on do In tho tor oi on anti aoi TOROTD CPI 51111011 Hawks 38 are EE 1g iii 5s hi Edith ii pm Oilcl to TEE Ednes Winnipeg 32 run mamrut ruse Ottaoa National have trend boozetn WW The Nets after heardio nstrour reIsoa It homo to which the iInsndIilrpiInxd World tioehry Association Iran ehlsa pteycd to more echoes in tho Ctrie Centre are astoiu medallion on the road donned the Jets Dun dry or their third 1min victory in What marina it run this in lher lssi nine garnet to climb into tourth piles tie with Phltsdelphir Bitters in the Essieln illusion The loss was Itro tho tutti Itrstat tor the Jets Illhouph the Whalipoa learn ddat tone moon or their Irlp atop the wegmimuhlx ir to en es his alter tho Shorts moved second place Saturday yolhos 131111111 Cievelsnd vs rI Iterated item third to the West polbi behind In Alida ies ground Sunday when they rudered homeicr to set bsek to New York Raiders in other Saturdty nine gt New thehnd Whalers moved eldst points ahead oi Rentals In the race tor itret In the East by irtmioa Philadelphia to Alberta Otters blInted Quebec I4 Nordioues buyouts curler Oman bat New or boa Aoaoiee is to Omelsad and PbllIdebbia It Itousiontn tonights arises Ottawa robbed trogoel lead on tintpertnd stores by Rob Urdu and Steve Risa he tore Winnipeg erold el this the Jets rebounded to the too oadrsiIyltoratmdui Dolby tIuti beat Nata rears tiooIi rookie Minder Gilles Sutton Rick restored the Ottawa lead at this oi the second and Mcqu Grrttoa made It stand lip until Tom Nmred the touryly Ngu to no on empty on net with elm escondt rennin tnata the rope Ken tiitll goal at its me with help iron the IIiLtI India neorer Ron WIrd at irih oi ruddendcolh overtime pulled out the New York Ito orv The other New York roots went to tienl Douaiu and Ward who stored his etah lost oi the reason and increased his point prnduttton to ill hank times In the tint po rtod to tie the score lt Ind Brion hlobonaid In the second to live the hem lord In trout oi om ilolutoa tans re plied tor the losers s1 Marlene Lilo moot octvy roaches Dob Dorrhrr oi St hi University Itusktes hates loan As matter oi tact Bourbon never raw his team loss am durint the toms reason until Saturday when they dropped verdict in University It To routo hhrce In the Guardian in icrootieataio Alhictie Union iCiAU hockty itrtol The tiushler brecxod throurh their Atlantic ronlerenee lobed ulo this season undeieoted in it humor and also won two Iiorircy Canada tournament names tour plsyoli games and tilt exhibition aerate Italnsl the hints in iioiliar at CRIISIIDIIt So it was little wonder that brother quietly disappeared tor white Itlrr he saw hlI club drop their iourth CtAU rharnpiooshlp some IeIinst the Blues to as many your hot noucher did show up It poetgenre reception and was quite receptive to questions iron to err Al 1W1 as we tool we 32Tol111011 shouldnt ieei too bad Doueher said There are It other clubs across the unity that hem cot this tar The AIM has become water the put corpio oi years hiind you1 theres aood Ilaaoo behind us But today tor the tint ttrno this year we ltari ourselves trying to dyiny catchup hockey We dhl have to do that dltrln the run tar schedule The riosesi one came to beottntt iba Hus es durlnx the year was the tilucs who tied them as altrr Ioolo it at Christmas The close Itivoae cues in the Atlantic cooiereocr wII Univeme oi ilooetoo who were belle or Even in that note we were ahead so with three minutes to co Doucher noted Todaywhen we scored to make It It wowere exerting let oi pressure We hit post post and missed oottpla oi other tlrbt ones it we had rooted the the whole corn ptoxtoo not have Ittanxod HOCKEY SCOREBOARD Iiy 11 covenant auras NIlioaII Leanna III Division is t1 Monolith 11M MOI 210 99 1mm 97 Dctroit ll 21 