in uonln tool Other Poll Problem Otto thereto drummer ri Robb PuhlithIrOeneral Manager it Write Editor interline Henriette Meneplng tdltor rrzoumnv mm im run Ir MIN IMHO dentin Ilth MINI1 IIntnAihlllAIIbl dII totbau regimeLII nmlimlurin in genial are primer problem rotor ntunheidhlladilimilhe In Is This Fooelifiing Job Recrlly Something Useful Frauhy we were not till ed with the die or the content it tie going to coat Iimort $2000 ewh to that at theatrernttntheiorcentrbihiil be lsliOiintlL orlhet otp in or test tor ocnlioo oi the new nothings their the costoeroircnit would be rmdi Lie groan the Force would be doles is Butuhydoeatha ovemneotlmirton the trceliit It Ill ll no not too many yam ego the Royal CInIdiIri Mr Tom me we liken oil the bulk or our air press release irorn the Department eet Now the minimal or the Do Irtment oi Nat oat Deleon he deride otNatiomlDetence ottlee ottrtionniiien in Toronto Included photograph at edtodo it all over again It cornirieribie crraa tow Ilreratt one oiiotir that In erpanrotol Iyera repainted at part at H500 eontract It The paint to started in mtdrAprllInd iiiedeiiaviitnivi AtrcndotCIoida plant will end months and merit thousand ItDonrotieu otdonirr titer LANE tti YEARS AGO IN TOWN Ind eohegtile teacher would be cut in Bimenmmnyr 25 133mm niirytornert unallocnreltlerL MMSWW Mm form mm Students tier Collegiate resented Oii The iederIl government has found yet another my to event our III dolim The intent dome in heelit tor all Canadinn Portra Itnntl th word Dnde ii to replace word Denndinn Armed Form Ind Feroer Aimee Canadieonee which no new dis played on opposite aide oi Forres alr it Armed Forooe Ind Form Arum will be relocated in two liner on the left Ind rt oi Ilrtrait inroiige the little nirloriixiini while iteld ukpofn which to moutmpored red nitrite ottenIrItiengnd lhllmmhim nary tram both hIiirsalitIa alder nu hottest mom hugeethnic enclave whieh mill to modernire outwit edrtcer over into irIrI Ind the lien Pe liotiIl militia thInI Ilont hlay North Went lie bu Ilia ninintalned hilt Imter Itinl lniemtlonnl pomne AI though Pakistane rillere Ieepirn relation even meter would nevar learl any lesions with Carnmualrl colon while President Bhutto Ibo unteated thou with indie Ire Illil eluted militery preiident to rule noaerirtent and within plated General Tlhhn KIWI USSR Ind the US don Irmy rhtei oi dad in door oi thdiIteL lith BIG llllhi FOR THE PllllCllll WmmImzIzrxueeanianntaovnniummmilm ye Montreal Losthlrance overnmeni eoreoy ToBecome Capital pearin musiul Nautical Kn dired todtourtharniuilmeetilrzllirrlelhoneii rd by 1mm Kn Mm Johnan Guardian Legion and criticized federal Anguillou were itntstr Covert governmentover nslonr Dr an ill Wagon days red in Barrie an old tie oinrter rnrrn wu chairman tor title which oi pioneer Victim are Emmi mm new ad mm mm pm mm 31 Toronto 10 mandallta5lewart linen elected raven children ction It merit Junior hymen emulate were on way to new on tarm neot Morley 1mm mum lu New LUIOJICIIHJVOTIISWIMDII Bar ium on season prey coat Min scan rieI reliol gardens to grow vegetables iecir Walsh delenee Jimea Victor Byme Cellini will Mufti nil George iiool nay Stoddart centre ion for those it to WI don Budi Turntirlami tome Adam tell wing nirr neon limit Toyeton right wing Jack Moore Norvai iIiclr Guihdo wort champt Ind Dioir Garrette Capitol Theatre in loot lea match It Midland liirrie Wolves ed out Ievertl promising rookie tor next mmr intermediate hoelgyJ Byme Bloody Wiles Merry ram Joe Sire Barrie Examiner reieete ior position on AVAmerlean newrpaper team oi weekilee by Prollssor John Caz Dean Journalism Unlvmlly oi DII omI lducetlontstr predicted that due to manic depression outfit INTERPRETING THE NEWS Exeriing Greoit Pressure To Open An Open Door lrm CUPiii brilletI hafnium not no pun Ihemulvu wartiamot vlrh to erenee npetantiIleltliaiIovIr retain IIId honde WIT Diouirornethereountrtei Eiprenr Brit that truth iridium toe nurtrallIa prime rumour Ill thin Britain doernmlirle weal mhrlrter in Britain on atria har renewed qille taint even the ooiarn ls cowllth virilvee the imitation at twlnl underItIndinI her it ltIrn by the MUIII one exerting you came to whirrrma tierlre tn IdvInee porno oi the deter who in tom door all open to Aurtrniia at PIcillc power Miltltl bold oomidmbie rov hint that not only it imminent hvi Irelm power not In men Ever three the rlootlon of hit il Icon to be independent meat with Vehillamt WI labor party hat Donoriber red 1t Dlltlrir illieleai he eovermvi In at to purl oi Liberal rem more Int earlier that while llio laderIi eminent government Whither hII eedleai and there it with in Ilrerny dlioon nuovi tie wenId It time to hm iorlhe tilteelrunwiomdhli Inter oi email him the oil of tile to appear Iatl desire