Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1973, p. 7

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mmmum nonunion ALYlilIlIUil Htrrrtnrg Andria LQitlirpoke unto onion mu vomited outlonnh upon the dry loud lonah 1th Itwudnrtnythnrdgooilaoboomilthrttholnrdmto mmtolnnnh the prophruhlddiruhin to to tho wkkoddtyolNlnovrhondpmdtoninrtitxovihntIouh dIIoheyed IndInrteIdboIrdrdothlp forTmhlrh Amend the lord rent out nut norm terrifying the reach new Thoyaliedonionnhforhelp Indhnrullrlnyhhxtrttold LDWTDRIIDLIDOOYTHIOLLIOKLMDBWWMDY memoir In whore belly hermlned tor thrro dIyI Puritan indWmlgugltirpmhtnmdpmmdtodoin not In tewurpeweduprndmlnordered toNInmhnhrrohovrcntond ptetohrd until thedly repented CHRISTIAN IZISHHHHI norms T0 honour Everyone Neds Loire To Reach Full Capacllll ny oohornv mutiny to Art IJnHItierI hoot Con Lexhrlono It HI him he or Ibo hum no on ALLIANCE CHURCH uocoourtmmnmnmr IvrmIrArroI MISSIONARY CONVENTION HS Inn Fondly Bible School 00 Inn Mtooionuy Seroloo Overt Voter Iniooienory III 46 onrI In North Ind South Vietnam IIII stationed In Hanoi Ma Irvin 700 pm Notioan IIil Lotul mlroionory motion tiim on ItnIrn Tho Peorenulron olIo Vietnrm tniIIIonIry on the hot IoItl 7l30 III htl Mondo throo Wednor mmrla Rev DYP Joneoh Emil Roth Pottoroon Zolro Congo Everyone II Wotoorne To Attend Time Spoeltl Miuiemry Swim ROM DEVICES IOOOuL Huh Elvin lSOanhommhuvtn Wiring may hloninl RIdLo But to Cod RIO CRT lbl ill hm Ill ll 011C In mo re the Ill re It Ion tht he tell other mm NW SE Wilfrid 1l mm ufhitllilli Grmnhunt tidied hero with tho 11mm on I0 um Wmht Instituto will ho hell 11 Storm Itlhohorrio BI Nil Centre YttilAt Donia Roll roll your turnout roripe EB 33 iIT math onvrnnon Missionaries Guest Speakers No Damion Ind ono Arn Leon nrinionory from VIII Nonu kin Gonzo Ind anA Illoro met Ipooxert It the tonal walnut1 convention Ihtoh Itorto may morning It tho Allion Omh on the con our oi Silvio and Cook Sreetx hln irqu Iterrn minlom oI torn Ie Viet Nlrn will rotate tho ei leetI oi mint hr tell In theIIIeolJ the nor thorn huI hod on rnindorm lhI thristlon Ind lltuioner AliiIneI III the tint protertrnl minionrr orpnnlIIlloo to en om In IDLI hill lb ter Viet III Intlred they wore lint Itotinned In lion with bel hiltblhd It nurinr the communist rIro over 1th Nut to more Ioulh Since her btlsoondl deIth hire Irwin hu rttirtd lrl Toronto hirIlrwin will be into port in both lhe Sundry rmrninl Ind Iteran tterlthlr North twigs modulo Ire rervlro thI Intent niuionIInl motion thltl Tho Pommol Iro vril honmrn The nllhtty nrllrlooory Ier tieer Ilioo ihrouh Wed It 130 put will vI Inothrr Latest Book By ycIrolI on on Vlet NIm Nlm in MI whrI rekorno tenure moot com to it Irth the person he on ho come to tho Mi tooHm donIota Ind perton ty loud to hm nomeono tint ho to very opo he neodo in tho Inne In Ihom he con Iheoh tiIIl on to Io blot Ior tht ho It to rIlItiooIhloI oiltn IIll =En 81 555 tIIrIttortoitNIIdeILWenttti diliro relationship to Iotirly RLTII PATTERSON pm Cmdtnn nus ltuth Poltlon hot spent to your in tho Oohzo now hire II lllh hen DIrId dance or Idi 1th will he prrrrnt world tornado menIrro Ilido prrsontntlom The public lle to It irrld thud unison Pat Boone Tells OI His Way Back To God ny rerun nonwoort Scitneo Ration chII with Inb Itcil III on tint hIreiy IlhiI But Ilruuer thIn ii Ion In tho moot evuttn rmniod In SoonII lItcot book Now horn IIIny oi hlI expen Ieneel mm tmpouihlo An excellent eludenl ho Inp Ertod lhI wilt ho wilted It one nineteen hy help III enhancer Ind tho rnthlI tor oItbA torch oi It low or ooh bolt lotor moved New York to work with Arth Godhey By the time no and trout in lvorrlty ho hId rung thirteen roofo