7533a ld 98 Bright Si er adore soar mtg area It ransom mitho uatar rai gigs 355 Ea Iral In Incint vanadium aarl Ior bodera truth hytht Modanldlnlhrnaon Buds with mykamoaaaoeuanimli Owlmlvtblkhnlthuum she was Milo ladder to tho hora rte sum contacted lha welcomes Tm committee Bill hlanreary KM rind pthirltrahairanan lo the TI rasrmln Int landqu warmest aiatrr Pam Ex lttber Photos SPEAKING or PEOPLE nun Prints Brideelect Margaret Newton haa bean antertalaod by larnlly and Irlenda at several errata prior to her martian to Brian nan al threats as Saturday The manure and maimed board at St Andmatmhy trrlan truth Barrie made tldilms tn the hridctoba aa Nanton aaeratary at till ea presenta tion was baldnby mama at my Eduard urolr miscellaneous stoole1 was held in nlnrdale tialtad admit Iaroma when Irleodt rs ll aunt ol the underwritten lira Pat lraloor oi Dru load courts at the hrldoelaet entertained It an attendant and shower Curru tsclrlM numbers at the anherland and Carth tandlias aith the ex raptlon at htra It Cotunsa rvnltowaaalaeaguut Tile attire stall at Georgian Bay haulooal Library ayatrm arisen tllaa Noodon la rmpioy ed heid an ialrrmai atoning ra nun Indoors Studies New Class Is Damaging Dear Ana tenders recently read your Iliad rate response to tho reader Ialrrd ll lhm In ulcsttilc widenea that marl uana la hnnnIulI ha runalum at medical iayalca phytiaimslthatl varsity of Call onda at Berkeley may raapood to that uueailoht Five yaara are theta was an absence at valid Inlannatlorr Today we have the results of Itudiaa and clinical evaluation We now know that the entire lnvodlent In cannabis mori tuanal aIIretI the brain Irs assent users at aannehla short llniltsdnllrntlm roan and tho ability to concentrate Iaaharoly rcdurod hlany cannabis users hacorna ltlhuruia toward their studies alto la low level at motivation and tha inclination to oorlnrm Iaollair uttl rim hrs in It la not lrua that rsariluans Intoan Invariath leads to har der dnru Dot heavy and Ira qurot cannabis use do so on to hrroln more sites than was mutual believed The num ot heroin addicts is approxi mately two million and most or them araduatad Irom poi eon ducted an lulerviswa uith tru oIn addicts and my lindlnla are based on there Interviews Carmahta users do not under aloud what has hrpremd to them In lira dourna oi the razoran high Aaroallotlsn rm to cssara Iy chlatry Kolanshy and Illaora raA port on it eorueeuttvs cases at adult cannabis toxicity All word upravioualy welladjusted prov duatlvs responsible peopls Alter daily use all anti wort deserted Ianullar an become Indolent Nose could explain why Hall at there auhlcctryra covered alter total ahattneuct more who smoke cannabis three years or longer MW poor recovery rate itiier rtuea your daily true at cannahit In envy drsrr leads to brain dtro NIX pproalmatel or per cent at the weekend progress to dolly two in three or Inn years The daily uaar rarch perceives any chants la hirnaclt Times perauddtd to try tha abstinence tett rtnotttd ttlnu at for ltlWVC Itrrum it moat no Iorlat aotca Ira Iairadrd la in El Ietarslaurgc Iha Barrio tom the moral aaeiat IiIa irareterr ulll accompan at the city Dlairlat Itddlsu ltd by hll Ind hilt Witt Oil parties travrtlrra aId rtrltars their return to Csnads In that In all than or laterrrt It to attend the tooth hlrtiadaycoi aradm at this our Your ehration oi ltlrl Robert this half II supplying this am Grahtrn aI Entrust dinner any to marry