cam no Borden Workers Urged To Protest Tendering Policy lollrliiorc money to hlrn mun luod Ind during rind said Its Grant last will Thsy dont live penny by rm to run top and classic Icrvln vacaulea sold Ir on their losses but mi roulsrerkto loerl contscionrceorstlnrlorller story board policy Itolcrneel Ihe mlou maintains uh Is do Inherprctrtloo hoist In appar contradiction released by the mistrust mulslor on rrmunsiimr 150 per llilicrtst School The no Aurore Vesiu rons Thnrnlry olsht Itrndrd srlil be prrsentcd Igrln to mother rod 111com kmmzm Tm in titties run Plum pro Illtrl mu Saturday It no Srotherlhcophlie Exam md 21 cmtirn nome Ind the Just not inns llrg oomrlrs inrr Pboiol bclnt prle by nobtiu iBousilleAnd The Just with iDeserved Its Applause rhrrn The lclur stairs hitter No Indeterminate Imployrrr In these nibgroom srlll be lrid oli IsIdirrdremltoiasxhcw Ily SYLVIA litllEli lhepls Is lhwlitprolotlng Prler ho the oi Emits Holt Witter one centres around nurr smile was gmyuiw 31 Uttlorililillnmr more thn fww mm stomtsnyrt Base norden name but In Iorcod try the iamin to my use My do Registration tor this yrrrr hllirs lnr Millions walk Will be tgin at tho BIrrio Arsnoury Il LIm Saturday Shortly sltrrwrrd tho writ gill be olllrlnlly rtrrled recolo prnlrd by pnrplprs played bl nrrrlo postmaster Toni Kerr lilies tor Millions committee member slid the Central Col lrrisle Bond Writers will be greeted Iller jilulrhsrsiiewslklryAidlon th Liking and local business mwinnersottrophiswitlbe Idttided all pm and tree cou puns lor root beer trcrch tries irrctlng it It done II AT nonDLl David Millikan president ot troployersdecemit rlurya ith LIL 1m uh contracted who or rm Mia rervorlodlllurnlch well done ovnml Pu more am degoiarlmcnlnlnllend Vi an special mention shouldheglien pm mm mm my ML terrorism MeIODsnrlwd umhtuemeorra was Linda Peterson who pcrlorrned gsde Mr Written by Grutlon Geliuu esocpttoualiy well mm ma Art Storey plIyI Phil Vcslna Bill Sh plryn Henri Gretel Joyce it eplryn mower Geoli lteld pinl the lawyer Irt Ham so Till BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY ms lioIridBVIthlklnm playathn bell boy grrhmogrlpdsweot thump pe on or cl 500D DESIGN oelroeieholrr Thursdny in the All loin moo his so In secondrate hotclrooriihwhlclr mm W1 ilrplo trove school took that ballovnarnduiolteuwillhedon vnlbooer and relations the 13 um um rlrd II to thrill to urchin with cum duh Walters should remember to OlDooal Codrlngtnn Srrct school and bring their own tood hundrng Although the play is hair in senior Install school rum and extra wool or cotton rocks Illy trrrody comic roller pro Ozlilngnwdlltd or second with sud rvoin tight leans They video by courier oi Phil er nwhllo Meiosis South Centrrl shouhi werr Itglst dnshla rhocs Inn skew ioiIi Willi moi horn WWII and liar wllh rubber insoles Ind loose laughter Iromlhelhdlm rlctt school trorn oriliir tilllnr clothes All told the stressing or too lied let one with mm at The Ontario Ilurnsno Soclcly solid horns oi lira enleriain It has raked walkers not tolakn mm interest school from Barrie their och lions Young and me ploy will be presented to look Ilrst place in the record hotsobosnidsnlmlshrvcnl lilo night Ind Saturdsy curtain competition tor the choirs with stamina or enthusiasm to com time Is rso pm Tltzlicld are mark oi as in second rim lcte the long walk recording it ior Idults Illll stso lor Illi with mark oi 83 was Oakley Toni llughcs society gener dents suitor citizens In udmll Park school mom sdsncl Illustrator ltd trce and Maple Grove MIME AGE Tho Items the ate at the pensml rim to endow rains lor concern bruise most 3ng soundde ll ttndingo mess on oli The status oliicirln site It lorries the omrinm miter nihtho