Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1973, p. 25

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AiGood Spring Tonic For An Upset Budget Try Examiner Want Ads Will FOLKS EVERYWHERE READITHIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM DIAL 72844 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ESTATE IPIOPERTY rot sou ED LOWE LIMITED Rutter II 28A DUNle ST WESTIBARRIE IARRII from mom run 300 nmtoou BRIT room on quiet me time or In pueo reuy mainly moped yo Il mummy nameutmome DEMON thTRY HOME on VLA IlIo lot Wu bdrm wh prime hItlxooor innit room with lire mwmlonhmoxhiomgommuhu all ora MM WMNMIIII Dimbcdrmhml turb umthdNAngmnwith MN milaniulmuino momentum lnovook mist strum with Milan ItII Icptlc morn Ind nim REAL ESTATE rtoosm row SALE Ilroadg in Phi Ivnlablo Attlng Him Ian Gnooiodmmlnn Tnur DA linomblriirked all MI Habn Mimi 5131 53 DUNLOP ST Ernie 7264651 VAoAhi IAhD too MIDI urolltzt IIIIIIDLIIamled on It dual Mirroring Snow miiu lrorrr Barrinantthio Iot urno or wlloiiiu undrury Tor Irnlnr lntonmtlon all Wamolimhrdwllr Mimohmldllo WAGEStrial Dimension Tim on too good troll on tho property calibernio ier tblormrtleo AMI ructr roam mm Al rumor mm mm swat mono turn mnn moor DUNN TM TORONTO TRAINING AND lIHANUNO ornitnrrnorst Agnitn omnnvrunu iv mmmrmsrr Ind mkoln ollrt Witnbdmnbrnualemdm tiringmhnlls meiihhthonnriieJotmlomthortbiod minnow thlmiooCIrwbcll mm orrnlnro Ir All mornnnmuntun Mtttohenmd livingarnininlngrnorrttbeurmilvigrnhmlrmrv Naimlmmmrooldrntltl Imminngch nomcmnmmmrmmhpmnaio mum too errairtimmn Living Id roan im romli lA excellent million mms nonunion tistin alim Scandrett Tarmu ventan no NEIL Ioilmottnmn rmoiinrugomnoluero xtonbamaionaioeormrtiotmy mill rlderond lint NIX tho touting tor both term or mini doreioprnmt CI Dol Jam or norm No NE liin DptnDIlT mill 10 pm myromtm Ilrmtlmooio nittiurzsoimiamrtow Onion lamreiow bcrhoorn LEIIIIALNAIM pa bath rom dotely hodrcaooi lrnml yard worhhop closo to showing EI loollentreiirrmcot Ion Itrrtrr homo 01000 Down Bill iinttiey unwoo BARR CENTRAL MODERN BEDROOHI EDNGALDW Molotov motto iocntrd on nulet street with lolltonttlned Marmot IpIiImTDL omplionul trod lot will vaod tklvo D000 hum trim Mb living room bullionnod 94m in Tim Tholl oil Ior Ihlo WIT thrco bedroom Aim Amish oA Inter Imiobi ion to Into Slmo It Bell Burt Dorothy sharia tile mm IlanLmn ml howPoul 7mm morn mmu Limit MITI Wall on hornet MW le so 01ml Am boom Dorothy FitnlmanM um wt DES Illh LWI criorittiinco no REALTOR DHlIlrIllNlro Collier sr lorrlo 1204401 DirIti Toronto lino 3646625 GENENAL iNSUIIANCE ELASII Allnrrrblo mzm ovor not IIIWIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMWM lIwh at room Imzy for will MmMm Jul Whilnltyourdorm poyrnrot Ooh hlrto Hamilton room ANTENNASme LDVQUMIMCWVDI Iorcly older Iblo brick rio rey lon In to 100 with ll REAL ESTATE riromni FOR ms jImmmY rigLL45 67 Dunlop Barrio TDan MINI EXCLUSIVE AGENTS TOR HDIIUILST PLYES AND HEATHER HOME OF ANGUS CONGRATULATIONS to R055 BURWELL ton to microtr THE GOLDEN CHIS FISH AND CHIPS 161 NAPIER SR BARRIE Womhwwhnnhndlloeoonourulsntstl Th1 7261581 ESTEHV REAL ESTATE LTD 7263422 BEDROOM mm Lard ol room in this wollprlcnl nrnrly now bunt 101 mum Ind my running For truths intormrtion clli Gmrgo CImcron II MANY 5mm Nitob Ltpt older homo presently Axiom is my easily rtIrItir ed to original tondltlon Is entity