Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1973, p. 3

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xmoqnm Tm hum umr Dorian ilumymbwwh rim lion Iliorom to into mm on tho pliant into in ihoIr moonlit mulls tor iurthor ma It In nolrnIi radian tth hodnt Im It held no in not whiny you an dir at in harm will no omen oolulul mom City Sewer tray Go in Township luottiit Township roumll hns mod to Illon Norris to con suuti inlnt kiltllml tho mthoutosly llrrlIII oi IiuroolI libod to VIII tho Llidustrlllly oocd lords In thnl Im on ilo conditions Rcm 6mm Burton told city rotlodis tutormunch Iillwn commiiiso rhursdny nirhl tho ammont would hnvo tolncilxio tho Impilm oi sorran irons tho homes Ind the school on iiurouln Rodd Irld till road ll It would thn to ho hrourlll inch to tho oroocr Iidndmis yahoo Instruction nu complet liin Inidho is not out who thtr tM rosidmts with to tho thoir homer connorted to tho om but they should ho xivrn In community to do so clilr crhlll or In tho Mute Rrovoliurtoutddnroonu hI hos In ultrrlsis oi whni It would cost tho hammers in that Iru to uso tho toilet ho will all whit martini Tho details at soy orrInulmnl he lwron tho rosldtnis Ind tho township will it uotttd out thrn lellot Robert mt IllA told there to be lot more disruulun tho aha Idiot trr immlhips an Ind Oro mick lncllidtd In tho unionism22 Ll To Be Included ion Discussions mdtyhumoedthnl uoomrlyotrtnlanmi IiamI tho win out oi Go Ihluld bI Included In tho Mimi mun Iripsiity oi tinniotnnlow on the minus Ill may In roho comtrahio antic mm till rhI LIsi nlytds Eta IId it imsLpI It bu lad J1 motto coy too at the Barrio payout Iii in i5 mt In dIyI mm is that BIN twitle tho In mount thq lino Lia hur lits which mid nnlorItiy or horn this in oi mimi noctcinl us morrly lyrinx Alien hoard to grill tho lmshlor attitude In Itinn belicltr thnt xi should ottys him it dir in toiduslhttlndonl ribuly snddoronlethtnniisri Insh WI tom tom oi rrrionIi rov mt WI hoot this into no they Mot rho Mid ThorI In no Ltaziim to hop ony thin km or to lo ohosd ud disran th rixhu oi tho inim Matilda Little Benefit Burton Thn hiurtt doioloocr to man into lonlsili yrl no how Scorn Burton mro nl innio tli Tonnlillo tint rescind to tho cityl proyorni Ior lilllm Ilion at Don Innttiii Ind Vet DH Obliousiy Itiiittiitd llu mount oi sloth hurts hnd oat iota tho automation nroth limo Burton told its report us at stroll importineo ho pro iIrrId to dlcuss It with his writ Ind return In tho hear on with common Ilitzd by Tho munillor ltr IhurIdIy nlrhtI hitciln with tho clbtl Iolrrmntcloli sloon oomrrlltu Iheihrr ho nsr soy thin oi benefit In tho yropoul tor lnnisiii ho rooiiod out too no bcnrilll In lhir hriri thIi tIlrlonoi soyminim to loot IlI said honloI oroooul to IoIIbillh llvo urban mu round tho county with tho uIIIoi titles or local polniI Insom oosm too IIrto In IrsI Ind ls virtuIliy mieni lummot You hm to low IitlII moronhout tho hoIlihoIt Ii tth oich Moro you un Iro Area Platining 1i ItoAidBohBolsi is nuts ozone