6Mvh he two 1rvvwHvn44eonwww om nvvvInovIyno contract BRIDGE By JAY In who meat Ito It both Aldon rub Runaboume IldIMIdeIuIn them or om lowvmu mu Wtn um em BECKER tn whiny you mart pen ll there Irll he rrtually ll than tar pm for rm rut Iotrumo mm and dunlulau Ind uhty It IIIIII BroItd lourdo Dadol Iho Hooter liq bo mou two hum Ind double Ind In two trlltu ton In Iovor ol the double kyoogdhnlt erymu pom ll outaer no In Inlnor you ran IhII oooo orator Body lsllS Ry EDIE mommy ILD Duo Dr Mull mm hawhintide rum the Mall to Intro town thIn tho were ILL 1ht Lat to II true no you We to llooo Lelo ny nthn that tho dimolr pm Itn my be Intro porterttoul than the IyItoIe TI at IImII rirohbt trust you wanna thnt tho Pan Aral the nliry prin hand doth could evoke tIo hm KW Irorn port oer mod hneolu heIdIebe with it II II oometlmu belt to out Ibo openlnr hlddet than luhaer ran best be detaihed double There Ire not many do unto tett tor the next It matter oI ynodeoco even Ihoueh tnoettno uIIy north in roturnr the but rotitroet 5o Ihllo It right to trot that put Iroro eon be made in our to Inyeotlyoto thnt poulbll all Partner rrdyht respond two cute Ind then Idiot IouII do Tberhaoceahytmelue tro otmn hulyon Ilopo out Ir IllI molt oI them Ind psr Ior pcnaltleo it he hldl mote Ind it to unqu to ml In penIlty Ihen only WI II II nuke THE STARS SAY IIANB DIXON MING Illyl Arleo mm IIAAprtl lltt IIItI thlI dry tor toilyht neteutul Iolutlon oI lntelleo out pinks prodmtto Mud in your ehmen told Turn Anti my un Bantutn mom can be aulunro odlol on what roo Betty hourr lam hourt Ire II rdllterrot IIIIIJ thIIy June It Your IIIH cowblltty it onto II mt Think lttototl normal loeltoy lho eter III III at the rout Ihlniny Ileer um run It at otert willtor to enter Imh roo rode on In even IundtIIe built Indnol orrr rerlout In July IlAar an Puroue lueu doollau Ihot you cant arm eIIIIy durlny Ibo leek Abll to luck on Itnenelol oetItlI luv add to your matron tAu Moot an abandon Ior III out onto do In No yumtu Career Ind IIII Idlylt muIl not aozhontbotr errornou odom the nor be Hominy present hlrd rholce OotmI reInlIie nIeIitI ehoote quietly and on on with ItlI ever it It lcm IOIL Nev Itlt Once you get the days early them out the way in otrntc ol dry tor any rott all too romeo or your Ioioritei Iport open In your true leettnrr brtau In Irmohln echo rom Iortlnr rornynntontlllo While moperollvo moodr Hound tutor tolnt protect CIptIcorI tDre uJu IIII Open your eye to tho heIuty ol your IurmundlanIhero II Iotnottdnr great even to the yorrt oI platen Ind rurer yuttl Ire not there Annular tJII tadFeb int On It Ilone In wmdt at your our cteztlve protoclr Your Il lItude IIIII othorI Ind tor the moment lead more to roll than Wiltlon Photo My IHIIIEII utt TIII detthe are with routlnei In there barbitth be Aondhd srncor counrr NEWS GIIIORD By Mill MW IAVl FOR DALI Anyone WIIIIIB to donate II Ilotu oI my description tor the motion Iota tor the henetlt ol Glltord Unlted hutch building hind eoll IIIrold Porrltt 175 dold or Bola Drybrouyh mm Duan houmleoninl it you an not find homo Ior III the Ir IOIH use all the Ibore num