Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1973, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONE amen mm mm mm maul no on bemoan now MottoNo91 Called For By Ontario t0 manta mu ryuem Itdt mm nhttmmwhpemlonmmlmbco day ootllotutov motor In on mm In It Rnrton Plan II In wood It mellow pended at or conlerrm thul the now than uoo nay wt to retire My norm bu ownrd om rarl1 tho tun vlttt re mdstant mquW Inthllegty outs In Bone prorrcu on rm at cormmlty Ind rudrl modeIthootIMnoolthhw tenIon um not who try erdtnttzd agreed to tetqu man and the produce to no lo noun nounn on rou dlli Ibo pill lo min It not uttering to ma otulopu laI mllotlc In tam at unreal equtleo nod omum to III led on art ptesu manor larlar otlldnl polltI titler II II the motorenco thnt tht Ioderalpmlotl Inn tbs mum on uudorluken Canada Pen ion Hike SEES EIGHT 6hr dorm 0n nadoW1Apdl15 rm Iii Mario uould develw In nd on will Irrom mt pension be ratsd to It moth by not mural Iodenl mm Ole Ill on perIod nn mulmxu ow tum uxoxotdnr that It tald trend torrd Iy rottro WEAIIIER ronrcm madammmlm EKIHIWMH Immutmwmst downwardpunt Not Than It For Copy Curl Homo Dollvnry Woolly 30 Pm mom 0110110 polqurlIIbuhrmmtn Trutth John tottoylettcdtn VIVIIi to prqurol to on no he nomad it In WI Ilr do sold the mm Wth out uttblrao the tax dd not out may not Idttdrev tho on pltmmd would look WDmand mthowdllttekrllon Itadlldlaltolhm authorde WWI lurk nut ol mnbomorolluaodnllyrt Immdmmm nmo pmalthatmmmrdlro mlrdslm common openlny rpedll norltu =0 mtthopuprrouhdlibti rrnmmto Wed rowlow rhootter tar rotrm tho tn todxy In DItrwl nude l9 ot lateral and pronto Ilr Etude IVH the lam rJIl ntatlm tore the ottm toolereou pro Ile nun hrlrl mud do motor rttmtly to el my doc Iry provludaI ororlultl tho collar loom tIlII rotnot NILM til ttln Welfare Review Should Not Have redtxed penulon would be lullehlo Ier than between to IM 0t nho to rellra bolero the my By noth lam Mum the loner II It on to to mold mom Irma redrawI waldo el on yur owned wIIIt It to rdltodtl rnm own new mm no would ml lmtment ol um cert mm In hunter lltllltul Dart nude tho unmet In the lulu mod hm prorated rrwlt at tho droltleu Med with tho IIL at utmooulynuernrmnm lolV ot tho Promsan 0133de port cum ultimatum rmltd by thundetotu mlma thtn MI mrlJon to raid the trruurrr also uld other le lovorumont programs tide ot tho Irrlltnturo rnldley the In roll plur not my mm tho torrent to ruled In to wold roodlon Iu Ito Maury oon tor tho prrroroeutl lltct llolt to Ilthlm tho In term from five per our tenlulu John ll Smith tPcllaodllou Ito told om meterena Norman In tho Ilrtt mun but no ho mun ulnar norm tomatoqu no not uoluml owoslttun to owe the In we he ruled mm the neuron durlzu it Distinctions PQ mmnnnold omwn or Wit no own gm runlarm on wdul ururIt lo dty IItIt my mleur utemo thou not not dlr tool Mum perm alto on oeueu It tho dull lslod toifforotztoa VbllklhV We as It room now In run do III aodalnldutluothervordun MM rotraro to tortured pronmu mutt rm Man Wes Sought hll Id ho bo to work um um to on Item noon on In Its Wrtness In nod thomt at tho populotlou uy xlttnl IIth It mmtm amneymerel motumbdltlonr Ihrbdo mm lax um be mf unharmqu Tnal RI Bamo Aboundlndllztedwwm Int mom In tho kwlttun GM to ELIIOIW Opposilloo Illth tho mr He told to moo tome mrnt rm rryudly rt Mlle wpor tor tho In Item eull In MI rum oI WI mout rrrvntlou NM oodronmon m3 lnIst and Itoerol tomb Liberal lender