f7 Imlidiilifiim IIMIIIIIIIM WWII JlobbPuIbliailenIhieneparI int it Write Editor Emeritur lattuoluv thrule Idlier wM Higher County Spending Adds To Local Problems gingpuuouawilln accord Prvvldaavmlpadotormmorsp wildltbleouallndmmrezddld Ittdupendtturotonrdtbr torI ntincmoeinmuntytuievylt rrirtchthemrialtpandogcamervmtha toaddtoprobtemeotaterober oaicorthatoarmwurdyliodinbart alittorlatbelrepdearmiobotd rteItotheprorioetrlgoverwouu litepropeliymlinoiorlm 300009 ovcmmentwtapai 93 Will We ination was M1 Di Idol lancrin the boeetln county in rpeod mo II II Mm IIqu IN MI IngbutibomalarearonrtllthoneedioI MI additionally make provision tor inure cxpaoatcn Some nitrite debate mute the to mm cotracdiIorr were wise in raisin their one per diem pay to bid item 035 it war not one oi the larger iterate but did rtir considerable discussion onldde pt council with come acting this war the first part of an extended twoyeor Icrm Overall this to estimated to aniouai sizable 8117500 which email list lezrr total tor 55 mothers by $15500 Although It was estimated that welfare will coal lore moot bottniy dcpprtmeatr Wilt apead tom the taucare for roads mrrnong the largest amounting to 1595300 the record total orr2roaaoo The rovlrrdnhlaoverameot will meet on pic ier tltll overall mot which provider the bonding for palm large radon will have to be nude in the tuiure Iprobably next year it the protect is air edaooara planned Iterathoeenothccnew Minty home to nerve therbalrieOrtdlr area but been talked about and Ir liker to be needed the not too distant tuiure In receatycara therrbar been motor ahllt tn remotasibiliilor tor the county camp VIM 1mm ngN tion at lariicc maintenance oi Jail ymiirrapltzivi ciel govermncnt Ihnt creamy tut nding is or high at Im doing just line Mr Sharp Just the odd problem hem ml there it over war dcapitet adndnirtmttve re lie firm the mallowy mm of the mmmiwm ilmcr and the cost at meeting demand 353 Mullins muchaeeded rzrc tor betterroadrarad lncrcased senator WE 9114mm It All ind Navertheiesa the countyr higher tax II II II Competition Expected ToBeIKeen 1100000 garage la homtqulpmcm irequialtloru are certabr to be the topic onucz carton mansion when prcupted te thoeountytneiudarnewdz ion room area municipal councils lhe retaliated Iy building now citiil erected at Ilid mm mom III overrlltrx rpelldihgotldiidi048ctlled aprppcscd on ibISimooe mutilation No at the largest current rolecia oi oi much dis did increase over 1912 tor In the budget Ir rubairnilai $1070 aowuuauoav Lana ugughgxdhnl Golan It 1915 HO 19 If illFMtEndWt dowaotuotuttmtitamneraletlw TIrwt dbbentuiwaoew IoliegIIete iriedIlItlt King Block fur to ear rainn rite mixin appin to en con tmttihdh mileage Hickordarrpllrervcdwtice it Ibwmmmmm WIIMIIIIII montlrumhedatiiliawaonbcha ettor byinw Couildld ad deter action until rioin Cnrn potent rite It tr am or cut with can in itllii harlot lii amaarcaoerarchanpltrctt lirrrle lacrch tram II to i5 In ed renounce on Boviield st owned by nvm Salary at town dett We that at late John hleoIit tmpttn cru lilotarycarCortslabieLam blehddtrween and not have mm Scott raised iii undi endoraed WWW dIIIImIIIInII BIII Flt Lt Laurence Barwiclt and Fit Iii Amos Johnnion oi Barrio completed mm mm mm Au all training in Icxarihey are spending alum Md WM 113 last leave at home prior to overcoat duty WW WW We Ccnirrl hiethotlldt onurttt heard at 3mm mm ML war experiences in France lrom reltimed mm mi mm Tm veieram It Kendall John Fraser and Cottocli to do government work aeverrl Imp mum months Recent thaws hollowed by cold weather have made excellent rich log on bay Ming hp and 20 ooh mm PROVINCESSNAG ltousttto Montreal Star tordnll 01615 owl paid tar hogs Li II bio on tormen leader Si Andrewl anoint ed In France Pie Donald Homing Illnister lion Bastard has aim ataclrrren arrived raiety in England ed at most at ihorlthiIinrgctr lnthoncw artillery unit irom Canada Li and expensive ogrrm he presented to Laidlaw oi Blake St awarded llili the Commons catch in the resent ryttlmr tor brave actions rt Battle at tritium lies with the prorincct most at anew policies are to To into effect provincial govornmcnta nil have to put up halt the contend moat provincial