herl they will other IIIIIIL DIII oI Illa Inter The Institute Ind IIIII Board held their Int euclne party at tho union nltloy evening UCW LUNCIIEON Tho Unltod Cnutch Women hold luncheon In Word hall on Thurodoy AprIl To It tIld noon nhoh IW Itlended Alter the luncheon blttrmon Todd re rJtrd ltrt Thomas Barrie III the rproltrr Ind Ipeclol mu Ile Wat Iupnllrd ht htrI Keith XIII Ind Illrr Florence Lurk Ilrt WIIIIamJ Kell and Mr Sawyer Iltended wothltop In llIrrla at Burton Ava Unltrd Glitrdt ltodaotdny IIIeruoon Aorll ZS nm not IIIC met It the home at tho Browlnlo on Soulay tiEllIIlK lIto rIIIy to he held In tllllord May Ind In dlumted To ICE FOOD the April meettor oI tho Wo mmr tnttttute April it Thlt the InnuIt mutiny Ind Mn Trotter or Coottlowt war pru ont to eoodoct tho oltctlon oI ol Iieert All ollleero Ive report ol the part year The now preotdont II Ilrt to Roll Ind too new Ircy troot hIrI LIII hell no prozrttn tor the Ironing not lut little Iploo In your lite itttlth miter it you Ire vttue Ihoot the ditlerenco be tween tylm and herb lo II II moor everyone etre tor mort port Iptce covert the gamut at too Ind hem will with to loosening and blendl Bix rnetnbeto told at Iplco or herb tth mod Ind rIio III hlitory Itrt Nobltl cardamom IIrI lltormroon orlllM lllrl AlIInt thyme tire Kett curry Mrt Somme more not hire Km IttowI barll lento drum Ind Intro eooltter were oerrrd Ior lunnh IIIILLY IIIIIIION CInaonr northern trrrltnrict extend Irom the filth parIllel oI north Inltturle to their ape It Aprll In wlth to prolent Tho BIAS HOFFMAN tumors ARKN MIEIR arBukutGunnny MD III IN 6de IN HIS EVERY NIGHT IND EIIVI WIIN TIIE KIT UNDER NIS HUM AI MilHIE MD TN I6 NAMRIM WM DOOR It OPEN IhomnnMuy Ihoryysyrit or III CMth the North Pole BELIEVE II on nor coBIlAMttd or rnrtsnnt onto my M5 IIIIIO IRON TltE BEAMS OF THE DECEASED NUT PAIIIMID IA HAAPPMf HIM Mm dololwhulolntbnhrilh Ity by double or In over II tumunrnztt tho med balance hetwten had North nolro In my tell our aboutle uraltr now hate on polo Rhett this Iton Ilnrtcd It war gradual Iutt thart pcu rIorII It Unto Now hora It lob Ilth tIrrte Ior odd and endill notch orator to noutd he Ihelwllrudlnqtlwmlb WI WW In tho Itterlu The hlrher Insure that var when rho heart In in 1W It pressure the lam Inntoo petal to own euure docltooe between heart to and tho HlIotlttco Ilolust tted the hurt works Mt ebotd Ill ot the body no mm In tntnevdnt the lame Ishtaroutdo ol elretn and union Interopennd Iith or relative rest Too hint dlutoll pretrttro meant to the uteri oyotun AIM the bull not south MUMme to in that More the dottolte preum can he more Irroortont than the roll preexurHt the mtollc premtn II not loo hlrh Wolle both than Ire Impor lm in oertalt tnttamer the ntlo between them to or more rlmllleaoco thIn the Ilguru often 10de alone not min to go into oil the tiMletler and rorrttfteutlom oI reIduw blood retturto would be Ionrcthloy the IoothIll quarterhorlr bring Iohod Ihldt In more lnrportIntbtn ntnntny Karrie or the potting yuntel There Isnt Iny turd motor to that Both need to be rlm tor boot mullsand you nerd Um too Deu Dr humor