Ituiinio at to Toronto 31 Vancouver it islanders 1o itrai Dltisi chtcm hiinn Philn St touts los 11 Pittsburgh Atlanta 25 in It 111211 ll Catiiornie ITtl itidililb III Results sundry Montreal Philadelphia lluitaluhtbrontol Button 1111111 Dctrolt tricazo Calliornli Minnesota it Rangers or touts Itcsutta hIturclIy with Montreal Toronto Rangers iriaivierao 51 boutso Vantouvtr Pillsburph Atlanta Oticspo hltnnesota too iniciesl Games Tuesday Runyon It htinnosota Cali ornlr at islanders itlontrcat torsion Rangers 5d EEEEgh 8938832 gzggr 2jgt 2333358 BEES 25 lg went Mroelatlon Eastern Division ie New I111 int iiolilt Clove New York Ihiia Ottawa Quebec IMO 1293116 p11 nu 5th INTI Western 1111111111 Itle too All tlousten titan Alberta Ichieozo Rosalia Iunday Non York tiouston Ottawa htnntpez Rrenlta Palmer Lb Itharlcs CIeveIIitdo Now mind Philadelphia AIM QM aaicosooNcw Yorhi Dames Tonill iea It Cievehhd Phliadc pitta It liouston American home But Division South 39 i515 Boston it it Rochester 1102012 Providence will Springeld TOMlO New lilvtn lolliO misspell Itll ltkilrnond Jeelttvil llaittinore Results dunday Cincinnatl Sprloxileid Boston Jacksonville Nova Seotle Vtr tall Providerteoiller eyt lllchrnond Baltimore New listen Rochester Results Saturday llershey Rochetter Raittnvore Richmond Game Tonzht Nova Scott at Ichonltlio 31111 1121 With Sabres gar error 33 EE in or 39 Il it re Errtr ii Engineer 55 SEEEEE en as World Title REGINA CPI Three tnrrmpioyrd Itrnrricans oral their Itudcnt lrsmmnte hope to take the world our than plonshtp to the Unit sales the odds Ippeer to be uninsl them The Its entry it the Mount In the toeeuatrs event which starts today They have had little oompettdon at homo and theyve nrvrr son bonsptrt in Strip Charles Reeves it at Winrhertel him rays he Ilnsnt been able to find any body who would otter him hint to take oil the amount at iirnaheneodstururi Third Douro Carlyn It had to on it In 23 araduate studies eiphta Roms sold the are not three rhcets at too Ilthctr homeehth about Ila ratios Bolton In north oi there Is little rompeillioo in the club MANAGED LN To polo experience they trav elled to two Ontario boospiels enter this your and rumored to win second eventtheir alert allowing against Cana Ins turn W11 11 11 peas Lobonto oi North Dakota whose rinlr lost the world Ulla in Can nor the bizarre tintslh last year In that game Labonie appar ently had beaten Orest Notes obuh oi Winnipeg when riot member lumped in jubilation and blotted rorir that would have turn the Its the chem pionship The Canadians tame hack to win to an extra and 111011111 Way In Front iiy TIIE CRNADLIN PREbl Phil Es site II Boston Bruins pool and to pull awry truth the rest oi the pack Sun day night in the nitrous Ilockay League scorina race Ito scored his Inn noel oi tho reason and gained three assists pr RE SEE steady ioh which would allow IeId Berry DiariehIrd II have irldyored tbo rovenbit r1 mummwtwmIIWI Glenda Rotsrr llyerboli high reboot stuiont tram Otta an shores the strain as the moses the nish line lrst arr oi Ottawa Met in mitts stride hiib Olynwle gold medtitre tumult lira dna oi the Soviet Union in lion treel Priory 1m sud notes the antt stirs mph Mild to the 11mm raceoi tout not bolero romeo meotioocd Ibo vowed Ill start to than about to minutes beioio the Men the meet cloud most to 111 When peril oi the solution mnurvliro INIMDMMOILITOIOQIJQo hadrons who will more the Rut tlens la the Nigel lnim nattonst rotten titId llonttcnt stone ttdl alter the Inmena Idahnretra event at tho monolith indoor tract Ind Itrtd champlouhtps CF Pluto MM and IrIinlIPt one oiiizlat bliss Relief Says Shes Too Busy To Think QUEBEC iCii nakndn Rel list will be blown by Therein that alter their here there was Iltt doubt thti trim oi