lilth maul lurh proooost or III sold ho did not consldrr BIrrioI otter oi ssliittnco lot was in tbo township wot OW thin mount tho on city IidonnIn to IIiI ho Itlou to tho tityI mr smiitsmsilon vydth Dclrqun his old inrrthrr soon Ions tor dose iii Is Imlnduchde attend to tiutnii new qt irrrL Ito Hid lilo toime ls rm to nod to rumour tho lyr lan in him it mom rlshlo Ind ho dmd Viih thodrgxiorlst mint MM liar rlo lo rennin distinct iron the county dint hetlrlo or lhould ho Isolnlcd moon to should to ruin unittd Ito IdiId ho Iliil hellrlu lu ho lootirr mtm oi rostru rrlrot but Idmilltd tho county mods Md lint oi miructlln in hciorn It Is riIho ryu ml ilo rsid ho sort the Iotnlril would III down Ind study tho report sod xsid Iuoihor mutiny briiit the city Ind tho turn Ith mitt ho IrrIoord within short thus too Icon Innllill has not been working on hrlti oi ihlr iyoo ho to When we rrlurn don bellow no will rolrlo with hinyor Porto Isid Ito ll room tho township rnn return inihomnrmlnrntomom Itiimirlthopropoui ALLAN NCIIARDSON ll pruidrnt oi Emilie Recognized At Awards Banquet Soluroi months oi hard work hy Barrio iterators on cruised Thincioy II tho Juns tor Achievement hsoourt Ind Iwnrds nlrht Thirteen lrophiet Ind osprn Io tor tho young people oir roots hir Thomson llhllmltlta proxruii Itnrt In roomy ooooio said they Iould word by Bill Union IA titmior or ill bmuheldoilihsttrltt hm um port hall thry town and ohornbrr number booolits shot ii iii aid this is ha tiI sold ho who hnvo preter Joint Jurrtlr Artilorcmrnt director thin Thomson Inith ooosisirr tho year rimssiut iroluro iotinuinr yrsr oi lnsciiylly by Junior Athiovrlntot in the city tin Ioid rtudrnts Iioyrd AMT WINNERS tho promos irum Iiorl to wunmmwl but my illliahInriIhasrdIlololelrll Ioroo moments to thin hrioi Preferred It lion Junior Arhlnuneut Quorum us Most Thmdny nixht List nnloodrnsidcrloithoynr uptrsrnlstimsichnnnbcrot Junior Achieve lIo III in rm shI paid Iripo to tho nItIooIl Iod advisers untol Achievement roolrrrm Irorsl ihrlr in Ottawa during tho tool not oi Auxllst lopyxdoii tho your companies to out tho orolrnnl ruccossiul iImrry Illid Ono ptth could not run tho Wm yrvyrlrrl Ind thanked tho Idrls rrs the their dedication mid om Ind patience Is tell as WW Dell schools tor their motion hr Iddrd Tor president in Allin Rho ilrirlrrs oi rx Ilil ls orcsidcni oi inopol ui stlritnt sornonny ohtch undo boot on lIIhton III Vlll soled widltho Gruior IrriI Chombrr oi Cummrrro Irdsoii In washing diligently townrd lit rm Iiso named tho comt7 oi lull oi Znoooiilr oy oi Zoppoliio DWI hiiiiitlL cubic aim or out yeir ohm tho Ytlt litil rrcristd tho hor oonoccuihonlunhernlcm rio Itlch in lnncoso irorrl thros to Mme xrcllil osnniin Ibout eight Kslhy CIIdvrrtI oi bowlllo mt Mthcnt mrds not to Stclo Pinnerar Ind to Ilw tho turmsoi tho pro intolno VIIin oi MI which Rd by Mint ninrluinoiurtd nlasiiortclprboldr oho rm up limo ors Storm McNeil oi Flmirly company Ihch sulirhlsd trorn trhio to ivy Inlnlnh cIlird salesmen rm Sillrcn oi