have 0I Strains Tensions ystem Um no route on he Iooor loloorl am It honour only horottcoodedtorru Thin It oorroooo mohlol unmnIIermmInIonoy onurolherthonldtoror nutty peopleo nIllIl IyI hunt they on aleltln depeotte or danuyod part the oath hat to tho moonCL 50ml Injury II the hare oI tho aIll below the eultlo an enuso thin Too vlzorvrn trimming It eomrnun came Not to 11 No It not um Iual Ior one breast to ho Iorr than the other 5mm people Ior exnmple find hot one tool II term thtn the other more ho qutrtly tho dlIIerencI It mod erIlI btl It It Illll eoouydlt to moon that ohm btnlru noel not hurt to nuke euro that tho rid loot II titted Sumo odth other port ol the bodydr tually none at or are utttrety Irrrurtctrlrol EARIII BCIIOOL The lint tchool II the III lltl ratio In Canada not Iounded II CJp Tourmrrtte Que Ibout toe FUNCTIONAL TIIIAI The hood at tho Ialrlmo pIrIo LI usually fringed wlth oolter lne hrlr on uhtrh Ire Irotn the breath door not Iorrn eastly OFFICE HOURS about being overworked itro Kett III hottm or oIIII crosswono by THOMAS JOIIPH Acnnsn IoCanlenlt IJruloh all month nutter MAIyIn ILIInItItor liyornlng DOWN tlttotr Lennon IL lirtutnr Litiurntlty t2 IIIIJ ltlood llltrtdy Ihtoe Inba Ann blurted lettlo IIlIrtorlet It will II Ilulldlnl ICoddotn extenrlon lndIIn lGIarntnu lln Cold tntple Blood mutt Iuthoi tistut Irimorttlr III IItt llllolelor treo IIIInd aI hreeII lWlt pllnt product 1le IL IIIndretI 11 Word on noted otter II our yon etotlonl rnortoy Id Chllllnr IIIan 21 Jose noisily time Itll 10 AI It now tlwdot II RI til wet It Ilium lllvere other ntmo II llInrn oI knowiertrt RIM III IthII l1 hplll ll Squlrrel monkey ll Rnrltoh rlrer tired Ior the three Lr Ior oysttropltet the length lan to both dry the code latte CITIV IA IQB TI YIISJYZP ZIIIYC Yerterdtro Come onintiaitryund wil dlttussyourcomplalnl DAILY CRYITOQUOTB lieroe how to work III anointtn nonarnrmow Ono Iettor Ilntply tllndl Ior another In thIe ttmnla II CRYIIORUOIIIB NILTKIWT III ARIIZKIIR YBROCJLWT AIB IIIKLR IL UJMRJEKLR YT RJ Cryxloouototltllhll SBLDOII tirettovnl wuttu my vr no OTIIBIIIIODIII SELVLS T0 cow Arron0mm ootusntrtt till Ktnr Future lamentary TRY EXAMINER WANT AD Yattudtyr honor Iron cumin rountry I0 Antrrrr I6 Thtt wamenl II Ilomottu In Elortrtetl term It Conldlrl rorlnro It ore uuttoul II Oct IhtlI 27 Drama that IT IIIIIF otrunl Como II home Itotermn It Brim 1th lorrnollon ol the wordr err II lha Iwo 01 ole Btnrtr letterI II or itltlerent NYMIIJZ BJYTILKIIR IT BIUKLIII our turn NUBBIN DONALD DUCK MR ABERNATHY MY CLUB BLONDIE ANTSIAND THE REEF IYER BUZZ tENWELVtNEV SHESWORKIN BARNEY GOOGLE NE URL IN LOWEEZI AINT GOT TIMETOJHBBER WIT REASONS KMD VOU FIRSITI RAVI GET THE ma wvv vo your boosImam out tom WWWWEG Ill1 MEWS SHOUT GET ALI RED INIHE 50 CAN OPEN THE WOR II Spell out our attort words below Uao numbored lot tent to Ipolt correct runner to Pop Toptc It bottom dooo p01 Tonermummom IVIREIAIPER DID FIRST SWER 55lt595IIIQO rwrote thP nude ANEW YIITIIBAY Antwon How TVntMr rompInl BYTALLYPIIONE AhtltltobnltyouronotllioolMuttIytlonLttorltllrommor btiitttm Fortune brutally lite yhf1