sorority Will she attended am my dinner marina the and Innismm oi the Iottta dip or the BAA rm rat sooty use the no wary oi the toroidal vi the trrst harrta Chapter tarrd the display no boot on dolomite II to was MW tr not WINdim songbook mrd It thI more It erratum locum over the Menard tann It the or iplasi medal to yeIrI ago It tram left lllrI PL tam Bell tin Dow title gloat mar3 aim Poul iGeyloI Em and Mil titan iiltL tireBelt ital Stephen and bin Ittit Ira antler markers lmrntoer Moi WomenDance rtII OF PEOPLE AND PLACES paymirs lodre titaeta Point tormpd the rents tor tho 25th mm Eounicrr nay ltitlnliaaeslutcv an errant were in attendance More than 50 Sorority mg we MN lhn sliver ammoy Ame reeused sitter ahanu mm mm em inhibited at memento oi the imbadnia Muir mamtntho emnceol form her Sorority dictum condom hie was centred by an arm cement to hm Itriditiooat sorority total unLiicrn in lowrooeo tho with the triternattociat theme lead 35m etch haste can 5mm 01 umi boot and WU man Into Ipodatir pad Itur was No Ed garle III lrt Ilitio Halatl Murphy read In em Iron the Pledge rtiuIL Mistress or relocate tor the litiLIOl was hlrl PIN my ymItly welcomed Ipedal yours The moonlit petite In at IIU Carol will Dora hin Grect Murrow Ind Pat Km to er AI roll as the diartrr prr colebntlon Tor Bola SIE yet Que eon my Eastwood tn nglc oanrlio itarr Mir ileoI starrin IIXTL Iris Uada lied SPIRAL GUIJTI Wally Invited mt toe to banquet tome am II it any as Toronto and Plaid pineal iln turnip wet eone III extended to the than ter dtrodnrmt AIpTu PM It NeU Laurie Other pnesta were Olira Rob prison Marlon StophInI tioodyi Atoll Voitch 14W BetaSigmci Phi Sororiin Marks Silver Anniversary Shadell eaaor Donovan Itttd amber ll untamed no 34 elseptar were in unt tron Barrie Xi Baton Pi tin tad WM and Llrr Heath Grahams Gm mnrmsuryiioruwp um lira Ken ratio Nu Oodb iln Paul AM and In IIl Strer Iaet Scoota Humane iron more drama Illa Wendy ltualmms dour la oi air and tin Eth nrom dlArdszb Road II My dam with her pupal alter mirth her third year It University oI Windsor Wendy lblllliyil tor be uts do KW Mix muapbr Al East on mortar The Junior and Senior cholrI olEtsa Road iruhytrrraa rare mm rt Med to their comm tho moo morn on AWN tilt the ttttnal Iionl with at it In CANADIAN ARTIST ourtrr Nowreoponodto RantLeoaoortd Soll Original Oil Paintings Doyitetd Moll 7267400 enta Iurnrnarluid chapter Irtlv lites durtn be part semen and spud rriessara Item the lItrmUanal Pmldmt letter itosa In we read by ltrs moi Brdnuetr citycoins rit prestdontetert Gift OF 1112 YEAR One at the htrhlirbti oi the strain was the presealrtion oi the Girl at the Year awards tor etch charter ill Dots Pt iitnah start presented by lira Inches Away BUTTON tAPi Atttted to ma Illrta Ind other bIrI trtnamtnrr more than 1000 women in tho Boston area In beltydanclny their toy to beiiitiler happier sexier lite an women main in are up to to are taking men trek rouru In the meteor dartelol art pertormed in some oriental had and American nightclubs interert II high to the course which two protes Ilooat dancers otter tour ntrhlr ml to letter at onehour classes The women are secretaries rtudeotr mothers housewives and tuition Ind they all has their