in Irririr ti Ir tre eeeond period and itent ell II II III he played here ltetnerriry GIAIII lnrrrroulre Itltti no Ill Ir rlrarrd tho Terrlort Icorrny white lturrny Thresher am llrtt In norro out It Sweeney rented tot icmhroin to the glove i1 Cournoyer On noun untrue WAY 1M rn ll Goal Short Tying Playoff Record 110mm tailYer nun who hsr been phyla nines tut Jnurry Itih trite tire ooh to Its Iimrh em eirht winger You Were ttwtreot molten hrt pro tried Gorge Blvd llrrtr with hellytehe mix prev pontoon II not In centtried Indry amen mocrherr oi the IIIILI to who llnntreol pnyer hot IIYI term the rim lroohTo may Ihdr rum hunter on tutti rnrmi in role rurrvotion thrt Ontrneyrr woud rob the noon voter Ile Inzi hlr termrmefer IIII be out to girls the Creedlezs the tonr tor to 15th time the me when the Strniey up he cums the ohiert nI rcrnpetitirn many only Notional Itxlry turtle terror The turn elite ms Innth In the Itllh their heriotvreren Ilort The Quotient hnltrn ht edge In the ruler Tenlrhte ume rrll he televlted III Crnrir by the EC huhht It on PDT It nlrynite rrmer he hrr Irrperred the rpnny Conner hay hem the teed iy tortrem will II III rhrrer the reorlnr Irrtrrrhla with it DCLIII the lame num her In Dannie Ituil oi the Birth IIIb hot the Moro Irit lurrr hrr lire tewer pair one more mi try Gruncrer will my lite and II Kerri by Ielt wtrxrr Prank ttrhorllrh oi gamma In the im trier comer Idmts In her led uh orin rtee he we tried eIrIy lut new by but delenmnnn Ted limit at ttinnsntr North Sirrr lint he rryr learned In Me with the layIry em to IOIIEI murd tally 11P doctor iel this thul I1 murmytr rrtd threw trieliot reun AM WAN WIme Inch wlorer minted tt romeo heeruse It the lnyury IO rem too out not moneyed II 1an1 Bhordelecru Seeres Three As Marlies Win Opener htONIILEII icti Itth ILlter Paulie hordeleeu turned to hit tirrt Irnlor homerhlnrtdty nitht hrrird thin homecoming Lr grand etyle lordelenn who played here with Iiontrrat lunlar Canniirnr oi the Ontario Iloelry Arteri eilnn in into wittrt they won their mend Iltairht hiermrIII 0m tired three only end one Ilth to lend tororrto hIIrI harm to or win nverlQreheo Remnant In the openlnr Hm oilthlr yeare htemnrtrl il II Play for the in ewerded to unity to CroIdII to rnrlnr junior hockey teem resume Wednesday night when llteile ano Itat Item oi the terirrn Clrtlli tloeley Lennon plry Toronto the roentrohln setter reniil rrer Irjirty with chee pity titteme list out Saturday the top trio term In the inlet meet in rotteoderih ehrnv olorvhlp Iiori iio ployrd hlr hell rrme ot the scum rIld Toronto eerrh Georre Armrtrnnt it nor Itrtlnt III the time Itr root to our hero Irate tintdelete raid All wee thlotlnr about hetero the urea was rotor out and doing I7 my best had Itir oI rhtnror threnln ofro rtr rost Ire Glenn Cotton ant Brat on while And Druhemrr Int guy Erouiurni Ieollrt tor Que HAD NANCE Quebec down to at the rod oi the tint yerlurt Int some rood ehtnru In the Ieeond only to be viewed by note llile Pelmster eho blotted to oI Wheel to driver during the me Illr iernemrler bed to their Ii Quebec roelte Pierre Prrurre war he Iilh the III we game he in the record one third pertodr enrnrnented Qrtiee coseh Ortili terrier Our mo the hit reed by Toronto lit the ttret period Ind the time they woke to end retiired they eould beet them It nr re Then they rat not root In the mend period Theres In My you con not out teem inur rortr Itld vtn They are used to teruh mvlitlnn III the time but we are not Duo or Inn teatrtr are reoty nod but the rest oi the lergun snot Rain Helped iiied Sox Deleon Chicago 41 By lIll ASSOCIATED PRESS Bottune John OrrIII had