lorminy tinnon Anno to to gillml Junior Heroin Cltllil Sharon Mbh Ame lord Ind IIXINLBcrt moter In no hilt Lln Ihoanon Mar Athiomild trio director roost diminr htr Until immin utl Mr Richardson Dm Vu Photo rs Hard worki that Itiihtl Mini ti tho Ithlcntirn board Nun Show nil vmidroi oi Junior Iirhlm moot RII Wolhnm oi tho shun bcr oi WM Ind hilt Jin ton olso oi the shnloher tir Sirhsroil mounted to Idlison PIuI Grtiitihs it It CInIdI Rob lion oi DIVIINI Ind Aronht lieuu In oi mood Sortnr Broom1 Junior Athlltltmml hoIrVd maroon mo mo mini II tho Ill Inch mrsn Gill at No Tom Yttro oi DIVIHII Bolt Siunrt oi holdI MIMI IonY Thom oi till Rottin Ition ILlrry lty Iii Min gunnery Roy huhornot mm woman Buntilch Norm souooh oi miter rtlIirmsn oi Sinroo Shllliitll Rent EstIiI Investigation Is Continuing3 County Board at Emum An rod tho city to sdopt gt Iron olIllnlox bonrd rIlhIr thin plmokhcnrtodly tor Irrrolyl ma my mama lMIMM would at to my 11 piom imihtringl animation ontod oi or Ind hob about tho desir od Ilin oi coordlnnlrd pisnnlny room solidly Ind onooihty limitn orreomentoetolisi rm touid halo hcou IXlTild to Win liliii Ill WM Lyon tnnriorlt oi liorriu iooil Barrio Ind hiltn Leo it Or iivil two ilrsiI And imhd In the this or iihtnk tho iounthyo wlsoiy ihrcopionorilssor tn whlrh Accordion riroitd to tote li hock into the lib romth Thursday durlnx townships Ind study ihn mow the lilwnnii Ii rIlhrr than utility loto mum its aid to brlims tho ro 90 should hm born hnndcd over to iho townships tor study Wore Barrio mind It Now his bil roirrorrlcni lri ihli country cost the pcoplo tcs money Into Bustling 0t 17 lieiietS Ontsrio Minds Poiico it Irons tnitin nuttior ooc slum In mounting on tam mPm tiradmlstnthonntiluottl mniIqurttmum tiersIont helim Iran iIrsrl Ito told the um neupunlroon rnrlinr this mt turnncos last my my mm Poico sold It Iwmd thI thus to this yr rusikro hId back truck to rlssliors tale rd lisrtio iisyor Dorlon My pormthomrhuuyotw mutt Rims ortinnihounuu ship silo iIplIod thIL dill mm oi soiscro would hnvo to ho oucussrd Irothortimr tirnin iiurion Littll told th tvrllrrliitu thnt tollirill councilhssoslodthI Slrncos CW District Illlliii Unit to tsttrllIio hurl nusy hoidinl isotu It My noorolo In tho Iuluro Irld nhtn tho iixurrs Ira Iyotinhio tho township council doorwitty rum rso III nwnships nuiioo when it In mogltlu oi sound tut mt At thIi limo rut litritioy uttdihoi It be mordot thIt ho iott lhs council ithlr no post uhich hu been so Noted II tho cityI oiiloiIl pas than on Imoirnrnoiioo posh od IIlh tho llrwort oi Ill rrlerrl boll ht council emptinl Aid Tictliioy Mol Madly ni most irlr whim hrou contents tho lilo tho on Aid ntley laid it opts tho rrunlcionhtlu oi Vrsprl Ind iooiIliI iolo kindly Illi tudo to alrrIoI Dmitmilttil hope it doesnt provo to ho pollilrs which tho province has ihs IlIrt oi tho tirld oi out be Iniicprltcd in cliortx to until tqu tho city irid ihr munici rnmnisIolornlmuuiclyIliiler ltd with ilIrrio Ind innisiil in lrrlxihy ddssio tonight ALI Ion