me lingo llrin room with Ilrrpim brotllhri sun room wul lront Ind sine A1 bonemrnl ottrr rooms are my bra Aho has Inn Ind irry gator 00hr 001500 with term to out 00 Cult JW Drool no HIEDROOM mum Thin beIuIIAil but will lentum cwnplcto iIrnihy wmlurt it is it Mil romtnxttd Incl Mona lnono oi Barrioo mat popular rooldontltl tllririds hno ooo ot tho mm milieu in the oor to ceiling tindm In the non wher is tiltle oi the kitchen For Author Mails all George Cnrneron mm mm AIR IDW TAXES AND GIOICE BUNGAIDW IN THE Mull mom HAY in lREAL STATE NITED TRUST OpenDIrtatilinm mommaIon PHONE mm $2000 DOWN iMiviEDiATE POSSESSION South end bedmrr borne rlty with IIrgI living too Ittrrhtd garage lot 51230 Lorre garden APTthIrsh hlortgngts lob lemon Moor Foolr Jun Wow toot Unitttl Trust 72503300 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Photo liultipie Listing Strriro Ill muan Iuary tiriirn run TORONTO LINE 3561M 7263 lrorirrtv hlunngrtnent WM MtKlMoii PROPERTY FOR sore erI milnisncd on lhe in at tho in him room hlrhtn iIi ointment NDme XELHIIVI ARIN MOM IV TRIED TORONTO LINE 5661 Largo lit tlouth rl gIIIgc WW you old GI in Mauro only nuptmd Ewing mmchaooodndomlouirw vim oil ioon Garrick It no mo or mp1 bmnooir Sim sum or mm EXTRA LARGE HOME an em hrgo lot bothom living wont dlnLux room Ind hiatus lhlahod rmutlon room with doo Tlniriud one room llrtu room bio mo 200th corn ml dinette on washrooms Welt 0mm with MI my rim homo Close wortrrmchip lnrther tie to MIT Ind Importation Latin contain Joo Dlrrtcoto tom now run iieotbcr Fish or mill with AIM Complete General Insurance Service FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LIABILITY Call Joe Dirrocoio 7260567 or 72841401 Dolmen Mitt itImilion Marion Murmur Joan thorooron Jrln Dilltl Mlliin Thom Martin HIIIIII Fimvltl run lIM mm on rotor tlttpor Morml Cl ll llo leet 15 loot load Roldloom lnIrlng room dlnlnl tutu lIrgI Wm rlccb Ippolhted tlvl room Ind dining Am ml hIih Lin Ind dry bIscrmt with with nished iornthbrrlzoomhwnmerJtheMpanlthtuodrirht next door to tho whooL moor CIT Joo Dgwon mm INVESTme urge trait hot lo toim med All Trotting on two rlmttl Prosenth III one lolex returning tron mm per month there is mom or une other tpiex on this om irrmtinmi To lurtiirr lolorrmllm Mil Don iichlooon II Milli MOVE LI JUNE hrto bcoutlAtIIy tlmrltrd mil maintained three bedroom ride Iphi hiusltr httlrootn In pt rmulto Ind walkIn tlooet FInniv room on KIWHI floor has wnllrotit to big bncblrd For oppoiniment nut lnlormntion uli loom mmcron 1280011 LARGE FAMILY ABOUT BEROONIS Dryer level nontIins bedrooms ill be wuhroorn Ind good rat In line ltlbthen lower loot Ibr room with but Ln bIr phn wuhroom Loenird oi lhl moon Rani auto tot borne also Itttthod same end wide ririie mom with um Colt ioo noon stunt mourns IN Dunlap 5t Will Runsw SHALL llOHE CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Mini TITAN Low rhmit poommt hintth Dorothy linemanrim RANCH STYLE DUNGAIDW AT turnsrxo earx ohi large llviog room and hltehen good size bodrnoms Contact iiunuy REAL ESTATE LTD APPRAISALS tn Elrmunh IirtuiI Eniln hinmnort ing room dialog Iru null Tort LlItII em Fllil NINA urn browns Largo no room with kitthon iteihiieo Ind Ilm Euninmer nation lnok Noilen ltrolttr mini itmu norm mint mutt nuns till Real Estate Liti HEAD OFFICE RARNIE Ull lrlELD ST ml 79 HATFIELD ST Into PHONE 7261405 homo Milo brown In