litluuotuyrottw Tl Walls lditer Israelites Healshsw Managing ater soloist la ml no Idltss TrappinginOniario Lesson In Conservation bill so one can argue against the desirability oi iiuding more humane ways oi trapping tuxbearing saturate in recent television and newspaper ioaturee on this late lrs era have been pictured as tor turers trapping as whole has been illustrach as needle slaughter fibs isct is some major program has been made over the sat iew years with huoune trapping this progress has been brought about by trappers not by the weilmesning but naive pee to who wait and moan about It now la overlooked the dogooders is that even with much bed oghoid traps the methods used are as humans as smote theater caught in le hold trap does notsuiieriorlo otrapissetln nsdt almanac at It drowns qtsickly Thsmnwhosetshistrspsineuchswty that animals suites ior tong isnt olng lohe very suecessiui the saint are going to escape The lvoryiower marvsiionists calmot make legitimate tar at out oi trapping In Outs csop ot urbesring arilnutshasreverstood hi or TltlJ has been sworn hed even In the lace oi the continual nvasion oi wild arnesr by Ontarios growing population through one oi the itnest trapttna man agomenl programs In the world Present day lrsptlna management In Ontario may well he the greatest conservation achieve rncrlt oi the century Throu It Ontario has been able to benet rema natural resource worth $50 million amluaIly and employing Tb our people And it has done so while etill insuring the resource Show us my other area Which oouid bout oi suds In Implement But even it people were to at wear hrgclottdngnladootbidessnd which seems unlikely since the deolsnd lot has is greater now than ever beiore trspplng cnuii not be banned Isiotsts crowding diwib all also missiles and artistry would tell in the wake oi savoury to ban the annual harvest at in dress Rabies would be some serious threat Trapping must be used as means oi population control tor the protection oi the species in this part at Ontario today not can ough hearts are being Ilsa the bearer popdls on expended that taken So wildly its now pose serious problem lioads isrrn itelds are flooded and thous snds oi acres oi bash are being destroyed by ponds Furteuycrs are paying the Isidlohl pri ces in years ior polls and in some areas additional quotas are given to trappers In an attempt to relieve the prcsmre the beaver is exerting on the landscape but still the population rows and the darn ags Increases Clearly there will always have to be irappin In Ontario We should never atop loo tor more humane merits oi trappihii but In the meantime we should give Ontarios trapping industry the ne lilt ior handbag resource in the most ciilctcnt and humane means that has been lvsllsble to them Otilila Packet and Times DOWN MEMORY LIINE iii vases AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner limit 20 1923 l7ro nodal engineers estimate that oi drain tor tow lands along Nottawrsr see at 50000 Four milliontubc yards oi excavation would be neededuo oording to GA Hcilnhhinoillmnio Survey made at request Simoos County Council lhuruhheelroylesa metals at Barrles liilnlmoih Rink ca ed oil in third period St Andrews and Al iandale it were tied 22 when puck went over boards sndcouid not be Iound No other pudr was available Patrick Ilynott ill CNN erltlloudont Allan dsIs division died tor illness oi soy ersl montiu Women Teachers pie tented Hambourg Trio oi Toronto as listed by time Islsir do liunck lie is prIms doors at ooncert In rolls to auditorium Owner It Hus able deiehdtd tilneydrlvers re charges oi speeding on IilrrieAllsndsia run Mackenzie King liberal Club held debate at library Hal won by siilrmstiva spea irerl Frank Hammond and liar Lay Resolved that English are bet or colon izers than Frerloh Donald libel and Dr Simpson took no stivo Judges were Dr Victor IIlrt Dr ed lions and Rev HE lctlwood At Grand Opera House one night only The Dumbelts musical revue siarrigg lied Newman Movie coming next ariie Chaplin In Pay Day At Haw Dreamland Tom