mmrmgetniehlerthlhn to try mm the weather Ianhieeyo tinnde olrhui the no while In his lover II the Ilrothrnder pitched the tied so to It Amnrlelrt turtle Olympics To Be SelfFinancing tOItINIO ittPI rhtnyor Iten Drrpeeu reiterated tlun dry thrt the thin olyvrnrc homes In ttontrerl wont cost Coordien tor ryers reelIn Incl he Cnnndlanr men will he rtlvwlur how to rpend the Iiirplur the Grunt will eteete Dreperu told Ihout moo deer lies to the annual meeting ot the Atlocintlon nI Conedlnn Ad vertirerr the Corner will he relivitntneiny lie dltnt elehnrste on how the more would cutie rur nlvs but Iilckhanlied Itir way ernrord hnlur oiled Ihout deli eltt by title hlmret otter II nr Ila relt hed outline how hlort treII Iueeerrtully hid tor the timer rodIhen answer guar tlonr Irem the audience hl theutit IIt exit the lust three noyreii The Errt overiion he trtet nIr herv enrich the Garnet unud eort lilo tuneyeo None he Iiln tDrenrru raid hed ruarruieezl lite inderal niernmnnt wouldnt ark tor iundr iI the Genre orrrnlulinn v41 Illnwed to rain money by tells In elnmpr eht entry enrl hold inr lottery Later In hlr talk about It moves he berkirnrkrrt little time hlr ttlrniut rcmortr hy Irklny Now non there to doilelt It III the revenue and Portage In that To Lead Pemhroire in Series MUSLIM til toringo Terrierr rtocut hrer ul oi gull Monty orcr Ilrrnrer King tin their loo cnnlni Cup tunlur Ieiitt Irt store In the Letter will At lllton Irnnk ureter shot on noi in tho rcoreierr Irrrt perio nlrewt to at the end nt the ree ulih It unto Ihit irrrn I11 grim II trot whim roalm llrm Shieltr llonrd In trying tr mate glare rare IItle mrro Ihrn Itto minutes lrlnr grunt Ih lnonrmnle Itnnry brlehelt victory over Churn White Sex wII eueelnyrunter you hrerth when It ttoiied to rein rrtta uld Ilter rome earlyIn ntol precipitation lint the woman turneri oultn he hleulur Io dirrutsa reat ur the IrtltrriIl titrt In whlio JEAN DMPFAU sellhnonim progrrmr run one no not coins nml the lottery would he enotinuerl Ihtr the Germr hot entcu Ihe OIKLIIIIII commtteo hnr Hit It will roire mo million through the solo oi Olympic commemorative coins Ito mil lion throurh the solo at stamp end In In lllrn tronr lottery Druinru trio ihern wuilii he Inur lotterier each providing to million net There would he one We your out out In their oi the next three years do Iiins I2 Ilolh terror rtulrt out raur liurly oonitentnr tor only It hetnrn Iorteyo went out llilion ooocnl the worn on vk iuolr or hum Home City he told the nt hllontroto ittnot III tllrhmon tti Born Son Park iurt enou to erure the CIcsyo outlle to route titthlnntny grlel Orlando Ce dI led III with what looted Iiuie tut mire ilelder Iten Itrndertoit rllpnrd eheitnr the hell end Ce polo limped Into eervnd With two on end two out John Kett nrdy Iito hit what red to be tingle ttrlr rirht ttrlder John Jeter Inrt hlr Ino In and by the time he reenv trod Kennedy tied triple Ind the tied Sex had two rum to the only other Americtn terruo artlnn Itdiilrnore OrI hits on Cuiitomln Antrir New York It hlinnerote we rained out Ity THE CANADIAN FREE Amrrtrnn leerne III PILOIIL It 451 Detroit It eoo tttturuteo II II All Hutton IO Cteielnrrd It to III New York In It All tit Itrrt iii to ID 613 III tit II iod 111L151 III herullr litnndny New York at htlnnerotl pod illitimOIO Chicano Coldurnis llinnereta OttItIattd Texas tinttlrnora tlstlrnd Burton Otrtcrgn Irohnhio Plioherr lodey Critiurnin Wright Hi It Cleveland IIerry Mi horn Onlrlrnd tIIunter ZII It more thicNaIIy Mi nee om Detroit IIrymnn Zt It lien rnr Lily tSpiiIlortt lto lexnr lltroherr MI It Iilr woolen tslaiorr tti one New york islotliemyre to hortort