Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1973, p. 9

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bI It on cont oi loo lied tit to the not hon not tho Ir Ere ra gig or 15ontondonts if SEW tool WinnipdIIFZ monotony rm IVnnniotlIItheoobnllnoy lmhdtmllb mtrdmtrh lototholrI nEE on 5E3 Ago ti go omitted Illtr lanolin to om period too outmu Vlih one moment it bulbtome ployero rooting at on not two one Arnorlouohdtllocl homo hundoy night The sword trtuhed lieany Bron 111 to clinch ibo Wertern Division ehunolonnbipy nbtio tho Anteelctn roudo oertoin It ll Mormon 3b2 ootlng Erin to other punteo Novn Seotlo Voynxeun Iidtnod their lend to Ibo Eu with 31 victory over Virotrtll RedWtozI Ind tott Imvlllo boron edged Provi demo Node In Saturdoyr Intioo tho Sword lowed Now llIren Nighthawk bl Ibo Item but Bolton brave Ind Ibo Itlou topped hoitlmoro Clip IIbl WCincinnoti collected to ooh In their Imam wee end rec John Gould rant threo mood period Sun doy to rporh tho Sword nlnrl the Bonn It Herohey hi to Ill broke 11 tie early to the jcliltlllilttti ICIinohes Tirst Li lilochoster Sure 0t PlayollgI holnthe oecondropIrttbththtrd riodpIeIdIbICImtond vition lend with New mm Ionkn All out on II when Noun robbed with pukllnbf tot It the it not boner to toovAmIe moved Into loortool lead nod coated to It victory over at Iowa Nolloooln In tho only other Sunday who the In Notdlqttoo poundod tort holder tNll tor bud odotd Winoh Nblhilbenmwm Cbl on In to nnotber nodded overtime Ind NW Ebb Lind downed lithium Tonight Chluld not New York Ind Quebec to It Philo dolphin mood rlod Ind Clnrtnnnll teol vol odd llro moro goolo moItll tout Agent ho 3332mm unim Ind tIIrvoy went the tierny mortomeo Tho Anteritono moibetooll telly unIblo Ito tinitb tint on to third IIeo Intho out on tho drum Roth uter ltulvhed With the out tour teuoot Geno SobcbuL iobn Bod norott on Bob Eliot Icotod tor Ibo Iunerieont ubllo Itorl Hm rely nod Phil Noelle with lord oi tho oeuongot tho looll tor Ibo Illnzo Roobetgl hog to ladlw ll 97 mt lbreo record oi ploy when eegulne Lynn Zimmerrnun nu oyotted Irorn the demo tor both Ibo third noon to ht Yvon Inmbert Norm teln oivt Ind Tony Feotbmlooo Itorod lMVWIu gout It lm Illeiu 11313 wKlan yiven briel to lend nectar Scannin he too common euros Onlnrto lehloevllnlt LT AP Item ltlb ominoo Orlliio dill outmor Goit 2115 120015151 yhrontlord mo ttootrw xKlttIIoh 1th llttlu Item Sound 112d otroztou believillo 1m ttmom oyOobvillo Ht sumo Ittled lounpotot route xywiibdrew ywort Iotropolnl romo Ilott iotupoinl some iteotttlo hoodoy Klngston abortion Ne III Gull 11 Owen Sound Barrio 11 helievlllo Nllldltll boom vtiutlllvttion Iiootreol Rooter Dortoo Detroit =ur ud=H 355 no ole Collloiolo Phtlnde pith Allontl Gutter roomy hodtoo It IIIIoder Builolo It It innit to Angela II blionetotn tlorld Inumoo Intern Divltlon New B1 Clove Phil New York Moo Olttvtt 2u Winder NtuItort nu zsgsav g2gtl3gt 83==2=1 82523 $883333 ltelitito Blondoy too Angela Dttlwo Quebec New York Govelrnd It winnioel 53 EE are 5E E5 5g 925 moouvu ntwcu boblodhlmloronoollltods mgmmuuo Milo Due Wilson tilde Io in Dingo 131m link otuutnopwomm on on huemlodwitb volitional moon memoir Ihll Ibo Illi oey idIrtnh rtnl It Region III tally the best In the 11m rotndrobln competition hltrioh