numbers look some Ilack irurn the mnbrrr last night one intention rented to lawn lily lhe union didnt know what Ins happening in Cslgrry belorr It uncured in the 95ch We have to rely on you to loll us whats happening and it comm are being let said one Ililrirl maxim rst Ls itnhsmlon or In room you sir that this union Is your The creative provided lorm letter to the umber to send to moisten ol parltsmeni 0n hoist lor the meeting were Base Borden locrl ssh loony Ilynard PC Simeoa North and Elwood lindli PC Peels Main Sims who both told the marchers they would take the unions dispute to tho that oi the liougo oi usurious when it tesonienes Barrie Schools Sweep Festival school lied lor lhlrd with mark hi hi MWMhHaemo took tirrt ploca lo the school wolf tor Grid Mi with mark oi to and third amid co tillon Ior Mum rst place In that clrss vent to Orchard Park school In stills third place went lo ilurrlrit Todd rchool in Drilllr with mark at In the church choir class tor 15 voices or less choir Irons the Lutheran Chords oi the Good Sbopbcnl in Barrie took that plus with ti Null Malian church choir oi Barrio look ilrst with in in the milled voice choirs Incl first In the church choirs em with its Iazz PianistGreat Earl Hines Enlertained With His Vlords Earl Fr Hines sold to be the greatest Jazz pianist oi Ill limo came to Barrie Tintin doy to expnin his crricr II osophllo bit not to play he Battle Notary ultra piano leiho to play It wont he said im really rer ious bout Ibisl mean it you Ibistrhecwcllyorwantr sharp knllo cbnl youl Althout iro woudnl play the man who stirred his mreer with ml Somme Arm rlmxlnIMrndnthcnslnrled many his bank or his will shed little lids on his earner and his thoughts Ibout nusie today Dont worry rhoul the kids ol iodnv and their nusth he said Sure ll my be disap polnthIL but they have to have something to shape to lie said he anticipates th kids will turn wry tram the hold rock and Retinalroll oI lochy but doesnt ever expect to sootheblybanlhbackthoway they were in tho lus Ind rn We just dont have the indi Ilies them ml to be he or Why remember when lhcre were so big hands playing in More Tim we place tor them Ill ol our train Ecolo AnneHebert and Mrs Yollride Cutrlnn Ind Barry Webb lrom Wnrnicn puir ilc sohool Examiner Photol canneuliln cerem closed the arrival ol change students lrom Poole Annellebcrt In Quebec City It Warnch public school in Pnnswick illusory night FROM LEIT Danielle lm May and lime marlotio int Illtltr and true lnstrsrrrvzulsiisis dont hm chance to get tho experience and heir the but musicians he said ALWAYS NEAR MUSIC tihinlwrsrkidlwmsur rounded by male Ind music Inns The test were always round rod learned lot itwn them lilo when was going to Wornica School Hosting 40 Students From Quebec momentum sumo count Day with me In Mil tour oi the srlicoe County lilus lilncs told ll mourners ol rum Illoo ilounlrin Pottery and the notary chit he works with Ste llarlcNncnglhoiluruns the Us stale dcpsrirmnt or in maths ol eicry your and Why Menu purllopalcs In world wide lourlho Onlario Science centre fl and Kcnsinglon Market In an nwe Wm mush onto have dinner is the SM and it on lrntcallc citl Factory and lhtdrlllleoirnv El tug at Forvicw liall budget we threw they were mg 11W H1 in ltd Every night when went Wldeiilil to bed Id ray In loud voice ThoWorries students visited ilell lot gotngtobcdrow and Quebec City In February they blew won going to bid is ileiCd but happy so irench masso or tour at Central linking students irorn Ecolr collegiate and Enstylew second flrlleibl In Qtiutibuec City Iry school They reliunod to frillstll sternlcapilbllcochool Warnch or lunch i$lliitllt in cow onsscembl programsnd rio mm mm presentsilorl and tonight will