lovmlatcd Will borne her birthday on Please ahana The Dania April Irarlnrr 72km Iadaah Ior smarnttnmnv CAMPAIGN mm qum planninr nicotine Ior tha phlm tor membership nu laid at tho Igillia Street rsaldanca oI htra llaahalr Cansle animus hill 31M Cit era announced today um ceotioe In her honor at tho homo oi lira tiarta Van not has Illaa Neuron war omni ad rich atlvtr aervlny dish uarruuta oi tagbrlderraomet oi lorontrnlu rnlrrtnin 1th rrotpilon at the Iiottday tnrl sama rumor tetratrdat Intr arming letstllltltlir Grasp Plans binomial nllile hill skill Event For Birthday Iniamullonnl AlrporI by Air Canada en route to Florida The Ina mo Alexander tarot the Ladlra Maxillary to trntallara will be gratin at tho horse ot htrr thmninrham and lira Clarkes rttnitthcr and the Darrta Iluiidrra Astoria Ilou heads committee to or aanlv Ipcclll program to matter Mr and lhhlJamal butler at their winter residence mark the aroupa tenth enrlvrr lt arryianty Sitequ Irradiated at Ia and entire meetnit held at tho hornaotprraidertthlrrDon trinity Irslllean WW JWMIII taira oi Iatth Street her plans rivers Itsovdlactured Ior nsalllrrp In the comma led rot ladlea night will he held We have increasing rvlrlcnre embryo development hrolreo women will he Mots at tho chromosomaa and mutations mens association It dinner All this portend Ionic triuhtan and dance party Itoy Curlew lng proapeda and hlaeorauraittao Ira to Thurs who any ihrra II no WHO srrsnremeoia oroal that cannabis Ia harmlui AWN mm will at are rtndior rrld literature or its II It mettlou at the try CalllaroII nili melt at tho homo at him tor your comments And now litmus Itl menthol and isrrrawrrth canaulianl on say pol hutsrdl to rducatin ymlih trprrlmentrr who has token lth Wilts druua areharmless it they are Itllt that it helped by Iraalonet counselors dont irnow In lltlt lulu mods ten the annual hitnd irninpto Ilulrr Ihnrllcrm usrrI Brookeloll Park Inn on liareh Dr ilardlrr loan licrke 2o Follonlnt the dinner they Kovac ii Iiurenla SI where Dear Dr Janrai IIrnnir yrnr Irvtlvaia luslllon show will to nordrtroro Inathar dislin tilt Iullhcd litlll Dr Dunn thlhlry IIIrvard School at lulr Us Health 0nd ol the prlnal on the dream oI marl uena la mhlmllll the restaurants at the younu mm WW tlttltll W0 dru briey without any unoar in mm Ulllr CIIr entillcllcotlliomnrludrrlhot the or so now canal are and then says phyaloIInI Mlimtlll II showered gayehlntrtsts boron and pro bl Imm The Not on Itd tho lntsincua martin mg whatihey are isiklnr about mm my hmth am not pharmacolaalti lllltltlhlfltr Ptlthtlotl 01 Supper itlarala ta Itepartr were palm sill begin with dinner Moll melt or rooms orarnrurrr ran Mlle members were pt and on April at ottha Ilarrle than he that cunnnlrla enuacr detects In no Club Eur Itoad ohm the inn Illa uheri rtulr stride haa tor throat war In morn new to mourn Ira so to arm Ila nu tam how in Ws not It It the nipples ibis itoonacttloohrdar in rats Centre and can In In both Iorward to Ila hid Jodi out at the chair by hlmull loot lime lIIt trar It the even lhouah hahaa noleetloyln Blot limit can or also tla lur lad muses soar Galinawood In last to data around In It hmthfraardathayaar to trail htl parenla have in re Im Milli mind him ta tea loo tart liken ta modernisedchi do Ihlnua Ior hlmaclt Ila can guploddoanatalrabyerawgt roaring tartare and an men an au holler CAN mm ANIIDIVI Iiaamprhaod regauduron so an tm r0oaptoiln Ila swan Iha lamliy new under the