Wait Ogicc tot Brenda WM the no Mn shorter iron motion will nineteen atrooa iumlo cool mi In Tho Millie oi Ii sthictes pra saluted it the street will not be annotmd unlit myths oili unis and All hod Causation rorords I11 their atom with titles liuiirm and tiles Welsh Iciiinn their tnartu hirnnwhite the three along with hiarleAnno Dav oi Simon stand nitIt rIorrrurtces esiod oru oi tot endtltllternCInsptrIiloi to SPORTS RODNDDP Isle Of Wight would race airbat urination ban or need in North limeriel isioi med whamrm the lrtnhltossitolk IreI oi Virginia no In numey isnxite oi thI mud oi em lie loo by Its length over another Amnimnmd peter madam Ne drive by George snotty It New York Iesti shortly sits thi first our tor mild iroIrt Cmdimuaed Noniohe Pot and led the sixth horse tieid trill midway throuah the atratrh when hr was moved by trio at him Time tor the mill rrns on tel in this the Initial start oi the tors tor the sevenyanrohi isle oi ItlghL sinner Last year at so II it races and Mill Ills hicttrno eorotnxs were mono heioro Sundays race Metro Dominates PttiJiY SCUM 02L ICP Toronto badminton pinyere domtnntni the doubles tOitl petition at tho Ontario elated badminton championships hrtti hero over the weetghd hioro than no contestants irom throughout Oniqu corn ptttei in two classes oi corn petition in riots tumpettttnn lioh Dttstoil oi Ottawa dcteated Dhanrulh Pnnchnl oi Toronto to mens singles competition white Dev Green detentrd int hiur phy oi Sault Ste Itaria In womens slnales Double Winners THUNDER BAY Ont CF Harry Grris oi tendon and Rick Walnut oi Vancouver were the only ouhte wtnnm It the Cunndtsn upon wrestling thumptonshlps during litu mk Ontario athletes tool It It so deed oi Toronto Ind Polar llertto oi liootreIl lewd dur In the Ireland to win the Cl nodian mash rootlets doubtes They beulpDrter list oi tiara liton and John Sm at Toronto lbw in after the Itolle his man our South broom ol Montreal to Preede now look over the To Study Cost team at enrinrerr Irons tyo ted rrni dorsrtmrnt war are 5tihlff hinfm srhcdnitd to Irrile 11 1111 our piece 1111 11m seconds third TORONTO m1 NLNOSION Oni CPI on Combine For Victory my tCPtlste alarms otrmrtc l111 rulummmtdw Mm Waimsiry ms the times uadnlhnrborcdriotltmi thaldhiehmrrhcntaeap and do hmior We own necetyta gold meal Indtben Ionklhe GrrcoRmntttioLr lthmortIss Squash Double ties to ration Willil I1 59 in Summer Olympia time Geese1a hpesi nid Sl or same Win ahead The holding rt the siting 121 111W 111 on roar beeause iedrrnt Imminent oimorethsniilrntittonisro oulrrd The tilel Mat is more than ll million Takes Slalom STONEtltttL Que ICIl Ririr Hunter oi Ottsn took tint pIItI Sunday In the mens an Illinois In the eastern dine on at the Pauline nip national all races 1th tworun total time oi trons seconds In tho that ol silli races Andro ScoreIl oi hiooiresl piaeedsemsd with combined pure booipntty plump red tomato slices onion crisp lettuce bacon form fresh choose toasted sesame bun time It liOJO mirth Ihiis ihil Irma oi Ottawa took molest gunmen time he Withdraw2 due Mill early bu buiiuii 1utxirr thitrr third Iris to hind it will DI Lto told But ltlss ltolinuo who set Camilla recon oi 10903 in the event credited the Winni Ollirintt estimated the ihtnl Give Ca by TIIE ARSOCIATED DRESS 51 touts Cardinal scored six runs In the sixth Inoinx to spoil the spring debut at Stan Rahv nscn then hrid on tor to tip tory oarr thicngo White Sox and RorWe Corbor iworun homer pins on epnlmi Bellanca who pitched only two Inniuzs Joe ntorrran Dan Drtcssen and Dave conception earn had three hits and drove in two runs to pace thinned Reds to In victory over New York Mets Dick Woodson Riit iiaods and lim mictiand oorrtbined tor twohttier and hiinncsola tiwrls scorinx six runs