Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1973, p. 30

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IIIm mm muwmv nmm Ir prmgWQ It hum nun Smin IJk the tut vtthty HI II It train at Ittlh mart timer mil rt 111 man mime xdtxhimzmmert the mt rmva Vrudun Int rim IzzI ulk Itxhetrd mallard II the trwln mm wt pub phwxtt at In mhhr ItnunII all Im mm me My teed metal IlrIIIIe III thee my ley In ery IuIry thry my urn the mlrxgtttme hum Ihlul III III thru prtk DUES Itrn it III begfnl Au 144 Im pc mdeltt III Sprlhqnmr Irathtclht Putt tttlttl IAI SON IIIA ml IthtlrJIII palm lomhttha the term mlng In the park EmmmehhmpM to the mum IeI te OM Wei ml In ym IN I94 ntmtat It the last mdltm Iran vet mill ml and met in Itx hath Mm title lake III lltdr hint Valley let Item there Intr toward by Inlmy put laml the Mm MID1m Icmu at pre and mtxtd hood Immt L1 Wad IN Insane bk MI 0m Inllm lxtmllu the m1 tally the ottmyt It mt nude Italy mildew Inga the null to mt seen ut at when the antenna Ind data the springerPart ma berm It the MI nI Itttvped oI htnutfkt Lnh III Ihlte pu we may warmth Imam met II III when ByJIIStherntIre In mstrttll MW Im WM km am Iylaadame It pin Itunms run at pasture Ind and tend III In Imuty IWI lbs II were qu bk but ta driv otl cattle mm ow turn at the mad line mm Itll Mm thaImd IIttnn when Manta Pad now II III um Mull the rev Ill mtuhntay man my nu Itmm Iran the rut turltty ut nIllIe trru that may haw Gem an anm can mum at Bartlet that me no tram Int mg quill lime Irylu to keep the minqu In Imp Ever urine tho mlbun trans mIIIlItnrt tht Itru mm ncnu the plzim ht IIIJI rlttnli the Inminl amp Medvllle Itr It thy Tl nd the the ml Inta hum ltd undermined the Human Inttl you mm It rith mix them The pain we broken only by the mlnut Ioth IIIIII Int IN din m1 Ihxu IntInn way In LARGE PINES In tam lune Findlay htld bunt Mlmm IImtar tank the up lnrthne lert III than and the mired at the le thatls rm the Park meets IN shlnllu In 193 the Lite DI mitt hm lb Namath Ia Dalia rune by uh Iran MILO to Butte when he nu ml by thelate Drury then Premlerttl Ontario TONI ht Druryt hanem may they drew nm to tritium the nt 521 nurser fut hat lldhtut The In eg at Ipringe tat the lite ol Sprin star Park cnntlnczd them that thls IIth Imrbo Nilalle Ilte Ilul all Charlie WIIItI In thrwsh the deal tor thctwt ty Ind mince purchan the IIIIIIuI two tttm OI the trur Iery end rotorestttlm trel hr hrtrtun Icn Ihe III wet enchant by the Mdnthmt IIMIIPIUIOI tut otnnl Ihtrnlmhanl was tempted Ir IIIr mt ItchJIM IIcIIte Mtt Wattle llltlhttrnl darted thtt hi the lttdhunt ImIt SLItbn tn MI IMmIttr putttnz wt slum Ind later he Int In the Iwt lxatlon II helm hr min tortIt ot and prtrtstpal clerk It Queen PIIII Icrtrtn Ite broke nlct at tugs mt Iumeu he nclu Ittm nIIII iMViMIMd dl wt the Itnmps and we meal lot rtermrlle In WWII pull out Chamber Of Commerce Has Played IImportdnt Role III City Devlqpmenl Itarrtq haI IInI Imnll all until III III Ctmmtr unmet thrn tho dumber was nmrtrd IhI mr II Ettatrr Ilrrtlr Chame bl tmrmcrru hlutrd III lll Ixxtant title In the cityn humII but IhtIJhIIIiI Itnrl mrnt tht yhrlkttlht true lullthlhz IIIIIII wltl II ltllttt lhtlt ntI an Incrratlnr med hr 4th III men return lwzlrcm MamIs I1 Mt Iumnt chmntr tr lllthItIml altl the Chitrnbrr hat Ixrtt me II the term med III three the runmIIJty to In which which rhn liIttI thle IUM moltIsiah White Lula