naidrtrrl eyes or hldJIthrr Pate ad hIa hats rrdlriaown in mm mum II he good tilt lather undo eh which II scalars ad like Eddy ear with too hoard tor seat larder lira on the out and new the hit ntrn trunnion romaiwa child ha is is led at howl uttere haa lrdroeodrnt ls apllsot his hand lcao Ila para his brace drain the monitor and Ma nheotrhair in the dimers travellur to school by taxi Ilraeor would be too thin hrmhlrn all due lira Itorruon ll llltder has two alrtera Diody land Pam thlraod lira thoouoa treat all tha children the tuna regards hndera pronau We lihVIJIIV let anyone my lander and II result he meted his dJlIblllty As yrraarahel Iandtoo atdorItI at him rrw husband and are Itrrn villi him and to news thorn any tavarlt Ila does Ivrrythiny nonn al otth In Its our way and or rtatnly we have our rno menu utren no test lorry tor him and and out we never thou him how we Irai slryatrlan out at thia am can from or one am puma lain hIoat uarraot moriluans Irartlcuiarty transact who want to around their minds at at Colllnrwood and Illa aa aculiva meeting at Crown Hill Staunrdahlp was the theme oi plots the unknown Inrenrliv the worrhlp rm his their aunltlu or Inn turn on rIaoIChurrhllluilvasts an Ihould ha aware that not out Itewhrdshlp yivlnn lira turn ill Ill Itd Will Ill It iiphta at aamlnur aha had tremer riahv tended The program took the thniaver goes up must eorna term or Randi discussion err dawn and when you do coma rhsslllnl giving at time rap OR Ollllill has made arraan tor DDUBIE YOUII M0 BACK GUARANIIE llVlNaYEARCLD lander Ihoiraon thunk to Ian IIst standing dim blunted Childrens Moonstone invites you to listen to on international Concert Star Inn llth lhrtartalnlog You On The Hammond organ MooNsrcurcnr Ntl rtnnahlr uml war ouru sin to he lot slanta as wall us money tlcm mower ilran yo waurs heiore you bera wars reminded that my alerted to mesa with uninho credit buying does not alwaya keep your head together Its all moan and Christian marry you haloAnn Landon meat orally linancea srnrorl GAIIERIES coLLIrrcwoco nscsur LANDSCAPES Ionrrrur unvrr Pravlaw Saturday MIrch llih Id mm 510 pm drlo mm assume runner MARCH ltihl ore on UNliL shrunnav APRIL 7n Mr Iroodlaorn unconditionally ydrol hraodloom with purrhorad undrr It so Ior Ollar that means you pal In rqosra yards tarovr prim Iroydlramollowsrti95 Ottalhtlcrtimalawlihna action Imamturner rrlrrrrmtrrawunuc Ioruomeu rItrIuaou runs no cararmn cnarors ran wit to navaourorrowucan colrrer carruow Iosedlaonr inronditianoily uvuranlaallottivnddoobloiha lertrlndootdaorruhlllrrt dlltaranra In rush II you run rare or Iha lllliI ayaa In the sums til pat Ior laIr durinq Ml troa laanra amour tier Oilar oiarrr wasnrrouss ro ssnva ultimo ulriy and By apeeisl arrangement with Hammonddrums DunlopI oi rrunon DOItAR HON IOR YOU SOI nylon oalyprapylanar wool acrylics Ilium nylon oaly dun uplvahlr liner to Iavrrliiiat air All Included ydr tar our price oi aqy WI Ail NAVI Oittll DUAIIIIII AVAIIAIIIAI townow waroaotooutarcar 7267471 Open daily on SIIurdav Will Whineonto little iha on at the dd ot hoy I3 tort hues tn the allusion The chair Iai arrangemen Two Saarienr Evaryona Walrorrro Issmrrrrurcr vrrrousuurnursr no sassnsrrnanyr 0I tnmiornemt broodieamt st or laevlnor trim on to Aid In iwa Ior one prlrofj ydUrI our Chums or our array bu not trrrnr No rorrytngcharpat tel 70 doyt 220 renown it one the III DarIto holed all slowdownMW to am to It noon arid pm to Int