Nonesuch Groupi nymuiir sront ii 53 Ontario till Undeieated nourishingi dim hilt ma III got In 55 EE ii 73 ii 53 35 s13 EE Gard Stunt gritdry ltohtmux deli Stew did how on item Mid Door to the tut Ponit Dave Pearson Georu hlemlhne how any Ichrthttr new the thin in dorm SllUiIIXM Cord Arerib winner sternum Wayne Hobbs Paul captain Corby Mania Giro Paul Gladden Den Dotty ago Don tteIteI Adams led the nwetishiherntbebestnltuctemkorlugthm linguime Whig one or the no to II on In eydiy the Flym roeordi thnt oi Till BARN EYE who 1M rlererwdl DWI Sly debited their rcgulnr ediednle sly in two reason lnetoouno to With Hockey Aseoeiallcii Ing exhibition Intel en the Sword lilitlukutdullriptol ihueoeehndtbe rigid in records overlhe eluhlo 7t etovlrIJhllaneIng union audited mother at and lletng tIo tor In exact Each ol the records had been 75 In percentage utlaitIeIionIhenthetlym tlctitr tor the FlyerI dnt won their league championship playo garnI againat the limit and the Eastern Canadinn title lord Forester went on tile lest TheIIyerIwiangnirieslhla night Ind the demand In to um hetLertn mint years II great nice Itli eontlnle to eictorlee and proved both night iron to in In writ thermionic pertaiii Wediiedaylltheumellme mnlhmwtnutlbelimle mmiruecntivehuheen Irene and It my mind ll worried Irorn time to time this and nine rctpectivrly tut MI union with dropln Itteod Ion vancebutltappeIrItheyIrtll The lHridoq orerthe BIL hive no problem tilting the tertlle Quintet heitthe previouo Barrie arena for thoplayolla or rgowuggi librII Twiiim lllnrd ll Ill Spcrr Iii JIck rms III Lee TEAM ITANDINGI him no not ltitburn toe Betty Ind JimI Tit Belly DcnnlI Gentii 189 Syd Blink Brite ll SydI 5e lid Ilarry Beaiiy in Tom bio iheap Skater tlovcri ltd Lennon til lllte Bouillon Iii Dr rI Ill ttinrnwu no Art Daniela tloe Since hind hand Lima to Cut Gtiicienlteln lTL lla Kram 21 Nmomm lid vcy Pruner llcn lrIn Winters tit lionirrtie 150 lily BIirirt too Davrhiett Bum lm Iv tin Inge My Drinkweier lid Dillsbhlraifgua Lrlleleliiggl fin one ey incs viii into If am My Dhhl Debby llartrn Jeanne liar lrn tilt their Dilnlrwiicr tit Doria Pruner Ito Nancy Stod dirt tot Sharon Crow tot lliglr hingtrI Women hell Daniels in tune Doughty its Roar thith tht lorralna tlll burn Ito Enron Gown Int llIiie lroelirh too Debby tier trn tee hillt Drlntwitcr loo Sue Duncan to Marry Stod darl lit Robin linden ibi lenrioo llnrtcn iii loude Symr cI til Dorlatmer Iii Werner ntn Avenue Juli ne llnrlen in nin Triple Jeanne linden toe lllnr nite Jeanne hllili em tllrh Trioler New Cy tier ere Torn button 561 Rttsty Drinkwaitr Ml Oresler Wnke llelnr hour on lterry Ileotlr hit Jock Symon to Jim Mllrurn Ken lrlnrle n10 Syd Stark Ill tom llclen han not Dennis tiervnla lilo Art Dnulcls loll tlrnty iraser bill itey Eliml 4M lltgtr Elnriee Illen Tom Duncnn hit Mel on Tony Epics tot Rusty Drinkwnlcr HEAD Mill CINCINNATI IAPJ Gen eral manger no lioyeent was named prealdttti Ind elilet ex cetnlve oItlcer ol Ongnnntl By TIIE Xarmrlerr Youth helllnl Conncil will be pulldpnllnl inthCanadlendnahlorttve berr be held in boutiquexiii April is not who berth in inure hooI Elnru moo nocian summon room Itnrartmle Euler Didnt senile ldl nosten Inuit Rochester 3011 Providence 25 It Sprlnyllcid 11 New lllttlt lull Cincinnati Nrrihry Virginll Richmond 18 ll 10 lneksontillc 21 mt heltlmnre ml to no neunlt Mooney Nova Scott New tinth Gamer Tonight chtsonvllln at Boston New Ilaven It Nova Sheila Springeld at Richmond Rochester ll Virginie Onlule iirttlrr UT AP MI in 222 225 Toronto Ietrhoro OtiIWI tendon 6i Cnlh Uthun Sunbury iiarnliinn Kitchcncr Sault Itriult llenday ltedl llortdny