Ithtrtir II Cideun IIil EXAhIINEII WANT ADS PIIONE TIMIII IIUSHS senor court nrllrr North oi IiIrrIo on lIrrI Ilde at It Illty 1264 armytn ODoeII Ind Outhoude ootrsr Inrh amino OCIr tnnr iront ltsh Utnoner trorn ltt oneressorlvr BIISEBIILL RECORD hr the lg5 he on ah at let III toy centre mm Lenoir the emit when no now to thIiIit rnttneertolun Canonyx lid II out not end Irate the are none the It leerne later roe Itdle to not win the genre The Itewle have paid writer to Iilleiiar to the IMM Crunoyer Leo hr the when Ind LI the trot three renter Ind detoncernen curated to If macro to use urine In VIN IIIhet tidal ttrm Didi WC rod that Itoreh he ltd they tnrht not he or loot Dennlr IirAi In they can check Ind hit you Ihen they rel the drama Cincinnati Ioins Willi NWT IAPI width IIIL tired writing tor the Ne ttonsl ttorley Ierrue to rent it Innehlse beanie World thretey Annotation member Alondny ltlllt pretidenl Gery Derrid It tor the Item cont etrt titer the In norrneeenent nd trro other ettler under mnelnerrtlon tor Iranehleer were htleml end Ymnver The trier in It rudy In NIIL oir stern Arnold WA pereoonet dtrodor rrtd the mono mm will here onereiteo in ImI5 the city currently her Item itinetnnetl Swords oi the Interim ttnetey leerue tune eiuir oi the litllrl Ntrto heheee hrtra tteehn neeeldoot oi the CInclnntII linekey hob Im tulCI rIid htI noun decided to tempt the WIIA otter III week no otter the httt wotlrmet Ireneth Inr Itrnsu co Challenge iiot Received MONTHElli iOIl The No tlonII tlorley Ionrua her not received In oiileiol chrtlrnro ier the World lindey Aernelr Ition tor pteyoit between the ehrrrrotnur In the two Ieuuet tor the Stanley thin ltrirn ONeil tearue uncu tive director uld hlnrdry It would be It to tail nrerldent Intense Campbell to remnant no the ehrllenre hrrt he added cent em in no enter to be meotlnr eheiiett The ehtileere wry erred by Ilowent Baldwin alter Brid wlnr Noe moron hheieu witin Wloniiel tote Id 9m dey nirhi In to the MIA tIan tour some to one lttldwin cold the Stooley our new emhemrtie ol the hill title remains chilienre Ire oily and called In this were winner to tame In one rome neutrehtce plttoil ttnntreei Canadian teed Chl raro IIieoir llowirr three routes to one In their hesioteeren Nttt tlnni tor the Stroley Ito ileum Wedneldq New York It ttmrresoin Detroit It Knolls City Terror It tlilrrtutree Orlitornle II Clevelend oIlrIaurl It Baltimore NettonIt Irene But It leltthl It LIIIv IIIIIIIO It 13500 III it It Add II Add ill It 20 IVrrt Sen henction ilottlton Cincinnati loo Anyolu hen Dlern Atlentl Ilttehurrh Chleeru New York htootreal Pblledeiohin St Auto 21 113 MIOMI III II II 595 15 It 517 II II it II IIOIOII Nerutte hInndIy Itourtnn ttonlreal Ihlleclelphln Cincinnati New York Minute Son Diego Chttlxo Pittrhurrh Loo Anyoler Crlmet liednerdny ttnuttmr It Ilonlresi Atlanta It New York Clueiooott It Illrllndelphin Ititrhurrh It tor Anyeles Chicago It San Diego St Inuit It Sen tronelreo fonfioenrfrt 2nd IiEBIIT su IIOISIIIIIIZEII Villtt CE 1200 more In LII no PIRSAVINO AVMILI lit llblt ITOIIII FLOWEII SOAPS IIIIIOLEI SPIIAI III ST OOLOOIIE BLACK IIIOIO 215 AVAILAILI III IIOIIII 315 luvs Uri SUPERSAVINO onooortrts I11 PEIiFIT PIIIITI IIOSE ONE OIZE IIIIEII OIIEIIE WWII SUPERSAVINO new no SUMRSAVINO LI CLCIIL SIIIISOiIIIOIIIIIIOII BIIOILEII IIIIIIEII AVOOAOO Olltt 0R HARVIOT GOLD noon ltet eono SUPERSAVING onuvnnrs Molten suernsevmo BRICK 99c HIIIII SPIIII F03 I39 logy till SUPERSAVINO Oi re eneu OLAIIIOL IIEIIOIII ESSEIIOE snuovuu huge liel suernsovmo EOSEIIIIIE CREME iIIIISE suornsrvmo Ireeu SUSPENSIO dl Md VALUII IIIICIIVI UNTIL OLOIIIIO IIIIt MAY tllh run 34 mi