msmlu moved In tire and wont connotati thin Iineo too by delettihl bombard omrlo Igot Ilrrry rink Mooty IIMIII IDIIIII llnrl onto Suturdny bit tIIPl nod to gbroxoo Slit one Itidwhtt In close rould blamtlmb third or lourtlt trovlno now winner oi Iuo tournament to three week blow louNtrotI lord beloro Itulng drunnllr rally to ooottroho viriory over bruto Compton Ind Ton Wolohopl In tho Dortlliulern oprnpgoll rt mood ntitpnteu trotted bis 1711 money who rim to tidbit Intl vaulted bin Into the No1 moneytuinnlng not till your Iheod ol Can on Trevino nished ullb no lo llliT under pot on tho yIrd Btto lioooter oblttlo It the Dorol Country Club with bolted out It Ibo putt wtb retrounderpne ht on the libel roundbin cord In eluded nloI threeoIod tied with Welrtopi toe second It 2T1 ooo uroto behind Trevino Weistopt holed moot birdie putt on tho llnnl hole toe ll Rolph Johnston on liod Curl pole at bonyinnit tour re lan lied toe Iourtb It no to Jerry tiered Ind Dove lllli In other bot both It not ttlll Ind lleIrd entb got to within oo rtroto oITrIvIno It one III ot the lino round beloro to 1711 abun new TUESDAY not hucylt Gains IhreePoir1l nuoiuo Ill CANADIAN mm Johnny Dom ot Boston Bruins Ind Detroit Iiitli It et Block limo mobbed ti toe uthhmioeo Why EN In Ibohititionol it uno uoe tote It toured ml Ind rotted too mist hortoo doloolod Nort treti Oonndono Itdio Iluil Ibo mod tool not gained two one bingo do teolod Colllorolo Golden book It um ho to tour Ind to who toe to It Ind Ilull hu not to mlrlv Too lender Bonito arm Pb biodth Pin Iloletio1t temotrohl dildo Itorlln Orr alaaaaxasav 83233838 ZEBSSSSBSgt Kentucky Fried Chicken and Golden BroWnt French Fries loot In NItIonII IIotbey tenuo victory Salurdey night SaSkqtchewart Wins Mens Curling Title Then they Itllltd WWW Ioe tho world ohunpiohuhlp In Iteginl um tort IItI rain to ho bin to II At home IIid bluitin htlrbewnn ton hm Illy boon reIHny rent or that undo ot lolemnu tbl reek IndIobomtowinItlor mm Nulnto no tttopod third Bil North 19 rooond George extortiont no Don Kilo pconetn It to ono ltitu lit to Trevino Stages Holly To Win IloralEastm By One Stroke flora and tho protourney Invnn to hem on In oontentlort No IiinoIrottndtdtortodond tio Ior 1tth pinwhlo poorer nish ol the ye Firestono will do all this 2pooidellclous for only Romovo your Ittow tlroo loo Grandsminsrac PhiIIies Astros by our random rm New York Yonhooo to chock linrltn II Jotreion Contro mont woe it Photo gone tor Ibeod oi Ill other mutation Tho out but mold Ill win Ind lone losses or rooted by tho thalqu om lmed by Paul bongo ot To ronto nd the Nov Soolln Tillit omo hoot Dartmouth led by Peter lltpe For their ellurlo bluian nd biottln tore rooted to the oil lIr term teleolod Innuoiiy by Ibo DnodiIo bullet Report on Aha ooiodod wen mood Doro Ilomhey murder oi tbo New hnmnwlot entry Irorn bottom Ind Onlrrlo lend Nell Green by tho Nootrul Erin britt nm Orioln blt eI hm or Ind Detroit Tiger on monotone It bebtnitbo byehtt piloting vetenu hiiho Mu Int Ed on not nod rudder Don hood and Hulk Victor ulihodt In victory Other holy billing In time The DIM Invited out hlnl doublerthroo by Bob Bullet Imong tbotr 17 bit odd rrunhed Tenn Mom 11 Terry liuroptrey drove In three run with too double Ind linolo Iiood Powell blurb Bolonm