iueooedinl lilo llelnr lc ltd Chciler The onlycarthotsgot Sault Ste llnrin Otlrwn jgf BOWlElillI nrlironairmidhVmnnd and soon to out rem El WI the back it its IOII Till711W 37 Internet dill 7mm 7116102592335 2123 Hindi IISIIMSLIMHI lilt 1235333 1130 521933711 1039 twill in mi it mm In moo no to turn Iromit Wag Ilae plend In the Smithan Doidolilloosllo Reieroes Whisll REGDIA The ebullient demonstnilre Perri Dole leaniiier to thotmnds Ioothetl tans over his Mdd EUIISIIJWJIHMW whictlo No more will the duo oi CI tihdlIn Football ham rcler cu don the Initial striped thlrlbut the age that made him probibiy best known olticlil In the leexuo TIMI throunh mp In In Inter vew Grinch will tiny knee Ind deniy hum lomrd In his chair relre hli Voice in en iltement an be rememhm the nernethatl been part at my or Jtroeb there have W416 mnnymit thinrr thit hm happened he rayi Itrtlully Theeutaieodlng germ the notatandlng pleym the whomintroduce Ice Itroo types end til the other wonderittl color ruyr in It ilke neon Grtlllnl Anni Stukus George Prelim lei tear those kind giryi THOSE WERE THE DAY Those dayi have one tor the men who tor the lost two ycarr was thlm Inpervlsor oI ottl clIlr lob tdtcn on by Don Itlnl ot ilerlnI now that DolIcl has retired No mora will the Angelo lini cai and lion Alchlrons iinnd bellylonoie with Doiark Ind licprrrtinlly ready to eat you up No more will he run into lane like rerular In Cilrory who bounded Irom lite itends ilter game ll Calgary wins Im list xrent tiny nnd bn hurts me rind nd game look out To Dolnnlr who coached the junior Iteglnn holes and led them In the ltrrl notional iunlor cbnmplonihlp in loot all those things tsan lust pnrl oi the grime Ind hI never got rttltird You try to herorne Immune to It Ind thin in probany one capacity had Id ny well lilvy cmmnnnmniommis Cenning thamirter Pluto nltng procedure Ontario tantrum vlnnln their me Iiiiteloh tinals From left lint Pencil Potvln Bottom llnrpa Mich anemia mireJoim time In the minimum who rum Janet rum motif PAUL DOJAtIt and theyre getting elicited1 getting wet ed up emotionIily Ind naturally they tied their own cutlets Doieek eeyt olltelnls decls nlons an be laultod el llmcr because they my not have been In the best position to the ploy 513ml MAN NEEDED But he said this supports thI contention lhnt there mild he sixth oltlctnl on the lleld be enusethe gnmo ll to technical and players csn trike Idvnnleie by screening an oitlclol chrnreime necessary In the porttime rtntus ol oitlrioise tho rtcniitlng and the olllcli Top pay tor reiereI Is tilt and Illowenceu Now can my do In eight huiIrdny lob lli to Vancouver or Cnlcrry and in oltleletinl on The pressure are pretty Anti lctu look at re inr ho are they Where look theyre the paylnr custom Iro theyl Were not to train them ihethdymIGoIl tlnms plus lrntelling expense SbdjNOViCGS The node outrun Nwlces Tornantent dining the weekend Indbmtl mandated WWW Sound It HT tn the tint rune the Optl nitat thin deated Grarenburd In ibe rhemoimahlp name In the genie midst Perry Sound Joey IliarrbIIdoo tedthe Strand attack Iith lire goal while John Chelmen baled Wind Tournament lobed martin in the mo ll iteld Partridre Ed xenon Ii Ilelletl end Pa cockeaeh ecurd once to corn plele the rout The conical IrII mind In the third period by eaten at ilash Inland matting penaltl Robert mum ovum ier while reuntatlvu shipped by Dlekuon oi Vlclorll ln other remoer no OIIIiioIBob Nicholson tawI best NovI SootIIr ltuin Onuoltnd oi THIN 506 Rock ol Wlontoeuhlvoedfbll lithi toba rich to verdict over dishing Groin WM et Cameo tnieenhdllibehoiiclylddodl none DbalmciI ruin Icorcd two toolI IIelnnt