NEWS OF WASIIGIIBEIICH II ILer Wilson Lynne Wilson lloir 51 Vm cmnnnnmn By JAY DJAoldoI ribonhlr NORTH AAJH VAI 0H AKIH Em Imi It now vrtirr or mm own on notmr Axon wror OAxQHZ I101 NW Iloltl VIII Null hrl IO TIII PI 30 Pm INT Pu Vol1 lend oxen oi ZbeIrts ltrny coolndr Iii due to un ludy dillrltullou Iorno 0t Ithrcn mt be mated by rnrtiu wot rrItIIIy Ioptrrnt Mr nay yoonln six on srmnlr Ind Walked IhrIrt ou win with the In emlt rnmnleetilhetrirbmnhen ou ltd tho All or lmsvo Wui than not and you mine vthnt mu the null Ilnn in 0000 intrtir Tighlness In IECKER IpIAeILIhhoononuzho eIrdIhoImntholomtrouri ulnwohundtomhthulm Dolorlmely at rulir tho wwwmuhemuol ozone an rrioomou Dear Dr Man in you unmotonltuiwinlnn tlno our not lulntwohutthhalrmli In niontu In in loonrsorlaonhrruchmt In lad ION do dayt mEL Damon or ootndiody thou pmvlo MIL lor peqnlo Ibo atrliooIroorldIrImnIt In II ouvo still It to Aint that Imt mm It you to be ldI order to cumin gm pm gimreaihl More glilng or too ioetr Iotncthtng on 1th ELI int MW 401 dost bu Ill Imam what learn in mo in be Whilin io Ihnt use he would hnod lhIt At the lull ion gm me ou the ILun ruiIIogthI nine Your benttiter It your hat brnoeiui you bydisenrtilnx on Auto lot at wort Ind you It mt Mum it lor ruling hit it be discuded you would tired WelLJnIgbr not tirod nuhetlicrhrnhyupssingto Mltdotalthzietherlngit durum with deb Ihd dio Ola have curling heart on tho inch oi thhoH on minute it you IpIrlor Your mime might thlnt lrtt ying on hm burl no in dungrr llolcm III to not yet int tor But our lure to allow uni uhen you now pity the limo It It HELEN GILLIL WILSONGERVM 50ch in St Palrirlrt Church Stnoer wits lled by SalmdIy Ihcrr De th tierth llemirwii Ion um united in ntIrrlagr The ecumenical double rinx uni oas conducted by Tnthrr Wil liItn bcnhion IsslIiod bx licv hollli Vetiiaulor iiu bride pm in marriage by her uncle Lloyd Dyer wu attended by her mold ol how or and Otm bridesmaids She not IIIIAIIIOIIII ord tlitit nownolan owhiloCnIn till loco with waist lcnrlh tulle tII Ind carried mcIdo ol boibrr or hatin rtblorr ltrateIm notl lIn ny IIIrrr girl to not Entitled to Iollhltwo Ilidogot AIL uni mail but Hill It push you hm to wait it In your at Ihouldlrelbnppyrg ll tour heIrt hII brnlen netting lrin Ihm million times and considering tut il evidently la in orrtly good th Illll Juatwoll in ii on lows in blood rnnsle not read the my trio mind your inrm iildowrl gum oi rongrntuittlon AoII it quite as eatin nowIISo Thebrldolmothcrltrtilrlrn 30 II II GonIlr tort lloor length pale Hodl lhlt tiirlItt ltelml In the blue Ibeotli with our paneLt oi dint II mIIlI wlmtnl WI nuurehlue thlllen She wore an orchid Mrs Wilson wore drop rd tangerine iorsey caught It pour to male Imago plen Ilio waist rIilh In ornameninl ml DWI rluster ol bnilinntn Her rotsage 0mm Wk Wm lrosidrnt Robert Brown re WK to ihntliiraVrltnIlmgworth WW WI W910 its been hired at nsristnnt to viewing the wedding mitt onc hagmwuwummm um ll Mk II III Jail try tin liertyle Linn duties Ind lllllnl Lulcr build I00 la mmmenru lrme hiiss Cothc md Rolicrtson hIt born Iiilltl my um 00 pnrttlmn summer help MI it MW rititirro unnnr lust Sign 0i lIlge inrmrcriie dnlrlrs Sweetheart tat drrrlnr room In this nrrn roses Ind