velllnr out million or New York hn helped build the pollution Church oI thrill hetuitui II million building in loot Deon NIrILb itllrlttl lhIt onre ho wool lIto hand Ind hlo whole right IitlI when ho iound he round my oil nipht Ind tench Sun School the next mornint hut moot at II have either been In lhil position ouruives or Inow people who hovo Tho lrnprohobio to how FIt Soono iound hack to God imorino rotting letter lrotn your hooker demon HM on unmedIIiely Ind oIIoI Ievoro wove condition It the IInu UrnI linuino moreover God pro vidlny II million to rneet tho debt otter your mom hector rd huntru And at It poet ople to oil type oi it Some who how no mo relinton ilnd It trerh short in retiriono prereniltioni IonlI who Ire ovrn elieIl rotoico in the direction ven to PItI out reIth trIdtUonIllvtI Iro Gillie longed to ution on tho very boo htnnort We rIn mo to Jun mun IIttIlIo thIt Sh do will love out understood Mill Il our veohnem iIuII mi IIIllnu tor III III taunt Iii tho orIvlny tor lovI Ind Io pmlItloI On It in tho heIrt ot Ivory nun friendship with Jun out our lIIiIthentednltho Irt tor Ion lull II no In hooqu Id In it Edith II II III yet without 0m to the yI oi triendIhIp Ll lhot oi to to non other The mod woodch them too ouroelm our IoulI Ind our norvour Iyrtomo II to let Iione up torn Thronto hnnpltol where ho bod men like to boor you In homo it on NARC it Tho Womenr LnItitqu will Mt Rodnetdu North It It the homo oI Ilro Donnie Bolt tlotIo wtlibo Tho or otloil that ohm the groom III Ind purine lit out trero Ind whit prodreo orormn Flrnily Dormer mm hi Donnie Ilemherr In outed to motto Ind roll eIiII tor tmlt pronoun lunch Imunlulteettr on Law Omit hIrl iinvre hndmoo lilrI IAllIIt Johnson Nll Jock NIL ey IiuiItiou to hlr Ind mlyhurn0rllitIuho IIlh tiod lInd toll ltlru III ind ult 6r ttlohttltd their Nth oddu Innlvur no ltttulnel lilIrch Rm an THE KING EDWARD CHOIR Under the dlrorlion oI Mro lean Doboon PRESENTS AN rvrmno or stern MUSIC strum Irvin I913 II COLLIERSTREET UNITED CHURCH 130 PM THE GOOD BOOK HOOK ISD Ponollnn SI nsrn ls onto Outer Records Ind supplies in Stock who dtir produdl Noun money Ll Iood Iervent hot mutter program Aprlmle lure Iod OonodiIn lndurtrtel hoetrsru tin Omninn tin E2 Nolan MISSIONARY CHURCH l2 milled TL BorrIo tiLI III Sudoy School III III III lunlly ier III TIorIinI Wmhlo It on SmiIl Service tummy trot Inn Chrirlin InIII llolr it mo Dom TENTH SemtIry TilSTD hlro Donn ilnnrherur Friendly Welcome AIIIII Ton IT MARYS CIILRCII Roman Catholic nnrrnonun AMELIA no man SUNDAY MASSES hotnrdoy mo Men III trio In ii the Soho WEDNESDAY EVENING ttlt on him preceded by PorIIh Devoiinno FIRST ETTIDAYSI IiIIueI TITO Inn mt on TREE METHODIST CHURCH untold Ill Dollo 5h lu Inn SuIdIy School litoo In Worrbln SIrvIeI ST ANDREWS PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH Conrr It 0on old ltonley Sio hliniotrn Rev Sound Stunt Ortutxtr CIII tIn ilrnrut Iirw lDI Nornlnr ITIropr Retention II No hlrnrbm YOU MAY ALREADY NATE NONI till In order touch wool III MD Junior Church School to true or um hIII lreIhiut II II III II Lutwo lloli SorIlrrr Rev Dohold It hIIltttllrII IIItIto AtIlIIbiI II Door ESSA ROAD PrubyterlIn Church It EIII Rd II itnrton An Rev Art PIIILroI Mo Mn Ill hlorioI urrooirl II In hlurILII ttonhlp with Npmry to Junior Erhooi mt Inn Fondly lulu Sewa NIrIrry to Adult prn ltIhII Study Vinitan Aime Welrome worthwhile Imoyterirn Chm tit Strrl It neor PIIII hilnIIter Poul Illiio Ormiotr hiro Norma Tori It III MORNING WOMHIP Runny lttndrrIIrtII PrtmIr Church It InI CTIURCII SCHOOL Nnnrry ihronxh Adult lhIro In thriohtontred tannin riotin EtIIIne BIdlI SIrIII woo up murky trtl uh Stroll 3m Sonia Duh