l0 it lull ANNEl Lbllltllhh MY 11 Group Suggests Industry Run Crown Agencies autumn tat storm to permanent lellitiil matr manure hat Wei umqumaelnwstmarto thatprints Matty may do more house too at rarme costs it lrsle semrdal arezoea nutterad artlitarroltrtho that corral lunar raider thron or the liquor Gerard Board tieI Ontario llydru the thutheprmioev rarer harass Board Ontario The more on men Northhod transportation 0m metal productivity In its nirth mission and us other at aul final report rrkaied irl Trawler ltd fro Thanatt 0n dayuidloaley Itballarlo Piaavarid ills itrsgare the monument hi Iooh Perla Damnation the idea oi the pri mu tIIOUUI 1A 100 teeter toting pier these os Darrrrrienttag or tha Idiom ital there may he soars rqairi in an inltmew am at private sector xtiv It tumour eomniittra ity that are not ongsailtio with rnearba raid the group no ptbli oreratioei are ballets not advocating that print in tmt ta gorrmrteol alwid bot drrrtry tetra am that smart torer the rorporate inlet liere uni saying that the to see elxtherit mldit not he gmenmrot tale tool usclratiy ahaptoi ior application at this arpeet at it Newspaperman Starts ilciion Against FirmOver Sales Tax lniha TORONTO iCl Orl iarios eoptrarcrrist torture in sales tax to men per tent irotrr two has resulted In to at action storied lirldsy by Globe and hiait employee Cameron at Smith Itiitl ant to the newspapera editor tamed writ ayalntl the wort Co Ltd alter one at the limit Toronto atom to lured to rornpiote sale at the irveperrent tax rate The Increase under debate In the legislature was put into general otters my It has not been parted yet ilr Smith who arid he to lliatod the court adion on his nan behall uae allrm ing In brry tour pairs at trnnr sortie valued at it obiett to paying the ra trs two per rent taalea tart because Its not yet law he said nrtrea in tents Irr voired but great deal oi principle lialona has it dayr to no notice at dispute at the claim LAWYER Nm llilIAlN liarry Nirrrhcr hlr Smiths lawyer said he isnt sure how the netlorr would allrtt perv rage oi legislation enattlnt the tar tntaense elrrk oi the iegialatite er ttmbiy raid the hours lradi tlooully does net debate mat lera which are beiore the rotrtr but added that this torrid not present debate oi proposed mIalonr lo statutes Grasses your problem iEkko saves you money It costs money to use two herbicides It saves money when you use one herbictde ior both annual grasses and broadleal weeds Thats Ekko one product In one package Gives you outstanding oontrolol annual grasseslikeioxteil Doesaterrliiclobon annual brondleaiweeda ConvenientTlmosavinnElioctive it you grow corn tor at least two years in row and grasses are your problem then Ekko is made for you Ekko irom CibaGeigy Quality you can trust ClBAGEIGY Agrochemicals Division Irrdsrrrrr nyrrrrivr may Winding armatures used In onto natgiply ol armaturrl atriall aledrle appliance mot nra la putt oi the lrnitiiul received by atudenta nirolleti taoyear electrical technician program stirred at Georgian College in Barrie inetnretora aometrmer late Problem nuinlainlnt an ado bul tlmreh the eltnria nt ianrlty numb ltrrry Cotton den and the enormity oi Can adian General Electric Io tinme this tittlitulty has been ovrroome tlr attention arranged through Ed Smarrnn it oi LGt tor supply oi arms ilttilurlesOI Judges Hurting COMPANY tssrsrs preterm sroprrns atura parts to carry this phase at the Ir Completing alndln tiorr Is Allsra Kelloufb oi No lairoy Ontsr year atretrtral ioeltrtittnn stu derit with the College Georlv Ian College Photo Bill 0i llighis QUIET Pl behollalbaeelionthattithey to ill turns it ahall tbsaratem liepldhoraeWaoretloena Idoel manures rte lWlmllrlitlwt Meow who all ears sates AElttatli ltthtV JOHNSTON JMOM it Gena st It Ease tranlo HUN twwmmul tarlibthdmi rlilspouaaiaorea under it lhkheiwbemata we demolish It Mmmah rum actual elutedaymonthetr will nuzrrraaaa ilr soonans me Hired luster etast be embodied in this 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