madnavvdwsflmivba Stabilizing World Finances ly ARCH swarms waswuumu cal For eign travel wai remote cou rideration when Alison Kemp Mitchell Joined the laternation al Monetary Band here to as matters have turned out or the mother at two teen aged daughters her iob has become one way to see the world But theres much more work over rows ol complex economic data than the play that normal tourist enioya Mrs Mitchell is compe tent quiet gentlevolced woman born In Toronto and partly educated In Ottawa She it made one trip to My rocco nd has lust completed her and trip this year to Gha It tdaw she came to the fund alter worklng tor Ca nadian bank and lecturing at Torontos York Unherslty She was lurcd by the attrac ions at being an International civil servant one at only about doren women among the tilt professionals drawn from the more than 100 conn trles comprhtng the funds membership AS HELPED CANADA The iund itscli Is one at lhe most cosmopolitan organiza tions In this Internationallyin tested capital It plays steadily more Important role in stabilidng world linances One example Is the standby il nanclal assistance it provides or any member country that runs Into dtiiiculties as Can aria did to 1562 when the dol lar was devaluated and as Britain has just employed in its devaluation Until early last year Mrs Mitchell worked on Canadian and 115 matters Now with the exchangu restrictions dlvt slon oi the department at can change and trade rotations shu Islnvolvcd with broader range many at them develop lng countries with special problems and especially Airl can ones Consequently shes brushing up on her French with spcclal lessons Shes also getting uscd to travel Its not perhaps an ideal situation tor the girls aha says of daughters Anne 15 and Nicola 13 In Grades I0 and at private day schools here But we are lucky to have an outstanding young teacher staying with us When trip develops get Into the hitch cnlhanlr goodness wa have recurand cook away to build up stores or week or two And they survive Wonk man 0N rates Tho trips abroad are inlan Club Presents Table Topics Thc First Toastmistrcss Hub of Barrie met Wednesday morn ing or breakiast In the Skyroom pl lashevlow Dairy Mrs Ron Moliatt ilrst vice president chai the session While breakfast was being served Topic Mistress Mrs Ernie Irvine presented table topics in dlilerent iorm Each member had to given oncmtnute sales pitch on an item selected from hug Mrs Irvine concluded that improveth as speakers was matched with members sales ability During the business period plans were discussed tor two iutura council meetings Parliamentarian Mr Bill Janos briefed the group on pro per procedure in conducting meeting Lexicologlst Mrs John Stevenson asked members for homework on word rmsreh historian Mrs Tom Sharpes re port was followed by one on ed ucation given by Mrs Orv Hardy Topic Mistress MrsDon Me Therson introduced three speak ers Mrs Stevenson MrsWill ard Kinzie norms Ronald Stewart who gave their hands IIPSPBEehes Following evalua tion by Mrs Jones Mrs Moliatt MrsszIe as chosen speaker the week timer was given by MrsGordon Murdock General evaiuatorfllrs Leon Garrick cluded the session Nextflmeating irsch ulédfor beckCarelully WhehBqug Food iSpecials Vdlcnshoppiogmi minds the rm cameo Oatarlo Departmentof Asalull Food Genuine bargains in may remit whcna product is in good and supply or when retailerever my and wantstamvvsthepra ductiqulckly oilhia shell Frel quently too retailers may chase aniteru at an especially good price passing the saving on Iterna mayIlsq be altered at exceptionally low Is Canadian Womans Tank ALISON MITCHELL sivo work sessions ovcr two to three wccks In Morocco where Mrs Mitchell managed to squeeze in some sight seeing despite lengthy hours In conlercncc or statistical calculation the mission chlci was irom Iran one colleague an American Negro unothcr Belgian and the only other woman was Parishuscd sccrctory married to Ilhltc Ilusslan prince Tha trips to Ghana were further tund etiorts to help that Alrican state stabilize its economy and tnch the heavy debt obligations incurred by Kwnrnc Nkrumah now de posed Mrs Mitchell more than shares the general internation al liking and respect for Ghana and Ghanaians senil mcnts strengthened by the dc termination ol the govem meat to pay all the financial legacy incurred by the wild spending Nkrumah rcgimo TRAVEL TROUBLES Tho last ion was math or cosmopolitan rnlxAmcrl can mission head Jordanian German another Iranian and Scottish secretary And it ended the hard wayeight hours bybus tram New York to Washington because snow had grounded all air flights This alter an eighthour flight from Londonvto New York These styles for war spring days are ir Now orkis iashion hou asZTh Bonnie and Clyde iniluenco ishinted at in the iashian th leltin blackand hi pinstripe weiskit suit wo Vliyonr Irrle not arrived The slim irmalc representa tion on the toad proicssionat stall testiiirs to the last that ccanomlcs and Inanco remain under male domination However Mrs Mitchell says she regards her trip to Morocco an Arab country where tradition relegate the womans role to behindthe sconcs status as evidence that times are changing Fox And Skunk Account For Most Rabies Rahlcs is fatal lnlectlous dis ease which may alicct any warm blooded animal including man In certain provinces especially Ontario wildlife is heavily in fected with rabies virus The fort and tha skunk account for more than to percent ot diagnosed cases Health oliiclals recom mcnd that all iamily pets be van clnalcd against rabies and re vaccinated at leastavery two years gt While rabies maynot ailect the art of the country where you Ive at time When there are reported outbreaks it is wise to teach children to observe wild tits at solo distance Do not coax play with or handle wild animals or touch any animal found dead ON FASHION Horizon other odel wears an Casstnl creation ieaturlng shortslecvadackchwam over armatchhrg dress which nipped iustabovc the waist he stripe pattern ntin ued Intheshoes ho CPVPhoto amt tannins annsas Troyellers Prefer Ch Yourpaohahly do let ol MiniMflhplentyolwerk alautokoepyouoncupledoo the planehutlmamslltcwa girlwhoooaaldeuaplanatrlp aaoxdtiol Idveolmleaioyit when the pilots are chatty like to have them point out placeaulloterestandmakea tenannrdogrcmarhalaagtha 11m BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 