rt AJ Taro EMONSTRATES QUILTING TECHNIQUE The art quilting was one of the nails demonstrated at the art and craft rate not Ira held at St Georger Anglican Garth llill Allandale The almntotlncered Irtr zrcte Lhw the intricate rLtrh drain used to appliquea quilts From left are tire lsellie llturter ltrr Arnie McGeeea and tin Shel Kelly Ermine Place Retiring Teachers HonOredv At Unit Six Dinner Meeting Presentation urre made to retiring trarhrrr at the mount meeting of Unit at Eirrroe Canny Federated Women Tra cherr Astorirtion lloamed xuertr were lira Beulah Cotonoun and it Dore tr Keerar at line Borden nail and tin Bernice hinterland who to primary teacher on out at Sunmbrar Public School throat tin Moorland tut uurht toe my year to to atom township aehoeie lira Colmrhoun who is on stall at Frederick Campbell iuhtio uhoul at iiase Burden has also touch In Tomrorfin Twnahlp and the lleetoa area Urr Keemr tire principal at Josertt Krebte Public School Hue Uordrn has been active in the Federation ei ltamen Tea cbm Auorlatioa both at local rod protinrlel terrlr She has Irrrrd on the board at Dirtctora of NTAO and held the at provincial trrarurer on thtsiloard oi Governor for the Ontario lrsrhrrr Fedora lion litre Kearna beran her learhlnr career to Ilidhunt and also tautht at Kine Edde Pub lie School Illa lrannrtto Bordon ol imlairl Central roodttded but nonunion lolleulrtr dinner and bought erection tram Slmeoe County Arrorialloo tin moron lerirlrin oi herd olllee epoke on unhieml can retain rm traehm The emotive at Unit in thin peat yxrridrot liter trundle llarryroie lnniritl president lira tinda tlorril Bopden ylrowcrldem tin Olive llrnary and tilt Dclrhlr Willmcitl leerelary litre San drl Uedntxrk treasurer lira Fay lltlkllat aoodntll cmrenrra wonttow Waanatreellar lira lryro ltldiry Hordrn and lira Anne lladdotk inrittii Arpermnuailoa tire longhorn Key lrerhtrr are Brit Ew art tiln Nora 3mm lefroy lira Anne Haddock Suonyhrae titre tiaruret Aaron innllfll Cartrol ttlu Daun Oliver War olca tin Sartdra Roberts Goodtrilow tiara hlrry tau hic lhedran Frederick Campbell tllra Ltr lliil tinker lllra Km ltrudtr Alexander than lira Ann lineman liarble tire Audrey Nicol Unit representative to Elnrtoe Ootroty rtoeorukient tire Anm Green ruordin reerrtery rm tlrry Shepherd liaison him Mrry mm more hits lllrrlbn llanee ilrtlrlny trarhm are tln he Calouhoun titer Dorlr reams Mn iternlee Suther and rwooitboar rotted ouph their perm to do WIMP manure mm mm our no Mill itiilDERS SwitchHitter Issue Aurore Melt in or 92 iEiElt ssg is i=2 he on in LE is Dru lierim lain dqum hbele but other it corner to mantra it molten rat deal to heterosexual women it the dormers ehe trxa rrnrriai demon tenor or outtak You are ridrt atom you Mootitehtzlrmenue mild apart Dear Ana Ludrut not ran old not have too prob me try mother and did They are in heath not airpled orI plrdthryruome er tram ureter on rim dolor things they cold do tor hazy lte Get me till Get me that Go here Go there Find this Find tint We like we want cr mare it ark than to to turret or dine their hot all oter or tear croft mood to uk lmr Deer Dear Derrt Yrs lte fair to lho Army tta referred to term udtdreo mu be tied to tardy their gout tcrhcalllybe ayora try it here tablet lbo depend you led you walked the floor with dotted tome nilh you or themeehu ll they oerrt to 555 notorSIirrgrs havingsltaaount Contest Free 51 to ovary now do collar Starling Trusto wants to he you got the saving habit So canto on down and open new savings account Deposit $5 or more and we automatically add dollar to your account And youre automatically entered in our Savings Account Contest An unslnkalalo Sea Snark Sailboat given away ovary week For ouch $5 you deposit in your now Sterling Trusts savings account youre eligible tor ona entry in our contest Each wook an entry is drawn If your name is on it and you correctly answer