bobyl brcuth iVusnrn All Stars on Easlrr Sun mm Iwa day um 40 Elilaoir and his 51m rim dIuglrter iir and Mrs Smith olo Irul Cindy Sporting um and hits Snrltlit risier Lance iloor lrnrth out at checked WW It WI Md in WM gimp Iunt1 iir Ind hlrr Wetier tin 11 min or hm mm Taulrnolini hin Edith Coo pmwmumogmrmoiuo lrry IrI Velmo longuorth 11 mm mm tin hoot Louis tin Anne dalolcl IrlI Ind walhnrt loo Roberts Hrs llrnyIt INT gm Helen GlliloI Th0 dining room Tho trounr altenrlnnts were mm mmzrmmllIi Dlntk Ind Drum Syndrr At rich end at the nlirr rIli thrre urre lnli hlafldnnlt white rhastI daisies biue IrII tionr mutt cnowus The line tiralhcr Ind the lot title at Ihr holiday combined to wcdtwood malro Ii my bury wcelrend tor and tongcrlne tarna Winona licnrh it looked no it everyone bod gucrII ritlirr pny Tlirrecerition wnnhtldllhnn Inn or honouring lirstnnrnnts ry VIIIJ Wnsoga Bench tor the were minded iliiII truth was wedding pIIrty Ind 50 until neorlynnbury us ramuurnnrcr The wedding calte our live wrehrnds Let us hope thol in IIIrod it was bolted Ind beau trill ri high water the crowd Ittlniiy decorated by the brides oonllnrre in tlrlt uriourlrm is Iruit lllrs llnrg iiyrr our business and must operolon Wayne Smith noted Is Ioasl Ire prrnnring to sin nil in their TELEVISION PROGRAMS MORNING VIEWINGI MONDAY 10 IIIIDAV Al lMKI ACPTIU II II lVnolr Mom rnrm main TM All HCh innr on ll tumor run firm mm Snrm in ITYEfnn ion sortom hm WI lTEd Aiiltl The Chamber cl Cummrrrn ls tpoosoring oirhrrtl shing derby rlart at midnight llny ill llii Innr ll 0llorln L600 In cosh prim In Chest report Iihmh lt nevi HAW HR ET boart lieu Dr hula ite Il rim hIiIl trottpolulth uryIIIooIIII anon ng o1 IWT MANN dont tiyiiimr uonsherrlda min without It ttoo bow at ilnuon Tho mort lrrlullng part oi ml Plum usuriiy In tho anoint text on ride or the other oi that Int out get my Ir throng it Does this Indtettr tome Icri our sinus problem in there mediation rhrt would help LL tether your tituu It in 1de is wide the paint II though atxti continued conga lion probably will ailre your slang II it hasnt browned II From the sound at things wouii rurntut thsi tour hot tin of drtrnn mull be to prr tursrJ In the mods of In It lerglstI You have the rlgrn oi being nikrric to Ironing thingr trcer KrIsset lionerr plIiAs Arr Iiimiti can really test tor the min common oIIrn in there rrmnir Not In St Your niobium about Ilnrling tuills legal problem to ask your inner in nierni it me lit to tho noodlle Irpem oi lhc mil ctrtIlnl nm nI shout to ollcr any opin ions without having Ilulhlnd knowledge oi the case Nor would court bo lnicrcttrd In my homny remurh unsung DON ALD IDUCK MR ABERNAIHY splrisirliilrrn 00 gut out oi Ilrrte without irritating him rnnughiu start throwing things DIIILY CROSSWOIID by THOMAS 105 ACROSS DOWN million 15mm port 231mi Tlpully cuckoo Ill Flavoring Spurn plInt inquire YOU DATED AUGIE WE GOT SPIES Diortr mitts TO BE TRUE 70 UISIAIRSy rbl ll fill ISAIAH HAHN HINDI MAY 71 genus LIKE tor mama ownmsan Iur WIsrour III Condos Unlritnrl Stiller 1110qu Iamin rtI rroo tlmnlmioicr It rrm stirenrol rirm ruin mm Hm Inti tllneio lobby lIOEEA rim lPhil minim ELY ll WI rm will my IllIHLNI IFno In Llomll tonv lit nitMr Drum ms iDiu for hoitttl