99 MARYS Girl EXECUTIVE Hohymoon Trip To North Foiloirvs GodinMarterl3Bites amp gymumwmormy IiiVeTWSarhIdeTm it areddtop trip to pdnta north Inllmd the manure atnena Jean ilerten and Peter Codih on April II St III Roman Catholic Climb Enter rmed the aettinl tor the mar The mole exchanaed rm mi Tina beiora tier leek OBrien The bride la the White oi Ilr and tire David Robert llarten oi WNWm Steel Steel iilrril Ina hrldcproonl rule 11 Int Ilra Sinn Joaeph Godin oi Arnoiil Street EMPIRE LOTT iEeeoricdlotluIilIrby her tether the bride wore an ant ptreelyied can oi polyclll er mldy ielturiar uliioped llce and dailiel Cryrtai pirat ihl edaed the hirit neckline oi the town and rear continued on tttrt iho titted bodice ieatured the hem oi the hellIth thirt The tted bodice ieaurrad Diahop aicerea pert at atllle tulle ede la with lace and dairy trim to hold the pet viii oi tattle Iiiuaion She carried Baronet clraatima irl VIrill Nehldeeetpaioltiaetedeep people Illa Wendy Ruereli Tau maid oi hum Robin Illrten litttf DI the bride Nlncy Drum and am more Mi IDLANDIIRSFDimlAiIESGODDt Vlaainlalalrhanlt were holder rnaldl itro allendantl PEOPLE ANDPLIICES Call the Honda Deak at TIHJIT RETURN YROII aorrrn litr and hire at Gildllooa Cor rie Ipenl month in Tinctda It Omelan Death rtttnnlrr he iort Barter Durin tile llo day weekend they ll Ia viailora their dillth Ind aonInIaw Mr Ind lire Wlliilrn Wriiill Ind daurilter Amy oi Elmcoe EXTEND INVITATION ltre cart We Hill 11an have extended an invi ltlon to herein header Ciliaenr to be their niaata at the per turnarch oi Boulilla and Juat attire will he married Friday Ind Saturday evenlnu at illil Hut Milo moi Toronto St lhe curtain you up It pan SANDWICH EUPPEITC 1A Ierlnal candietiyht Itrpper all held in honor or air and Tire Peter Dam on the oc casion oi the opening oi the trio Grill larder near mention Guclla at tile aurprlae celebra tion on Wednelday evenlna in cluded lira Bertha Stewart Speaker Explains History OI Egypt The Don Prerhyierian udiaa Group at Anna dimmed pot Ilhle were to make Imprntcv rnrnta In the Church ilull decay It the April to mutiny held at the hunt ol Ilra lililll 5pellll yueata at tho meelllia area hire Wldta Kirolel who ehowed llldea at Enrol and er IhIalnrAi Ill ltlalnay Eire told Aw pyrlrnlda oi the iharloht with the mile benutliully decor ated in bright colon tell the Die Ituay oi the Pharaoh Eho ehoued alldea oi ihe con traat In llvinp candltiona oi the people who live In the count tide and the city dwellera min In the trim and Alarm der arm The meal mutiny will he held the lion Prethyierian Church time when yuelta Trill he turn at nliaalonaalaa oi the Eu rlert interim lilaainlr oi Toronto ilelreahmentt were rented by lira Ileierl Pittion and hire lielen Brennan AIII MAIL DELIVERY rlo first all oat oi mtll In Canada wla me Capt Drian Patt initit IND ilew Irom llontrcal to Toronto Will itll lettere on board lianry Ornate Dave and Rita mull Dill RED Daaildnsn Inriu me Dun Da III Pat llail mil Daril Marnik and Detly Cook Prcd hown hcrp Andy end Sandy Roar inlrn Ind Dianne lichiann lerry War ner Chrit and lrarh Valid dcr Dam The new proprietcre Ilr Ind lira Drown received houun Itnm lloliday inn Drookdtln Plat Inn and Janet Autunollve DZCOIIEI llll IIAllllt iluxil Currte eon oi tie and Ill1 Gladllona Currie Kcm penleil Drive altered in the Tar nntn Ilepiuna Bridge inumI merit our Eaticr elect at the Royal York tintel During the nine oi the week he earned enour pnlnlt in rive hint over it lial and XIDTOIIEIII lite cc to mum crcan rdyn tended Willi Iclloolt and col Iexiate in Darrin and It Ia bu Ileved Ile la the tint Danie Idenl to Ilecnrna tile Marina WARD zi Neath oi the rem line oi Wellington Street Dali ml imm tin contra tne hi Haylleid Street in the centre lino oI hl Vlreaenl Strut TOTE AT OAKLEY PADN IUDLIC MIIOOL DAVIDSON EIIIEITT Street ADVANCE POLL tyua htr Currie at aiyied on ldenlieai liner in dii teen ehadea oi ink yellowI blue and Teen ediion ever iliietl Th7 Ieaiured Nth palat lIIree lane uli Iieevea with deep cattle and aeiily gathered Illicit The hrldal hlicndnnll arore ilny dalllea Ill their Ilnlr rend dartind Mouth oi rmrml tinted in match their drlrrrl and while muma Wetliiny music was in on Junnno Ilcllrlda oi Dnlrll by real man wna hiephen God tn Uahrra wcru itlcllnrd Godln Sid lhrlloa Ind Torn hittennan RECEPTION The ueddinx reerpllon waa held at the Continental Inn Dur ric where the mother oi the bride received little wtaainl Iony nun oi powder blue crimp lene with matching larn nvrr eoat she complcrnenitd har ememhle with coraaranl yel luw roaea The briderroolnl mother chore Iloorlenrth mm at road eaimplcne enhanced by more at plnlc roaea For