omm cutvnltts room miss mhdiym Chilly Wet Weekend Forecast glygggmmyumm For Barrie Cottage Districts itNlyi til it his mail Nihilist st ills mu Court Road ti luworthoyculvcrt conrmed the holding now In tho pnsiuro cniiiI It ti on tho Itsnlliihu lirothm IIrm tho Tilosdsy Ind used It to load tho only it My llloll ih lit mm no Io It sort pilrioaiihwolll atrium xmmru solo to ma 90 Hyacinth Iilthihoprico 3ng iloo oi its Uil raid in sumo oi meat tour uv on hi Ind lirIdlry Rindlo oi GrI Coilcru Young Ilsa oi Barrio Vii Ind BrIdiey wrundtooi wrro idolhliwuiirsllinnccordion com ormhurrtn vellum Mouton who to yrer and smwustvrr Pinno results tor Thursday sro luidor Andrew iurwn oi Tito Blris iiro dtirsriroctit in To Is tuilolss DrliiiI John lildrlirly or was ii to the Siiionscoit meyymfl If Plnwia10lttillntl under shanty tiny hi Ind Sherribro lilutoro ltd car lot clill nl Ilinwluiono mucky Lynn Laotian oi linrrle ii Srrltthoihnrrionrld motioni dsy morning to liiiiliiilihliln which whiohlrrt tho um An Csrut Guilt oi Toronto ioiLs oi OrIilII tied with 81 in cor iimnto ordimmmmm and will iii Amorthorl sale it your sin rmsrolulrn litliNlD not milsole ugl tlio I7 Robert llom oi Orlu mm mm spam to roio to years ond hV We MM MM mm leV Watxmmmru under Vlyrln Lnrstiurti oi lior my my my yum mic Tm Quito lurch tor tho Ai WMimg 195w hyrtrmuad 31th mutant sleet Ii pubic ullu WM lie irsnslouner on thoostsrlor um hhoiovtr footings limo Cort In chairing the must hid mn tho not tltcli WM it 0min Itililct Chtri Pitts iildiarld DorIn oi urlyra Township hos Iio told Iho mayor he would rd to rommellwliirtwr iii warrant oi rpm Whiiiloid oi Orilill mixiigiuymym My trims him about its city propoutto Im rIthcr Iitwiih hlscounrillnrm llo mood with Ilroro Bur de DVm WW id 91 ionoery lisrii mm Mymi WW Ilurmio his township olonr hen Irmlnd tho council chIm ion tho report was imprmivo My my 11 min 011 with iisrrilondionlsiiihyttii btr olidtttorlhedriiyoiiirloisiorthn whilmiWMMWlliM minim solo is mu Ind sumo mm my guild Poll other on tuning thorn to hrllstti Iiiirr tho rrpori was rent in invlirtloo ioho prtorni Wm 7l under Colleen twat oi Bsr liarrlo city police In motto Mu in It Misch Ptom th ouirti oi the meet III doiorntrr Ind tho toilrlshlp tio Itii shortly Itin tho mrct Hm rlo I7 Altotiiliiii solo open ut their lnllillmll Into In ins roundly rlirhi Rem Dor oiichIls mm hririty to ill in sumo with tho promisr dill Gotten Your vi Bulls ti out early today marlin In doclirlrd on irlvtiltiorl to Join cuss tho rcport Ind titsldo on he would return to rnrcl with mpm mm 122 mm Dom 11111 MIyVyr Dorian Porter Ind clourlnloi action heels DorIls city Mid lnnlslu Township oiiic Agmg own cm doom Burton tried inns thriirrtiimo llI Irisutlrn thoy nostlrlct WI Md $qwmm ox two will it run un or Christina Kemp at or 317271339713ixlkktmWYXMerwfw Illis sno Elizabeth liurtuhiso oi OriIIII tch with It Dsrlcno Toll oi Allisiioll shit oehhlo Will ior witsrsrt who midi ilvr InrrlstriOrllliIJl rilnrlledilyrttoylnurV Llitsrt tilt yoolleVrV 