be Alter the student llrmllies with Whomglhxtlllhb lollolsllrprltr dance lrulrr pm VVTIlnd there ws hkp scanty the group will visit Willy hid relrrshmenls Ntngurr Fuls and Sunday they to let in the schools Today the Quebec guxeyrls ac wlli have lice dry lo visit with their host landlicr should the regular students school sud then set out rn ilondoy its been scheduled on one slot slime Spr Now there Just srent the lac rnlnco lie said the minis business Is wonderllrl protcerion Sure wot have test had Ice like every protection as hystrr lawyers and quack doctors Ind hot muslct rns dont like to see this awed ol any pmlcsston played With him was his load singer Illarvr Josie native oi small town near Pittsburg who in recently released so slim Ind hill had clinical trruriog hir litres concluicd his intk on pttlouophlcal note liont worry yosnseilrbnul mic dyinr he sold You canoe Into this worhi with music not youre deniton going to go otu with music You might not hcar It on Itll be there hit Him In pining it Ton onto hllclult tint May ll LOCAL GENERAL Iill GUARD RAIL Police were called to Investi rale rn aecldcni on union id Strch West at the lilghwaylou crews at 212 turn today utter vehicle driven by Ads ucer oi Ellen Street rlruck the guard rle The extent or damaro has not yet been deter 9350 DAMAGE Damage was estimated at $250 to parked vehicle owned by anon Cameron ct Oakley Park Sqiaro Iollwing In rode dent In service centre In on Bsylield St at 105 Ins Way The second which luvolleo Iho mishap was driven hy David Wood ol hit Same BATTERY STOLEN Police are investigating the thclt or battery trim which owned by James Lee at Little Avenue ilr lcr told police the hsllrry was trkcn while his car was parked It parking lot on Maple Avenue between 9m pm and 101th pm Thursday TAPE DECK STOLEN roams Perry oi clarion Street told police Wednesday that tape deck and tapes were stolen Irons his car while It was parked on tho Koimor perils lot that alltruoon dance on hoes run orncuu arching oi Goodieliow penile Kim in In olslll Township took pines Thursday Ihunooo Ne slui udnoilhosdsoolhndlhehon or or cutting the ribbon to mmdnopwlnghhhieyilh dtrll INL holds the rithun winds Girls Nukcli cuts II lhnnincr Photo Official Opening Held ForGoodiellow School mdiellon public school It Concession rod Sldrrond ct Innlslli Tomitlp was oIIlclrin opened Tamdny during an rim and sold the building srns Ior students one oi which to he route ronri pride rullslacitm Ind nliernnon program end In evening promrn tor their pnrtnts Stewart Fisher shutssun at ucntion told the students during the Iittriioosr the melting ol the school was momentous occu expressed on boards lion in the childan ior elr co opcrnllon dininl tho bulldinx oi the school and for their spirit famgrtpnhmn oi turd ii Tor new certain amount at perv pect tor this school and school Itln lie paid lrihsdr lo the local people involved and laid the Simcoe County Boerd otEti the school and or bardrrll minis school nutter the New Manager Takes lip Post Atrvhorrio commentl Tho Barrie Cornstry are Lids hiring oi bra announced the om Bruce Clint or manner or the etch hir Cnrdy strrted his new pat ltlon oltlclrlly on Sunday Ind comes iron the Royal ennuilm Olin Giih In Toronto winr ho was manager tor live ycarr Prior to that All tardy wortr Goodl lrrnity prurd momentiulhnirtlvee lhholhomhml shmsidrlandiorgoodleliosrnblp pad good turning Tw snornlliluhoolknamcsiro mlnlsced about the township worn to us drill lie told the students about the small school houses with potbellied storm and the rmusl Irhor day on whtdtrtudords llohtd hi and cleaned tha ochon Ind school grounds its said the prisool Is cons tant rcrrilirdcr oi the work dour til with the St Catharines