in the sixth In nlna ctobbored lioaion Red Sox Oi as the Itrutns dotcatcd AIlIhtI Plumes TI The leaders Espoino1 CiIrktl Pha itorintsh lhe ttntclle Orr Lernotrc1 It not IiuIi liahnviich it Martin EESSGES=Sgt 53a8=3=2= =3asag=n FEE LOCATION qmrmwon Gcorre utilirrwaid Ind too not Itllulo In the outburst Pittsburgh coileeted nine hits oil er Baltimore plehcra Ind doieaiod the Orioles The ltr rataa attach tcaturod two hits aptm by Gone oldie liob Robertson Rich ilchnrr and Jsrklo limrtndcr YANKEES RALLY Ron Swobodt Rich Dempsey ead lIrt Lsaier each drove to two runs as New York Yonkers erased iIIbltltt doiictt In the GeorgianCoIIege pm pol girl tor the MOM Six Runs In Sixth rds Win more in the seventh or too victory over Dielott Tigers Ed Spreads and itioi liehncy combined or tivoiili shutout at Cincinnati Reds binnirrti Pittiuiciphis Phillie on The iteeia scored twice oii losing pitcher Larry Christensen In the third as Jim DriscolL who UOtl bird to rirht and Gems Foo lenmyho mum drug are an III on ohms tho Ioii eld line Don Sutton Ind Eddie Solo mon also cornblnod tor tivo hitlcr as Lot Austins Dodtcrs boat ttottsibil Asiros to ice Lory led tOltlt tor Antoiev attack with three stories Ind double and willie crawloni drove in three runs Totes Renters scored thrro runs on Alex Johmonr horror and triple by title Flltein to deleet Atlanta terms or Keith Marshall singled borne Amos Otis trout rsoond hose to 11 bottom oi the tour 1111111 to IltO Rinses City 11 so victory over Ilohtroei Expos Otis who also titrated three ttrnes1 started the Royals on their way in the ltth 111th double 1t betcstoadcd double by Rich McKinney In the seventh tartar cave OotIIod Athletics victory over Rowland DI dians round lndiotrbani titl nth tealthm CDTimplmlhips no oompcors on an ID mm mm inciudinv Iowa at Canadas You con to two that any one who guarantee broke overhaul tor 30000 miles IIIDI Jodi4 Youre norrenead rum cutcornols lspotnptn do It rtpht And thatI the kind at guarantor you not It IIIlIOiIl 30000 tulips oi stops 30000 miles oi ronhdrnco We start bytrulnp your drums and rtetnp your new brake tinlhpe To be sure thItihwo will be poriotl control over every room Inch oi your braking Iurr iaeo Our epoelst equipment ensures itotoryrvew toirraaeos your ear the braking Iystom is one plsco not to Alter we install your new Indoor we inspoet every part oi your billing system Wheat cylinders Master cylinders Brute ehoo return springs Arid brake iiuiti lines Thewoywosoo it Firestone 11111111 111111111 ovrnu1 it Doyileld 5t nonm BL our hoist is the plots to tind ouivouvopotntobiems rotating Notwhon you have yournoxtomeiponryslop Vhtlo your irnnl whorls Ill oil we throw In little extra arrvico WI clean inspect and ropsclr your irons whorl outer hearings Youd be surprised how allow we had tho old nreaw catod brittle and usathls other adding premium quality LI hrakolluidvve road leeryour rIiAnyearthItpntsesbuf 21 LABOR RELATIONS FOR PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS er The object of this course is to give an understanding oi the requirements and procedures oi ceritllotion knowledge ot labor relations principles and how to develop better labor rcisitons within the plant Itny interested poison ls welcome eitherirom Labor or Management STARTING DATE litrehd 1918 thO 1000 10 weekly sessions $4000 Georgian College Extension Services Building 115 Bell Farm Rd Dorrie FOR iNFORMATION AND REGISTRATION Telephone rotroars or visit the Extension Services Division lls Bell Farm Road barrio Nowetthlio Stores 11 1111101 51 nor OI course we use nntyrho bIstbiritniinInps Because bi III the components on BARRIE PHONE 726 It critical inspection will measure up to any ItIndsrds Add measure up to our 30000 mile guarantee 6585 nannnunnlnihji