Chamber Int WM III run In the WI It war may mth wlth number cl lIIthIIr tIII nha payrl tn Immrtart am In It turther III It the tlt ITIOhAI HOLE ltrt III the tIIuInlxII truth 4I Ill educating ynuni Itltplh ln Ihr tcmmhnby nhntf tht var Ill htvrttl II ltusinrtt Mr ftnrxp 01 nmnle are Int It III Ittlnty II tnrIr In In wt Irrrrt ll tltrrc hat new Ittv In lhlt lItlIl blittt III III llInlhr prntram LI rm exzmrrle haw IIII trn Ilmut the Fruit 11 ttlI IIIIIIIIIII well It the hrlrlrnl Imtrttlnz bus he pmrnm hm panlrt tnInnlarturlnI Item Int Ilhtlr to II In the III tear nhme the Imtr tinny Ihnng htI Irnn lornanl with rrlm ItIIiIII Ihnv III the cmumuntlr Ital llqllyntl til now LFIHTIII II III IhI Clthnthtr wIII IIIIII In the tllmIIIr It In In htrtl up the CIIIInhtrt IIIIIIII tu Itm Inmtltnlrn ol the Cham Im hut than IIIIIIIIII nhlrh llr IIIIINI rttIrIly LIIIIIIIII ItIiIIV III tttnntrr IIIIIL IIIIIIIIIr than IIhIIM thr war the tmnthe IIIIIlfmllwI at the WWW hulln ian IIIIIIIII Chlml In It null III new morn and IIIml II my lltN MAN nmhrr IIUIPIDD It IIIIILII IIInIt lhr the Ictltai nn II Iha IIJIIII tann mm In In onllnr III the nttlIiIlrI Dtr the wt Ivar Itr Nelly and rlrnl Itlmr my IIRIII In It IJTIL he tell the ttv prlIII Ill be Meter ant better Ihttl Im The IICII IIIII IMJI Inrrrlltttt tII lhv Inrmrnl II IIIrnnI uztrplnl by the it run will the Shelal llernm thunrll Ittrrlr It torn mutII IIIIth to Imlrrh Itprr Itlnn Null Man In Itrrl IIttt Immm about IIIIIIIIIIcnt trav Lil 001W tm nmhttnt tltet ulsn mt Into pmttlte durlnn the rar WI nnd the lItttIre III Crete Inht the lumber will be taking potltlon concenrlnx re gional Invrmment and will he mahlnl recommrndntlmt tn the Itrttttrto dumber at Commrte an the matteruWhIl the return mrndnllms mltht be It In ytI been dtdded Mr ml mid hetvtpet tht my will look It the problem DI downtown redrteteprrtent nut lttId with the mvhlon III III mare hppnintmentl to the Chamber the Member may come Iran the Mk mt COMMUNITY IIOCIIUIIE Immunity brochure II In tho maltlnx Ilr halt III there It neat tar my LI Irlhtltabmrhura nhlrh will he usclul lbr thhte who want In 104 mt lblttltrtu and themselm in the ccmmunllyr hlr but nald with the It The lumber Iltlt antrd that Inmptmttan with Genrann College 1111 the ulrrte llmt Inelurm ItItncIItIm Learner eImIltluI Ihwht he nrntnlml It the roller Iortht III II Int HIIIWIIM give ItudIIII and the bIIe In bpvmtunt In Ire mluhurlnrtx nth rm Irlcrltleg In the QIIIanr the year hIrI Carlie ntld Atlmtrlnllnnml mrmtrrthlp nnl echoentrntlatt on pretrntlnr Chamberl Ilewr prntpertr for the am to the SImNevGeotl IIIII Tank Ibrre Ilutylnz Ihe IreIl role In the Tmuttmen trod region plan ANOTHER RESPONSIBILITY IInroId Bllrltow the tnduslrIIl IOmmlsllbtlth It tlm It the end at the month the Chamber nlll take It Inn and more lntrrstrltI Ilr Ccaho said the Chamber at Dommcrtr IttIJItimItlld II that llr llnlynmd he III InI Inlurttltl cammlulunrr lot pertot cl tImI Ihllc thc titurtlrn II mlmd ntdtng retitan mule Ibhrt the Iulute the cltltc III 19th IN mt mutt Irnvltt more opprrtunltler Int mam member In mm and Nitrite thclr IIIMII hlr Catlin IIqu uh he will rtccmmcnt tvirtmlilrn Ilrue Iute ol the Chamber tthlth ttIII prtblbly Iollaw the Hunt III IIIIIIdtII cornmltlm Inch IIIh term tII relurtnce to enter every rtntrlthltlb Area In nhrh the Chamber Ilmuhl he lntulttd Mr Cooke IIIII In all Clum bcr dcalihut hu hm tu