governments have begun to plow touchy about being pleated inia unending pro grams by the otter ot abocni dolor train Ottawa chore or tour atrrte pubic school iCcn eompieted tor two room In tor elementary school mchendaele Pie Charles King ran Police Ariel Bob King errivcdhome tier being twtco wounded tn action Ai To returned on hospital chip to Halifax ere Li timed oi Barrie and Pie cthlurvta igvrlc hoard oi ucaiion voted dob bonus load all tea the WORLD loony Ilium Artur dliMDILIMKJJLLLLW dill More Bad Government Seen For Argentina by inimit liAtiDllON Inry priepn In the early labor or return tortcrcnirmd thla aarrtro Altalrr AMI rt under Peronr ditlatarlltlp rite nnca walltaoveracd and NWMTI raerarra Neva lrn aI laid beiora the election he our republic Io litre Canada in achllo and Argentina havetre Enlly need the ballot baith to $17 Wu xmirxlsxnr allt tum more very bad 10v crnrncnt Llito Chile next door another alone at peronlrme could more nationatiam at detrimental not turo the dilattrbua land to tophcavy wcltate etaio which her created record irritation to Chile and at near cclirpao at once working democracy In Uruguay Iaw rpeciallatl academic or otherwite can explain calm plctely why three South Ameri ect artiea which have very Ito ago tor the tree vote Allltv WAlld Everyone knew he meant tho If5igbadkall pcronlrtar and their candidate lt howan IIIII1IIIIIII1I$III 0t raurrr Presidentelect Dr Compare tho handpicked rent or Connerr tolled to win gmwomvmmmmlvm dldato at General lcron to la IlltrncId deallld InIegpulaIIruII III ll it IIIL Ilttiead rtttnn Micaela will Miami mu Ilrvanto hit dirutrotu are army tmia tttthtntrntre and um cl total nationalization at mm hi my WWW at Elbow1 wItIIeIIItcadlagIIIIati WWI ecxre II lCtld DII muraltn turn Chile into lh American Cuba Ila Argentina lha longtbanncd Ermine party taunted la the li rty ryrtcm oi Wettern ronlrtr each matniIvI populated and mllllana ai Argent cl have pcortrncel avrrcttlcd remained level in Peron alter larlntraae notianollrluIand to ho tied in September this will my upheaval remember the prrlcculltl Hill the Ireoren In that their all ruiharltarlprlltrti ciI ieroal gin were not in tact demo Wild Jill mill yeala ll prealdeni cratlo or built on the European Willi VIWI Will llut itorI Idttonllnor Itnrd arty mum at thoch acn lild make Dr iteIetor Caruj prrracd Worthy clearer iar any but on the centrniiat ma ta III presidential candidate whom icrohtlmorluce tart har nurrhitat one oI tliit Century in INDIA WWW been the only ovriloble outlet Spainlherolonlin power that tor growing Ioclel divcortieni The boron in put their ihepror ct at Dr Canipora or eacr rt clue on victory Emilio meanrerelurn to tho Mil the calculated lick of cavyriata hrndcuir and detlclt cottnlryr military Iprrri aeonomi cent General Alejandro Mantle yenra tn pov publlrr at much at it deer in Marilee Either way chewed mili Central Amrrlcti whore bplnltb earn at carrot bonuarar iory regime oi the kind Ar ever authoritarianlrm also oaca prev the cartoon inelplllv thIhaa experienced rtm lost daminrird ta lttur by tormer dictator Ccntraliam in to total oi rtronr pieddcnla and matter rcapondlnn to them Iunctluna at tho hallo eterrtent in the public lunntleronaI the at there once balanced re Vani Burton Ave rewe church iarwar dead tram Barrio would not rellrtaolrh hlr power many wayl rrrtatly and cutter can dcmocraclel cech with then 1030MB iWI in ween Ontartar to detract gglahmutmkwwlgl or the wt eeaiertde year Credo It tindentr who were min only the or timer lean no tied urti rerelty obligate accept them lorirlitb one wiltbeiletl mer ownerr at land near Angus now com Some may be altered dot Mariam bf othcr elicit reddam lees llhen they Wllm borne they may receive tele arc erltr roan finally to at the lnrtliutianr Competition tor liudchtl to expected to be keen thlr car becauu oi Indications ptal Iurtivcrally enrolment in Orv tarlo may decline tor the that wholl the Second llartd Al The pinrhcr oi rtudenia In Grrdr ihlr year It only ooroo about LW lower than in ma Ant the Gambit or ortrrto Unlverrtiiea aduladortr ung orange in Iratepo ode one rpm to it tar more an lot are down xix per cent trom tart tear nnnornterlr