own reasons or tailor the course SIdiI Mimi X1 Um 5I Haiti Atoh Pit Fart 06010 Ii ml mt W1 sort by Ina iL rottee Melons rues Im the dtr correct executive pruldant gt In tr rs so on tl iietd Iod tin Glitter with OUIIIIIIIH Lari directors lira Sadie Cameron ilra Norm itanitiit lira Jean Imuhrawmm tViff grid 5qu in Ind bake sale was held at th Royal Canadian legion Hall St Via rent street yesterday Iller own item to oclock Ar rangements tor thtII were in diam oi the IOIIWIM rrterribero til the Ladies Auntie tat Mr ietil ttrotrIbctniat Inry lturlel ilittter In no Les Gerty Dieley ltlcbea convened lmtoe Wiltiurta and Dorothy iturrrpbrey bake labe Morel Greene penny table Arlene Gardiner draw tickles ilazet iladdrn and Beryl batkueU Ira ital elst Audrey male and Shin iey Carrtpbcll 0191er took rate AlltlItil the table reti trepteeer Ira irom IEIil ltrI ilittier ilrr trumon Ind it itarte Flyan lira Inni Iatya newest member Ex Iotlner Photo Grand Chapter Officers OES Visit Bayview Chapter 105 llarrberc Bnyyiew Gupter Or der ot the Eastern Star were honored by the olllcinl visit at the Grand Chapter Otltcers April The special nventrr III held It the Ohm Street mm itooms Worthy matron Mrs John ichowan Ind Worthy Patroo Clayton Wilson wriromed 150 guests and members on the mountable occasion GUESTS Oi IIONOIL Honored guests included hirs Thrasher till Amherst burr worthy grand matron oi the Grand matter at Ontario hits it iiarrteretir Toronto right worthy rrIrrd coridurtress or General GrInd utopia Mrs Lynch past xrand matron oI the Grand Xiapm rd Saskale rheaan htrs Grnydon Kohl Barrie psti rand matron nI Ontario tilra Georro Phillips scbrmgvttle past rraarl matron of the Grand motor Mrs Anderson Toronto Grand eon ducttess oI the Grand uiapier oi Ontario lrs Yttil King rton associate grand conduc lrratlot the Grand Oiapier ol Ontario ttrs itacltett stay iter rrand ilth oi the Grand Chapter at Ontario itrr Otcrtiott Toronto Grand liar ths ol the Grand Chapter oi not Brio ilrr ti Tuzwclt district do only grand matron of district niric pail district tIeptrty grand mntruui hirs it Ntsrtkt Torv onto district lit ilrs Spears tiarrtc Airs ll itotl hlittla ilri it iIoltiwm Quecrisy Ira Wilson Barrie iirs ii Robinson Al listorr all at district riitio sort the presiding mirror and pat rons ot Parry Sound district 2t and district titre spatial welcome was extra dad to bill lion itcitirtamim on at Detroit Michigan who was visiting in the city and past matron Ind patron trons Parry thwart Prince Edward LSIatld Toronto Eellevitle 00TH wttl and district nine and iii wt iirI times Neihitt who have been residing in Tampa Florida have returned to tiar rte to reside PRESENT MEMBERSHIPS ltnriornry rrtcmhrrstiipr were presented to tlrr Thrasher iiGlt by tiirr iictiowuu Wit and Mrs Kennedy prr rooted Mrs it Tarbell tilt tilt Airs Lloyd Coot sari solo Prior to the piloting Ititdll titre entertained at it dinner party at the home oi lira IrIiii lcrowrrr Wellington St ml The hostess was aquch by tile tier otticers social trmrr followed wrth refreshments sorted by lira past matron oi Eastern Star ELECTIONS ht Brett and Iter comriiltee IIIIL came LEN hank Rubi grand mother dancer with girls to their early