Guardsman Right lind Wrong About Medicare Theme William Taifor General Manager Walla Publil or MoPhamn Managing Editor firmer mum at iota no Policies As Important For Liberals The Liberal Party seems intent on pussyvfootlng itself into corner There must be many of Liberal ersuasion across Canada who wish the ederal ex ccutive would clear the decks for full fled ed and meaningful policy discussion at ril leadership convention Let the fur if it must but dectde where the party stands and for what it stands instead however the national executive has compromised its way to calhng policy convention later in the year The premise that cabinet solidarity must be maintained is of questionable merit it this is the reason grassroots olicy discussion is being delayed Dif ierences of inlon in the cabinet are now acknow edged if these differ ences become so acute that ministers find it impossible to carry on then they can resign Such action is part of our parliamentary system too But to at tempt further to gloss over them by endeavorlng to dela frank discusrlhn poses an lnexcusabe affront to the partys erstwhile adherents and to the Canadian people it will be granted that at leadership convention olicies tend to be relegated to secon ary role Nevertheless the alleles are decided independently of the cadership The policy resolutions are considered by committees and present ed to theconVention for its acceptance As Leader or otherwise They do notbind the leader for under our system the im plementation of policies is the preroga tive of parliaman not parties et the can serve as do for the leader an they can also influential in his choice if party sets policies the leader who agrees with them is certain ly likely to be more satisfactory choice It is conceivable the Liberal execu tive ls paving the way for future or barrassment in this regard The ques tion must surely arise at the conse quence of choosing leader in April and then later deciding upon policies with which he is not in agreement The Prime Minister has promised that the House Commons will conclude its business permit time for leader ship candidates to campaign If pur poseful policy pattern is to be set it will rest with these contestants to do it But the stands they take on the crucial issues confronting Canada they can develop the new image the party re quires it they succeeded in such politically courageous campaign the liberal party will not only have new leader but the country will have clear indication of the course the party intends to take in the future in is period of political fl ll hge lieenaiigndergdimque sum DOWN MEMORYLANEV 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 26 1933 lsaac Scott Reeve of Creemore elected Ward en of Simcoe County without contest as all other nominees withdrew County Treasurer Harry Coleman ad dressed Iions Club of Barrie on munic ipal affairs Frank Foster Sr gen eral foreman CNR Shops elected pres ident Barrie Conservatives Dr Leon ard Simpson of Barrie MP for Sim coe Centre addressed Ves ra formers at Midliurst Roy ckiing was chairman of meeting which endorsed sed barter with Russia as aid to re ag culture Dr Banting county jail governor sent letter the signation to Clerk Thomas Simpson George Atkinson Bradford public school principal drowned in Holland River while attempting to rescue two skaters who had gone through ice Miss Jean Cowan honoredby senior girls of St Andrews Church on resignation as secretary Ken Guilfoyle scored 14 points as Barrie basketball team beat Borden Signals 2816 Joe Saso and Art Adams starred as Barrie Wolves beat Goldwater in intermediate hoclrey Hon Williambinlaison of Midland Minister of Lands and Forests for Ontario favored proceeding with highway work in Elmvalearea At Capitol Theatre Slim Summerviile and Zasu Pitts in They Just Had To Get Married At Roxy Charles Far rell and Joan Bennett in Wild Girl Central United Young People pre The Path Across The Hills sented play with main parts taken by Mrs John Garner and Jack waish General reduction in gasoline prices announced County Council came out in strong opposition to proposed sale of beer and tario Babe Adams of lilinesing scored five goals as Buster Clarks Barrie Wolves trimmed Camp Borden Flyers 91 Robert Sutherland Stroud elected president Barrie lAgriu culturalSociety succeeding Robert Stephens Simcoe County Road Corn rrussion ppo tees are Edward Dutton Reeve of Victoria Harbour John Carl ton Reeve of Beeton Herbert Craw ford Reeve of 0rd 1pr Miss has pliiacphail Canadas only man em ber ot Parliament was in militant mood as she addressed large meeting at Bar ria Collegiate auditorium She advocat ed issue of paper currencyas farm prices booster and predicted Tory ernment of Hon Bennett would be forced to inflate money within two years Meeting was called by Innis fil Taxes Reduction League PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS= The optimist says the glass is half full the pessimist says its half empty The roaiist notes that neither statement in esordiminishesthercontehtsofthe slosn ï¬People are people the world ove says eociologtst This explains why the world is in the fix its in boss arenttrying tobiame ona virus of the patience imagination Another safety feature in cars to be mode in 1968 with be shoulder harness for the driver and therlght front seat wear football players outfit and keep your eyes peeled for tool drivars youd have around nine to one chance of dying natural death es except in de plorany large hum or of cases poverty stricken son wont take job because waywawmammm Mammal wine in hotels and restaurants of On righttoita hasre By DON 0mm roncmo There can have been for questions to our Cana dian public life In which there has been much confusion and so mud irrelevant argo meot