us to re to it can has will ii is by curredJAti nine paramount Mummrs Mb emu arcadesm outrunwon linen to Lanes fl fpriViet Force drubbimtbittghlhatl llvrnsiirsiimxreptabkrt rumor rie lth the Vitt Cum Pr oaal Rerolutlouw cw PKG Ll prepared to it ltiCS helicopters irr algal its territory The Pill slim to lotrtase this to that miles horn tVr but the Clo Violriamuiiienevrlicilllcipn ill Canada For Crash lleporl moors toriurns vut nalistsMm lr Mnitodaaroomdluuttl nonhuman cismotlhocsardlandeieatlon eiIlni that the mall unaidedslew to to your at my the mmui Iban Ola In to star trlrtlitiina root parse the or belle or em titted noon th other rotaM pair Seeks Mailman Midwestleme ldlnmdiamttynbeuhll tor lionch IlIrtI that at Jimmy FridIyMIyllm Examiner NatlfonflunHrPIrCopyCIrrierHom WHMwWW LNDSAY Oo CF la la htiscampboli hoot tremor Progmnirs Conservative pro mirr at Ontario died lode Ha Il lT lid lull the nirrnp larger than any The lnrmcr prrmlcr who no tired irons attire ll yrIrs up us repeated to admit Ieriotls rmditlm in ler Ito and relatives and lrirud mo WM iui bisdepth At Queens Park Ontarios letishllve min when ltr Float had served Is prendrr betlrrn 1th and till it In learned tlut Pmniu William Davis had been inlormad but there In no immediate rom nsrrit lions his olllce nilInt thtIntstil iii puiirm ll Worm Mllmml rmmlr 01d him Ontario Is dir host once desuibtd binnscil lirst us rltvtrd to the ionisin turn to 1m Is Coorrmllve llil rnnnr Iobool Mallow Mellow book all blooch Ill be My Roy lsoodlrtlov1 Jim Rob wlo For another palm and ere Mellow mire Ind Errl story the blind ruin ot is semi as treasurer Ind mines rriinlslrr belorl beroming pmnlor in ms htr Frost munbrr lot 16 lulladlltlburlbn rldi decided to retire prrmiu lltt It tboIroulooIndussue mind by John Robartst SHED OFFICE Following his 1961 retirement litr Front mete only rare pub lic Ippeanncrs Illbougli until molly ha occasionally visited his live oliico established here in ML lls wile the lotma Gertrude Caron whom he married in 13 died in itll They had no Elmo EN liFl Gordm Smllbpnidlnbtdolnthaltils halo Sit rnos llllllSAY AT 71 mun F3051 children in July no hir host tub cred broken leg and his wile minor injuries then their vhsnllrurdritnn car us in col liooo with mother Ittlb low dm prior to lbo Icel dent ltr host lulled Caterina Forces Base Boron Dot Fillythree years earlier be bad arrivedat the map In too tItn with the 1515 battalion Slrnroe Foresters the tint troops stationed there SimcoeliaslMPP PaysTriliule Dae ol bis iIvurlte nyin in this Iteztslstiirelirrq that adiaiuaitvmldboppouil Illdim bir ml and or on llbhtlahuoibllrllhdilw be lathehrdl hurry wsloot ll Climb itd it that Mr Inn and MobileWm inure iiirl One Of Six Charged and lilo in at job ior to are tho lr ltr lrr liennielniluieutltoiun gt lit Centre For Handicapped lrnnnc CPI th death on me in serial mdilioa tail tram In explosion hd lire lateral hospitals Thursday at robnbiiitstlon cm up plum guy coughI lot insidewomtlm was not tom TN illIf in mm in man WM tovisillbestroooitbeiiroto AndroSsvard oi the Quebec ttu too nonunion mullet Fire undo said they Ill in Will Vm liq to question nun less so ritl pl Quebec City llr Poltltr wry my um the in rhom oi the Iortsbop my ville the explosion and The explosion oconrod It min three other victims Ill lztd pm to the second Itorey tut liId Itdi not been ldrn ioureiorry win oi the lor tilitd mer illsrrirordo hospital in the OTTAWA Olleslililltm our nits held the will It roilime oi labor ministers Thursday Ii John him toot mitted tar ledml lm to gradual rather tlltld me rim in inbe met