Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1973, p. 15

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Wood Pitches 5Hitter To Frustrate Yankees not Wood on the rerun an Indtlhgotlllt wimtetnrteontnn rm not my km to um on mm Sm whom no prion retort to to net mm ord not Ihtt do told that Ito not Ilmt everyone at In metal so burly me the rim Wood Inutrllod the rum tter lth It WWII thnt nu helped Ilene In the IeIther media to New ori more lule HM Mu and dry or bun the fltll It Ind the Staub By AWARD PW Bonnet My Send nthltr out In Iuty dish for the WW Mm NW York lieu Int like lllnIM men they ratnrtd etery tony rmeeet Stub nho enloyI lerltty Iround the LLan ot Nee York Mia pod mm hm bun whirring whether he II eating riyht before Ilnnlly chew Lr In more Irlendl ttoostnn pttnllnl llrrdneodny in New done by drucltul Horns Iluno Stub InIppal outnlltyrithIlernlInlo home my thIt powered the Nets to St tkdrlon over the Artm It the tint time thin Ion Ion tlut the Net had more thnn one home in one Ihey had only III homers III your Ind line at thooe belonged to John llllmr IIhItI more 0mm not tied nut urles hy Nut Alon Item 4n Han Luminmdrue drohie Am the In mu mm kttheli Inc In the eih Then Sam th out oollndol mitt we no um the nut Ind WW Loreen tun out on Little 9th In the other American 115 the tint oil LIeI Rollin Km Boston lid SIX ntywt the only to Wood needed WI M21 Tent John Amelie MAN harem tinned Wit It out III Itnn tonne tire Itqu or RoyIts MIMI tle Ind my Ber toned heck Itirnutn NINA rcanr ridory our Ninzewtlv en en entrant Angel do Itehet hum not Ball1 and LI IeIInl Baltimore Orioles to not the me tor the tint So by Getebnd ladiur twinned Itntm out ItIrmoo KIM Wind Athletirr to In tho out In the the only hit at out we Homers Twice Jen Noosrnnn rho Ion hit IIIII IIrm Ihlrtnldn Nougat LIntI Im one hIlI threenm lend plnyer rrum once he rots out delphlI mm WHO hue Itxh No million tn the hits until the streIIr not the not reIt eII nIrth Iten be uqu and tlon ulrt Sloth Int hovel tnil niche tome on to me the In lure lot more eiItIon Ihlr trtory Gentry Ilse not pie lesson nt Ilnzlos letting no one At Dnrrell Lune rluzrd too IInlI run Ind drtttn In In run Lnch Ind then Kored on Intro Houston Robbed By Gnaltending Jim Smith president IIItL tn cook the Jet lute scored It own was thlnl went tnt ml manner at Itwoton Iteroo to like load th mt OLD Into the urn really hum IhIt ltI like to ho Anal nhkh they hit Anp one ttlnx pemntm point to robbed enth thotoInd dollm at low lortoht In Item Ice 11w Work Ilodtef Itssocl Inttmottxrrenmtrw Enz ANW Itton club uer my land Ithnlero Int Clntelann EMMA NILVAIL molly vletlnr ol Implan Waders turn each lulled In Him Am Ito took telottdon let rnnioe toot out the haters re won WWW mm Int emetic Inpeo MLIIIIIII three mm by one Ion Ind AM AnseIeI Dodzm hell more than 100 hotter at dio ill be In tho utnverr tent mm In notion mncemln the lorma tnnlm It Boston Ins mm Gill omnrnewntrranrosnem Wtnr rho nhltewnihetl in nhot nu Gdraro 50 Int Godunntl Ital delentrtl Note Not more ImporlInt hlI cluo treII so him beIll rm It III rum rune no on Hutu WW AM ihniiii WANNA It Ptttrtmn nu rIloed out WINS llIIItD FIRAIGIII StnubI too homer Iuopnrtrd Ow Joe Daley Ind Ernie ht nuke Ill mm Liv CANT SEE CHANGE he Ittnly netmrnderx lure You cant Ian NILLL soc ship Itxhlt pitching Ion try Illowed the Item only three 55 mm WNW Insertion recon AmerleIn um HI Intent Detroit lttlwnuken 1500 lotion LI III Elnvelnrnl to III III Now Icrk II In Ilert IlInsII City Minnesota Chlono 015 Cnillrnnlo III Inhlnrnl 375 III Texnx III IIrInItI Wednerdny Chicqu New York Berton IllnnelotI Texas Detroit Itnmu City erwnulee Clerelnnrl Onklnnd Calilonrln Baltimore lruhnhlo Illehm Todny Dutrnlt thyrnnn it It Tern urnbern th In turn Milwaukee Ilyeroon 00 It Nnnont City tDrnno Itl no pun Clernlnnrl Strum ttt It OIIt land Llnrlhlnd or Firm It ll run tIrneI lIIdIy Ctevoltmd It CItltornlI Baltimore nt Onklnntl IIIIAoukre at Ten Kama City It Detroit ltlnnoroto It New York Chicugn It Iloston All NItlnnIl Leno link It At PILGIIL at tho Ilternnttn setup like It net not no my room to whose It stuns tenet on on 6m mum it 730 hi Ctnelnnntt