list iian Islend llliton iionuhl ilnlanltr it To Be Studied unuue muemm Imam m7 muggignllmlmdmol lie uld date rerlewoi lIS ti tor Ill73 one pout lie only Mr to the ehildren In the tomato to told our npin mule boIro llr Iiodetne hir Ilodrlne etielred the fudunlian diploma lie told by notion ever diploma one un not tell what the rtudent Itudied or It that level lie also eriti dud tiren Ilu 0N dull euldlhlienetuainrld Ind mouthethth in none untrue liePIrlenrl bone hoard bellman uid without proper mam Iroo to net Dianmrlore not Till HEWITT oi SlnroeDnlntyheellmmlr QONew Beef Grading Explained To Simone Coun true dareearnI Itixlmeztsmul more see tr more intended In them one use on aid baton wee her ntiehey tlotue room The study by the separate In or ed iolale mer It ninnthe Separate Shhool Board Budget Early Ilpril Targetliiate Set lfllgnmmntyuomami no IV molded inherit The houdwllu hut mired lit re tions Iran the moudrdetoeuoomm hoard uttieinir have not rt had time to dotrrrnineuboertnhl what It will mean tor the they 530 mat pemnt it houde mum It be One melon the booed lam Idem than not our eioee the province ha in oreesed trade toe rnrny other board out lio er assistant to teadent otk the board uldpllleldlt rundown it will re honey otlthedeht thonthe lem llnlllnt will hell on The lion third el Mitt Idle trorn Mm houdsbltll else he by the prelim thte etehoerd the wife emoll ed to downtime limo hemeth Itehudeeitethe it let them nhrnltteelllllherhoerdklwee told in ditteleot mmrnitlee that must be taken into eoutlereiioa musedetlonrathered Ii ter the IT loath In When Itwa It mother team none the mnty attended the undue meetinr oi the Simeoe Counted Improvement to societies to llinestn llednee hey let one oi the roost rue moiui roam eetinu In the enoeIeIIanr biliary The thltm lit the medial II no liuslrlled tell on the new beet redial netted inn unted by lhttrorernrnent September Dr lithe Otborne ot the meet eeionrt laboratory ol the tire Ivmlly oiGunhb me the true aid that entity and ed quantity ere the two main ire tonIn evaluation beet The new ryetem prottdes tor nine gully predee ol heel with the two top grader tA Im at subdivided into tour caterers to each on the basis at tel whore ere Itieut bi min in thither end but eIreeIr wtiiht no and It is not the laten magnum the rentiellonuiee or that the heard one reoelirtion oi the Itllth to dictate proei Iseietenoe tor Imlll role lilhhtd ml the unepprov debenum Iteth prt PM ortniro unendelxeen terel alum prior to he mly proximately OntarioS Two charter oi murder one at attempted murder allure oi then attempted rope and one oi rope will name betore the Sugreme Court at Ontario which trim lJI tprirn easier In lierrie lien or nus ll eherretl In oounretlon with tho shootlnr deeiht ol his lather anti Georue Katrht In mitidupuetl him churned with murder ll Conley John liixemoop lie ll rhnrrrd In connection with the tlrnlll oi enolhrrnien on Chris ehnrurci with attempted rape rd tit Faelnl eherro oi rape are iltoherti lidlltl Ilhtte Gary Wayne McCullough and Gilbert Duhe all lliillurn lhomue Doilnek and Robert George Cotnlns will up pour on Irre oi attempted murder the lelerhorourhmen were charred tn eonneclion with I11 incident to Cottonwood den howlienlllttill we allot durint robbery The eoeut will tire that with lttliretl llnrry lilorlier at in The per eluded allotment tor the rate moot trill be en two more there pring iisstzesOn Monday lire Jury rivil actions Includinr or demure tor oepllxenee In motor vehicle ooeldeotn one tor rpeeiat damages and ten erei tlhnldltlttnultlm lrom magneto accident The glh on and 0m ttetl uoreue the llnrrte ond Dis trict ilrel Erlate Hoard Inn and etc liewsnhp Elaine looson iutn ii ittttle Frank Neiles Smith Campbell and tinny ll lilehie tor dentures lor alleged einntler In addition to the Jury mu ltir duetire Patrick trillion will deal with eirhl nnoiurr evi lotion end to nnrontasi uurre Ietiolu Selection oi read Iury will take piece lion The fend on rerpontibe tor or whether there ll enounh ell tionro to no Iheurl with tho iury ertmllin trials it alto Isitl the tell and various rounty Imtllus tlione reporting on their condi on Selection Ill Ihellrlt reenter lrlll iury will also probably tele piece Monday the method ot marhrtlar and laid this eholee ll tell to the lie pointed wt in lyetena Itii eheare the lunar at reirr dies race tor marketing animate lie Ian the ornrnrnrrt tried rise talent Ihlrh Ihttld do not routine tonsoroer Ind added he leein the government Inmeded Underthe new Intern red hrend boot