge lullowed by antes hockey nines between loin line ieImr Ind turns lrom Etrnv wood min put to the olllrlsi eer emonles were Dr Millet lPCGreyilmooei Clslr Robert son mm of lies Bench Zerltililnll reevsol Tm ship It Cameras president ins and Arnoit setrr bIrytreIIurer ot lhe eocanoy eI Mr Robertson eonIthriIled Iir CImeronloid the crowd kWh iluildilm ol the Ithered for the Winn Iii or 4th ior its iIIlh In WIIqI Beach ins lie slid tho areas ie one oi the villa name NationIl llonloy tinest be has ever Ieea and ces lupus IiIrIIs Inert instructors leloiyiheflnullhlelldeofiorv but decided mind the policy onto tints rIreiy did tho students set In mum or my my personalle Instruction from lbs with In its Iurioce Ills player instead Is sees it loel ih tom is but proielrionni hockey le dreiaiayroomg Pllm Ill bit blwdhl in lth my Mm mm rummer Each boy will here lab Iol rnnn Ithwls in iounu Ieves lobed dormitories dinlnl hall and recreation room hall diamond Ind Iocrrr tield Tutors venivrrI will include In OlympiaIlse swimming pool AI lsr II the dlreeiors ths been Ible to determine the hue rchool sod areas is the only valalyownrd Irena in CnrlIllI minimum at three hours ice time per my days weelr lnslsurtorl ior the Iuounrr Ire Sieve Stone intend irorrl Des ilolnn Gory ilolt iorword irons Port llurm Bell Wilson iorward trorn Prolldenee llhode Island in Gibbons delenee man lrom nl tllchileo iirenl Ladds Inallendrr lrom ier Dmscrenr lrrIl Sprouts irorn illi rhrner Junor Terry llociiiey drirncemen with the Colilnp wood lilueIi John Pollock do lerrcrrnsn with the Colllrlblll Sula lorry Wilson power ItIilnrr tollrurior and Bruce Oar Ilde In Nlil olilrlal Ia camp Directors at tha Irena Ind hoe dlldm trey school In iloh Cameron Ind The school will run lsom July lioud Amity both WIsIrI Benrh to seplember mlrnliyowned IreuI tumour of the complex ll iiill Oldeld former Colllntwood police uliicer who in been se ile in the OnlIris llllnor ilorlrry Arsoeloiinn INNISFIL PROPERTY OWNERS BOB LACKIE cunrnuirr or rwnryu AMI nBVKtDiIiitNt lNVITiS councils FOR on AGAINST AMALGAMATION WITH THE CITY or iiAltiilI DO YOU FAVOR MAL MIALGMIIITION OI INNIATIL Wllii hhltllllii to YOU iMOUIt IAllTlIti Oil lllOlililiJl AIIAIAMIIATIONI DO YOU OIIOliIl ANY IOltil OF AMMOAAIATIOXI GIVE NKABONI BOB LACKIR Councillor 206 MAPLE COUNT PAINSWICK 660 worner ANiI msnrrrron murmurs Will or 0qu hormones Passa oloulz mil Wzess Spits Ladies Men Now YOU friend or relative can take advantage ellhislebulous limited or orrez Igneous CllilINltotlfronrrle PRICE OFJI Ind eniey all the Spas aliasing facilities This offer expires May 3lst 1973 or sooner if quota is reached Do it NOW land do something nice for your TROPICAL limmlltll POOL TILTM IIODIIIN OYII AND CONTOUILINO SALON 11m alonr llonInN CONDITIONING ammo AND nrbuolnd nomarsyr HOBOTIM WHIRLPOOL IUOALYITUH INIIAMTOII BOOII tiller Expires May it or Sooner ll lusts lsiiegaolle AAiiNA noon sure Inn annoy ruun nnrlcns earns more ornIVArn Inowsns PRIVATE CHANOZ DOOTII ANTI LOCKER INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL HIOOIIAMN IUIZIIVISEII It IItlllh IN FITNESS Barries Only Fully Equipped Fihiess Centre SPA 65 Collins St Spr NORTHfbhi insults us our 51