Illlr Mather rrxpunstbitlty In try tng Mirarmorelndusttlil Inna vhnIlzn thr mltmnnntlc III III III the enmmunity tmnwunmhtmd day It than than in ht win In ml Ir planted III the 9m Iatlun rut or thr cumin lathe ltrsl unphrc Slut Helm MIDI Hath IIImrL stumyngutth Stat IhrtIn tor tIIbour day etumm me tin tort Nmm Ind III In Irma urn Mr ltd team It harm Inrllnl In the tint Inf1mm 1mm It tIeeIItnmtuttunplmt at lhrm Int neftrqttnn IIIII don patronba mtIIurtIl tIrluseI hm ltd rm TIM JUPIIRINTENDEK FIrIt ntperhmden tIlII hurIHaeit Statlmm Irrrttt Inn dttln tIlIIth tlrm III nerer here DIIImpeIl Int It am platted tn Scutrtt Int IrvII Im IL IJII WWW If MI Iat Imt by Matthew Adam nhu held that with very umbly Irrtll that Ihtn lull Itatperhy bIIn Ive Lent Sepertntmtmt II hlrI It rum bell The Wm IIi Ildlmd and the govern1 mmt agreed tint Im IIJII mtltmstnxtndnmnnthL tho II In the park property In mum It arm from the CPI vlt Ior mad eatslrtxtlm nttht In the nursery Th1 III the nunny In the Arm damdrmtlrv pond Nan Water was wrnped In the 20m Izlltn much In Iuyply the nurrrry rIIII tram MI tnhtcrcn lab Ihntels are Md tram II harm were turd to smut IhI panda GIIVEI nut had II III the pond htt trm Ind mix the qulrhmtt nI blatk muck Racks Irom Ihn rurtery IIItn bmught to llne II met Mart the reel Icmttmd the III at the Im II nnurul beauty met III In tIIgtI3Fd must the reset IIlrl reenlt III IIIINWI In rcntllmd that trn lard nhbttld be lthle trthc Wit It purnmre the art umr man In III thn on rtvnm surIurtr Th phlztlc In tot per Irnt II law It the dttrhpmert at the rm tarts Qutml Icrtt urn rrnctmt new rerlt hly Innusnrd Intern ttnn Elmm mInII III IN It Icrt by mm Irlendt and II ltcntts and tn 9ch ml hcnlzl IN llr Ilnnzy Snrnzu who bull Itr hlsnl trial In Perk III Incl re Imtlhle II ul lrut tl Ihr Pnrhdtmlbrs hart nl mtttrtt IIIIII turh Irert FILTIEI Itrtntnt nrd ructt IIIre ulElzed IIcrIIII hntdbttllt Irnl Itcrldd nlth IICHZI IIIre IIIIII out In the mutt lernle Im that Thelnrge parillcn nu hutll In IIIIII lttr Stun BIIII htum pent nrd nature IHINII reuniting weanTWIN mule hltch cIIlfyIITI IIIII ycllaw hlrch Ill tooth IIIEI Itrp II with stuntum It It an Crvm uhu that Mr L1 1M In loll LIe rst In purl IAVOIIITIISIII smrngtatu Ilmnpntt II Ire nattm IIII mm the data lhr part tllrnrr Park II the Inn ghitetnilcd urn lnilt lmm Imtll the ILIJI hard nrrr ltrIt ucII Ibt Inltlnz IlIh IIth III Ekd IIIth III haulnt IIvn thr hm hy mm to with the nttmry bettx In tttl Eminench lh Im Clmtlltwnlr Irxn Ihr Nurv my mt OJIII Jcthxcn day Imqu to bucmlnz NP ernttndcrt htr Jackmn ttut It hurting II III Nurstry In 1th It th Dwrcxtlm rcfu It 20 mun Inn tor what do IIctlau btromiu wp hennmt ol the Path he was nurmry lmmnn mitt hlth Itn Ilttctlt IIIIImImI the heart ollha resent war In that eery yt III an out In thelltdhurn Plalru remnht Itr Inekrcn there MI well vtlxlntl hurlwt DI lorett trnund Iprlngt conlntn III thII whlo Int ItttQ red trembling vrn Inmnrlr htnckl Int nhlt ah nlo IIILIIIIIIn hml lrtIrIw nlllow eat Int ttygwcal run rfIrtt Crntturtt by ttIrvey Iy In 191 III to In tho II land the must cr mt thrm all All Irntthrlrlrrel In the ninlcr nl IIIMI IIE hat In III lltltughl II Hill In If nul In New In Ihi nIIrI nI IIIn IIIIUI thI trrer ant IICHEIIMII to plant In the Hummer III acedintY II plIIIKd tree Itrdllnu Intel them plplet mtlluzs Ind 13cth Ilttr the numry Only Ilttr III the wart In numry