Robert Elm non ol II no lorthtonuot cttlcd or the treasurrra Milt goatloom Mort lter It WM WM Wt In trod retrelnlnx loam dtromltluuuoour cutout tnnca um Ity or othor nonltu tut Wednesday but been Idont the In orlwlty tolrodtxtd put oI tho prmmII mm WW vol no out abet It In ll Imdlu Wt taro bed adylto to nu oun lrom too you no we Inter trltldwd by mo pmrnmrut mm nllrl surround bottbmhul to matter teo ammut err motto tho room the prom uld to old not ex moat Nern rattl Ito to tho dtcltlou to ho Itthout drnwal not rollootl on OsrC vr Iwmr Yr lstnIKlt Mug mm In nerl the Inn on Ilzouutunnmoutrm In the letter on otOIledll Berth um WWI Wood MIlbln III In MN MW granola too mam nlth nod rm to ba two momma ml mtud Wk my mummy It to It Ironmnrmm ltythahllltytundlholutatl1 IIalIIt dIIIJNltr mlomonh to provl tn Ito oId Mr custom no no that Mum you up oodrl old beoelu paid to Lm ntlnlrttrr lnolodlog lzderrl mlnIsttr lltro um out ll Im WW1 on pow IovoLj uhlod litredor totlrsstlybwov IOIMVWTIWIIE newton El mu worn to bellow um equal Wumrturo from Ll Lullon punter to the on unprolcll tout Quoted uould lltt wra not mush to IllEXthe Iltto to no between too laden borne $31331 It chtrVwuld Quebec taxpayer Ind up to at home In It It Ituallun that on other provln Wm Charged Under Township Bylaw Salada demanded ToMaVy 16 chem under Ionolhlo cmlolnu Iron tho Iounsltlp bylaw at Inwtlnl vian Into llelaldtt to imply Anode 91 Ill towoohlp 1115950 In uhlch MM not to lllmd Add Food 104 ton browse tho rlluottou Lt unmo mtundtd todty In provlmttl 1m uttn tho warm mother cutout but VI noodllyoxetttotmulror mmIltttutllottltado OHM TEE TOP hides VWASIIIIIOION rm rho rltnou In an nttompted murv der Ind Armed robbery trlal at two men In Wm Bunk Int mm OquIo noqu ldlkd huh tho Idrllltlltotloll they III also ot donlh on armh tloo uly trqu or wall um lm Tho Irwoltlntlon southqu Indians Said Need Political Power REGINA CPI The orIY ludlooo can radon do mu Irht It odmanm VI 51 dlltu In tltrooslt politic powcr Odo GoorsoIlnnml president Play btllt lete the call at tho Nottonnl lrtdtno Broth my area adtooll darlnr ID orlmd In Ottawa uttl Mills or these dry born Ind nlrttt Hr take to tho bull dlomouda llo told 00 detonate lo lordouuunlnprlnxnporutl Vthltn ltotua rm Prttldtut Ntm Ito mtdo no decltlon It It on whtlter to llro top aloe lallla result oI Ila llltmto II rlt that Slut Setrelax llt om Itozon In boon odt lI Ntton Ipoltsmeu duty ro head thttruo ol Ito unlte We ttaIII they Ilsa dttt thnt tho oruldont In my way Involved In reported otter PLIIY BIIIII Ilonlcll school on Stool lsstero Itluueyrd All the buy of mu tummy not us no up to are Gndo ttudrnts More lhd 1an Dado Bermuda photos on I1 Itlrnmlnor PM NIm may Wm dera tor too cold Ulrle toIbgt Nanty Mclrort Iho rhlrt rpulrumun tor the leon Mltdmn drlror Doll court In MILIIW to May Id lodco Jmtnemlchauld II tny Seolrnlotouun all LstunweK utd to on not told tho ole truth at tho Hm New mumllortherorn It not usual to rottedwlto 1mm In as advmlonllehruuugutmx VVV Vm VVVVVVVV mm mm pm wllhtlto urn bocaune mg lu and mm mVVVme la polttlcul SVVVIWM ol upon mm mm mm WIN kill hm Includ Selrdn Food opotltey po Indlnn orgeolrtttont New York llmu ouollnl yourm oloto to the me It mom $1th thVIVtIroVV nzylhllva tungwaulut In Allhron uldVVClnldt no go mm to nounstoonporononpono my to owhll thatlt UntoWhen Wound proportth oIIlld to the Meat tolmmcnt Elm ammo duo mulorl no our nu co In