To rIriool IreIl lliOPIA CONSERVATION AREA IMPROVED oII oi rel morervrlloii Iron in the Noulnuigl VII ley Oeourultoo Iotbellty terrr Utopll pill Angus Sewer System being mxilnlly towered unreal It bring preplred Ior lnei er bury lourllt lei lon view at the pond Ind deer with old mill to heck grolnd LI Ibowe mariner Photo Plan Is Under Study ANGIE sud strpl lile been men to give the eornrnun II It Angul modern Min dipoul Iyelem by Inc It Ill pointed out by Oedl Rollover ebItrann oi the rhino bond at lrulleer The oitlrto WItIr Rueime OrmnuIIoo ll crrrrently IlodyIiId nedeoriltepiiatorAn iitllhli Alli when the III nude IVIIIIbII To the Running on Drldkkltfyhlll the Inodl tor the capitIl outiIr II provided lhr the 0an Ind il lirrl repi over tern oi yllrl 5llt would be In tremendeur ult Ive our our uwlgyrlemnuid lllr WW lover intllr merit II well II milieu more barring GOING AlllAD We hm been experiencing corriidrrebie development in lo cent yclrl Iheidy IIid III obelrmln ol the virtue board oi ineteel which lilo lDGlllOM Wit llIm Gibbi loll atelier belt with Iielro Elliott Ieereluy New beuilnl coolervllion bulidlog no new tire hill we Iii Itlllb liootd II it iIpIInr tor the ud my community centre We Dlll Ierrn plrk Irrlr to our vicinity hlr Weitover Idd ed daunting roemilonll or unit Slider no other arm ound couIIrnent Ior chi ren EL been provided Eight now Itroei llrhll If to be edited In the Robinson lile dlrliton IIld the chiinnlo dur In diicurlion oi houllog do To opruent TRUMPET DAND btr Waterer lilo rpotro oi the cornmlty trumpet bend width the been booked tor tire willemcIIiI thir rummer The bind which on it Inernbcrl nub by line tinbort till OItllilro Illerrded the WI conierence in Wllerioo text with ltlll loreu Morin III with tier Iunt Ind ooeir lir Ind Nil Reynaldo lIl Toronto IorltieuccleId FIRE AT dTATlON lire boDevrd lo hm lilti Tucrdiy Iiiornoon The owner to my but prompt lotion by Flo tire brlgide eiiiod by the Ielvlre nrecblnio mod the root Ind promoted the tire Iprcldln iolhIlIItlIIrid rem ire em on Amie Ind lulu dImIgo wIl attentive to con lcnil pl the borne Mr Ind Itrl OTIIDIro rlr tied Ilr Ind till it 0m to Oriiilir pd sundIy John viriicd rclItivrl It Thornton loll week tlr Ind Illl John Krombcl oi Willowdele Iponi the week end ol lily Ii Drum DANCE srrurrrv NIGHT ol the PINECREST DANCE HALL Coupler Only For IIlrlI rIierinloni Phone 7281020 III will ihdhlmdnii prIdIceI It Simcoe It reboot IIIryrdotrdIy evening The All gtu bunch oi the Ii cin IdlIn lotion Ind loyl Gringo lodge In thI Ipeneerl The army pIrIde IIItbI held It Owen Sound on sIIurdIy Barrio Ceiileman Buys $50000 Cow GLANRORTtt mi tori Dernoetle Ind rt Merl WM in too Tim rev ed hoteielo July1IIlihtheAnruI lodge lI vllod relldrnl Am or it pure btr Wuiorcr cum to the IreI with the Ierrlce It Due Borden Wm ID Iererrncnl editor Ill plagued tor Am Ind we IId kely to be diluted It on end meeting WI Iboiild hm In oltker to our eonimuoity IIld Mr Weliover bleyiurd Well to ychlel DISTRICT New Officers Elected gt NEWS mmuemnmlrruxrrrmI ELMYALE NOTES Got Youth Grant For Camp Program By ML LYON Amer Uile lloI Tompr lave ob hhbdlnlilim loYienhprIiltoopeIILI mememum In Mr ol the young people In Iron Flee Twniblo Idueie oi the high about All hm iimd ilenI Tbe when oi iblx