School It Add Tootan liretm me oh moth LIL rEMMANUEI arrnsr CHURCH ST VINCENT ER BARBIE EMOR DON CRAPPLE MO Im Proyor Mootlng 830 om Import CKSB dirt on N5 Inn Fornlly Tilhle Sehooi Outer For All Am 00 Inn Spoelol Spooiror Rev Donrll Roymor Control Bopllrt SemlnIry 700 Speeiol SpoIIror Rev DonnllRIymon ConIrIl EIpIiIt Semian Nurury ForilitIoI It III Sorvlm VVWVVVVVVV GOOD not MEN $3 Hlhm WHY III not mirprtntl Not mlItIiro oodly true Blhio IIII toupht hy IIIuII HEAR How you he owe eI Hoovon JOIN 0m Cononpotionel Hymn Slno ENJOY Worm Irlontily Citrllilorr Tellowlltip 950 mm Sundoy School Adult Blhlo ClIueI IIIOO Im Fomtiy Wonhlp Sorviro Rov Slut l1nilotlon Child me to your Tlllr MI Putin HURCH PEtllEtltlSTll Esr to Hwy THE ANOLICAN CHURCH Specials living Stiller Padded Govern ipocIII Specials one study Elliot ossortod colour $1200 While Zippmd Mutilation Blithe Reg on Now 8400 We now have Ill ot Jimmy Stvhggnrte ReoonD Tapes and Scrum in Iioclr tor onto or rent iirnllod Quenttider iI oi Ihlhilll oor will tnovo ooroon our entity Ith the author Pur en hoot could ho con troverriol he uyI In only in the hook But dull It tool riding in Ihrth on Sundry what and went from In Should Pot have been expelled tor hll well knovln double IlIII lio nunt Shout he hm hm Imiiod lrorn trinurhrothytor hII honk ru cy worn ouid he tho been melted mo Inn Svrninr Srrriro TRINITY CHURCH Still HIII II It Mil EWEIIRT tA TN Yr rum In Ill Iii Illl Hilly mot III Vlltih ml III II Mirth YWII not ll IIInIono mun hot up Ind 10 Iln mun MIMnI cennvniwt run In mu mo Mt In Nooottrur In llrhnmmlim IRWIN Itnri II II Inn Mu THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADAE W70 AVE CENTRAL not our Collier sr United Church WM Chm GrhleLElIl lit CvIIIer or it HHllor nook IL mm on min mum lion Ind Toronlodtrrrio losiort tint him It oclock lilinIItrrx liir time nu Arthur Start trot tin pronto into In Dottie Inert numsmt COILUUNION hlr WIlIrr Goon or Ilrolndllt north khoolu lilo min rhrrI will he II opportun tty torsloorrverrotlon ovrr Irup oeiee mmodioie omum TIM Inn Kindrrrorirn in rrodo iotiuIlnI thI Iervirt Ndrrery lIciiItirI ovum pump All And rto torror can he ett portlnl Ind Potrrude CHI edition Irony oi uI rnIde toboonornonothnmrond mother to his coreor orIanlly ST GILES CHURCH It Cool Strut The Von IIIILI Ion It III II Communion ltrIt Inn NornLII Proyrr him School Ill Nutter Ittt pan Ermonr Church School Ind Nmm IvIIvonI Iltronl Sr ovonors ANITLICAN LIlUlttll ltvrtoo III Grouon moored till pan hlidoeol service Sundry Srrvlreo lihio Study Ind LeadersCnhcrze morn Torus Movnment non innit AP Iirneri hmrimtfl because he hilond God to on Cori RID EA DD Potion non on vrlonr onnrns ACCIPIED THE SUNDAY MARCH Ilth AT 730 PM CENTRAL COLLEGIATE DUNLOP ST WEST EVERYONE WILCOMI run EVERYONE SHOULD SEEv FOR TRUTH rnr unrvrnsrr Aldo tune morons Lt ruu onion TITLE MRLDS MAD on on lift 4y Bundled Porno DRIPPINOI CONVINCINOI ALTURINUI PRAY TOR TIIE PEACE OI JERUSALEM Rot DonIitI It II Icnnilsro IRON srocncnnrrn SirontiutScIerAIiiADiuwtoioo upolrtolwmomlytothopm onto In the Udvorre It Divine Suprome Bohrp lhurctt Schootr trio Ind on Church School tilt ondillN Commotion GM to hint lie nu pomdmld mohtlei do wlmm vlorn on noun mu ltI xvdoe Ilso Item to mnmuwmm all heme WWW that oer onto ill WWI HWMORHNLRN my gll Anoer rum em from mm Wanton Nev Wlier own or notion trn Jontlr In mm llnonnn Ynu memo tho undone yllllllkvylhmkifh digit tion to 1mm torn Hwrmgmlllmg ihIt hook mum iormaliott oitho ohtuoh Nnrorry ForIIIlIII AIIliIbiI Iteicorno to Joyirll Chrhuentred trllunthlol ltr Ill our You Are Mom to tanohip with UI Church School IvoilIhlI

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