ll wme op ymm gnu examplo to loan PR6 Ina Iet wont Prot the non tlrn E0 monument In to ctv York lut week and led Illa llnt bout the pmduu hm been llould Indhllomm or InII Ilelolutlonary Govern tormlton mood rout tho Time rmqu thtt mm ln Cantdllu Imhouador ml to on or Inn my Pf lo buumf NH mrmpmmmm II mullontut sum neon Int mum on the roundup Ior olrltlonl lulu been mostly to Ilttomont Itch Ita on mrult rut Iolhuttnt elrem on Internulollt pt duper mutypmmbmm mm the literal mm tho mum to calm In wuttnrlou muomcnt expound Io taro WWW tomeyeun mum etunplreo IW Wm vltorylom taro repodloled to dl0ltrdho Added Tho ltmet Into It could not been prep Ind mottled Tho ecwulauyerlorthe mu the tounslllp nsked III will or comm of 71 In nlxu INN nld to cloud no lltowlww last month tattoo WWI dumo nnunm WW WWW mud do Km mm 11m no mu mmqu oomA ladl Inttdrrnt mm nhowgroomd the Inuit by rllVon rItlrnl digital Ito twat tho PRO on It Ixon clmpl group uuaywupa mm donvI denttng duo tho Intro oI rommlttr nor to whom It wu ulth Nlm compllrn lundt ndIWlllmtnt bocotuo company WM tho waste llld tho hwy mm my my mum mm the rltunllon for long tlmo Ior three week to Into Inven tII dlyturood lIto rrttl mm mm Mu mm Md portntltlny rurrlror trom In unt Itllwllntltllom nnlIxr the cwrndlturea IllMI R00 ms II ottlcllla hovo had knowledge of oormlny urn douu operultonu mud my no man MM I1 Ind have rocelvui mum to nod aucuthullultlon in unkth my yudlyddodundmgr m5 nddg ubmdnttlste IIIlloot nuanneuoenta Irrll helicopter tmt In to the losltln on Post ro utloruorarerortedtotheGon 11M IIInlchnIdIoIoanllta told moornadlnnrrm Immobepmlnlutownronvm the tortun tho $1M nmniuo in satiety Rink ya out It mom Iot roll be mew mm mmym wwlmlmmmm Thorohuto boontuoolhuln nt MIDImoldy In two the tomyelgnnltu Includrd muonI In It dwindled Elation NW mum mm mm New VI MI Id tllllmln wtlctt thottyonrold liton publtolly drlyo wrltlng utd paylng tor moo wart tho dooentrn ulton ol noncheenadltn diplomat nu dmrd It Iatlnr hlporllsen tuo mm ol rupport tent to Ntxon power from tho mlulxtor of In ct como under atttol lrom Ilunol rt or the pmtdrutr dulltorl no well at Ier rrlllu and no or comme conrms Em 10 69 LGYOEE rIInn nIInIrr to to tout lndlun rod tho PEG over potttlonr he alt Iorlnt to mluo lltlnlronl rrntred IoloMtM campnlrn Yum hm cmdllovcl hn Intro to Vrelttlon to tn IlllbotV rupponlny the dultluttomln If Iddlw run mtandd on duo on Proposed By out letnamese gybIEIdIfISdfyLllu We own CIPI erlu WthltllboloulotttroruttqulmIolontbytllorndol Ital weetI ll mm It can on tool Is WW ullh Tampermq Charge Im mm WW We women not In It on We med mos lottfltidd on hoot Rem $1000 15 01W lowlntoltnlorl It WW Ilnolllndl lllltedlh Inn on Inn no man or not In In on For IIIlssmg Bunlrs Employees tCIt Toronl0 Bodloo Dlscovored In Parked Cal Ammo no com mun Automaton0y ou mmtm truth mtonrpulout no MW Im IW SAINT youu no t0 Polo btIIolI rt money on rtuolru moot cmI mun Nlnm Innocent prune with vommlsslm It mu In lllttllnx no the WWI Wm moodwtho bottles um dud Gnuddltl at th Conedlun Foot ION Wu drrnnnd lorletttdruwaI 01 Ill ulna rnlnht hulo mot lhrlr lute Iwo unploym ot llrlnlu ln Iotrn Irom the Import vltlt My lrtmlm Nnuen North totuomroe trooru lrom Ir put at motby Wm llddtu TMI VIM hall INK Ill 111 not at tho Iluntt at tho lIrt pros et Coulde Ltd In noutnond Snlnt Io build IIArrIn latter In at NIqu Fella IN MY rllttt lm Wm Gm Vmgwlwwmmo flour or South Vietnamese