vitlnllythfnlkuem but that nrmweteheldwltthu ltovtlnmthem ml lvermyralthIholrthanDntnrle Ma Gallon Mellon Wm If Nut It the limb mortlru that held ulrnlrllfunl Illhlllerrlo vln mlmw olmn mu hootwa nu wmmw the rimtun that far year tended Word Unlnn theahhoohh thunk tn the College Helm ln InlayId where hmlmnmu mgnm Huge llie mm mm Who Mule their llI Ind the time Inn to hlm mm hm WV tomWK mat Wth chum tram lylt to mom Ihurdm with out nrehlleewnl beater may It whlch have now been Nlllellllll other are llmttlw ulIIlbuI WWI 0m hlr llitehe lumdwn Illled utth thousands ol homely ttl penIllItIndlnllnnnnrcIIo ImIlllhntenIhedtoerouhb mm over the chatehecIuee the an elbow took up toe much room ml member of tho hxeeullve It the Cunnrllnll Opera Guild In Toronto were entertntned It receptlon end reeltIl It the home own and am It in vendumuhelnnlu enhllmmtnthemmv thehl Momma Intrnrn Jennettolan mmmn hmlltlw II In horplul vlutlnx ltllll rm Ill let vthelr ttlullw llml ol lnlIlllxenee and the Ihllv mm ley tt the youthIbo modulo RuulIInd ll Ilulnr how The WW 919 lemwmI Itlrnetlye IM lrll cancel Suwa mtrrne In Ilsa Nefhlllll lmmuulIlI Ind Ll all llth lotely IIrdenI Ind Ittluu They Ire men the at In the world hluly more pletum ol life In RWII Illll blllllllrlu el mt beauty were Ihm urn tremolo lntxorlured hlr llllchell Ind llrr no In lean uprated the rnonnhers lhonn end Iphroelnon Mun portion In to every Annabell mawwwwr re lllu Gum WW Ind cm by ll at It or report we turn by Seal Como pondrnee lncluded requul lrbm IChurch 6h Element in male lorI Ir ol IIdleI to vlrlt Tltnlty Chm It tnlurn rble tor hmzhebn and tour llln hpnrhnm Ellerth ltnlrn lunehooru ll Turebullvlrlrlny evenlnz ptlort to the performance at Cool lIrtMle It llerrte Cm trIl Mllemtel Speclel rueetI Vlor the mantlvn were llln ll Pernor loumlcr Ind hilly men at the CInndlnn Open Gullt Ind Mn ll 001 zlvm by AT WJM MIL IM on llla Glund St um nvrnrs 4v dale oltthe lerlgknlm mm ale to lllrch Ll nerldrht ot Tomato Dlocmn mum Orureh Wo lllctlblrllll Ireilnuchlurch mom on balmrxlmdtnulpeclu trel EEEEEEE 32 ER arorz ifg =29Eg moregoilm 33 iEv ab 55 $352 553 33 E2 Egg E53 EEEE 95 3253 59 55 EE 55 EE oflnyrrlhdtthtzllentIl bullhler Famylcmtenm Immune byltllItOCK LW mtm we mullveutud rethlIuulethulrInd your money It ml help Io on em male uleetron next ltrne $2 Ee riai 53 $3 8g 555 ilealtuled El pg no Setteedmloywlwr IernI IdentllleIIlydocummtrd tumm hfomlwomnm atmtlllllihljhh mzermglwom erumurm mm WnLWhM to woolen remI mum who come lhr hlrI Gnodtln IM llled tn Itluld Sllllclll luncheon to behold In the Itlelnoen at April ll It Cullln Streetwa Church lrtnlly membm wlll Witt Suxxullonl to encotuuelhd north end pnrtlelpItloo lll Alllt were given by IllI DrIlte lollaw ed by report on thI Nomin uu Denny month heldln Intnet ven by We mm rm nlulun lpr chuvenrnwteu OIL lhelr utMIIu trl date Annel tmlprpot lurk ohm end leuon on the null lrl cl holly nl truth lorClullunorht llldIIwerk mettle In ed new mem herlt lo math for Ni plur nlen lor thehprll meetlnz maker to talk Iboul Winch St hlnmrtt wool anch lor work Lenten llm CmP tn ourdnrhoroee that note danhg mugntho Cl car good nhnh my In curled out Dr Idtnol ol tdltthtllultm medl dnn Untmlly ol Itlbem re all thll mlulon to the Il College nt Phyllbcen Ind Ml INN It kl canted out to home to the win lnUmts tho tototl dll Ihkd nut that um ln mmlxutlmthmwlwtnho ImqutImheuldlnl paper presented It lhI meetlnl ll pnttentI be lr at thelr nptlrrum