196 WHAT THE STARS Sit By WA FOR WEDNESDAY Wednesday wdl be an auspi cloua period or any work at an Initiative character for unusual enterprises and for concluding pending projects of business nature During the part you may be the recipient at an un echctcd iavor FOR THE BIRTHDAY Ii Wednesday Is your birth day splendid Indications tor you and your interests are iorccast in your chart During the next year manual occupations will be equally invorcd with mental pursuits so that whatever your work you should be inspired to large ahead with optimism and New Type Pill For Birth Control LONDON Reuters Lon don scientist has discovered by accident chemical which could leadto morninghlter con traceptlva pill Such pill would he the that or its kind in Britain though scientists In several countries are working on similar birth control agentsto be taken day or more alter Intercourse chemical lound to have can Deceptive properties was iso lated by Dr Peter Manila dur lng routine research into the properties at mould called rlaviccps tusliormls Mantle of the British Medical Research it metabolic reactions research unit said Friday mice ted Is at the chemical day or mating did not become preg nant The mbstanco also adopts the mammary glands and prev ents milk lorming so as technically it brings about an abortion by pre venting fertilized egg tram being Implanted In the wall of he said pill is among new types of cootracep live drugs being investigated In Britain Sweden and the IiS The drugs include tablets which can be taken upntoa month alter intercourse and in actions which could prevent conception for up to to years Lemon HALF 10 Rogulatr rmmfland confidence mnently you are In In excellent periodone which will last until April olar Id vInclag occupational Interests fprowded that you do not spec ulate or take job risks other line cycles or development along occupational and or huslncss lines are starpromised lor the last week at Septembcr the first three weeks at October all at November and December Finances will be governed by generous Influences throughout April during the ï¬rst three weeks at September and throughout October and Decem ber Do be conservative In ding during June however ca you may be laced with some unexpected expenses Those engaged in creative pur suits should have generally good year with periods at nota ble accomplishment Indicated in May June and September This new year In your ills will also be highlighted by excep llonally pleasant personal rela tionshipspwlth emphasis on sea timental interest during the lost two weeks at lebniary throughout June In late October and late December Do not take the fromances at May Sep tember or November too seri ously however child born on this day will be endowedvvdth charming personality unusual resource Inlness and Independence way Its also reassuring to get the weather report and to be In iormed on flying conditions as we go along So please Ann Ladders print my etter nod let the pilots know there are lot at us who love to listen to themAll Earl Delr Ears Ilercs your lctler andltrrtaylnteretywtokoow the mail is running lWtol in iavor at your side It never dawned on me that so many people ware laminated by This is your captain speak Ing So bear this icllss keep up those chatty commcnta the flying public loves it poor or silverware Many at my friends and the women babysat Ior knew was saving coupons and they hrroed Ihalre over to me tholhcard the boyhdho comeeagagedtaamectglrll was overioyod had cherub coupons or complete service for 11 plus all the extra pieces bought lovely silver chest and felt so proud that was able to give this young man such an elegant wedding silt This looming was absolutely floored Tha bridetoba came to my home and dumped the all verware right on the llvlns room floor chest and ailSha said lrlead had told her the Carbon MohorddePoisoning Possible Danger In Winter When winter closes 1n and the heat is turned on be alert to the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide or C0 rick ens and kills becauso It cuts oil the oxygen supply Item the Ilsa runs at the body Ordinarily oxygen ts carried to and train the lungs to all parts or the body by the red blood cells when oxygen and carbon monoxide are breathed in to gether the carbon monoxide can unite with red cells 200 times more readily than oxygen Carbon monoxide Is tasteless odorless invisible gas It Is pro duced by the incomplete burnirtg oi iuels gases llquldsor solids When the improper bumlug cl Iuel is combined with Insulti clent ventflatlon C0 poisoning Symptoms of 00 poisonlo in clude savers headache ta guo dizziness statues and lots of consciousness Artillclal respira tion Is imperative Over long period carbon monoxide can cause permanent damage to nervous and circulatory systems and eventually daath Carbon monoxide poisoning Is threat In the home plant gar age on the highway or In any place where fuel burning ap pliances are used Beloro lighting heater stove or turnacc attcr long periods oI dbuse check to sea It it is in good operating condition and that the flue or chimney Is Imob atructed Never use space heater in small unventtlatcd room or turn on the kitchen oven oi gas stove lor overnight heating pur Altmzmltl milligram mug attY Airline Pilots erclsc In uncouth behavior You owe her no apology ll she should oilcr you In apology alter her ilanca hears oi this bopcyou wfll be generous and accept it tor the boys sake Conï¬dential 10 Will You Bay So My advice In no It Is wise person who knows when to seizesn opportunity but it is wiser person who knows when to largo an advantage Challenge To Trade Unions HAMILTON CPI Women should he paid whether they work inside or outside the home says Mrs Grace Mao Innls Vancouver member at Parliament look lorward to the time when all women whether they are working outside or inside the home will be paid she said In France It to done now It woman chooses to work at home she gets gave emment allowance at about $15 Ivmonth gt She was speaking at ham quet sponsored by the Hamilton and Distrct Labor Council Mrs Muclnnls New Demo cratic Party member or Van couverKlngswsy challenged trade unionists to give some thought to ac otlatlng or women who like to spend boll day at home She said that third of the nations work area ls made up of women andclaimed seven per cent at working wives are married to men earning less than $3000 yettr