em arr IIIVA vv vevr qbltIUUIitlqrvyrCvvovlu nowunt trunnion umnrwaaonrmurn ixi Fastball Tryouts Starting Tonight For New Season Sdtbeli lama ll rerun la lull tetra tattle tryactr and grab the In the hurt and mum hlalrlretbati turn and the barrio hima itearatimal lIrt lrall learue Ten luau all be operating to the ltecrutirui learnt tha tea Im rule the Malt Irena will hm men retaliate Ioevro In to the hi league nil ItIrt Irma bindI7 trom now lo pm It lyreeaa Park All poslttem no open tor thin tram abirh Illt he the horrlle entry In the Oraario Antoine Folthall Irradiation Any pityor ltruru altrer 11751 It rile he hornt lonrrItt rill be curb tax the tram rrtth John lirodlI manager McCom Auto Electric the OASA nudrrt entry will be put torrid II II All Morrtrur Put The Mer Ieuad toothed hy Jain MeCIan Ind mounted by Gary Calvert II the new entry In the Ilaior league Any player born alter Jon ma II eliriblo The two other llIrrle team In the litter league Clartroa llo trI Ind horde Cova are alto prIrllIlog darken prletIuI hlorday It Steele Mme reboot at pm and hedorIdIyr rt Shear Park at pm Tito ltotrl Iqqu will be under to direction of AI lIIoIIaIt Lff trill nousnncnt cue II Sporting Activities coach and llob Speed the II mature Barrie We Mending Won Ill be Om yI It Sheer Irh rumor tr mum retool It pm yr erratum Ir roleth the C009 aquad with tort Kowlu Ir rruaager and Krill Carder Ir outrun arInarer hardy 0m Marthe Itth III hrely II coach and tilt llm than at manner It still look Irnloradlrroaodlortxttm tire Strode lines their lanlrtll park II It dried on Tao two in the Recreation league Ire alto heidlnl In prartim The therod Perriertn Com not modI twirht at out Iey Park It and nun 5M1 Iltemoen at pm It Shut Purl All perturb are open to my player and it your and up The Aland tram Wit toolan or uremia rru Lhtoocu one or tumor team at drum the rancher or the United or at the pat Pratlim IIU Ilse eclrlrll thhtl otldrrt base he held Sunday will bail term are prorpect Ter ThunderBay Wins Series am MONTREAL JOB IIONTIIEAL ICPI leer Short but been amtod athlete director It Sir Gems Willirrrtr Univerrliy II III lam tiedaerday aItIva ol Sula tooa Salk Short II atrreoliy phyalcal alIcIIIm latitude II mum on mm tredloIl Idedbnulrtory hiph achool In Amhetrilutly Oat near ht ohnt Cunt hrro Wednesday night to win the best ot live Eastern Canada AI Ion Cup armllinai Iertta three games to our Date liraxrulo ltrlun Do pltm and Chuck helnrr enrlt rparkett the Ontario team with two goals while tingle pooh went to John FcrIuson Jack on ST JOHNS NiId lCl Rapidly Expanding FRANK STONE butler rarr tearh first base Ilhotttlgillllr If hi Eta rout only the to In erotr um Why mm upptertalo tIrrdIng oth the Itxth um Tm Anhwttl we hope will be SPORTING ALTWITIEA WW capaudlny in Barrie and Ilyerloy nnd Ilarry llognn Eight oi the pnmuI It penal ties went to the Cops Thunder tiny oprnr the east rrn Canada finals at home halv rday night against Oriilia Ter erI South Simcoe League Meeting ry Apnewyrome hint on bat trny ltehnroura at the opening tryout Wednesday at the Fall Irorndr tinrrtua Iertlor team 1va VIM WFWML Vu IIrgt1VVi 7v mun la hereto rot oil to minim run in Wrdaer mam It tbeBrrrII rain all the turtle ol ard ate at there ahotlld be Imelt twice as many at the next attire to be held Sunday II Fair rmrrds One nl the remit the mid art team an ItIrtcd are to arm hind oi farm riuh tor Aorrter Senior tram once the Inth htntr and now the lied Sea lierupre