level ol put dem tar lennr nerlorle out um euro be kept mm Hurt Imuntly rmnd rwrcn Dr lledlont Ind his rel lee es tested ebout too unt hurling beam on ugh Ihlllly tent Innd on thelr ell tteeohnlnmn ot the Cur edlrn ll Dtllld uml ltlrnhullthehoe leu the etetllnx plne mange on lllu Peenel gown er Mn 00th look on the moer Phutrl SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES me Berrle and DLotrlet branch of the Cnnadlhn Opere Gulld held membersth mtollng and may jtlon It the home at Dr end the ll lurnbull Dun top Street East hetero the putormmo Cost In fllllte at Central Audltorlum lrldag eveulng er Hostess lln nunhullen cm at all Brnnch Gulld llrs Robert thlcr5leclod the dlstlngulslled new from Toronto ourrdee thoCntrIdlan man Coxall vlee1lreldenh Guutl proton Iltlhe weep eollee wty and member Ihlh MUM were truth and Mn ll Clue hlrIr Joyce ten lord hlrn Surnn lllelreltn lllrl Ellxnbeth lllnel hlrI June llelr onhnehtr Mr Ind MII lD both Mr and the one Monhn lllelu llrI Illex Ar lbw Mn It lllnrczlnlhl lllrI Mull hllllllon Lln Tut lord llohtrt tanner Ill ltla Pearle President and ptrn Guild Ind hlreNor tut Lerner llrlt Elleen Cem eron ltlu Anne Cameronllrn ll Dyrr llrI lerm llllllll llllu lathe Kllh hllu lllml Kleln uent Irtllll or mullet ln terlude were llllu Cethrrlnu llultlun rlnno Cyrll lbeprr vl nlln In the Colleen Burns lmb DUPLICATE llltllmh lhll monthI Imlen at the non Hill and rezulnr Flt It the HerrIn Dupllentn llr dye Club It llllrtutt AvenuI llnlted Church llnll lhurtdny nluht yrodueed morI lllIn the mud untullnl hrld lunch The wlnnerI were Ml Nor SouthNorma llo erI Ind Seotly Church llrIt eIn lllrb Lend hlld Blll hlchnrlrew leet and Ehlrley hleCtone Ind Dan Schnmehorn thlrdl Eaxtlllutw Jen llertley Ind Dm lathlvllllll Boh Hollowt all end llelrto Mnulur uemd Dr Phllllpl And Dr at Imeroll thtrtl llhltK ANNIVERSARY all ath 61 ll VI AW Illmtlnz Southern OntIrlo Luv oleI erllllt Assoclltlon emu at The ouIrtetta who took top polnu In the llney held It the club to mnrk norm utnhtl mu Mer leanoxuh perlod hole nrnI pollenlI Slit to determlne etleetr at llttnlton mum that hull been more to put the mm and Iplmleal then rttt llId ylxlted llutltlltlom t6 ereh turning Itell Ihout rehr hltullon end to develop pro Fm to keep the ellerly pa dents Itm 71 Ind mtumtgumthl my to lerrnelle LI Db Me Dollollr lehenn Julian Inglonntlrlrrlgl onvener lnI llellystrphem Pt and chnmuwer wnnled to Shawn Reynolds Eminent tllnrklenlloltmnn Lola ml oy neon reen llly tWebtz Joanne 59ml thus rttutmonl rm omen lrenelleln Ind 00ml llellry utto plrtlrlpetod tn the rst drew In the mend rlrlwt mwltyruentrd thllertn TrIuh Pet met lm Cf nlne rowdy hlnty JulIIn 5a nu Thuhurn Inn ElIlne Colllv ow llUlllAl llllrmn Cremlttoe In Inelent mothod ltposlnz of the heart was used by nenrty ell Inelmt eltlll ntlenI except the 11m Indthe datum mitt wcrolu no Tmantom VI AP Azultln omen el to Inll llnlla Ith 9541 moo WomenI mm nIltonnttennLe twrnImrnt ll In the tenth Heton ln tuht thhuh uuon or way trl In lholIItll genrblllnOneofOtlrjregul personollzedflguleshaplngiplan and receive free membrshlplora ftlend orrlatlve RESULTS We In to Ioun thII you wll ntIM lth IIIultI mommy we mouthed mm II IM eentultellorr that we lvlllghe 6MonlhsFREE Hut end loee eome qulc poundeeethntyou can enjoy eummer In be tng cult rtounMAolo MEMBERS HAVE um notmt POUND AND mm mm oult rtnw Locrtrlotl GUARANTEE llWeFalll GAILNOW f0lt YOUR FHIUOUI AND FIGURE ANALYSIS BARRIEPLA 726