but wanted mantle wltlt the In Into Saturday The mm nt the handy at troop whore out 5100000 Irom the come not cunltrntod unttl poltce and Milled Clotro lth 21 mm Elenv laclrrrr SVrVoagotgotzrVwmoiggmdlda Tom Mr pretrncoVlell South Vlotnam II pany roult IN 10000 eoluptny ottlrlnlr um nbto to W0 01 Escaped com19s caught Itnslvo Ilium who recently Bombs Dropped pttn when on gammy or to tho Purl one on our Irradl MII open on vault Iloudly um IIWIIIEAL CPIWu ot tlm mutton utao WIN 5W4 told hlo home In Toronto thltl Mm1 at Nam Mum MWSDIPGI Ids lluourhoot MIL trout Wm 1mm In Mm um um oaolulvd by drew Irom tho CFL oemlon Smce Ceasere rte lower end the mrroopond Canada Vtoday Innolmted tho It pollnr rnolrrsmtn uld Inn Wit only today Item rum my Illo motto or on end rammed la the Unlltt In South Vlztnlmo domlll wmrany otter ot uoIooo Iur tlmlu ratothtnlom on on not my ydmmm kn mu tor pawl States IVVVQSgIIVNGIVON my inttonmmllwdbo concluded bo lgdllllgllolhtlrlpi looteduronhlol hm VrroVum arm JIt cxrtuvo 0C my to pant my on II III onlmno It optovr ortryl It mm In the dill 01 mm mum mm mm my Wm mm rand lg vrortqulrtte tor the reward Ed oormtl tlme Monday morn teeon told Turnout torn my not Combodln durluu the to the room South Vle Wulrh ol IlentmlI In llrltlu rloopruldeut not hero or hurt boon llrlnlu out PICIIGEGIS Bling T0 Winds Film 11 been melted and um two month alter the Vlot nomtro romltutlon It tour up at Domtnlou ltludoy to announce the re Elaine or that tour gem and mom om mm and ht nln olllco hud mudo In nam eweltre rm dgned lao Irud lo oheudorl Barons Edna lustrtonto thntktto word ottor the content rut most to the vault Dom ltrod III largest atllz to my not uttlt the Itrm tor the Cannon lost yearI All Mort would DIAL Plum ltd tum rum concemlny the matter no mm hltoI Itnlluttll tizuros do on Iltnlennnormuulom ItemIdle Ice Ihtoulout Ill Wllm nld thrro broom um nun IImI Plclrrt thlnt tnmpornr mm mm mm III an ourrllllcnteul but to 11000 tons worn drown In IIrn mooted that the luv could and Unllod state moro thou two In tho null romtlurd on tho lookout or at tho mm tho thrtt but ro ru not tum Bum lthm In to Inn In ulth mnumtuto an hour Irom Ilr Galrdnurl Fdlmurt 11th dwtlneo nan Lholllvt meet tlu today mm Mk olllcennd uohm mumm tom In Mmtt ultra dudttne art by tho Jan 21 Elllll JIIMI oomlruy 81 hlltd to no tho Io dltVtIlttltd end lttlvln Ed lmounl ltd on liner Pen uurt my Inlmnullo on too In was llmlltd Io Cembodl pom mm by llotltl trnrd Dom to to mlrlnot Iho rnnnry rolledzd from no wordrd It to tho cFl cornqu Stallrtlcl not out nrathhla Ilmlnar record to Indian Shot III Wounded Knee DVIIISVVVM donor KrntlI told or Ann III to mnl 9me tIoJArllnuulm hfdllgtl stlllwuiullttwoyoucontrnrt 1n bonng Ionnm In con Ion mummy on W0 at mutton will Iodtrul 91m 01 W11 00km utth Toronto to on It option oltho Ilrttlwo mouth unortho Ann 24 wold no led you uthlrr both at Sllltt John vrrloun when In New Whom WhWNLWIwwmw yonr on II he InIIt tore art to Woman mnrrllm won Ill provide leutorllblo dolly flugammth hmmnmymmm nmwky WWW ertlltutuwnvnwmmm tto Amounts he would no nIIIonnLIy below the 10mm pcmdttln the sour Vlotllom mnwmluwlmcs Solur at their con yen to doposltcd Inntuu may ptlldtd Irom plnylnn toot all In Iqu In lonuury Moro the ole pools to enrol tholr 5m Cmdn or UVSV mm wwkmmw Ind leultoyoltttaVCJ EItSln to ally IIrultddddodimoyfe odddrnorwm It

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