ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL Nancastmsrt WEST INGOCABLEBIV Monday to Friday AT PM Sponsored by Tho Rom Club Emir HELP WANTED TENN ohm or kg Im DryII in NM mm owmnnmor lehtnhovywsllndlmhmloioisw IMMUNIMPWWMHIIIIIIW tlbtlol your lulu Nth ID mos SHEA LTD REALTOR 7211 mmwulbool ANNOUNCEMENTS ii to 11 is IV nil TI TI it IS at TAN I1 9951 lial 55 3333 blondrundow hrmlihirovu COMING EVENT ANNUAL MEETING AND SOCIAL HOUR DI BARRTE WOMENS PROGWIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCN WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 Tom BAYSIIORE MOTOR HOTEL Oust Speaker HitS JOYCE BOWERNAN Erna Wolcotno AIRBASLPNIIP Agomm ll st snot Wilmnlmdm E5 LIMA fl E5 BINGO St John VlInney Hull rumour watt Iupor Eori wilE NOONDAY LENTEN SERVICE Dom mm mm meson rm rsr om sneer IntlII MI TE hmr inhuln moollhnlllmtlmllihs Mummiuoithncm Abortarliol mm IIIIn Chltomnnchuno IdiInOnllnr Minnow US KOreon Wdr Prisoner Freed To See Ill Mother RWY All tho Dome ll Med with pm Do Inlonmtlon in Wanton Fox uh AP Pholol Ilnxer lIIr vary plum to or out Ind It the Isms llllte Im very Installs to get Dorm Ind In my anther PASSES MEDICAL DIM doctor Bose mm thhy It to Ry to 1er Rnritord coon or Vimovrr Alr Rm in Imam Wl mother vho Ilslitil him nurrinr oi times in Pr And mt hot Er is to 535 IE ETS gag RE then is now MR he Isld El ti it it DEE REE Rgif 356 Business Leaders Tiddress Inmates 0i II Prison DODGESTE NB CPI ho million oi Master prniltolhrs mlrd Salim Ivcolnr Is 50 Atlantic pm inm bruins and political We not lnslriI Ior th In nnl horer mm lnler nItionI nixht ln In IAimI to prisonrr hie tees Ind lusts Senator Earl Ruins Calm who out ITIInIt splint pnnishrnrnt uriox lost through the no me hm hm lutdtmd 2r tho nun nI Iorltv III ltIW riled In rod to it This put mr in tho United StItes Ind Canal there has been strum nndlon lhnl ls unexplslnnbl occur it terms satiety is Ilrsld Tear ls nunlteeiln ltsrlr in domsod tor upltIl punish ment WI crnt look Ionqu DOOIIM where than hr The Ienator In otnonry member oi tho WORM JIyA Deer snld the Canadian Aunti ntion oi Nico mitts rlnlms In inmnsn in uimn Ind the prob Irm oi low merits in tho R011 in vole lluwrooeslod primers to mom themelver to respond IDDIo ll om mm was It need you not you mad Ill it TEES ThirtySeven Over Weekend niziggih EMPLOYMENT WANTED MAW mom will go to norm LII mm In SCHOOLS hm tonm5 moron mm non um um rr um Mu 31 mo IAli REPAIR WWW herio TRANSPORT TRAINING Till FR MIMI lermIlom LTDIm Cordon Arr Suite tot lslloz qu mm cum Iluott to In OM rm to Tommy mm l1 er John Show my datum WJWW 151 II now in tho mm or God Nhrn his plmo wool rim to Right from SOON In Tokyo Anolho rmln on the ight Richard Portrait Iru sen term to to ma in prison and Mary lo But Illa Alton mated ho mum to visit Fem tho lrecd Foam your early in Dumber Ml In Ihltl Dinnor would hm to serve only live mm mm Play the