Funny Twillttl llbric Fleet Hountrlo lllnleoratgt ingorlnk thyph wri IL TorierdtyaAaner It Olrll BUZZ SAWYER lillllorih Mull rrrr tilllll litl WEDNESDAY IIIAV AFTERNOON lItmi mo un iAII Mu cutout IMIIIIIIIMIWI ITiouTIIWIEITiIIY ormrunn our Darwin 74mm ltthitlr meniii mu olm merit tottqu Ll litrmnlnn bellII allconttr rrrb Hockey 2Smdrror IlJlonrory llIr llrIners ll VliIlity 21 Algonr ILAnrurnl 115mm ontn 118mm ultnwls inoiro ouocn ll areal 200mm ll IDIIWDI pinto TlInm ruin rungqu nrlIIII II Tlnirbnd I1 Brrtront light It conch TOUR NEW oINPV AINT DONE READINEM tet rrm NAUE VE GOT ENNV 0L HOOTIN HOLLER GAZETTES COULD READ DRETFUL SDRRVr LOWEEZV trio Horiih liven It IAMIMV WWII Li ll Irino Non II II It IM rim twtio mm or win lEdAiiIn tsumr for Tomorrow itpiii new oliinltrmr II III the truth it llNoII Junction trite Hum tho our World ILlll TPo lILll Ti Hu Till itunomt via atimunt iuml OTIillllv All MI II llAnd WEDNEHDAY iiiAv EVENING VIII IhI min ANN Drool iwm onion iaItquhoot litriot IMom tvumli TlIowillhll Ii LTlItlh If CWNVIMI titmuro It in Doltll IlAMI AMA ilTtuin or tomorrow lrll MI WIIINI snaAr titon rmm Ilil Al riirno Irooi lhtil rrwnri not In tool It iian swmnti Litton IWriio hut rmutr rum li0mn Mr mail It ILorol loom iMInit mt lAllorl Ill Hm ti liIo ITN umi it Ith rum II On Much TM WNI Tomi Lwriniitl Thorns moon MI Doll 10 or nor LIvIr Holint no awmrt INMMS am 70 Till Tho Twin TDoclnll biol Mill Llltll YIIH IMIIIMI LIN IIrmrmi illitm Iltmn It Avwlllilll It Mom sumo oIioth or Common cro Itingriong Jubtia ai KiIiri MINI Lullle Ham It HitEwen Imhtil Ham on me I04 Mwotetl lMliim TM MITFilo Wilton 1inch nitmt IHiro it In it liI Tu rlllm rm ltLilnbani pilot mum lhlltlnl who SPl WINNIE to mini innIIIIItor to it pun 10mm ilm ILUomriotI Minre In Good mug TLCIIIIurnIa WwiI molllllllil nun lt Newer Iry cltt The oI Ihn Ther itrlch II III or Do rome Ihlnr than it not ll spot ts Nent re rontrnc tlnn It Admin lslcitd Men but Liiii lllturtlot Klirhtn Til lMovlo The Hand to Protein witFmin bout till iiTIothgr minio coorrownm rmo ITEIINIMIIIommw Manor Ii minnow NM lNIII WIIan MI JVitwpeini Iln Ni In moony Illlmll Hng 5H INIIII iI summer rirui lIIimo lotion ms to on Mlglr Dot TImI mo Jubliu rm Million Wm tIiIrt ISrMiIthll IIIIBIM Liiyia ann Trill no in rlL tamer mm lMolll lottuIVou numrn Dim onrim Iwronn Tiliil liil Ii Ernirt itlnrt 0min omvlo Hunt Tho ctmlrron ltil mmmrtmmil DAILY CNYITOQUOIIIHerol how towork III II LONOIFELLOH Unn lzltsr simply limit for INOTIIILI in this nrnpln In unit or Ihn threo Ls lor the two OI ctr Singln irIIm orlrophu Ihr Itnrth Ind lurmIlIun at tho wordr Irn all hIntr Errh rity Ilth coda letters It rlihrrtnt LRVTTOQUOTES OEYWIDE DEW X003 DINA BXC RZQD EZDW CQOWH IIXC STOW ID DX XDEWPJAFDOPZN ZOOWQ AEIDH antttlul bloouoioi EV PENSISTENTLY REMAIN TKO SINGLE AINIAN CDNVERTS HIHSELII INTO PER llANENT PUBLIC TEAMATIONFOSCAN WILD l9 llIllIulIIlanI lrIlltIlnIuvl MEI lirouniIln Item Coment to BARNEY GOOGLE NIT It Sit Spoil out tour Ihorl word below Use numberch let tern to spell cormt writer to Pop Topic It bottom ANSWER rr rr in in Her OOOOOOO wdCLUEi zrirr nit itsrrluIr Antwtt HowpiviicerrIratrirdunregronnd rucurvrmwnoorrs mortarLimitmmurgiuiwuriyItmrrmtritiumm It rm Iing Tuiuru Sgnllerir in