tIIIt dcnc Itd ne thI my time In lcot Illu the path IIIIIASANIS IllliI The term Ind wlhlltle IIII ptm bentn qulte twill In Itlt wlm nohld tth tlnp ncrkcd pheasant In run lust MWOI III Cenalnvh Thur rmed uh In Illmtlcrr that plain ware ltrmht In Thuttmet Ia II the Itnre mi mu club And lnltrnlctt In dittiunlx bch trlntlnr In nub wlltllle rIIt rIihlI ten ram tlld IIIIchI IIIII May tltr It at ulldllle Ilh Illitt hear when taller marten thunk er Ital III comm rtdIIII hunk black vulture hobhhltet mcmnlnz dotct ItIIIJIIIIttIl Iucd dutln mallard InII ntl Ihl nettle ram durlu JIIJIJ Itnd Inrw um Thur nrn harkItem Iwnnt nlrllr nnl racrrt mt cut ltrate III Irltllnn rrdn or te rem blurI yellow Ind trh III are ItlItlIr hint and It just nt hamy In It II III III urnmzr NalIIE nltllllt hem In In enter ant the var II will In Jun Ir tum raw nII wlsllc III IItntz wnrletehttr nllrrml brhlml Ihn welt tanQSIIIt II nnI In The Path hat llr squlmlr rltlpmnnh IIIIII uthrt IIIIIII crcntutrt cut her vl nntlro blrIII the In or the park lnrltttlne ILLIIIII IueI Ind nttntlonnl CIIIIIIEIA JI ml at rethmnet rather II dmy nnzlh nwlrw err IIIhers jun butt tbuntnnce ot hlnt Ilthrrtt lttrrtehert uthlrtt Innltnwtn thlckn rnhxn lhr NATURAL IIIIIOI sIIehavIIInecrm Iltle t3 ruin 1h run Ilium cl the put tlltl mum he make wry In Iterth not Ilhhh nub Imlnntxlln pattuntnntn Iy cclus enmurese Imth It ntttrt Itqu m1 Pu littlt MItral In do not nmrn Iolttrv earelutly to preterm haltrrhl peanLeI Dentin lht numbcrltt vrt It hute nttntttl Itc tIIth naIIIe Ilcsr trttlhmn ItIIeI Itvte noIIIIclInthpn Sunni dertpllntbruah hawkneedhermxt IlttlJIt Illlthl battle trumpet hum ncthr thretlnlutm trln pardlnll Ilnwrr wlumblne hd II that the wt plinth Itlztll wns hIIIt It IJ Ilm dlnf In turn IIIII the NIH Ittl III hunt llr thllrI IIIII operate IhI llrtI rclmh Lh The rtmlt theltrr hutlt tn Iltl large ueIltqtlp petmulnttnanca bullllnl crittruuzt ant totn III Iqu ihttlttt ceurte pnuttn II LITMII may tlutIcII rlttzd Incntlnn run Indy IItvcr III II on the wt It 11m ltrttly II III III the park entrance new welt wnr drlllen Int ten turnip hrutt It crtctul IIIIIO the Intent Inter term In amt IIIlnn unIIrIrtIInIl TIII EXAIIIIIEIt IIINI IIttlrttilmtttt king out first year at prodnttintt tithe$5 rhupclulttn nlth them It raid ntrninl It It number It llItl Imw III tIlI It hII been dolnn In theory In the number It All III will the name the will Itnrrlr Chamber all munrte iI mmt tn emphaI Ille it Imttr retponstlrlllty III the ante area He raid the armhrrttett Ilnco runny Ither IrrvIIuI err being raglan nltmt the thntnbrr IIMILI mu It Irat mulls radian III watt tires the Cham IJN tItlt hut plan to IIIIrIIIIIe on tho Ictttltlcr at other mum In the am Int haw to warlrln the Inaln rmplttstt on torI the Ind he II thtnz Iotwlttll In mltIIIIlI nlth Innttlit IImni IhlIII chamber Ile HM thcrt it Iva mtwh ntth which ta II In hItItrt mt JIIIIIIIII nI tndnt II mutt etIIctlve LDmmltnlcltut will III Intpmqm IIUIUIIAI 00h Illr Cwlu ILIIII the UIIIIIIAI III hhhct to meet with the III Ilslrn htInIIer to Ilttcttttmu IIIII guilt Under In new con tlltIItIn at the heater Ilntrlt Ihamlm III Carnmercv the Ihnmbrr ulll rtttr Inmmnllo Innlslil IIIII Ora and term Iannthlpl rt M4 VIIImw rn mntqwrIJ If mmshamnewer Brewersol Oltloherfesl Club Ale Diamond Lager Birra lIaIia Tonic Stout 8t Bock Baler

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