to rinsed Is with the nianertesl designation de Earlith the demo at let on Bhao bread heel Is deslrnnt brown bread ls Ind Igor band in deolpnnted sod nrunueroe lie Hill the recital Iyriene III not desith to that dude AI In lly better been to tell closer look It thetri rover oi the natural lie told the male reason lar tinieetloo Imonr who Ieel they hf ltd their whamm ls renter mud to prim paid tor rattle with de oi ilnLth Ito Idwlied Ill Modern and leedere to broom and creme Wdeohiive rIttte Ire er ea metin than kettle doeietaus lireedlnp anti ieedtiu pro nenu will here to be altered emrliruiv lie nuwbmdm not to best llnte to let inihn Ind en tire irons mlrnitnrei lepre tentative when their stock In ten L1 alone new ready tor nurtet oi eellhtlnhinr the mount ot lot on the mm In report in the Insoetettoo Dteir Nlroir cac Itedloe node reporter on eurrent beet ptloee tdd the annotation he which explained the neutron Iad hie IinItIntI are still un Dr Osborne sold buyer will intrudtwtlh the nation va lyv ProduCers To Emphqsize Education reed iiir uilh entphuir or be held hidey It the cannon liy ilali In Elmveie Diepleyr tor the Ieir were to he let up this atlernoon Jud Inr will be done lrom noon Friday with In uiueuilon Il program from pm to put lotionrd by lilttlllbn period tout the presentation oi prime the atlernoon preterm will inciudo short lectures about the economies oi fertilizer one how rirulture can be Imomrnodet eh in the totally In the tuture etpeeiaiLv in light oi the Tarot to Conth notion Plan and new sourees of plant protein tor natural retions liob itu oi the Millie ry oi emu end Iood in Elmunie rnld all the iopler Ire oi torrent lntertut store price ot tonillrer he tnerreeed rub ltl rterttttily with greater demands tied lho priee oi toy beam un ueily need in ortirmll teed rut iom her more than lrtpetl lio rmn ptlon oi been meal hoe been one at roe ltmete oi lantern her not yet runs tor the Medea he aid Noe the lair no room rirht he told lair heron abort yearIto Mr llllmphrier eeid dirpi thei time It sru deelrurd te rive tamer ehenoe to show their reed tor oomroere let on tea but time have chtnre Ind the local iannere earl no lender compete with the liolied States and the weltern provident Objections To it be celled teed lair alone It Will ehow how serious tumore teed their Iirritoeh There are still chum toe will mixes corn and one tor qr AW Martini in gr it go in Hz in El on 538 ES 58 5r 335 REE El serene 2555 gig rumour ltlhlttii in it ization To Be Formed For on mac Parents 0i Epileptic Children Were doing it but we dont mm booster Ilelieet hoop la hirs incl me one mole up In or solution tor oi therein be eho not turn nllmfl thinner strith not male the vellumtoe Hy su home the atom the it no n3 loom pose tlhlllhlnhlril gothen the mired rm better run not marrow the lemma extremer memo lib Nd mun bu been Intel to let up ed Etna Mnglgdm orxanlrnlioo to the parents MM MT in Mimi mm totmam the not It panel We on Emil it hoped mm on hioo Dr Osborne Date hr by meetta together the pen mm mm Ior Nellemen breeder tor enle will earn how other pan The ramp to here the it pure and Joan iieldlal eel handle tnutrrl attun otrnntratlm Ir noon at manhunt tor the We hood lions will he rmllrtd end pouible Thelmgoat at meet Council llrhied questions trom Illl llll halter understandin in will he deviated the the tioor tor about In hour at the medical problem tagnbers llnnuoinimoqie seedroir reel potatoes boweler he ll The ietr is motored who Nurthdirwenoltnad roll lrrprolttittnt modelled Harness Track To Be Forwarded To 0MB Mayor in taped Interview tor title rte Cable TV this week May or Dorian Parlor laid the he received several ohiecttonr to the proposed home rule truth It the Barrie Antennae Soelety Felrrrounds wbteh hnn been approved by melt the Interview hleor lter wondered Iiaud these obieelloos had not been voiced when the tune enme he tore the liIrrle Planning lioerd Joell Ind elly eetarxtt The Amendment to the otilelel true Berri Ian Elna which rmlteharnree ran read lit to amenities lotln lei reitaluentmtr etiil hat to he approved by the Ontario hiuairipe Il hi er still my obieotlonr which no received will he iorwerded to the board lor itr deeleton the laid the In neluhee tor hor Ireitut harness racing in her re let turned it would be thin tor liarrte lrorn In mantle Itnndpelnt She Mid the em oi the ob oeo he heard Is the truth eoulo hrlnt undeslroblee laid the trerit would be controlled bythe Itny eiCeredienliouoted alter Locunun orrriuu PAINTING STOLEN lan Owens lleieotut