skilltesting question on win terrific Sou Snark Sailboat lhoros ono draw per Week ovon woek from now until May 18 emotion 35 Dunlop StreotEasl Barrio Ontario tread Oittco 372 Bay Street Toronto Grand Prize it 01000 Cahokia Savings Ce Sterling Irueia rtttioate paying per annum When you enter the sailboat draw with deposit your name automatically goes into the Grand Prize draw to be held otter tho contest oiliclally clasaa on May 18 1973 Whoa your name is drawn all you do ll correctly answer nortion and presto 1000 richer killtesting ouro NOTE BitiirBOM WINNERS REMAIN ELIGIBLE FOR GRAND PRIZEme Como on down and open an account Get full contest dotatlr Got your tree dollar and got your name in the drum tor Sea SnarkSatlboat and $1000 55 gr 53 re 5335 RE EE are F13 Ag reborn the no rim he Kill Rook liar it Prlttv 355 Wexarrhuayettlo ellb report ratltd ter nhkuluhtlewmhl me at War or appear htto twirl attu newts hurt hm tea tell my all war In the ler edition at the careers met detest Iramene etab in Butte la the Eharamarrta Club of the Ladies OrlandShrine North Armin parallel the menr club no the mean Sheba Ehrioo it part of Rumour Temple in Toronto to tho brhu Rharuoarda Cluh la of Bottom Termite The name shararmrda la that ol anarutent Persian dirty mean to norm of good That to The membera rapport the tort of the Sbrlnm by providing knit ted and rent Irtlrkl lore and blond rSorlttrbiiri1rrnen in incl oe trontm Ind Vrrnnipez Dohatloru of money are rent to the Bone lioepttalr lo the Sure and the new Berna Win to Hamilton Tho rnrrnbm are at urfoo to do volunteer phil nnthror work in their run roar rnunty The club it to new that it he to not or had ctiyltiee lotionsornaerobtabomdnapon pl mm Why to with irrro tamer But you are tell lrorn mooant appearances 55 hardener an niaoetb over to an all timid consider hreut 0n lurch the club was on annual under the direetton of Lady Vernl tihite litrh Peter ten or ltahhare Court 11 To onto the new emotive was to Court menu tr the aim oi tbla rhrb hem 1C9 nusth one neuron stalled by Lady Glam Knonlr lmt triad Illxh Printer of the hold Oriental Shrine at North America Thr emotive lr tailors Preridrnt Joan Col Vireprrrt dent ilarhara Tuplttixtl rece trry tinttl tlmo manner tlurrel Simian ocular contra er hirrle Drmlrion Socirl corrvcrrr ituih Smith Way and tires Gertrude in Prrr Iod Minion Dorothy it Publicity Yvonne Sharamazda Club Afliate with Belt rt 22 tiernbrnhl mm tel Kane are than Pudieer lot or Anymo breahln who lame no dauornota aummmrrrmrr Mblhemrmtdecm new nrernhcr in tnttinted Lr Detour Coat 22 to The latter have the yrttilen aorta iloite let to to which mdhreid tint on mean no month in hole of areer moron mature the Golder mernberr are more orator ram Kt at rst Bertram Mnltt was thin Gen their fttra JJ Carrie Chrtrtie thin in loan Dole Itfra trite Oarbttt lain Crook thin torn lltlt thtrL is none Lelrtr tan tlkr my tarts intro ttlrrlrlllilaml hlurlel tiaeee thin DJ iton Illn thlllml tiuie Urmletoolitlra Rt Grace Ouch Itlrr lJ itch to Peacock titre it Ftaoru hidden tire DJ tieryaret Regrotdr tttrr ltl lily Royal lttrs Si in Son to litre Willirrnlplirrtya Smith litre Rt tturlrl Skate on tlrr it leer Stephenson it Willem Laura Sturt Neat Taylor thin Water thin MrI Now YOU friend or relative can onloy Ill thotanlulte trellllloa of Paradise Heellh Spa perronr can enroll for the price of onebut not for long this otter expire May it W73 or sooner ll qrioto it reached Art BARRIES ONLY FULLY rourenao FITNESSCENTRE IIIOIICMr Vawrrnnrro TOOL ULTEA MODERN YII now Otter Expires May 3lst or Sooner it Quote to Reached AND CUNTOUMNQ HALON IIill MOST MODERN UONDIIIONINO BUILDING AND REDUCING EQUIPMENT IllYDilOTIIEIMIY WHIRLPOOL EUCALYIIUI INIIAMIOII noon MUM rtaorr amen nan cannon ruun Butane noun noon ornrvrru snoryona thth CHANGE 001 AND LOCKER lNltttlIJUM ttiiIHONAIr THOGIIMIS SUPPtwist llV EXPERT IN FITNESS