live to to hit cane Nearer mount to ill Privy nrttth prim pretense epitaItiI no omit ItItaI retain an urine at oatioari identity in in to the W1 in lorrdpn lie liIi dernIndod In end to mmbw mm mm ooionlat relies which rtlll AWN todlnionily tie the Auetnlian In exocrine vitielel Ind ethic milI lilo Mill tIb M0 Mrtludioa to Britain and Vinion to DrllIln MW donned he now in cheap hilinmir petitiontotth ewe the national anthem and no deal or Wm blotter llml ting replacing God Sire over the Brittle mutton Yea the Queen and tire Union ildi Even the more mneorvallva Navertiteiear theta no ren retereneoe end love it the states in comrt it ed lnAui Iii liiiit WIMMI with ledani government IIIler It Ill lie neeWWI are out at ItieglInee to eliminItI that AllureiiI can it mid not route the Biliiih the relerereo to the Queen re have whit it wornwhee yearr gr Plate out oi to Bitrte thor hino harem do llueelr huaetur leneea ileer Morrow elected preridertt of ma Twl crib eietedllemy starts dent plant banner rod will join county league Indaie goii edurre etc tnirldingoodeoailtloet me sir tart year Nine hoier in open tion with beck nine ready by July ltrtr milling their titlzenr to willow from the Queen on birllday Ind It New Arie PIrllnIrtenl to pot lltelr mile Privy Cornell runber trIttInI male in their relate nutrition on wholly tellletti Ihiv tor limit Int rennin to what it lr they do mt intinr lmlinr The Illltlltr ran Ioriinoie Altitude or title there it no dealt tt llll VIM All Willy indicated it or rent heron Front rm on onto tleI which the nitration will Write unmatuumcgrmwmwumm PHOTO FLASHBACK wwnmm REOATTA ON NEMPENFILT DAY trelae brtaglnybgeclntorr twin Nmttu Ibout to yearn ego Picture was taken and northern This photo worded ii liar iiurnr ot Bloke St phowa latte irom yore in rent oi old trend ibunk slum ML rm the 0mm or liluayatationenstnllioylieid Stwharl llama tlmldum Mm Wateriportrworebirattrnctionitlirr met ml two may my do in earlier dnya notihl rettlllnil rut tirinrarhti my run iv on hay Intla enrol racer Fred Orint iea In public lliDOI Aliirdrla iielghtr tn brok hlirary tell at big overlie with rpeolai ground Ir aoa Itme ieeted herauu they hit In TheDcivisStyle nonolinnitv OImr rertr ly seed Secret1 in overnment ll be llllnm turning In true Ill Irrorl li him her our horses entered in thin Wit Tlie Illnatloo with the Nixon limited to the US oi tow bu torched aim oi Mlitlll rehigee told git ing narrative til en mm numerals now rtihied at Toronto Wood ommuniet regime to year omenr Cam In iiub lira Arthur Eggle eeoeernthel wueddedtdniaw till WWI oi Premier William eeeding lira Henry llooire Barrie ween when ilrt oi dow in All Smiletl erriI tabled in the houre One eategory Mil Val ml to tilt which Then won the Ieellng lhIl were brinr revald tor the darti Iiantreat hIr rneny dialino hnhldumi lioni but on April 15 rate it golden llyr depot you it opppnunlty to new There were Ilia time other airlerrepuid uiaglhe the permanent eIpltIl or are rrievaaeer but the ilebeilioa drum in the government tlee um or murmur Loner till we the moot ruthenium in in in moat btrlidng Ind Ineethal the The pIuI oilhehili mileth the he will mini running beiwelfltlg with if 14er Etrilflii or eevn vornorvutertiterl Thin it ilrlIlly IIld It warnt mu My WWI mu yam mamy In going to relme them atria did not like the tth mmmmlwldlm The mine for the riot in 9V ll motion tor not matingi em mm mmum My ecIlured llrltlii lined mm Wm nIIer Item nIl Mmnehmti tort raid iltIt Wt lufdmfgl government WWW dimlgedurtrt the rebeliontin When he tell winner WWW very much like lAwer Ind pper canine in drtva to hit home the riolerl PrIrtdent Nltoru ortlion when toilmt it In pelted him with em untied in in illinn it to Ine tile IIdhe outlawenlnr mldenta MIMIC merited particularly rdrheray cornmeal wu Senate pIperI New theta Ire toileIent thrt thli problem may be creeping in here DaeruriIeIIlwwinrolltin tla relurel oi llwveromratto out the by not in Ite um Thea iilloohar been Ill wmmr tat tori ere loge tor more then The reorient tainted by Devil to Vermont Ind Drrt Laurence provtnetai rocretirr tor aItrrrIl rewwr to Order ten year It CALCULATED Moururvt TO QUALIFY FOR THIS OUTSTANDING OFFER SIMPLY DEPOSIT $5000 IN NEW OR EXISTING BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT OUR BARRlE BRANCH COMMENCING APNIL 23rd THIS HANDSOME WESTCLOX ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK WITH SPECIAL FEATURESCAN SEVOUNS FOR ONLY dZOOWHEN YOU SAVE AT MUNICIPAL SAVINGS lLlMlT ONE PEN FAMILY WHILE SUPPLY LASISI WERE OPEN LONGER MONonvqtiunsuey In pin FRIDAYS am 730 pm SATURDAY am 130pm the municipal savings loan corporation POBOX 14788 ouuior sr EAST BAAHIE ONTARIO uoel 7267200 DAVID MacAOAM MANAGER ItiltliiiCtNADA OIPOSII INSURANCI CORPORATION it