rnntnua rt year the mivemiller WW hill til eta predicted drown would to more Iii per anal lnrtcrd atatsarttouottr lerna arid unit blot It thou cull believe all tillage are para riots in bllnibet beltrrrlhdl Mari mi ltave you thought at calling the lord in on the carat Ir there anything the hard tor the lordt With God all thin are tibia itlrht now wIl be our God with you lot the mir role you are reeling in the name oi leaur Amen mmmmI dhrjfurrie ironiurr II IIlarrlltld Street ll Ontario Telephone 7mm Second CIIII llaii IIlfgirtratIIn Ilutber bIth euro pol lllmnd Daliyx SitbtilYllttd statutory lid tdavr excepted Subrorlptlon rater daily by crrrler roe werkii recto rert ly single copier ite lag mall Barrie rim yolrlyr lmcaI county new yearly Balance aicanrda iudtl yorriyt All nlhrrIcoiinilth mot yearlrt Motor throw oil moo rear National Adverilrrny otilmt at Queen at Wall Torontoiluir ddi lilo Elihu Sic tioatrcal liernber ot the Canadian Prelt aInd Audit bureau oi arctic tona the Canadian Prtrr ll exclvo tveif entitled to the are tor re pub Icailon at all am Match or In ihlr Wee credited to it or The Arroc rd Prrar or healer and Alan the local nave publleh od therein clbamllite naTIIrierI clglnu yr nr or or aver tithe and editorial material are ated by ltr employocl and re produced in thir newtpaper tile iration Nam be cellist ti thetotal Iaohad any or grad to Inthth or the re decree tel lillltiImtli Mvgllllgnhb Maillot Wm Pohredntcrl Iaal dir Mcodghteciuall hadiewer width in Imlhutl LI lite rue aiemWo enrolment ilntarlae 2a crmrrtrdty logel oiticiathy known at eppM icon cit or arm Ilctorr blamed tor the Iota at uicrI Iiymptduuy Indira MICE 29 oriented trainlrm than the ten lor Imtltutioot Decuaxa provtnzlrl note to lIiIe momma 1ch on ll dentr the treetoan strol rncm Inerorco bli tholmpcrt atlng btnlgota Im couIrIsta Mimic be or topped cont trade at acme teadtcaa were not renewed do Ihtr year the unlvertliier are coming tor good reason nan rrldcnlt mean trloro mo from the province Jae llcNio peculde min llier et collarel and natural tier in mi contented by the compellicn third lta very healthy rr 1ch or We not carrot to ex cen ho Id In ul interview All Itlmaie Ian aIuderanIII III that carpet or mutmtlea are bound to look rltcre closely elibelr prodith tile cola Meter and illicit dimchina they have Some oi the unlverlltlrr er elu dania Tbo diupoutlatr war my bin thit year one there are collie whoereIwmioI it will Ibe even higher pen year there who reclaimed latt lali tor unlveertiy roan to rhcw up Iiar clatter Lrllansflo Ilttnnon wntrtyo Dcarslrt record aoluntn by Dr in Theorem the rtblttt oi min tar wrllllag war darlt with would like to add the toliowlnr It It Ittro the tlertee are necessary in dell with children who have the crab twenty Icmrdlowever have 1on mi lot the tel hadhim ital it improvea the mirror writing will dllr Ir ir to vuin oltlell My went llatly rcmrcherr the ltold mu gm travelled tIiit leel that mirror wriiln rover lair inversion and other relat hitl limit too laterailiy oroneatdedrteln in man error child will eui In butntochcrn Igovt the problem done in aid in the prorera prev negativeIntlitud er toward aciml worir ta gerwrai iarm tu Corrective ptmdulea at but vallon and rhauld be undcdaii but en la roan at the rotten ap Itrvelocit om ii nethlnr done the child roan tallr to let behind In la wort river by the time the problem bcrlnr to clear up on ltr own the chance at him ever cairdllrur up in very rmeli ihe Camdlnn Aaroelatioa tor Children with Learning ltirebll Itlrr oa Ezllnlpti Ave Tot ona hae literature available to await er writ or being able to advice them where help may be obiIrlnrd iocaliy tllAltr concern ir mi and oi thud almnr corn Fluted at Iran one ear Itr Itclliea mnirtry baa ed moral lllrvcyr to cover why uniont inter Iest declined Dneaurv went one nor cqadmtmunu velld they mid not attord ihd coat oi unlmrltv ctr averepe year Anchtu revolt Ina cantons stony WM re calling Itidellrtol to tone darn be norocp waive year Um it tell that climatic rtttdent visit to the individual um pua ahotlld be cracotrragad the naturally Irhould mi pay the on Duo unrcrrted unit tip to morted to have limit In Mens HRSTMIN ENTHUSW ethic