litrlluoro said It its end oi lilo hodayslosrdnioelbig that itemNosonthlo tad bridal tort mlotmuo We Met ghoulde increased lanterns ooeoee minister John Com yer and expressed lure that rapid locreuu to its were rte could lead to titlle nicol Ind greater Monti dis ier The iedorli iotahmm Tim hlr Edvard nld raven rurvl cllv noois when WNW gt murmuboodit or Stillittioino coped lrnrnWalltrrioo lull in runaway attire previous or centurion OotWrth where the rite tr The Quebec rate now is till Mr Munro told reporters Iller the meeting that the led erst pavement will increase its niintmum were to $150 tron the at not in M95 no period but been coolant had been ruched Invong the right labor ministers Itieodtog lie meeting lbll levris tbouid glued to when the impact on mom that Munro slid ear tier Ministers trons Nev loundllnd llorl hath not Al brrtI were Ibtent hit liiunro Iiro raid that In moment tint incentives nihilrmmsruepinns TbItI ronsoosble ap Twollrisoners walkSlen Tail ownu $1M Ont Oll lolloo repented In intrusive Mutilltllilllt area today tor two moo beliovod lo have err roach Ind ronslmil with the landed social ueurti Ip prorcb presented inst tree In said til limo was retelling to lodenl veilIro proposIls tiitt would prodda intuitive to volt its rise IIJri bls department would cooperate Irina ohrdv 1M lava on industry Several Reiuse To Pay Increase In Sales Tax iii Barrie Store Aleb Bron oi lbsCmdlan merit should have instructed the in to be collected on tiny when it wasnt passed by iez to pay the two are real tax islature be said they could increase pending lrplalIliott bo lust as easily have made tho col ilro Store in Barrio laid Mt seruIl ministers have rolused log pared by the prorlore lcclion dntr Juno Retailers were lnstnialtd lto start deducting the tax tiny tsro rradinn lax RC increased lire ware floor to bl in Doloberlroni its Ind plan to raise the minimum wage lent to lilo by June lie also ind be disagreed nub tiori litre lu sting but the bill has received only mm all it will DAmNA REACH HI AP iIyesroid rlinnra boy in pinball made was strapped to tibia and lorlurrd for day beloro being nrnn derrd by group oi young Sir tan worshippers In miller re say Polite charged sis young beset lrwlcnis includan Canadian rill who are alleg edly intinborn pt Devils aovrn Iltb iirrldtgrea murder Wednesday in tho death oi Ross lluiicllnel Cochran oi Fresno Car The youth was major slate witness in suit to rinse nearby private school Is plnco oi loudness they must have hated this lid illlo hell became they Rally lorturrd lilm Police Tile Robert Palaver said Palmer raid Cochran had the store is not to complete the urethra unless the tax is lie sItd bs stall has been tructed to take the name and address at people obloetlox the tax in the event the bill it not passed For very crlltul oi both the government in power and the owusitlon parties raid lir Brown hlr Brown said tliI policy at min In very untenable position with his riislomers He pointed out that all taxes collootrd will be lriundcd ii the bill does not no tbroutli and Iddod the reection oi the tax is too per ml burden on the retailers They even molt ns rerpons lhio lor payment of the tax ii that rrooivrd the largest single Mllrder By Satan Worshippers Emil rxinlmlrrn stage 3er been logged Iltli rhains and stabbed oitlr rut glass Iblle lied to block wooden labia in the basrment altar room oi rImnbacklo brick rooming torus cotrd Roach linen by the ahdmis llis mangled body tamed Wild ropes was found lying in remote worded arr 15 miles southwest at here Police said tlioy couldnt determine whether he was killed