SCRAMBLE GAME EVERY TUESDAY lN Otto Tlorrtr Examiner YOU CAN WIN VALUAELE CASH PRIZES AND BRAND RITA COMET oriiiiiiiiMiiiiiiRi suturi EVERYONE ISAWINNERINACOMETI YOU CAN PURCHASE ONE TODAY AT MOFFATT MERCURY FOR AS LITTLE AS MM illNu SILOIIISoREWStIRUBMEF NAME FOREIGN ENTRIES AUGUSTA On AP Burro moon warm trim on the mono r01 tour this yrlr And Guy Player the tool chnmalon here om arm to lorelrn pollen invited Balm to To In tho Mum GOLI mall howmlln tut includes Gory Man oi liltohmu Ooh hm WROTETWO tome mitt Inst Year on tho 9T9 locking III lemoornry IAI Ilium Decatur Lory In brine 10ml no lento sthn stadrrmr two you Orion their new horn in Neilme LI enm plate MARRIAGE 0N TIGERS SANTA MONICA Chill lieu lerl The OT iormor Olympic gold main Harold and 01 Connolly halal Tor ohm Como It In Enr lith loachrr herolllod Ior div Pridrry Irorn Olin Flinn lm it IDO ohm to dim Ilorn NachooImhlI In tho lhlyl Rm too TLALIAJR All Wm APT Ieon Plcm Iarler oi Raul it 1351 gerhtihowi mamas Dorms when Connolly Inn 1d medal to the humor Mrs Oomolly won gold medal tor hr disth thm Dostl NAIRm uunnlmr In thI sunny irirndx Riv tax from tho prim nrlnitltr to UN Institutions dimior Allhoruh Urn Smte wIs not Littiox tho zcnnrnl Irrnl Ind mostllutlonal Iiiulrs rommllloo In working on on inquiry Into Ioperl moltnrs on hohsil oi CI nIdiIrl prisoners It said Brighten Room Mil Intarm our Mug NIMMIM MII l0 HELP WANTED InucnrroNAL Georgian College or Appilrd Inn Rrhnololl rot Dunnoth Sh BIrrlI Ont EDUCATION plus EMPLOYABLE SKILL equal JOB ARE YOU UNABLE TO GET THE KND OF JOB YOU WANT BECAUSE OF lACK OF EDUCATION OR EMPLOYABLE SKILLSI RInr rum tutor BRENT Tenn AP Tho Soohesslern 500 Grsod NI tlonrl stock ctr run It or or loierosuonsl Sorrow II halol by heavy rIin Show drrrlollhomdinpmdviilho restored um IS with Cain Tuoroozh in Us lend RECORDS SE1 Rmmhhi IAP Two Irlon women ntnbilshtil Ivor records It tho tourth Eh rooran Indoor Ithizilc thorn mrhip hers Sundry In tho lump Verdun ltlnxurvn lmprovedJo let TH Lnohrs Thu HY record rho mm ollh Rosamry Witschu oi East Germany noun Yordnnou in Or Wrnttm Ilnlshod In tom tier conroItIiot Svelln ZlItIvI reg rho miosr record oumurller Issenr IVONNE Iost DAIMS APT Vlrlllll Rudos bristlinr serves Ind powerful forehand voloy do Itroytvi Arulrnilnr Evoonn GooloxonrMHananIntho All ihtII Di the Ilamrn Oomtiy Brinlwr tennlI tourna ment Tho Monroid Duilrh DIAYlI dnotlnrtndhrr younger woonent in lost to minutes with tho Inoond Iol ullnx only mninuies Britain VIN amt lIrler Dov oral the rule Tim It In minutes 55 moods tor In IV mg weed or 11113 miles In Mr SETS WATER SKI MARK REBOUND AP AIB lrallsn hnmplnn Kaye Thtntmr Tool to it world Rm record by ooring in tool It the trom llnstm mitt Ill cherpIthp entry In tho men who Amotno 5m Comm not meet hm reoorrl mm which VIM ll feet short at tho world rotont Orrmrl world overIll tinrn pro George Athens olltloo