on elJ Eu the liltv Pull Int It urg will Ill Iiil bit tho em Led in gluoletory II tha lInkooc cud NEW mill mkces toll dlrilrlr Interim IaIruo Idlno mmnm totalin It Itiluuhe Nettles canto verr utdtor Dnnrll Porter horn on hit by Jim listt inst nipolu Nelda neorod Hart Continues Hitting DiivesIn For Yankees run notocmno PRESS New York chbzor turd IIIrt trnnrplnnt and midho doe toe to run coma oi their boso ini IiLI Iloodny night Dellgonttd billetJim itay Ilnrt continual his unsath billing in drith In two rim with rude and double and rookie George Doci biodich wit nllci help trout Unity Ichuo IIL portrd bl lint mine to Slnro the Yaohm IWIild Ilort irnlrl San Frontiloo Giants last work Iha stlyuoold donor has topped out eight bill In It It hat with ilvc runs bailed In llo ringlod home our oi two iourthiooion run all locor lilil other In tho Yank Iddrd Ihm In tho uni KIWI PHCIIERS while biedioh third Ir medical Iitodutl It the rlty ol Iittllmgh ll It to out the it not mm hhpito In Hold httlih iblll IMII not playing in tho Iltd be laid but Pro on to concentrntq own on him Iietng new Id myoor Itxtng ct Imo Mucny tum minimum dolrllliox Ibo IIIborniymthorArwiou mum Caliinnio Angel DIklInd Alhlotlc to II Iilollston Artroa hintlked 15m Dirgo IIdrcr Min tho only Nluonnl teamruin II MONTREAL CPI Rookie hill Barber will be oua ohroocll hod Shrroa key Inctors tonight Philadelphia ltyon try to told elimination in theirStun It lay Clip Ietrlldiuot lattes kgolnlt Iiorllml Cmdlonr The Iiyera down In tho Itionai tincon unguu series dropptd decision to the utglhldlll In Philadelphia sun llv llri down Ilnrber raid nitrrwurd But you dont rtIy down too long Ill be givlni cv oryihltlg have on nltndny ntnhl lllon with bruised heel tbl result It lying tnlo tho boudr Slulduy ItIrber mull be consid md one It lhilcdeiphiII top threIIs native oi rlllndrrI Ont linrbcr yicirod up 10 unit Ind it will this round his lint lit the NHL Roltgers Skate At Hideuwmy CHICAGO Cli Emile mod doesnt necessarily be iiovc thanth horses in mid them will chongo the outcome but he not rise to altering guno Ions Iii cit York Rangers have lollcn advaotooo oi the Ilvodny mt between rms to Milo Iiopr eomblna one In an cilort In that up their ciiecttlrnoio ior ubai could be that show down with Chltogobiack iinwks ionlgbII Iho Hangers went through In intrusive ruling protram Iron day at their hideowa on Long Island htiore ilylng born when lh tough with tho Ilnwh in tiny three games to one in tho hosioisevzn lcrnIIiual hanrlr laid litt IuIi lcala workout included eight deioucc guallerldtr ior IonighiI content then Indilvc dittoan llrle com rrhodulld Ior Mt pm EST binnilonn Ihnt tooir come ililll lpulolirly Ind lorno Intro ei lurl by votctnn lobby Rout aoau 0i room tried himal ran trc with Steve Vickrrn Ind illke itluphv Then tried lino oi Tull VLlIiulrLs It rentrs between GIohSatbor Ind Rousseau And Bobby Ibo bud crank or two on tho point and tilted to on another line Irnrlrir rald nut thmn trotting unurual about that ilouweou ls thr boo oi plnyer tognrlltd Is an Irregular rcgu Inr ilenldrs playlrlg Ill three iorwtlrd poslllour ho nlro later turn on doicnro It you count the point on the power ploy Irlnoir however would not Dies In Swimming Accident otter tho trod CunndiIn Foothrll League neuron Iciiowlng lilo your stint with Illa lionberr IIONTEIIEY Cold 10 lIII lodyarli Iorrocr quarter back wlih erudpeg Illuo lionlb oi the Western Football Conicrrner drowned Suturday In lwimmlng Itritlrnt WtudI it but company executive drowncd whilo swim mind oil ltioiiar ltnto bench Ledyulli won loinletter truth It Chnltarroogu University and Flared lho rm nelson with Sun lraorlrro Iierl oi the National locEIbrlld Inow being moving aria Ll aspentt Myron near NI SWIIdtlml 9m with