this In Up and Going Adults the NI ten tile Top reserved seats at its msons insurance agency tor Dun both go show priced at s1 and tilt indo sue In challenge curling match Clothiers sltl ped by Bob lilt conuon with George Icktre Iiob Sloph ons and Joe liline best Oliver Camerons Dyments by lti Cameron had iDoct Simon Ali Hamlin and Bill Twist on link Public Library Board salt ed Town Council 31c par ismtly head as operatingngrtt Ctilremasscmbied sI Collier St liolhodbt Church to honor memory oi Police Ohiei Robert King who died In Royal Victoria Hospital George Bruce bell lblepttone mansgar promoted to new position at Chrihim succeeded In Barrie by Brewster irom ottioni IVIili Gro Centpb am timothy lists is sooond Richard Woll endcn third lithcslnscrolrtnole term oi JimCrawinrd Crawiord Nestor and Armstrong best liarrlas team at Art titties Sr and it Olllrlie Smith and Jimmy Kaetlsn Members oi Presbyterian Methodist and Congrega tional churches will vote on urtlon next month Kiwanisdtub considered that old Bill rounds on bills St be made lntol at motor camp oruanrrtitrors vuws RAILWAYS DITIIRIORATINO Windsorstar TheOntrrio government recommends tlon to the Commoru comrrittce on trans port and communication that no passcn er ssilws sorviou be discontinued or de elu oi passenger transportat lon in Canada as been carried out makes told sense The ith that It comes irons provincial government lends II addition si weight The Ontario briei rl htiy poinIi outthat passenger transports on services should not be developed on piecemeal basis That is advice the iodersl govern ment ehoutd heed For too long now the railways have had lithcir own way and with Increasing public subsidies the two maior railway com attics Canadian Il oiiic and Canadian allonal have termin ated or reduced service and allowed part cnger convenience and comiort to deter lorlta The network must he treats until naIIonaI study on the matter Is com plated and the quality at service must simproved wads rmmnmknmtmrmtunmummummmm QUEENT PARK ed soorers ri Barrie Gun Ctub Qntaiio Shows Dvlssst Twp Tresatsy mstteis Tbs llrst Nntollnlcatl Treasures John White law days bit White II are emenl en to tltxil statements all he tests tar issucdlrllheltlure is above both irth thought and initiative on the pert oi llr littlte Tbs iedsrsl revetment has Iraued such monthly etaltmcnla ior years For long ilrne there lass been demand that the practice Treasure nitiative real reason tor doing so was that what wasnt known couldnt be criticised nib new minister has shown himself It be above such peIlI ANT CHANGE The accord malice shared mt programs which the prov Ince wants is he dropped In later at tax concessions illicit will probably be laid shout there at the session Astdtlle public which can hardly be ed to be close to such malers will perils think It is blgstsw ever rolls W94 gm Just why It Isnt was brought teeters ttgum In Iticll statements uyl in int in speech by can be tseelul to liticistls use irlnk till parlilmtlllrl aa valushls Ie the usually com airisntlathe mlnlsleroihealth fertility The all rd th able to The demand has she been llllredlixllliillwbliiiniov eonsnarttv relented th the ersl government makes Iha Inhalation tail that the sale grants accrued It sets down the conditions under which they can be spent Ontario says It can spend ihs money more olltctenlly and more allied to the real needs oi the province The Miller point wbhh Illus irsioa the strength oi its ergo many relates to heallil rats is cllltiss WOULD MEAN AAVING For many years now we hats losesn It would mean much more oiitclent and tell aspen slva health care system It moss patients tould be taken cars at In chronic beds nursing homes or at home llitl Ottawa In Its grants would only pay lwsrvilsrtiva treatment hospital care be we built active trestnrerl holpilsls Now as we know more illlit we steed it we could have dons vital as knew was needed much money could have been saved thrik 12 BR 0UlD PARTY stairway armor DO DOUGLAS OTIAIVA CPIv linst rot ers retired last Decem bera