and with any me me the eluh hopes to expand to the harem and potato lev rIa trey year and mo potato ly novices Some oi the lied Sox were al Io on head last night to It lulu Ihepe tor the coming Ira loll Coach Id GIUIudera laid at trcla tore the lied her were also on hand toiprepm tor the rev reason taminu Photo ELECTIONS VOTING WIT ONE ALDEIIAIAN tor Wont 1W lor the remainder of the term the Itbid City of Barrie Midi WEI be hell on MONDAY MAY 1m lrom 11 Am to dpm ot the ldiowto loottioru VAIID zt North ol the centre the ol Weilhltml Street and hunt the mm the DI Baytlold Street to the rcrtre Ilm IN NW 94 OTF AT OAKLEY PARK TUIIUC SCHOOL DAVIDSON lm Ward From ml ol the oath line oi wartime Street on mttmm the mild line oi Btytteid sure to no more line promoter erect and er vrt curl Street VOTE AT IIIINITY ANGUCAN DIUTILll OOLLIETI STREET Barrie Baseball leame Off To Optimistic Start thll he and Mail In yearo team Id be bad unto thl yearr IMMUNE all let II pltrhu Guy hIstarKh who armed to Tr Amt mum up we Iberuitpoub obeeem rooexectdlvayetbtathttta expertodlheumamldapen untuIIInmevhereaur the endelhlry lirahuridhethalxhtthr IIIMIOIMMVIM Irma temhoettbiryerryrlttrthr mention oI Allrtoa abide timber fielder Ed llulowehuk reread thva wt banana John Tequ Ind IllIt betelno Ted tayroch who will we all one at the coach eI or the otdcet tum Gillahdal uld hohad had no eonrrnurrieatlou Itth the In Bothlurru Ill ha mrle the mortar oter ol tam popularhbd by the Pitta burgh Pinter and to wide thread use In the halt to arm With 82 Vietory Over Peter Matihotos Even Series 11 PETEREOIIOIIGII Ont lCll lurcnto IIIrlbtroI erupted Iorllto unnamed goals In the third period at roots to an victory over Pelrrbarou lclcs ttsinesday night In to Ontario Hockey Association Junior nals The rletory turned the best olaeran retire at pith the next rum Ichadried tor To nutter lhldey llruto Dmrdmu reared two pair tor Tamale Itth riatla mix role In ltoh bailey lrleen lioidup tltId Wlaloo Po trr Manta Dirk Doctor and link liowe EXPO til FIN ST CIGARETTE woomwumrwmwmenmwmoum NMMIMIWMWHG PUBllI AUCTION Still OF USED EQUIPMENT 10 BE tram AT that art mumiv lIlAY 3rd rm AT run tumor or masoortrtrrex AND contruutcartona tAltD rrrnntvntr trrr soum nuwravtua euruuo ltoot Chic Entree Model to alt wheel drlreu tyt troeo omen 1rrrrlrllodell0 tutu at 11m mu Truck llodet root wetaw port or llolot cyl 11m qura nudt Model rm wDtruv Box and out er llool Outlettvltl Tnxtlt llach th wDump tie and Matt titular team It brim See ondary mot outraday trout am to trout Iortlteominn haul week ml mm mm Thohouth Elmcoe BasebIll league will be holding Ill Ill tINI Glorroitt Thurk hlodtt 030 wDrm Box ltd lloli II Tholeasonx will more out doorl next hrturdIy to the Quecra Part euurtl and will srurt until June on THE ARMY TllSTlIlLl llrrntera and Anglera Wr vtrtlorl eluh to planning to eon durt hunting IaIaIy eourIb early In May Welland irsinrctorr will be nulmd to prepare people or their Ontario llurrlirrg Lie ertce The totem will alert ltay bth and unit met on the 10th 15th and ltth The centre to not lust theory at practical outdoor Instruction an the club range will he provided Anyone Interested to the cause may attain more tutor mation at the llrrnierr and Ang lm dtrplay booth at the hay Ileld Mall during the Ilrlt week oi May or may telephone Itosa Ionian at mom or Jack Bouncy at mien OUILE ol question were brought up At rulthall dtteuerldn the other night What It the maximum