Ottawa ilou llldlrs ol 33 WW PM mm lha Illlrlsrnl Iootzhull Cgllisjn onto In no with It Cotonou cold Imbnni and Ill wile Elihu hid tomotoltlo S$l 0m Iiontcroy tiny are Irom their 391nm Iha humour Winnipeg homo Ior beach VI Ito hurled In toilet ouartrr condor1 but Illtliillittll book in loading the bomberr to II guru Iliihlm molt my tho virtnry over at airtime um ltnmlitou 11 cm In Loot Porsool and doubled home an Flyors Gatne Plan uck stored iour goals Iionday comm hinucll on to noon Former Bomber Quarterback Born in Montgomery III the dollpnsted hitter Iod to error on Broom Eb holler Join Brim thi ibotot ItI helped to to be abla to III in the dugout and study tho pit chers to learn something shout them ltr helped my mornin tlon on hitting nod mubc this ltth dislgnnlrd hitter rule our help the loot thrvo or tour their tears dont have to worry about tteiding ground hallo would to ploy nnturnlly but it would ba hind oi tough hero with bell oi law like Grnigl NIIIIH It which to mold right hondcc lucid Iha rule In all hit and win out Iln llotii lhI leth inning whzo Pedro Garth Ind hob Colllsclo innd him Ior tolo pattern the nde IltDIiiltl took out with too on Ind one out Ind blanked tbc iircwern lilo rent oi tho ironing nix more Factor harbor Philndetphinr nov rnth drill pick Inst Iiunc otter completing threo Illnmniut reo Ioon with Kitrhentr oi the On ultio iloctoy Knuoeiailon Junior Irtles thouth he would rntch on lmmedinlrly with tho lIyrra lilln consort liut they not the down to Richmond Ior month to Inna prove my dclrntllc work Ind iouud out that lhrre won lot oi diticronac betwecn Iurdor hoeiloy urld hoctly up horo lust icarner he who rnllcd by Shore and out to work He didnt Iroro in Iho ilrrt lew scums but be vlzyrd well enough lor the lIyorr Io kecit hlm aboard won it and got too tools Ind twolnsslsis That rlitiohcd ll ior mc Petes Down Marlies 63 TORONTO ICII hctl itor nlght to load Petzrborough Petrs to 61 victory over To ronto Marlboro In the opening game oi thclr Onturlo llockey Assoclntloo Junior Iloat ploy oii Ionics Tho second game In the boob oisorcn series will be rdmd Wrdhutdny In leierborouxh witbulht third to Toronto lrl Il The hlnrlbam lumped into 10 loud in tho llrst period ol two goals by Iiorly liowr but Ihc lotoa come book with tour unnruwored goull In the second rloll lhruo oi thlm within ollo minute and II nlronlil onrly In tho porloll COCKBURN LIMITED do Motlllow IIOAD irAiliIlE tzozlm Then we plalcd BullIo and udyud retired ironl Iooiboli rhildrrn llo lulu his will Ind air Automatic transmission 3SIV8power steering and power front disc brakes come standard with your 73 ford So does Fords fathous quiet ride The l973 Ford LTD won Motor Trend Mogu zincs third for fulllsitc Sedan of the Year In giving Im the award Ihcysnitl lhc clinchcr llns Fords stock In llJth supcrquiet interior with isolatiuuirom loud noise lntdt foothill lmnt iloom ital llrelthoul rpnrr run for libiwlrn Full Irnlllt door nrmmtt plutl rotorloud tunneling oil liltl up to now lelrl of luxury for the big irultr ltrnllli tilt inlrtllr lllliiiidlltl rtlclrhrolllhooomoplionaiItrrtllml Proveitto yoursel The clooeryoulookyiho betterwelook trdoligued inllrurrlc 36le NIIVNIEIIII Ilprrmounted nrhrt loll dlrrct tluiliahtndolblldr FordLTD Brougham 2DoorHardtop And the I973 Ford was given Road Tests Car of the Year nwnrd Road Test said of the 73 Ford that it The nest inmin car to be found til its price in the showroom toda Whether buying or leasing see your Ford Dc or or plorl Lnnllltlilcn drilrr Ind Anewglolcboxthnlllltgerthan nut in any of lolds tlltldntd IIIE rumpttltutr IllI Itii Fords include wrong ltrrl guard ratio in the thin dim pnwrrtilc Lrulrr rodent thll help tight wit and cor rmion Ind In energy Ibwrb lrlg bumpcrryltem FORD