sic elections In malor ritch across Canada with coiloriive shrua About to per cent at the ell glble worm rnsns ad to straggla to the polls Vans couver 01tswadid little better with it per cent Evmlyinzormin its tang was on cell observers llill mayorsity world was one oi thantost Inlsraating Ill ysssr By contrast it per cent at those eligible to soil In ths realismtenure new ballad Why this snuslti Ioditlsr encl to city electlorut It Is possible voters nd it diillault to make much senss out oi local politics It also tieo little the are laced tn mostcltleswlt aprolusionoi candidates each its his own individual plattorm Once elected there it no guarantee the new oiltcohslder can con vistas his colleagues to carry out his program Would disciplined party eyelets msla the pleura dessert Would It make elty cotuthII more responsible to the slalom Emerging Part Politics in Urban Canada led by Janis THE LIGHT TOUCH What Happened Your Boyish Grin Ily HAL IIOTLE lith Ail Fng In men any at its birth days the age at it So has year oldie WeltI happens even to nice guys leer up Did yul ever step to think that alter 35 every Wildly Itllku ll ihll much lltlt mam ills Turtle Exhibits it Hayeld tallest Ilsrta Ontario Ttltpbone ttesstt bseondctssslistl Registration lIvlber dili Ilsturn postags naranieed Daliyx busts asst Statutory IIs syl arrested Subscription rates daily by carrier its weekly other year ly Single copies Hr lty mail barrio all yearly bimeoa County new yrsriy hlIIacs oi Canada mob yearIyt All other eoualncs rural rent Motor throw all areas year National Advertisuts ntitcrst ll Queen Toronto lldl till oto hcsrt EL HonlrcsL llembrr oi the Canadian Press lalrtd Audit bureau at circula oor The Canadian Press ls esclvs lyel entitled to the use tor ra pub cation oi all news dispatch rs Inthis are rrrdtleutoll or The Associated Press or neuter and also tbs local news publish ed therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright In all original silver its as and sditorlal material rte stad by Its employers and so produced in this mlpspsrr Copyrlsltt lirglstrstiors tum her crests register it mm liqu and James An dersort tackles this issue in similar ll Plumb al urban pdilLlcl The lil book Is cent pllstlae railings gleaned rent truss speedtes and books it Is aimed mainly It lies Idem students as ecdilorr say In the bistro duetlen lir limbo is preicssor in the political science it snrnt oi the University Mr bats while bir Anderson It gradnsls student attire lama university editors auggesi thxlt penilel acilleyIs ll lnrtn Canadian cities llr Anderson sayk in the article that Csnsdian rtes vs strong tradition or nonpartisan politics as BIBLE THOUGHT ler be that seashell is as inows tangle spcIIeII Iol Isis son but rats MI tar as lnsa nsdentaadctl Ilsnl lawch Is tits spirit Iis apeskrib royal cries Corinthians till There Is as Intercession that We WM the Million oi the lotdleot Do not reect or tenure lt lusty Out on will ever he assume in at It snakes me think at when is Tommy Ibtat What WW T07 Massive Indifference To City result oi united States lnitn eslceltlbatvrnolllecen wry Americans trying to clean up corrupt rlly governments argued simly tor city aloo tianl tree oi parityupolitlu They suggested at lllould be run is businesses with cotnsclls bolus the board at directors ms vlsvt aaudtt an to Can ldl sod is still Widow bold VIIJOCIBDI IN MONTREAL huhIn recent years there hath been attempts to Isultcb dslc political partiesA in tinnitusilltriggersV dish us pg ruledtlorunore than to years It has tight party discipline ate the lian oi icdcral and prov rial psrtIrs irt Itsrtcouver the NonPan tisan Annotation dominated ctly Iltlcs lord years he tore wu displaced by the Electors Action Movement in text Decembers elections but the NPA was Ioosciyor sn Ired geisha miles unern rs rat Win attempt by the Liberal andsNew Democratic parties to break into the Toronto po litical scene In not was op Several articles In this hook attempt to ilnd on why libel ialhe advantage oi sonime pull to city politlclt