Etin IIIom unwind Mom srmron Iiuto Ellrl Mill mmr mom mint mom APPRAISALS IIIONT 5T DIIILLIA N0 TOLL 5150 TORONTO LINE worm MIDLAND $360111 TDIIONTD LINE than rim Vendor will hold mortgago Nora Rlvm mom OVERLOOKING RARRIE DIEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL SUNDAYS II TO PIA tint vow uirog trout no mow Bungalow on huge trmt lot my hedroonu country kildien low noun payment Inri cmiltnt nancing Rob Clark IDOKLVG NIT HOME III LANCE IMliLYl bhtrirootiin Inge lot our Karate hire Loin living room Ind IIle In with llrcploae largo Amirbrd Afr room Asking 01500 Corina Murray iiril inln well locolrd on very Simar DalthuttIr nrim lill turn Mimi Silir Nlmmm linitl Dlvil Iol Aon em Domino Loo toomanor norm iitilrs new mm IZNW Nam Mcwiiirn on non Iiii Emu lilo Toll Mac MILLIN toil Itstoil tall Noll norm mm 21457 in un IO ROSS ST BARREL 7281566 Ioriuld szmmimi mutt EAST END BARRLE bedroom brick tentry titligaiow build uh brdrooor or den Anti rec room to nished Sloglo ctr grrlgo looo Io Ill Ion tt1lchm mm IlarbotI IIbI moon how bout VILLAGE 5mm hilntm lroin Barrie bedroom hone llrro lot on well maintain Id minty roan Torn Trolley mm EXCLUSIVE LAKE WUCIIICIIING WEI110M 101 57 Irrl oi snooty beach largo mature trees private road Asking $000 Health Dept Imoiel or permanent hurries Contnrt Dorothy hiIcQtarric SAW0N HWY 11 NORTH 33ml new brink bungalow with meiotion front LIrgo living room with llreplsco burnitnl with partly linkbtul rrc room hot water oil heating largo altnrhnl REALTOR tilt HUGEL AVI MIDLAND 5209338 Morin mutt Throo brdroorn hut brick Iltloqnllt largo living room no dinlnt hILS IIICALTOII I01 DUNLDI ST DAIIRIE 72626 PATTERSON ROAD BEAUTY One ol the nitut homer nowhere bothcorn brick IAIIIEIIW only IV yearn new moiuliy dotornted IanIly lined motion lined lot lentoti hill hstctnont Will 00st the mini tirsrrrniio Itlreg buyer 0500 till Thomas mm SOUTH OI DANNILI TIMI thorn bedroom wintrrlrrd wttlgr pc lith corroiiclu wiNr Atrnlturr OTIIN well lol ilxlm emtlcnt rtlrrnt or starter home John lioo motion irtvtmrm OPPORnihTTY mm ertlt triplex tit west mi Barrie meilerii roritul Irea Income owr $5500 nnmnly Mary 1109 mm nrrininl Notini wrnrr Woom IllTlI bungalow llh bedroom ionin room in lower Irta Largo lot $2700 tluun iutb Ponnoit TIT3000 CENTRAL moon mom spacious inutgnlmi largo bedroom on main lrvel IIVIM rooIin connoiotrly broadiooniod largo inmlty tiwhcn basement opt with nttout to priruto mount bothr ilrrpltce Ittlrbed gnrnge IIt Quinn MW bed ghoummwNN llrLihed or Ieo 500 40003 room It go not rec it it res with scenic View lor ton mil Put lilrrinoiIr 730m user 0000 CENTRAL mint bedroom olilcsplii that end largo lot on but route rim Io Irhooln Screened patio Grace Dro oy T200000 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS 700 bedroom lnrge living room and tepanto dining room buntiiul tltchrn with no room tlrepisre thIirs tori over roe room lull basement double gouge IIrgI lot with botuithri iitw lubh illlllnnu mono EXCELLENT STARTER litillll H630 DOWN Muted LI miter next oi Barrie bedroom ill Murry home house lam heated unipomh lirinr room Mxt dining room 1215 kit EMA itxt unplo mm paneiiod on nuptial nicely doom Itorl riot to while and Iophrnto mhoo on but rooto to ilnr III Bald Day 7200000 to notion AVE mom Britlr otter Iiorry Large bedrooms brtht lrrnhvooo libero 01000 dorm Frank lioon mm domain has