Gold rrsi Ocrling Club lur iivo years whirls hoisted nurnburhlp oi moo people its ILon will with Trenton irting Chit llr Cardy is credited with In prodnu the olsdoirom managerial and ltnanciri standpoinis clurlns his tenure Sir Cardy hrs laltn up rcsl strut VOILAIIIC ORIGIN lilost oi the many Islands In the western Pueiilc Occur Ire or volcanic origin Frost ls Forecast Overnight to change the community LEEIiN PRESENTED Ward Goodiellow then proscri ltl lccleni to the school The wood tor the Icclrrn cums Irons the old Goodiniiow lurm on BRUCE CARRY Cool Morning Awaits Walkers Locrl gardeners who may have Ilrcrdy sci or plants should motto sure theyre wcli covered lonidtt rs Ioracaets cull Ior chance ol lrost overnight Thorer bright note how ever as skins should clear to night and iurnorrwr will he sun ny but tool The overnight law will drop to so with nigh tomorrow at to Synopsis disturbance mov lng across Qurbcc early today brought strong norlhwulerly winds to mcst oi Ontario drVP ping lempcrulurrs with chances of frost in many areas tonight Showers or onoutlvrrlrx were expected in many locrltllcs in southern Ontario Skies In the north wcro ricocclcd to clear tonight with clnurlng In the south expected by Saturday morning Temperature ener ally were expcctcd to or crate L1 Saturdays sunshine Metro Toronto Mostly cloudy Ind cold with showers lodul chance oi trust In suburbs tonight Sunny Sslurduy High today 53 low tonight high Saturday hi Windsor lnndun Luise Si Clrlr Lake Eris southern Lnlro Iluron rmly and cold wilh showers or liurrlrs clearing Into today troll tonlghi Sunny SII urdry illgh today so low tonight to high Saturday 55 North Bay Suery northern Lsic liuron Georgian Bay Cloudy and cold today with showers or Nurrlcs clearing with host iooiiht Sunny Snlur dry iilgis lousy IS low tonight no risk Saturday so lllgh Low High Todny Tonlrhi Sui 35 55 ill 53 30 55 3t 30 so Winihor St Thomas London Kitchener hioiint Forest whicham Owls Sound illislloiir St Crihrriccs Toronto Trenton Kingston Peterborough Pclnwowa North Bay Suthury Earilon Timrruns Kopuslirstng SS Marlo Cilanlrnu While Itlitr Ceraldlrn hioosonoc 33 asasssaeaxssg 33$338858$S38838883 SSSIu The weather is proronted daily as public service by tmvelwnrlll tbowutowu BARRIEI concoctirns ccnrrrnrou sis 726 10 MEET ALL YOUR 3971 TRAVEL NEEDS vwmmcma ANI1M+T2m which the school Is now located The leciurn is estimated to be It least 123 years old Curr nrcn superintend out with the board at cduruilon said he was most Impressed by ihn rplrit enthusiasm Ind Ittl rude or the rlrrdcnls He will hm gottcn oil In won tlrr ul start The ribhon ior tho ccrrrnony was cut by shirlcy Mitchell and Chris Nnhcll Charlie Inher wood accepted the school on he brill oi the students spcclni prcscnlatlon was mud to limit Slundcn She de signed the prizewinning school crest The running program was Illn llar to the one held In the alter noon Angus itciiuy acting dir ector cl cducutlon spoke on ho hnil oi the board at education Special guests ut the ultrri noon opening weru hir nod Mrs Iluy Goodicliuw Illr and Mrs Ward Gwdlcllow and Mrs ls nbci Jacks lnce Goodlcliowl Parade To Mark Battle 0i Atlantic Navy league crdcls and too cadets will march lrorn city hall to IIcmorirl Squire mndoy morning In the annual battle ol the Alliullt prrndc The codcts will lorm up at city hall march down iiulesricr Street and Iong Dunlcrp Street to the square where mcmar lrl service will to conducted by lies Ken Piudou ol illnlnn Avenue Unlicd Crurch Following the service the boys will so in the Army Navy and Air Force llhli Dsnslup Strcct West tor lunch speech rs and pcrlorrnsnces by the DONT WASTE TIME U31 Ind BUY Tiliitl STEIN STEIN REAL ESTAIE Ltd II Dollop llrrlr