atahourti site is entering hea till tie been associated with dance school and lilo danc liil lo decided to tote the counts hirI Firth said The IaId dancing on dnrrc wonders for her for rap pie less to IiihlhrrrdiId Rut my husband Is very Iby about it some ot the girls didnt tell their husbands or hpylrletds when they alerted laktox courres raid Gtrt ttrootrtictd ilort lit the people Iho here iterI ashamed that said Eiery time the door would open they were airatd it out somebody they know But now they are over that ilri Brooktirld took the course because think It is my arty Ilie trch oterytiiirc but Until this is lite sexiest dont care about the physical rooditroornr upset at it Men iLEI0 watch it Ind it Is treat tiii ily husband torts ll Dor othy Hollingsuorlh raid ttight alter the tirst clear he went out and bouxbt me record in could practice at home Roth and Otapter presidents Airs Alex stm tiri Front Bechiartk tire Pout Srilth and Airs Georro Abbott itud table guests lochrded city NOMII orewtiro chap ter directors Mn Pr monarch iiri i1 Toilet and tin rrInl iiiurvtty Itto Ia cbIrtrr prest dent of the ottlitili AlprtPhI Chapter wood in XIGIapter lotned with The newly tormcd Colllnp those Irons Barrio tor the even litz ihelr rricmbcrI Isicittdrd President Sopht iiary iiiUer ANNOUNCING 1le PRATT Is pleased to more that thelty Abdel Im Joined her It PRATTE TIALRDRESSLNO zit Vldnrla st Strottd Iler ship in row open tor Ippototrnerae on Snturdayo Very Large Soleciton or TREES SHRUBS Flowering Almond VOTING Fort ONE ALDEithIAN for Ward Thrn Ior the remainder oi the term rd the more cap at Barrie emu out be held on irosntr star ms bout it Int in opmatitieidtowisiatonstlotur wAilD 11 North ol the moire Lrie oi Wellington htrett ilsat and Irrsp the centre line of Bayileld street to the centre line at it Vrorenl Street VME AT OAKLEY PATlIL PUBLIC SCHOOL liAVlDbON ETTtEET Word Jrorrt roos DItIilltrireitM mwiomsmm writ Street VOTE AT TRINITY ANlIlJCAN LltUllCtI ADVANCE mu lino oi Hayfield Street to Ute oentrI lino oi Ductiuortir Street Ind 61 Villa COLLIER STREET iiotriiltv Arm at not sariirwtii MAY it itll tron ll rm to pin at Oily TIMI We Slim TI Straitlhtt itelitrnlnr Otilcer Golden Mork Orange Purple Smoke Trot Ittll arrived 260 290 330 Pyromidol English Oak l900 Silver LonI Dogwood 250 Ruby Red Chartnut COLE RR No MIriItliip Hwy 26 1160 PLANT TREE IN Iii SHRUBS Nicks Yew stidO Omn Aeru Juniper MO Coiomto Ntus Spruce 1900 Kemp Boxwood MO Gold Tlppad Coder L20 NURSERY Garden Centre 72645 iloWIIrly DISCOUNT EOMESIIEII 93 wry DISCOUNT BOMBSNELL otscouar ilmtBSwtlt DISCOUNT HWHT riiioir ripen rasriusurs liarh ON HALE MTUIUJAY ONLY PICTURES AttrIrtivo scenes in iranaea 129 Each ON HALE BATUIIDAY ONLY iortasurit Assorted retort itiithIe TIullt asro GREEN toeI FERTILIZER ier 0N BALI SATURDAY ONLY we DISCOUNT aostasriit ililiLE QUANTITIES LAST FLOWERING SHRUBS 73 as stir EIrh SATURDAY ONLY White Ouartiltlos LIii tWAY ON DALE BATUITDAY ONLY motor will it MM router to adjustable poatttooi Use II carop eat their lounge or chair WIIILE QUANTITIES LAST VlGOTtO ROSE EOOD lLb Box WIIIII quantlttu tart STYLISH tliAVlliiLli BTTtlIEI ON HALE dAlUllDAV Alititr ll ONLY lAWN CHAIRS 688 ON IALE LATUITDAY ONLY