numb rr oi deth batter ran lace urihout em twinning at the hall tartre ho either walls tr tr tlnxir urtl There It catch to thin mu Tilttn Ira aix dilterrnt wryr OltlttiGliVlLLE PROGRAM llrrt line It lure lum lied Our lllile Fearlrsa lloy hHKorrrie Trisonrur Cola Kerwin Smith Thorn to Air lroy AlwnyI Tough lluimu In Ilnrnrau Coke lerr hlruire Zenl Amt lihyd lit IIuoI Girl II Vnrrm Errand ltara III ltol Turu ltttl Otto Mile Batman llill ll Mrlenn Jimmy Van Motr Ilylrtening lhu Clumnntr Pttlthurg liomtror Coke Devon Eulrnrl Arettdtkln Friend Charlie It Tulhurrt Trouble tardy ll ltuyltra Hirehall linnotrr ll Quinton All hiriotly Kosher Troy Third Ilrrca Im lutte lion Ilene Itlrk II Irwin Faith Adios Lawton sturdy tild ll Mallet tlllrda Cootde liuthes lllouthllul Star llurter llnrttmaha Ace It llrawn Minth Maynard it Meteor Carretuwn loe lrrngllie All Cara lea Somrrvllia lourttr liter In none use Our Mile Two lleunlalrt nuat Crocro llitlir Todd Moore Johnny Darneou ltairrr Lolita Wuy Sultan Swa lieid Capetown Lad llnlrrt Continua Carrie ll Sequin err Sang Troy Dresden Prince NIehoIron All tlr Porter Laney Filth um lqu tilt One Mile Cenhltn Dnnerr Campbell TCtntttuhtle Guy Smith 1i Gorcrnorelta ll rltartcr llama Adina Tiny Sit Martin Tuilrurrt Every year it the alert ot Club will be holding their ttnt rrrlly oi the Sprln novlcrcharo lerlehlp thlr day The rally otll euver approx Imaieiy in miles starting It the timid Video at put liegIIv trotlon will open It pm with the tint one away at Ilztil Four truth will rrrn monthly until July with an entry tea tor eaeh raiy ol trot Awards will he relented to the llrat and mood overall who nerI with tree ear wuh to the dirtirrt nuvlee and bertno qu1 meeting It Iha Ivy llIil Monday at 130 pm All Interested people and terms wishing to enter the loa llIY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72W er crow To quality for the beginner wards hair mlllllllTI must not have entered more than III talliey or have regional or rte llonal potato and the nwrrrds are dependent Upon entering oil lle rvcrrtr Anyone withing lurthcr Irrior mntlorr should telephone Wilt hieQuinu at memo Woe Green at 72mm or Guy Phillipa at TZOIIAII TIIOUT IIEASON opena Ihil weellcrul Ill arrpltrr Ihnuld rtqke their claims to their lov ortte tithing rpot early perfor lately but utter midnight Fri the reason there recrm to he more angling tor positions titan lot truth tlrrky Laird Cake llIll Kelly Ilrdpath tilIIh tiara looe lurro me the title liiuahing lrrndorn hill lilrn little Coho Mitt Dorothy lloI It lloirn tlrtrntia lorr Din lL Stewart Iluitiu lulth ll Warner Diamond llama lmthurt Marie Crretl It IlaIn It ltntwnrth It Irwln All Ilirt til Jun lnwunn Ilctrutlr Note It Trot lurIr llrlhtltlheliltla Altrth lletninetarr II lle Loon tCIrreler llarm Act It llrmr It anmun Arrhrlokln Kimberly lllurr ll hlollul Musical Comedy Troy we min Tart ll TuinIlrI are it lI Pro Mirtlrly Spore ll Steward Money Itiroet hhrppord iI Moonlight lnlay Lawm ltiueloy Jimmy llolmel Chyonne Dillon lttdprth III Trotter It Ntekla Noted Chic It IIIII ll Mtyera Creed ll llulIcr III Dirielt into Weill ace Pace Tum no It ea mmy Lynn Hit Iron Vunirey ll Goodull Scott Meadow Spare II lltett ll Timeel Robert Dantlrtlou Lew son Tenth Ilaeo ll lurae lint One Mile liner Srgulrr Walton Prime Duek Elite Pick anaorr Tiny tingle Nicholson Santa llel hi Sehretcr Tire tlhony Ate It till Iii Jimmy llolrrt Smith Light Black Spanllh ACloyhrooIt Kelly ll Mount