tum rimd Mm It vtu to toe Nutte In It WW WW SID WK 33 ItJIIONN lCI Monlo Attents It In th Nulannts overcome no deficit NerultI Iledneldny Son Montana Chicano rlo II San Diego It Pituhurgh nod II that run Atlattn Phllntlelphin New York Ilouston IM Angelo St Inuit do II Promote Pitcher Today New Y0 IPIIAR It ter Worreh Itulnm zdone Iloutton ttteosr Hll Mo plt GImeI IrIAIy Slit lrmlreo at St MILL gator New York It Atlantn Phllnrlelphln II Cinelnnotl eanv In the moan rioduhtn Nontml It Huston 1rronln then swrods strum Son Ditto ot Chlenzn the Inme Is the lllloa ct Gory Gentry hrnitel the El clnannIIllIInntreIIt My 55 Ay tItioo Junior the Mary Grllbled Toronto to tie the hortoleeren oertrs It 22 Nett game tn SurnII Storing two pool eutr tor Suriunclseo Brynn It It Toronto were Dare Attken Chluto ttiootrntt mom omit nunrn nrol Dot FoI lint Eto toerod ton gunk tor Sntnil nrlh IIth Kuftnn and WhoreleutmtrhuruhN Itrlart unwell adding one Snrnia hold 10 Inn by NEW YORK Nhnltey Inl her thtnmn Ilunron Its Ilnps the on Aniuto lthtte Soxr Bill Melton Wednesdey Melton Ittemoltl to ram no hit by tumor tttt An drone ttIy rune In tourth By TILE CAVILLILLN PRESS It will ho AILI Arrutertlurn nhalnxt Jurrntns nl ltniy in the mourn tlnnl tiny to In Iklrrnde Mn mlde Walnut tor tho tourth tlmeI to tire reasons by Antonio tumor thunpion Itenl Itodrld In to win the too lei remlttml Jrrrenllen Ilou wore through to the final on Iurerrtn Ittrr ring sooteieso drIw nith mg Derby County In thel wood It ol their MINNI Alex Icokln In ntn the tro ledlnmdnnreroto OI BIyIleld lneludlno to for that nl must we ltml nhkh untbetmn II In ot notion nhnn It only manure Ammo tIIret Item Inning name It Non lorkr YIan SIMle uhen And ree wanted to IInleeo hi1 Nettie It third uho relnynl hill to htunwn In time tor the out White Stu not on to otzr MP Photol Ajax Amsterdam Wins 31 To Make European Cup Finals tintleg titton on hone round too wet Ito But to the sewnd mo Ajax romeo loJy repelled Nelle lrnntie It tempts to two Int totth the town with newtonhen real before noon III to limit Jutentun edrnnml to the tl nIl tor the that time in thIIIV unto Inluhtct Derbys ltuuor Davies on rent oil in Lho00th minute otter mltllll mlltslon with In tillIla storms WINNER Inside left Gerard htuhren Iwred the Month onI In the einhth minute ot the second but No hit low drive trnrn Lokers Celtics Win To Gain NBA Finals ly EGANth admit autoqu don rem HVtlmMPLmmh lmum norm AIMADIIICWHLM NMI Imlt new ow om Into The that 21 gm are tyneII perim mmmmmm sun pt ten the to New hork Ankh I6 Mmfawmu Lwl rnr EXAMINER use In llama nil mn the Delta PHONE 73 It ttnnII Noam team nnunmt Wrneshy the lotion Lt data no Im tor the bent oteeren Im mien butmn llcntreII CInIdeh Ind Cht tun Blnrk IIIII log the NI tonl linein Lam Sula on In on DALTON 305 pm EDT hmdu IIIy Mount ninth nondny MI Golan nldtt SHAH tiny thinnxo Iternoon Im IIy II necro ltontrenl nieht My All It them nary Douro ntdtt Wider tho II It tlmmry Moment afternoon Ilrm the games INK the wear out he relenled In We ot days the INS all Nil PEOPLE ON THE Vtonl DIIly Weekly smut Weekent Itntn ITI IMDIOIID 51 Introducing the1973Suporear you outside the ocnItty IrII ol Oualttsy Furniture Continues It Above Sleelen ChlnI Shoo BARGAINS GALORE SAVEON PANASONIC TVI AIR CONDITIONERS GIBSON REFRIGERATOAS Ir well In IOOO Inn to 1000 pnr Dlilp WItrh tor the Big Tent with the tlnrh no lights SIlI IrIIod By CLARKS H0 FURNISHINGS Comlortablo big car interior Essential Butwhowants atttnatetromoarutttnselhangrng onhiosnoutt mu mm manhunt nan 83721 Pittsburgh 15m Ill New urk amp Phllndtlnirin Datsun 510 ian car not st nshot like some ltslust astougn and soil as it looks and its exactly the size It has to bot to be nearpcrtect pertormer in all kinds oi Canadian lraltlc YO TE MAN APPLIES ASPADE WHETIILR Mlle RABING rotate IN tViG Bimoteso IT ooucsu Ind you run trtt why ttIrrlI 1V lIthtleeetoIhop hecIoIe your IItiotoettnn one IrInIIry eeneerl BIIIIIELL OATSIJN ITO izScimeTVfi 116 Bradford Street sttrsnsrrttrtrrotrt IWaikertSpecialOld enticRyeWhisky thNnmEn LLIIVIOEIOALLMAKIILMOOIU thil NInrtr In uuu

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