huh Wu Itril Nell hton llll Explore the world of adult education through the CANADA MANPOWER Training Program nnd GEORGIAN COLLEGE Extension Services We want to talk to you It you have loss than llme ton Indrertmotvnnoir realizing your potential 232 out at school tor It Toast to months 41 An occupational goal you want to achieve mm mm gt my my For Imam to than on morally can Dm loorrnon will ll tho Rania Gouda Manpower Groin It motor between 200 RITA Iinrlo crochet to even pmnnnioopmon1msdnyundlhrmoyntomnnxnnw Ibemummmmm pointrncot llli ow that rm to win rom To PUBLIC norrcrs TRACK TREACILEROUS ANDRE NY AP 43m Home or Chin le Minn warped what was describeO Durham out In hLI mo in In tho mtltloti ol litl In 7m 41m men cm than lot to lo It 30 or 30 included nnvnNrYnvr Inns to th pattern rah Mo or money order Add or cells tor earls pattern Ior lintelm mIII Ipedni hindllol lcygrm rio huntner Neellrcrrll Drpl to rmt Street Wort mom 0mm rotnzorycomoolod or the 1W est nod Irrsitlt whinesde bromine the world dominion in the rotten Other low Med Guton TollWI ol VII erola the mens modi Mr Oorl drittna Slll poo re NOMINEES to serYe on the BOARD OF MAN AothNr for the DOWNTOWN IMPROVE MENT AREA will be received by the undersigm led up to pm Monday March 19 1973 WIN COLT PLAYOFI SINGAPORE IAPI Ron Ardn oI Ils Phlllmllltd won the sinrnoorr ooen tournament Srmdoy on that rd holo or Iuddrndellh mil with Ron mnn Wood oi trim Each Tin Ishod tho holes with lot otter toolround Grshnm North OntIrlo oIlIrln residents old cents roles ins Print hlllly PATTERN NUMBER All ADDRESS NIILI New Inn Netdhmlt tritium orsrnmod with hot crochet Ltyles crslts 1M drslms FREE osileros to unit NEWI Instant Moll Boot lam lo moire tttrn dollan BOX REPLIES won or eodeIYor will ho mode to lorvnnt replies to ho nomhrrr to In Idsrrliser Sn cm at nurvtourllous Min RIprmnlIlivu SIIII MINIpIr DILIIII Jones JIek Bully LIrry FsrqohIr Vic Hum Amor Lloyd AI Lumm BrianlMiiItt BIIkI Shut Slurry oi Austnlln III third It on Or IIOTTL or ILLS RP 53 OJ rho on oi the memo thl trotn your mils Tim Instant llstrsnin Book mm NWIW to qualied rm rimo Imember oi Wllnllhoutyotnnrrlnndhomdlonornlnm MB JWMNMNWWIAI crntntsmorbo Ilnrlolncroe not WNW at corporation Io Assessed om or brom loltul Lrothri hoot ymmmmprmulid my mum NONI ho Book LOO my yon mm TRUNK mm lHllly Rorshook unto Tothcr hIIomutlon may be ohlnined horn tho CITY chxs 11 PM Alshm Room unu ll Ittemlountsi Omar onto sum BARRTE Onlarlo mama Bl STRAUGIIAN to quilt lor Today Book 60 CITY MILK soon Is possible NI accept no llIhllily Lo rupoct oi lorI or dunno IIIsod In srlse throruh either taliuroor delay In ion Irwin lich replies more othorwise NorrArr NLRNRY YIIlror Murrly WItton Poohhsll unt Iol hum mu wriYorslry sowed Saturday TM Ow oi Nov RIYID Ind tho City oi West North must AIM Iporoto Thu cunts hm been SALES LIMITED Al ESSA RD BARRIE trussso HAWAII rents