during the alleged ssrrllice or died ohm his body out lound The six thatgrit Iiih murder Iro Cindy Black it at Toronto Krnrrrlli ll Francis 17 Iha have his address as lopo Air Force linse NC Charles bl Paige and John Colbert it who gave the looming house as their only address Deborah Ann Shoot 22 of Washington llJ Irid llouard WIeilus it CAPSULE NEWS $1409000 In Grants To lirtisls TORONTO WtGrade Mailing limpet ior artistic and nduirot moon in the province were announced today by the On torlo Arts ambit The Strrtiord Shnrrracrm Forthci Foundr grnrn mm lor opcrtitlrru in it isnt rollrtlrd be said the imlt moon Final Touches 0n 05 Energy Bill WASiilhGNN CHSnider resorvtd lodty ior pitting riv Milt tourhes on the bill they hope will solve simple legal tange ii is lmmtrir in its irrvpilcatiom lmolvrd is one oi the most tritiml domestic ottuatiom in the linlcd Stairscrown rocrgy ihortngta Ind imperding newline shortnnts dun believe the govern Davis Says Sales Tax Raised To Eases Municipal Burden 95in renttoesss mm of in Campainn Contnbulions linseoorled Illow municipaan to let down their will rates and give real rty taxptyers break told Proneelvo Con leivotive dinner ibrirrdsv The provision had attempted to obtain more money rpm the icdrrai goierrintcnt llooevrr Federal Finance liinlstcr John Turner hadnt provided enough rzvtnolsl holding in it lost iltilie province harlot done something to raise more iuntls be raid mmlcipnlltlrs wold have been loratd to tntmsa their will rates llr Davis promised that reo lor citizens armors and other groups nutterioa the nicer irorn the troopercent sales tax ill use world be compensated through various provtooisl pro gram Earlier he told bltb rclioo were called rhea Limitin visited his collllo It nomihlllt undo low but In two men mm winter Ind escaped Anodior collars beam boom been ra Third Ceaselire For lobanese rBEiilbl AP Atldrd ceaseltm at down today canto two one ot uvngotigttnr be tween the lebsnese arm and historian guerrillas aha lhresldotl this nonlvltedltes ranoanaItlen with pilloch our Low low mm were heard to the street oi tenanoor souttorn outlet Cello us also to st riao ti miles or neirut monotone room will into the lit Ind burn res ttqorts frovnsoutleast Lebe nonraltloottrooploitbotsl utiot Ltbention Amry that mmwmrmnsnu withllub artillerysnurrr tint the oantprign Mistd more than it no lions uldpll appartnth were nsvrr reputed the st made by thirds Soon lormrr transtaer oi the PM Conn rritttee to Rested the Preoidert Oct run and unsealed by Uoiiodstntrs Dltrltl 000A lothy General Chosen its Top Nixon liide KEY BISCAYNE Fla lReittrllrrriclctt Nixon his churn lien Alrxrxier llatr army ilcevcldri ot unit to serve terrmrrru iiy Is histopnlde following the resignation oi thm hey adviser over the Wnlugnto hugging masthlrdomd some said today USUnempioymeni Rate Unchanged WASHINGTON tAPlTiie unemploymert rats in the United Stars one World at live cent trot ml the gown nttrt told today Gains We reported in Ivcsogo portly comings ml the tonsil oi the pork seek elm ti Wild esvmtor Hospital Workers lire Back 0n 1an CORNER DROOK Mid CPIAA strike by all esstuntl slrnmrwdb crwioyeen oi wrotem Minoltaids largrot bonito erded It mm mam am Rm today not the prowlde government promised universities om siltt pretty WV mm mm relevant rnolrno lions mu more in will be torvrtrt tun velorane in nrvdlwm iiirry trim molar uf drawn to positions hilrymgngx incur boys hirtsg iromltouartl on the border Iiter rimming ya Examiner Paolot three villager best ing too intonation or not l4ltIeoltIee4ad not they trust Al least they know were sdlihmi