llaruld Kaolin mitosis in this boat inst parties would be WI mints on cinnamon or prdatense Aldermen operating on their Mlld to narrow their Interests in their on paritcntsr hailivlcl to lie also lays WOULD HELP MAYOR lit tilplsn also that lasts politics night to the that power to carry out his Noam Undertbe ctnreot system Its uyp Wm oaaetllly throat is and strewnlilimndsi Iestkrahlp because they llsyl cursors soon Elections re committer padded beetb tag on oatsth lie admits that one danger oi Mtg thumb rst ld all city hall and stills any criticism 33 his lasyawibnipihia pm tics has been usually run ceasiui In Britain Thisbook may bsioo bass and notoriously loo academic to this wIdI readership not It raises an Issue that is bound to be discussed increas illrly in Canada lnsreglxg Party Politics In Urban Canada rdiird it Jaeilldhllasulvud Jslalgr Il sladcraaas Memuaad and blunt but Radissons Feats Became Lgendary Ill OOI WillIAN OverIsa therwbsve bcenmaoy loosened may irotrl Fresco whln be was ll yelre oh and lid sued by Mowats who treated la to escape ibroagh Now Arnttenlun Now So ervrd us table at oh Isittatpillietlyrdl italt all that yo Wm you party hate hinlriey one teasw and User lianpy birihda IioWl Wib yout oiII you do yw do whoa yw lobaorwtmdtrdaoi 1a that you did wortldnt like me do whstl cat on you dayale being does LETTERS TO TITO ODJECIION Dear dirt in your editorial at March you leave readers withth Im pmsiotlvthst rather than hsva IntipulduilinWlewould have been better tor the cry Irvin struts to rat liDliOli The lssnsiass Ixattss car trlbstlsls to its Letters to its editor estama es the so Ilotllt sage libel possible letters should be ecstrllled to too to ill lards are they should be stewed Writers may but all Issue it they de ierilnsateiy lm one thou Mild wrinkles thirty Realistin re ls car older nowmt rum and bake scale or lust let all iiroerackeri lie Hal Thats good tor Iau Ii But now Ms get down to truth How out are you relllyl It least ours got some hair tellewe so to speak So youre year older What have you learned in the last me that you didnt know wheel you were it years oldi THE EDITOR Council to ll the vacancy by Iatlng the man with the bhighestnumberoivolcalo the recent election There are two serious oblro liorla to this procedure namely ill It is ilogirsl The iotixlb man would not necessarily be in the top three II the roles hosts the resigning ennrildnts were re distributed among the others tll It Is not one oi the op tions open to council under the Iluniculsi Aid loyal and alert to Frsnos and on book to This lilvlcres lle spot into the in trading business and was resporlslbie Mikael establisan the 0s oi his adventures nairnla tilted limit bl Idid Jesuit out mature TO it rtlory in New lost on wasltd iOl them as In later preter and learned tblt the indi sns planted to sander the prints mislme an WWW iiiliEldiitINOliliIOII Radlsson photo or the tests are is hold so all roller se or weeks him will gems to the including the WI mu secretly built small latbsitobltbelsrnis start The least heghsn on llssril it tilt and was old lust ornslie the gate oi the mission ilters HHHHTW was served Venison boar meat ditch em MI and many medcrdablcl The Idea at an sst Iii least was tor the Indians to cell ins will they Ice asleep re is story tassubeisotietcd thsts ibo density avored the leads with some drul In my case when the last in rliars so rd on the grand uncon scious the Jesuits drazgot their srtlnll boat to the river in which the lee bad broten Ind paddled lurlotuy for Lake Ontario It took iilb weeks it gotta combsltint ram and stonna The nude it saler thanks to Mt 5120mm stimuli DWEDIIITHMIITRIISKIE DVSlZ MWTIOWWADAW rhloouuuoutattbtoo You also stats to the Otiiiolr ill that Altl Janice talking Ia trons Ward This Is Incorrect She Is imm Want it It you are bind to second guess the Oil Cornell you shotdd really be little more carch at your Iactl yYous truly OTIA COOPER INHAIIT IIOTIIIIITER Wnuwouumuan ll wannonaolwsna nuvmcsw rancostumer dMIMM summers TiltWm rsosorsmus mealtime