our bedroom Iprrtment mi plus both now entrance total monthw Income Mid be CIT tor appointment Aunhh 0mm AREA bedroom brnigrlow brondinom in tiring room Allilinln skiing trred lot yearn ohi Listed at only mm with low down payment 10 BURTON AVENUE oltltr brick home three hodrnnnu well llnLIshrd Intorlor new lumnu needs some repIir on exterior min $5500 with low down burnout LARGE WELL TilLLED IUT In Vesm 191 IN InlIol trom 0min Asking $11500 with Iotmn VICTORIA HARBOUR WAGE tinioiwvl Itopo tron Georrlan trims NEW LISTING mt Itro beet Ind hog Iami In Cookstoumtton am 150 um Iurci loam ItIl Ilono tree Potential for too or nursery iarrn lltartilhrily landserpcd three hodromn brick btxri low trorrminu view tlritthtd rmntion room mam built In Itoro llnin ham 40190 in on thin mo oootrsroiin Corner property tooled on busy intersection preo ouiy operultd Is mew out vnrlety atom with ion at p0tentlII Iso hit room Iboto rim brondloomed throughout Adr ing price $38000 or We all ultimo Prolit Inn lorr ointment Ivtiloble DEVElAlPIlErl POTENTIAL 10 Inro lrrmI bolh border in new orbdlvision katd torn 02000 $200 In em Cali lor tiirlher drtnllt 1Nan PROPERTY hut listed on lxrniop St lhm rlnrty buiirliru with storer plus opts Phone Iot mince partlcuinro WINE HAY7mm AY WWI IAKEAJINHA DOAD NAEANIRIWINH MOORE HIS ReIltor 7282642 Res 72D5187 Ila DUNLOI ST OPPOSITE ARENA lhm bedroorm eter tun 0m mmm Wt Gloria Koontz morn Khulna723411 Dorothy march unison r1I 50 FEET on lniirtsoii Drink garage new born Irruntmmtntiun tor trench min AM Dunlott Smith CIrrIpbell Rood Lnrhntriui building for loose or rule Colt D00 unwell 100 ACRE DAIRY lARlLgh miles west Entrie homo on this lnmr plrasuto to blow largo room baths p101 sunrooni all modern rar gntagr Implement shod 20x50 bnm 50 no it lolly equipped with static cleaner rte Good water simply Ilmllmt innit 100 extra new Irelinblo lintch illme III 111 Action with nguox I00 um good lonnr working Large room brick homo with low Ilr oil thilrix baths ntiurheh garage hm Inn 70170 new steel Implement shed nine shIrio lives in Oro township Ono trillo lronr Hwy 11 Call this other tor Auther inlorrmiion or Inspection libs Milt NIII Arum hltllo And In ll Wllillm ituonnliuo noun Dorothy Mtrcutrtlo Dull mmnr Iur Dov turmoil mun Don mom norm Ion Ellillnh norm REAL ESTATE BROKER 76 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE 705 7268675 162 DUNLOP TENTH HOURS WEEIADAVS SAT OS STEPHEN DAVIE 12000410an litCREAIiV mill PHIL FRANCIIEI IO norm NORMAN ESllELSWLLLimeROGLR SIIELSWELL Hil3 LIILIII mistrial nblo irom APPRAISING DOUGLAS 35 ISBRAADT liOllES TED YOUNG 0N THORNB uwcr Mcltl TAUL MUIIHY GNADAWIDB TILIDlIIN ILAN MDT Gwrgr Wilson mom Dmltl Hclttr TWI PLEASE CONSULT US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE John Doric Ralph lIrLeori lrnnllet hioLin EEIS T156127 mm MORTGAGES CONSULTING REAL WALD owansr 120an Exclusion Agrnis inr ESTATE LTD LENTSIUS IIOHES HHS DOUGLAS VIAN 726400 720011 RON IlAUGlITON 1251513 III NOW LEASING HUNT WALTER ADAII IILNII IIAIIL llltll TIMI Nlll TORONTO SUDSCRIBERS 4491710 mvrsrrrohr RESIDENTIAL NDUSIRIIIL mirrrnrcnu 30 OWEN 51 7266713 pace irontlnz Roy 00 Ind stillincent st 5me avail 1150 sq It and up including nut built by Ailinnco Building Corporal ply notits IANEST WAY 107 truism orilm to or Telephoto Paul blur hlilt now noun

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