tirnmhtmt to pm the Optimist sound while hlmblldeli and Danni Nutt tai tled one rich to other action by slrnud illnor tidey Association turns Toutlimit Anne SM lilies donned clear It Ind peeucee edged hole It With their victory the miles Ironllto moolotlou renalfloat in Yort Simeoo Minor Node DD pleyoill it Nevin Tlemetln Brien tiar Itiymtik Denny loll Ind hrn ttuahey ieorcd tor the ItnnerI TbI Solid am it Iron theooenertnliau limilil In Irslnrttleple on end rry lrorn Johli Reid Noll it little Nlth Zone leyoll action the Ore peeweee ed the tlnni aerlee Igninht the Show Cove club with It vtctorL Scott Hegel scored the no Strotid goal the Peevrees Win The Oro peewees with live uoaoeIered rule In the third period trounced Noneywood to ttlooday night to out their best oltltree Ontario lllnot lloclreit Meoclatlon pIIyott mice with two tlralete rlttorleet l3 llcttialr pried the Oro It ieclr with three nonii while hlclily Iris Iecond with book stint NCOMING Ind mrInI eat It legion Ployoiin moun who tlinor tine icy limb more amplied the tint round ot tvorune intact point eerie on the tech en St Mites went on Icorttt spree to detect Guelph St Ceihnrtoes hIIuhd Petuborouth Mm tltdrlilrnlilort Nlarire FIlIr downedthe lliilles tl and Fannie odrod Otim it The rune ieIntI continue their eerie Sctrnoiy Iterttng It noon IiitWCluhInIinII The herrie United Robber Worker ruler Wane limo but in the pen ind deleated Aurora in the ninth game ol their baldIi legSte rontltlml caries twister Joe lit biih Gibb Jim Alum and Bobbin Gamer Ildl rooted tor the URW club Illcr two Icoreleoi periods Doug Kenn laced nlnn shell In the Birth note oldie the URW loom nunagod it Igninnl Aurore TheUnit cut will now play lhonihili tor the league title thnuah the deter have not been Irrangnd Huronin brook NM Ind Eric Bower oi matlottelovm evened Prim Edvard lrleodr written record Ilth to triumph dyer Neerswkhr liar Korma 15th John one loundhind blIhlloba Ind Ell all he records which Scotll New hnmllck Ihd Yo kooNnrlbIest Tcrrlhries In winter In trro slIrlI In the first me loundlandbohi lll Ale beriI deteaied Note win no Saskatchewan beht octane tic owned tlm Armstrong Whitehorse Yukon IN North ern lantern bent Nee Bruosi Itch it Ind Quebec rd tlauliob It til it It IiiltVfIMF SEE JOHN cocwnunn LIMITED 66 ItlOItItOW ROAD tlAttItIE 723E321 no Fyi Swen Isllili serum PANTS 65 Cleuners irer Pickup and mum rm tirinrri DrlrIIa location MercuryCometsvalueaitdmore Mercury Cornet is packed with vriue As well is on economyminded 200 CID Sin Cylinder engine which is itindrrd therci choice otcven bigger enginei end choice of transmissions geared to let you choose the kind of pcrformrncc and economy you want from compact car And youll nd itn easy bundling with wide stance ier iinhility and comprct length for maneuverability Ind easy parking Corneti the quality huilr compact mide from the name gauge itccl is our biggest Spldotlt quiet interlori let you cnloy Oomctt comfonihle ride The deep loom prddcd icitr Ire covered lniihrlc ind vinyl and every Cornet comes with colorkeyed carpeting Ind flowthru ventilation Wherever you driverough roudr big cities weekend getiWiya through my weather Mercury Comet can handle it In Ind idoor models plus iporty Zedoor GT Youll nd thit for vrlue compact lCcimet goes long My And if you with to Illeicuryi welded rmly to term rugged tillor your Gamer to be even more pcrton unihody for itrength llld durIbiliiy Illy yours read Ibonr the exciting choice Inside the viluertory it just is many of option packages onthc next page MERCUBY COMET 26 hlrernfarrorerrIrrmaterliirtmlcefrirhlrr mmmwronourunf cmmwwoom 5r Mm mastw no Onlirio