recotrenradrilona in INo tree overnight lCLdme imitation wiring and dirt Free rcirethrncntt rhoald bo od to entice cochlea and at the very belt data or ephoio call to pro mclve ravienir ehwld be limited to providing interme iioa and eouarelling niewrprprr or broadcast will rt mxpcrtlun aroma rcu rhouid be and Thin lecruta advertirinr rhoud avoid the WWII II ellideaia In other provinper Unlvereiiier liirtlate llth to Na ndrlrry tr hairline the liiuuiion cioxcly and It on oerive prediction an Inthlcc meat la rurpcctrd then well Ilvrtainiy litp in ma EDITOR M155 POM llraIr Slrr The Examiner mtraea the int In aoareriinr that Toron lrrle rorrlrmlterrall revvico it not hottilrd became at low Brrrle patronage bloat commuterr are train the Aurorarllrwmaritcidieplo area oIvNewmariret volume to lower and Battle on provided lip to it parameter or it oer he tubal because ot the mean up to per cent oi the revenue Loclt oi alorara tacliitler pre vent leaving the train overn chi more or Noomarlret while lmilth ct vi re ta aaercooniho rirerttll oi btulnera enetated it airnliar to the Peter borough line where the billic oI more la la Pdilibttlwfit overnight tacIItler are lattice beyond The domcariratlon rormnutrr train in November and Doorm ber at run rrrrled them part engerl TitII to more than the Halo act or btwtlvilla cormuuler trainr which have been running to rattle trail Thla luaililrr aclvltu on the no which mutt iettvtlunie In IiIorrtr tor the rumor mention lolly alimony rrvorted last nimble to help Eur the lat pambg oi the titti reraiiku lit IicNta her an haunted citrate in the treat ayrirrn hmllaii nor on an to on re iy will hqu in ed Vmwrhaitaeratlnw to rem iahotr the amnion re rate we thiamineti vea radiant Air campurea that bm induce wall are to maint oenlnnarly army the Inailertmtverlltler Iihltiemathubccn drier thin Itd dolor It larr we be arid reierrlar to Canadian on Not Even Discussed by no ponnlAN One at the realm tor Cooled rrntioa war that the llrliltil North American colonies wanted to unite anlart pml bio clinch by the Us Five ycm Iaicl Prime nilnlo ier Sir John itacdanad nu more concerned about lha peril bllity oi being deterred bI Itrlit Iago glasn be war at lavrron lay During the Valhlrrgton coe Icroara oi toil Canada war only part at to initial deleyalol rattling grievances with the as Canada wanted raparailoat tar attatlacltt mode by the Fenian who had Amcrican rapport and lha plan war in pet rapareliona in exchange tor illhtnl rightr In anadlan waierr needed by cricena ilrlton won an concerned about her own problems with the U5 that Guardian claims were not even rllrcurtrti but the membcrr at tho lltttlah dclcra Ion rare the tin lirhlnr rllhll in Canadian note and tree navlrailon oi the Si Lawran amitratlou comm rlon rule that the lid rhauld pay Cnnndl 500900 When lirrdanrld not back to Ottawa hlr poItlctt opponentl charred that he was thin iraarilt Jereph llone who won member at llecdoaalda rovernment nude bitter al tack on Britain during rpeecb at the WM in otlrwr iiocdanaid lard to tree all the pottical all to keep the Iliu iioa irom gclling out oi brad lla had been hurt by lha llddl men he received tram other membcrr oi the lirilltlr title at tho rt Warblnrion but he Id not want tnIdo anythla that would weaken the Br tilh connection He hit that lama British llilcal tcadcrl expe rlaily Gaitirae Cardutll rad llrlghl wanted an ornate to all bit relationr will CdIhIdl be cause Canada war an erpenrlva celery the rituatlan war to critical that llrd ltlmbcrley loll let ceparellca came it it lrnnt but will to no part in any aiep which tend to hr about repa ration ln enter liacdonodl rttlil and pat recap paid all On liareh id ran hrlztrh gouemloonl made concilirt mm ending Calla nine Willi IIAMII II EVENT ttttirlherr Ilrrotll Ind Iai etltant were tilled during bill outta attack on Iiuront mstrrlhtollr llorro equip ch by lard Stratbaoaa ralchI or Boer War mmanme IT HAPPENED IN Chillth at the capacity lien lathe AuraroNewrnarc and Irrrdlnr laIIprrllculrr tram Thi WWW Mild Immldiw WWW MWWI phantom ILIi Waldemar tut ocwhuiw Emmitiotuum ouuuuoltwlto wwwmmvroev tlfWMHWM promomm WM idiom tor ralIwayr and cla hirer in perpelui Lam rn air