on monitor imp or your on pic Ire Angeil Miller Iilieo Archer Nil Ninean Dob Stephens Ind Sieve Or IiDeeAreberleIDIc lorol AIu Somme Item the Univer Illr Guelph Dorie Nilcombe um Li ngduIte oIlbI Univerliir or AIM Cdlego bl Tirolbr Indimmune IiiudteI AnchI lhIIrlcy bu two Illtlc ylimub ore greiiolitng root oI uuebvic will he been mining in IIrniLr Ind curlumcr lludlcl Dob Stephen Ind Steve GrIy hm been enrolled in the NM tered drillers IccoinlIrIlI tonne It 5mm College 5ch Grey II the only member oi the REOLTTRATION Movie anking the mm the mp will be bring Yl high lrhool liudentl the Inienlewe lot tble political will be hed liter ii iii good portion ol the gm will be riled to the Illerier oi the to unit menu bin lIAlilg put to the rum or program Ileglliriitinn In the lump pro Irihr II rpm to children oi cio lncbug oiAnguIl omen who no poi oi no no br do Tho other NI tile bIl It Therein with Dell ambled togch Iudmnteereoom me It the Shore Boles Am lme herd di reeordmeetiortbellbgwood 1h provioue herd dleerlII record wee eIthlLrberl by the Iioinondnle Firms at Unlonvllle in 1970 when it we let It Aim Six bulb Iverectd turn to the sole while It milking to mice lold tor In ductile Moisture bird hollerl Mn used 930 live It yearlingr om not him tier oelvel YARN In Inoiher Ilie Io IiIlIle IindicIto bought lironionlh old dIIry tcmlle Ironl Gel ludgnl Penn in Oil Ridges Dru tor 70000 letting Cool vllIn monitor illlry er and world remit Io better all The IIle brourhi who Ior In norm or lulu the lerord highest mrlge Ior doing cutie lquldd ooI co grimeoi In other litre rIn ed horn on tel twwmnlh old brill cl to 000 for dxughtcre cited by Irtillelll lnlorrliollion MPERIAl iADADElllY AWARDS iDlOLUOlNO returns ipcylumrnliimn liter Irirrmitr N0 I055 Illl ElilildATOllllAPlll llDl ART Dllll0i0ll Dill Ill lDIlIllI Alli lDllllll Dlll IUSIBAI IRON ADUll lllllllllllllirlllil Adulll ills Sludenil 75 Children 00 Children 75 uIrlIrI tor thI Soeiel Sunday Mollnee rT rWhole Femll To Enloy Adulll 2200 Senior Clillenl Iynd Sludenll it Delivery it one piuliper tor the tire blll ll Anliil II emeti ed to be mode in the IIII Iriln rIe mantlen Huh umlll Illiy Quarantine Authority uiwioweum Marks Birthday NEW MREIL Sliilllloli brillh ol ynlerdlyI dime Dielrtei Normal to Itliute mini nicotine New Well Womcrre lnlillilte re ceived epicIII conlrlluiiilooe It the noon luncheon Dill Gordob Million ol Toi lelrhrirn Irel prelldrnt Ind clbrri extended greetingI in rceognltion oi the 10th birth dIy onr at the New lowell brIIIcII The locIi president Tire TiIrirr iDorothyl Clin bourno Itknoirlcdgod the roetlngr law rub blrlhiliy tile wu cut Illheheidllbie1tio New unwell bunch er ornn lied to MIDI Douglll lily pul district president II the current Ircretirytrcorurer now owned PM Dill PM lilililEROFlilllEAllAllDSlllilllllYDlllER Fliill illllllllEllO Sundry II 130 pm IncntIry Irhoot III we will be It per child Ind no more lhln lb per llmliy The detIill oi the limp promm Ire not rt Dull bill It ll expected comp trill be held one dIy ot rich week In ilie oliirrroi locI ttoeI Ihrourbout Flor Tow The mole collected throng Immigme Mbboleneilveollbebioe In In Iddilion lo the le young WIIIthceuniomo By West Simcoe WI uirrcr ANNUAL MEEIING BARRIE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION MAY l4 I973 Pill BARRIE lilliIlIG curs ESSA RD GIANT BINGO Stiillllliil srr luv llili 730 vii EARLY BIRDS 20 GAMES $10 EACH GAME GUARANTEED JACKPOT 55300 SPECIAL GAMES DOOR PRIZES MNI lontnrd ecumw no is iii 525 elm the present you to be the best yet Ind this yml eon cert prorce to be no mo rumor uh Althiuol Itllh Server III ebeien IkernIII kin ll Iiill ol 0thng run tinned plbhc rclltioiu ID merit During the Mt born the choir riled ulv ag Nam lm Elf Swahili PMin brunt ncu nun lit my rebolilrlkllri Dim Soul Irrirdllwals1 It hld lilmmer The mm mm 31 gr Jame at io ehotl nor The mic or hillngvrooil Ind um mo lure oi Stunner Net hm new It rm NW to be undenevthe alum memberl did lbrlmelvlu mil hull rum IlliilulI CK mm Ilnglng The WIyIIIrd Wind Doorhen chem were lIrn Ind Son oi Pom it Ind commu tibia bin In lurqu rurnl oi Gillimwd at him Eileen culture Ind Quentin Rulheriord presented three III um mu eellomclolliow Robin Ad um me All Itd AquIrlIu Id with bill lee Dun The Ilngirrg ol lordol the grungym Ndhwellud more IIII Nvimr broth mum Ind Iintroin Iciiviiin kill Robert Cerium ol RR bin Gui oi SlIane IIII nixed lo moigo oi rooohr tiooi II diurch owner binn berl oi the nomination molt too we bill Mlle liner eI Dinniwood brlnob bill thllIIn do Ii ellendrd the rim Ind Eli mmmdiihliicht big Ireylr Ind DIIIdIrItI by the lull Choir tumplcled the tint liIiI or the green AI In mvlaul your to lecood hIII olthnpro Imvrudlnceleod rowdy EARM PRICES noted by writtee ol TORONTO lGP lithium Iboieute en deI IboII km to tirle mcdivm In uihhel slyT rename money II It It bond that by mine one on It who theillee more children from the lming cornr munitill will be IblI lo Itiend in good nuiny inlicnm the children living on Ilrml IrI required to help with the ver loill lIrrn chum throughout the rumor months but my will tree term mm velleblliizd by the INA mum new hurrah Iboionle brleee to eorntry ItIlloIlI llbu not be Illewrd to mod one door chm once week tor levrriil wrc ruthor than live dIy crimp tor one woeli De could the rumor ergenllerl IrI lhcmrrlvr Irom the mid lommunlllel they In trying to lIilor the comp pmgrlm to the rurnl children nnd rehil will bcel suit their lilo ilyle Prrpnrelleri plum and rhrnp Irtiiltice rill be lornruliilcd within the next low weeks At relrul plan are tor one qu Neill lle Iomowlierrlo bllncoI County ior eorh crimp location TRAINING AEESION to prevention tor the rumm erl worll the Flu group will be lilendiog the training Icirienl ill but luiiriuy iHllNiiEliBIlii murmur Tonight Woody AI Adult Jr MOM IMINI Stump JON VOiONiDURl REYNOJN lhNAVlSiONO Y0ll till it Out lriIIruu MIRAMAR ADYlNlllilE AVIIIIIV til Chump lolllll IZD Ell ulmi Yililillil Mllliiblilli lIAllDENS limitle Imm minimum steyoiihiieenmrsc Rent Iluehetx Ind Iiu livrii Adiollxlen Adult 0110 bildm 01 Dex outh 09m lrtl oII Iilriilurneolil lerierrlllliee lilo Goldrn in Not Accepted No Youth Irloe Fm Llll ll Bulprndrd SATURDAY AND SUNDAY WlSE MOVIEOOERS ARE IN THE KNOWI THEY BUY BOOKS OF FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS FOR TllE PRICE or It Now PLAYING TILL MONDAY lollth doir who rolume omo toonvo hormrotor ll By TIM Oul At 000 Illll HILLS 0F ROMAN EDMUND OWEllll DONALD CRISP lOlil DRAKEJANET LEIGH Ild LASSll 0pm till mill lillllt