MI reparttd two Ilniias ve at tit Itoten rem enale liner One oi the emedern version oi mans been VANIMLUII Vandals rprnyed silver red and yellow point over the hull oi hoe owned by Phil Souve ll Tuner Cree sometime inte luesdoty oithi or early Wednrn day morning The boot had been peritoneal to his Irene at the rear at his house rs heen rompieled Vendnle use oi house owned by hire Edward Calhoun lili erest ildi Ind Ilerhed tire on tar owned by hire Dorothy tumor 22 hiendowiend lire while II we perked in the drives wry LllhlilBit lumber valued at tll woe rtoI Talldhnm oi Angus were lavoir Alli AND DESIGN Silt learntn College to now hold on its enauel Irt Intl detirn show It the lltrrta Public Lib rary On display ere more than too pleeer et work produced by strolenis ot the net and denim at ol the where There inotude notice to to oil and motel sculpture belih tlrhlt ln tiaoeehownstomi denim war lilo drewihtl rendering and erehileeturel dealer The show will continue until linreh IN Visiltlltl Some noon pereons Ittruded Grorrien Colietgoe lldiih annual open romeo em no est weekend ineiuded lllnthe vistterrwerettioreeondery ed schooleiudentetromntlocntlons Am mnknml 11 on throughout the Georgian lloy Ile stun Ind 400 trade eludente representinn eiementery rehoois en tromtho terprrSlreetyIrtI in it oi Select Form Sorvleer some time iliesdey ntrbt harry ItIit mInrrerot the errrieo slid the lumber included no boards at tongue end needle pine 62M Dhllhttli Clilh porous rouirururlro Wohusntn um oi the Proper tidbit pledge Iarthehultttlrx tut stutter tar Belt Colleen hlfdelll ltlmu Clam kl ernoon on Cinperton Club oi liane or now plan protect tine piece oi Anovrr lint rude Du Huh streesnerr tbhaliveionisJ thtupp reutmen or men Iup eelaeiwi eeowlx Vol1 thlSheIieredllVorh op lire end aireetb use it no lntlnerlhotni In nonunion St Int really the club eompieled ill 01 um lawn this tiled It period en owned by Cheriee we eu me errle erro FIRE AT DEMNEYI Fire broke out twieo Westley It Deiarteye Boathouse on inteshore Drive but tlremen were Ibie to two the tlttlnnfn It minimum the llrehnlt re eotvotilhellntoellett bani andlhelteond tilllp or men were lien riledtopotou tire et thebosthoute It 11 pm Saturday All three liret light Ire under invoetlution by city potter Mk memm MT over Troubled Water ems JUNE MELINMCII Inee ut tinteie that at when lotion et til Ell preeioienl oi the Honda lute Wedteehey ntrhl hlr nouns inoinlihltirxgltulhlwerelne ty Cement urirs letttlne otmeitee we the horn the Ilinlleehien are ed It llWt Will he eotxert rortet tor the United in MM WWW iti leer lie nresmled not Ihoio mm Folk Singer Angus Godwin Projects LowKeyed Style by Willi2L Litilllllt itsistr dhntour and Bridge its tllrttlln thon groin The altlllllltlllilhxltllthl n1 tease oil in Gothin played to rm toe lion oi the oontrrl not ti m3 Wm buttoned ledoesrtoy ltltlt it weird to Appalachian and ooh Im mm Central Coitealele auditorium orrry American toanl guwmhl Tin we in mm mm or Ipirtunh lir Godwin has on ofgfl lhe Connieiitrntklnoerte rlel arorailru Ind muted quaiilr it nos ea conoett attesting per pronoh to the listener The pro from woohl have been more ei nellue In Inthtlar atnlltoriuru iir Godwin announced hlr return to he retreated and eurne at his oileonre eit at thoIlttIcnee to ring dour widt him till most exellinr MI wre undoubtedly the Irish torus lie had most ruthultie litpttmlt to the Spanldt elite both with his tone and with his guitar to remit these were the high oi hle preterm hoier theioir they hsd to there boo ore ulth Stance end Gardeniiee no grate promote the nouns in pieurine style lie ubtiutniy tvnuulttrd Io inning tulle tones traditional contemporary and some Imes with message One oi these with manure we Pei Iutton Inrieed ot serious up lit RNltlt It one written with each omor the measure the through with none impact Mat lire Godwthr pornmalll pleasing ho tiill male lheoo toropinbie to hit auilruco end they ask lor more Lnnninvn in terror ewerer Cent rrt euditorlum eolo hrtiste Ire tlrmtr towits to his voice end sent with em ll dul til Ilroti will open owninunti on rert turtle In the tell Ilnweror teto plulllett room to tome oil well when they are ot hith edible not the Nunlltr presented by the eerie have nioayn been moth Bye elttnt leuulr Canadian pinn lhie reetoue urv tut music students hleno and vocal will Iln mtlrkluln thin and trulphl lnte enter end annotation to music by atten dllll not doubt will be there to hone Ind eretlilr llt lst who to rapidly retrial roe oratitoo htteoetioaelwt