Oriole iceor Scott locked poir ol banter Ind Dorrell Prelu Ind John Vutnvlrb Ilsa eonnomd to pour Ibo they toImmtoltheSInDtero Mm rm till We IIIM that bmebl Detroit Iron behIIII nod to blighted th Tl erl the not our ittin Voo Jotbun buttinodol tint hi hiiIhtrd Ilvenrn etxbtb Ibnl unto In or III Dodger over on on threerun burner by noble bright sun Ind DIM Cur terl tum Ibot untied lion giggled 50de but PIILI Will Roy humr tbroertm inmer hIlMSL twittuneuiyoo lend but Ibo CIItTLblI needed Int blolnnder toooul stool to the tilt inning to odxo New Yo httto lturt hnvuouo doubled run nuts to Ibo ninth Inning mod the tying run on too nlelin tingle and than ILMIM bomb the winning run nilh two out In tho lblb 1MB tlInru Ind Pdtti Biol nob drovo In City limit Hi triumph nvoel tvto run In tho bloom Itblln Box Expos Problemo Stall Unsolved1 DALTWL BEAN Fit CPI blonlrttl Doro wero 11 dry Into their prin trott tog lotto bot tom oi too prob terns lbot lured tho Notional tensor rim on It ortivIl htro re ed unresolved detail oilhim Inhibition Ime curled wel II week balloting lbllioMAIIdrgwo bod kI or ea in wee when tho Ito tvu touchy but our tum rot hotter noodl Iiooo trimmed blorinte oohwoken owner ol Roxlnn equipment Ionwooy told tbn hey gum not hit rhlt Id Ytrloty our bttotlobo In ltend Illth drnwr lwltotbor youre going South or not Nutter Geno bioucb Admit thIt in many role to doeot tow wbrt poyer will till tint poollion on bl tilt but yet but lust knot wotl better do lenelvely lknerot Nonuer ltn IIo bin or Ihero wee time in our but two year when he poet and Imount your protont ctme dtmrrred end on timed uhero do let me blotrev bftnoiuniooho thee oh to In Ioeno IIvo developed hllucb nulnlnn lbl lury till out on eenteotle tnntithlo Iorgo ob tolned during tho otlueuod lrom St laws Crrdlnni In on obrrgo tor uttern rotcbrr Tint litCmer lunch to bopttul that tho ilgbtbtltin rrIndIletdin hilInlI Rootie wll work nell Moreno IV voleron Nor lIlriy lnlelt Ind Ken Singleton to rig Tolrogltglromntot Ilo the wrong time of donor Ill go south but it youre going onywuydropln to Iiroslono lirsl to me my IIAIAng not Album it tttttttt bilnnesoluilberlttI Ill itotntootlhiindobbltl gt onmitttttltf otter sorter INSPECTION Wolloo oildtyour eoe lrom top to bottom and point out porno Iltlilolo Toronto IM blunder EE zaggza gases732 3233 scauxa aE == We Eut Divblol It LT AP Scotlt ottotommoo Bailout MNIIIIHIIII ltoobetter to 21 to no on 10 Providence to to zoo no It Illicit to II no sunan to to in too Weltwnlalott Outinle tire to VII II itebonyllio net wt brillmoro unto 17o Iii Reunite BondIy Clocionoll II limb Note broil Virrlrt deans wole ninety Tried Armorial tum tlolproblom oroor bolero titty boeomo expontlvo hoodoehht REESEESE gszusar Ior appointntont 72615555 hilltop burger tlToronlo Norton Nootrtrt Illnnototn lriondtrt Detroit St tout Philadelphia Pllttburtb Chlrnro ii Colllornlo liotnttl Solurdoy limited Detroit Timid Illnttesolo Room Iltlobtugb It Ludo Itlondm Cblooeo Vontouver CIitI Rolull sundry Wtdorm nun lttn Colonel Sanders ohd bl boy motto Ililngor llcklngood rhARRlI BARRIL BAYFIELD ST ESSA ROAD orurt 11 tin to In room blot Torr Wrd hurt 11 Inn to midnight JIciuonvilto Proviomeo um Itocbotleedbprinsiloldt WV

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