Davis Gels Testy in Criticism OI friendship TORONTO OP Premier William Darin we My re ply Tuesday to the cannula Illch oi hie own with Gotham52htoodtmtttUtaa MI or to wuwmere tare tor nemeweh ted lure May hruool whether he had ever vacationrd at Lin Moore house in Itorlda or II an Mr their countries had made rooatn to nun Dariaa etrmrw oottrte hit Daria raid that it hit Sargent tr one at thou thou personal triendrhlpa Interlere utIa lhotrpolltitai so LL la er no room mum personal eeredrtioae or trl have in the it totiyurr haraheehatnema he and mural oi the have amt thtlrtetod Iilh any tweet hrre hat to male lie airo told ltr Barrett that what do with my private lite rho ueortete with to my tree It MHeVIhe leeialuto hit Barrett nu to en Interview that he didnt hm lot tore thet ao et tar ateear corn peolre deer sort or the protrttetl collate WA M0001 OUTLET hut he added that he had In tormrtlon the premier did me too in Florida hit them nest and the eolneideoee oi Canada doom Jacobi the Stictillioh contact to hold the Herein heedotlerttre t1 tantee tax real ur Daria honed to orpoeiilon hreteure and eat up an lrnuiry to htvootl to al lrretlon oi political pa earn in the Canada Gouare contractt hit Daria he denied that hta with Mr Moor har rien Lao to do Ilth the tract Tobacco Growers Setting Hopes Du Bonnet Year MW that Ontario tluewred totem norm will then etart tune Emilia crop thIt would In em guaranteed rolnlt trnunt ot 71 cent pound based on an estimated produc tion tarltt ot no million Representatives of whim rnanutarturere and the Ontario Marketing Board have extend on terms tor the 1m crop which could be worth our tteo NORAD et on err moot hrlow not million curds the uterus price could well above In Crete Last year the awrue price rushed no cente pound term Drmcyero ot Til hur ehalmun oi the to hem and said the thitrrtllv uonooued trust is aimed at aatlslylor protection tor loo million 901de tor the dorneelto market and to million owner tor export Planned exporir would he the largest tront Canv ada in any one year Thle In an oyoortuntty to WI tobacco Into new marlotr and to maintain atronr porltlon with our present eurtorrtorr eald lir Derrteiere The U5 ha ruiiered revere tlood condi tione on the tohaocoxrouin areas which mold moan tha overseer buyer will he lootlrt to Canadian tozaoco who thigh rltogrltlally have bouth to the lie noted that the us rill port ptlco Ir pond at 711 rent wound The United Kingdom took III million pounds trom Ontario tut year and the tohaeeo heard It witchth that In million pounds will ye there lhlr year would hope that we will re Iain the Interest oi the Peoplea napth ot China lot Japan In Canadian tobacco raid lit Domeyere They hay taken trial rhlpmcnta in the post Groysonhelti GIFT SHOP EtomtTtdo LIE CONTINUES TIL MAY Nth un Maple Ara liarrtr Tilml my and unbound Aid John has paid uh MM mm muteeteoaaraaotnrm roeteletll at rode to 12 to um nallm mm unwritten eoohuntu LA the na err lope eteomnonnhndehiede 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MEDITERRANEAN SUNSHINE courses UNIQUE STRAND antrtsu COACH rouns In COUNTRY GRAND EUROPEAN roun UDRIVECARHIIIE rmtanuorurttortonrerm rArtonucrttrnaetotorntrlautrermo 2AND3WEEK tit rrr err ALLINCLUSWE PACKAGES FROM rmam SAYIEgmmt shard totem urlityholtdmAtltnsivdellvoalrtetIltghte OIWRTOIOIIIAIM ONOIKNIIIII it nonrandomWm transom gimm Ntoorta and hoiela hotel rector mt men1mm our Most me tin erratum In London Itlonta between an mm wow IIMIII mo eoatn otel looms with ath orahower all Mum mm mm route lie unto III the neon Lend eel tent tint to mm will MINNIE Indoor mnln It the thuttl Sltllt hermit lull Ind ovatuttrwduen renteeeod rvttlhltlty WRITE 0R PHONE FOR STRANDS Wlimmmm FREE LIZPAGE FULLCOLOR BROCHURE cternrx surnames IIIII Mme Ire wheeled Iii Werdatt eeeta Art to an petrer or no Aetaoer Ieolh Mrreowvmtaottm wantn11 momma AI rum ororn trout and mm IoToroltlo Intmow Nrm Anhate and on partner In Iotalrrua IIOahrltl Iimortl met lMtlrzhlltettngl seer ml WWWi Ndtimm Io you 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