111ny Ioanyd so low Pinno solo it yours oild wt Willi us we out hsn ur Iy ii erstirl Coolie ol Toronto mi plus my htvo to bo omnnlniolgpghmm or DollrlIhiortlmrroi liloriim chanted not Tolhttii rrs Point to nrld Jeorulo Lyio Turcrlltl roll tor holow oor 53 my 20 tho ui humor and Mo Fiirrcrold mil it Wit It in lint St Thomas is it ill or Kirkiltltt tied with Is the be lot oi the it nation to itrllllorhmlh Lo Piano solo 15 yes no on lhrourhsui most of tho or 13mm to 0tu oarwt tiurrlrtt oi Ortiill Tisiwovirnlliiwiiidrrnio Ourn Sound to to Lynn mumLl or 1mm between so old to wlih hlrh Humor 55 Ni AN Ami ll slid lletty Lou Cran oi Oro Saturday Wm no it Hamilton in iiiiiiil TVWIIEHII cturtil hrs satin and onto Smlit oi 51min cooler oir St Caih it otretltoclusolmmosm NI tisnir ilui with BL Wild in the wsto holly my to stir Struti in lho altlmhil may solo optn Doyld urrrllinht iiurldrttiorm Ictilrlly mm to him it Nil oi limo per Rllioliiorrlo r1 Dovld illuto dram imitators loony ill Iilllzsloy to it me hrnlptnloi rioting or listrig so out mut nuley about to degree in Olltlrlo mmmm ill out Kuhn thinks Ltd otOrIIIII snowqu iliooi Continullt cloudy lilies held town is mu Orlttln ilrd wllh lo irrruirroium about 60 tom North tiny Piano solo openAnon Com Iiii about to in Northern On Sudbuly ii my mm in Iron oi horde Ii Nrrln XIc iorlu Shout It would in million ii My if of mm moer oi iisrrie and continue with Sliurdoy windy 11mm 35 5an Th Blight Point Ilth DoddoiTorrsnroJo Arid cool Trrnprrliurrs Iru slt Klpusittislrl 1de vow sum pectcli to remain writ below ilsrle is Imirwm wimlwm hmku mmpdmmw norlllnl unill shout madly Chaplain ii mam magnum with tho shower Iciitlty ruling lihito illvor it is my Elwin iiitiiliiitiio listslilihiirlrrli itiiiiil ii hidden BIINK BRIINCII OFFICIALLY OPENED todny Ind Saturday lurllinz ssasaassesgs yeoro out under italNu lins lorlorl oi Ortiiln it tots Nut worthy oi OrIIIIll hL Boys ultit iocnl study It yrsrr Ill under Tiny ltm oi lisrrle Bl lilrl hm oi liar rie 73 this local quick sludy yoer slid undcr lisriiyn Nooktt oi Orltila to ill rrruisr Irtordion competi ThI wuihsr ll prstIniod dsily It ouhilc Iorvtco by Naveiworid Tm DOWNTOWN onrlltlrl WW coltcottlrltIcLirrllltrousrs The new Toronto Dorotnlou linlllt brIrlch on tho corner hi Wilma Illo also limit way well Moo moor DostIn lllki An oooa houu loliwrrd to enshlo the public not Villilhl hook oiIlciIis to too tho now oremi lies Tho bsrtit will bo noon tor hulmo on htlmdsy FROM LEPTl tin Itnlry Bailey lisrry liniioy tho hrIrlth moostrrl tlsyor iIr tar Gtorro Smithson viro prooldcllt trld Violent litlitll tr oi the hI Ior Ontario twmlncr Phoioi ilorlt during iho oitcrnoon Illi Ivrlilnr Thursday mulls um Is hollows Accordion win eight years old undoi tiads Prrssull oi Orttiis hi Jsrnio leornoll oi 7263971 TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS lionl Ayurtwnndms itsowl 15 My DONT WANT Tum LIST Ind liW tllitU BIN STEIN REA It ESTATIIhiVlVi

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