travellinl the bride don ned an eranta erimplene ault ulth brown acteeaoriea an newlyweda will retlde in autoielly curate at the reed diny were irorn Well indict Florida hiiehlaln Ottaweiorr onto and dundridae ELECTIONS IOIlhO roll on atnrlulewna Weld Tun tor the renetrder oi the term ei the imit my ol Danie Cornell will be held on MONDAY IIAY itll imm it It in pm at tile iotitaalna loudlonal Word man with oi the centre line at Wellington street Elal Ind horn the centre line oi Bayiicld Steel to the centre lire oi Duckavrtl Street and 5t Vin Wll AT TRINITY ANGLICAN CIIIJIICII COLLIEII ITITEET MONDAY Aliill l0 IM MTUIIDAY MAY II Imnt ll tilt in part It My llall Dolllar strect dhnatlan iieturnlea Ollltlt ES The new vanilla ea Allryl thtlloil Womml Lea atil oliideiiy takeotiice at the tray to he held hi the WillemWork enop anth meet Director hire Dleeu ilanltla all coo duet iour tor nlenheralnd outline the Audion oi the wnrkxiw and lil position in the nonarnrnlty eerrneetina will the place on tiny it The aiate oi nlilcerl ineiudea Front run to hIm Joe iiilelan president lira Personal Hygiene 325 Egg335E are Eggiiaga gggl iii Ea 35 958 EEEE 9e 23 55 gr 99 E2 5523 52$ pandad Ira the will arm like you Item torn betmn lore and one Patriottrim lay ihla is Weird and mutilated iii neua but it can be cured and Ii mare loru all uiie he Ill try Na Inrrrtn almld have to deep ailh Imband who emch like John inhoscy mood rin preaidrnt hire Aluleir Ml uiaaid lirat vice inert Dart Row IA to Illl Mr Coleman rewrdyigf eerretary Mn John itpe eomapondtop leereiary hire alum Kennedy irelaurcr lira George lilrradioe third real TRY IT AND IM Dear Ann mom am ee ttth birthday no can were the curiae ei nury home lile hour any lolkr will cutter reel deal allerrl co but my vimpreeidrali Bromine Plio to CLUB NEWS Ladies Auxiliary ToLeglon uppurls Work We Natet Men It the chair repute eatenilted tor nlhltrltinn tn the material ltnril el Women did not new la the Iteperta Iihieia been III our will Ippe he the main The main nhiartlva oi llla Ira diea Auxiliary oi the Royal Cen Idian in on Drench lei II to lupport work at the Barrie branch Memberlhlp totala in One oi the math pruiecta oi the run la to help veterans Every tell mamlera provide daya ntiinpior illa ueicrana irorn Mlpmik ii llIt when they villi hlnia AI expensee are paid by the auxiliary end it alan pmtdea relrelhmente and home cooked dinner tor the vltltorr IillhlthER DIKTIIDAVI Auxiliary mernhera remember term on hirihdeyeland It MI time hy alkaline peraonei vitlte and atrial aliia himberu let aa ecorete re tor the Senior Citllena Beer Tournament and aloe provide reirethmenta The executive Ineludea Put Prelldent Shirley Clmpoell President Janet iiadden Vice preeidentr Dorothy Humphrey Berrdiny aeeretary Medley rater Recordlna secretary mire hilltanur muuw Dor een Clark IIIAIMW MK Lake Erie la by lay the ahai lowelt lete oi all the Great baht havinl maximum depth oi only no ioet edition et th enreaa men and hire Olya Dlack Correl areIaidny lnr itvl aunt in lera home In can he inde 0i Branch 147 hills JANET IIADDEI Piuidlnt Executive Dorothy Wait Ei aannr tlillcr tlarparet Duncan Ignite gardinner Durban line title Dlah Iiurlel Hillier Sparta oiiicer lean Dickey Sergeant at amu Deryl Dlikwill SALE IS STOREWIDE ENDS MAY 26th 63D MAPLE AVE DARRIE ii MAY STOREWIDE Causes Family Iiiit tire that It Mil an prone la that alter youre mOoeonpyyoutlhareltzl more rupch or yarn pIrcn And the contort 00 AW take Irir rented trill take arth for meanina hand trick to ear ire lad tire lune hem multli Bantam the iortllconaihy more at their dluahiu Juno Ornla to Ian Ilarahlli Eminlio con at Dr and hire Jnhn Putnh inletumienemantuo ailitatep Ietlinammiti JUNIORS MEET MONTREAL CPI lot ohmic prepare or tee under or arm old em launched ihureley hi the nlriiea Dimple million The plenum will airman all ohmic are eldh are trill och its own earn petition and will be responsible Ior mun ite protrlrn NOTICE MARINA rill trill umpire ra Iiiriaklhfh saucer plaza CLEANERS PLAIN presses $lso corona Si Tel 7252050 Appilcetlana for looting El boot lilpe It the City of Dorrie Municipal Merino may he mode at the Public Worka Depart ment 503 Duniop Street Welt Leealnp oi hoot rlipa la marred torileldentt of the City at Dorrie until Tueldoy Moy ISIII I973 Nonreaidenla may inll applicntion otter title date Further information may he obtained at the Public Work Depertmant 7202447 NEIL Leox can Public Work Superintendent WIDE 25 STUHE wort SAVINGS UP TO rave rum rmla MTNNUMOEIIN ON ANVITlhl IN ITOCK OItIInirea steel llelloaarl GIFT 720678 SHO MWIIIII aieaawere fee Ilia Olrouliune Dinnerware liany Iaatliilel iii Open Eat to Tree peakingl