All Gloria Writer lw Trot rue are invited to attend wnuur WALNUT ADVANCE POLL AIONDAV AllllL It and IATUTIDAY lith 1m mm am to It pnL bl Cry Mail Collier Street ll Blraughan ltrluralay OIIIerr Quanta tratenowntnditttddrlttia1 NIIUM Ill ullll in ettnttuttount utOlrI Fashioned Prices SPICEWOOD Rag 491 Rag 591 $3197 $397 $397 Reg 491 My blboh 0lIC mrcka Motel 060 wDtmv that ltd lloltt Icyl llm GIICant1t Male 060 wlhnm mil Mott 0t tomato dttrrertiot MW mint ilolvl Clrorwkt lnxlt Mode to wDumP ow and lioer it ryI lmoeorrotita rum realizes overutrrlt lIOOI lmtl Mattel N50 Thrill Ttootor cyl VIIWIntIt oolhloulnwlkdllmkrumiterlippmxterl Ilratror mtdrm enrmo mi Auxiliary transmission re yrarat Trailer Karim rennin Hell and lltltrti GlilC lrrxk Model the wDump lion and Iloltt ryl lltw lllC Srdnrrbun Wagon 11 lIW lbrdrstriton Wagner ryt otdo IthIl Gretyurt door ordeal auto WI and WE llwenodrotdarmam lltdi Perm notion Wagon Ittll Ottetroiet door arden cyl to llndl Coterpltior ermin Trader Model tit yrlDorrr Blade Ninth and Steel Canopy lwllmmuredo common Model VlIIld miter mauled IthO Eurherlta arrl Alone Lighting Plait hlodtt IWAII nonoperative engine requires overtrmrlr tAtfrn 00pm Oomressor Model VTell Sltld untitled importsM rmum Mutual lIk llitzlly Gem Wing llunt wWisrorain Engine Model iti lutmiorr Cement Mirror Site its Cc Powered Trailer muted Mott Miller lrlt Tort Equipmerl TraIlte Single Artie burl th lApprat ll Ilroma litre ltottti hlLl Wireta 1w Bed Traitor Shtzllt Axle DuII wheels Appear lt How Too Nee lloet Trailer Turtlem Axle Axle dam eyrtll tlnel isent Boat Traitor Single Axle Axle mull MM Wary lhm Hoary wing Illredrrr erreh wOnble lltth Buchanan hlarlnu Entire cyl wrevtrse your ollroomwrttlo Jaelimmcrr ll Clttrk tlioiman Joell llumrnor dintIr tItlo llornrirle Grain Sow lti lIlinrk and letter Volta Sort ltrtorer lroti Storm Vulcan Connecting nod Aligner wAllhchs matte Morley TrurrrIts wTripotl tloso Inrkrae Protector 35 till Tirol Type zanttr County Marthe Approx tlNew eat Urttll Hitnth Typo Truck Sonia Hlyrtrthrtt Itrmyu lwlrrriitt Aluth ills liruntioul Ilytiruu lie SultanateI lIodrI re lllydreuic Pump rebuilt lllldlll Illa lIow llarrtest Golan Grader IIiydtuuiie img Tower Inqulror repaira tlpsl orator waft Pump ti Moldova roruias motor repairs Tenor Ind Coodltloarltcma ooh Icr item or its not puhi or In lull rt tIme at one rainlrmtm drpoet oi rtoooo ls mtdrrd mt earll item tutti tor over tha arrruytt Vlthrr lilti lli trudth the other the date at the salt the mesa lul bidder mtat pay In oil the balance owing tor Ill rtmo and remove It torn Mlulriry ruvprrtytaihue the live it working dryr oompitle paymtt wtthrt result In the tlrposlt rm totrottou out the Item held out or Cerlltlrd Cheque Mule Ulla mnmhhmmodm beIoihyto Trenru tr Ortario or to peya VelIUrLIea will be sold Al ll Where to wnlwt warmth and rubloot to Federal Salon Tex where uppllruble Ind Irwin Retell Suit lhnt Vohleea will be told preview Iner the buyer has had lhepresertbtd Inspection carried on by qualied meeiuulourxl hleehlrtenl Fitness lulled tierm may be imported ot the obote Winn Irora out to ltd pm on April with May int and and May my 9rd run until time ol onlo Further Inlurmaltoa may ltr obtained tromt Mr II II Forrest Dirtrlet Supply llupertltor llurrlutlllr uni Telephonet tlslllt Area Coder lot Material Control OIIlee llawaavlaw Ontario Trlrpltunar titIll Area Coder til MInIrtry ot Transportation and Communication IIle or mr hump Cortllltulo