and ocuethrwtog medical care it is question on which bah the federmvxnmenm and the WM boo rim and wrong it would seem Ottawa would oppear to be that Canada such position of wealth and maturity today that its society property should en sure that everyone in the coun try has available as matter of right hupecllve of means at least mininan standard of medical care itprohably was wrong in not rooogniï¬ng the opposition there would be from the insurance in dustry the medical mfesslon and some of the prov and realizing it would be hnpracti mltointmhicethlaonaonov Pm not deserting lm merely retiringand shes not ainlsing ahipuehes frozen solid Believe Law Is Required By PATRICK NICHOLSON UiiAWA Ottawas existing laws and the proposed new laws covering patents on prescription drugs highlight the specialized knowledge which is now re pulsed the comelentious MP search and development by en suring that an inventor or inno vator should receive an ode outsde for his wonir But our patent ad at present ere ables Any person to obtain ll cance to use any potent cover ing the production of medicine and adds settling the terms of such licence and fixing the amount of royalty the commis Ilener of patents ahau have re gard to the desirability of mak lng the medicine available to the public at the least possible price consistent with giving the inventor due reward for die re search leading to the inven tion Bill 07190 now before Parlla mom would extend that permis siveness so that any person may apply not just for licence to make any patented medicine in Canada but to import it from another country 411115 measure could throw Ca nadiooaroutm work it could also complicatefianadlaiis ill Our patent act was as in near every other industrialized country set up to encourage re New Drug immense financial gain to the person who obtained licence to use patented drug process but negligible beneiit to the sick and helmTobin of re ward to the patentrholder in this case figures were used which suggestedthat company obtained such ll cence zthen manufactured the patented drug and sold it at pilot only slightly below the price charged by the big com pany uhiehoperotes large re search deportrnen elop eifeciive new drug Figures provided by the Conn dian Medical Association sug gestrthnt the breakdown olthe selling price charged by this big company might typically be exeludlng the mow abolished sales tax Manufacturing and testing 48 per cent Research Profes sional representation so Piofita before taxes 15 The figures deduced for the company operating the patent under licence were approximate Mnnufacturiug lit cent Royalty 05 Gross profit 395 nesses throughtbe importation of drugs manufactured by chelp elgn lacking our kn 11 ï¬t important question to ether tilts step would in fact oidrttgalosiok deducethe cost Canadian countenance In aiiitlemticed ease in Otto wes enchequer court recently which was not widely reported the curtn as sensationally lifted the utrageous opera tion of the present pro the patent not The in New yoiur cruwnicn ti rn importnntycsterday today or tomorrow Well tomorrow comeand today is it is allfour memorableyey terdays that has giventhe anslwfll awayh causeit was eaten only by cots anrl people so desperately poor Kid one much astraycovered hill pair of barrel stnv chilriren drained and patenting Thus on sales of say $00000 over given period this com panywhich had contributed no research tcstlngycllnlcaliy or information to the development of Ibis effective new drugwould have made pmtlt about 47500 and paid as royalty pittanceof $2500 No reasonable man euld describe this royaltyns compared with the profitsts due reward for the resealdt leading to the invention Tit5¢ figures suggest that the governments presenb statute in tended to lower the price of drugs is in fact not bcnetittlng aoooopoo Canadians when they are sick but is permitting few entorprlsers to reap bonanza at their expense lesielanMPs here have sug gosted with good grounds that beforepermittlng Canada to be flooded with lowcost foreign copies othetrled and tested Canadian brandname dnlgs realistic government would amend lthe present illconsid cred and unjustly operated law Maybe legislation is no job for amateurs THE Liourrom officer who dlrobeyed orders in shot basis ooze av STAGES Ontario probably is right in that the most practical an proooh is on stage by stage basis with the first step being to prnvlde that indigent and law income groups get protec Ofl it has been wrong in basing lb opposition on what has been essentially fright campaign There is no need to go into mourn TiiE worm us Attitude Criticizes thin it parent raw public attitude The people of Ontario of many than are trimmed to death of medical care And this film doesnt come from feels It wines from statements and many of them fundamentak roux delivered by spoke men for the government And by the use of terms such as wreak heme and enou stvely mice in talking of the implications of the pronam The basic question of medical one MID ls quiteslnole It is whether in land we are at the stage today when medical services should be ï¬rm vided as social responsib ty Andthen particular to Ontar whether we mgb our taxes should nabsldhe less pew perch areas of the country so that the nationcnn have ode ouate medical Woo across its breadth Whether nut soother way it is worth no or so per capltn for us to see that this standard is part of our national way of life Perhlwtt hiorhhps it in But that is the area of deci rlon And it is not really the area on which present public opinion in Ontario has been set Franklytho impression of at least one when of this prvvioee is that our political leaders have not paid us much respect in the calibre of the argument they have misused to us On Capture Of Spy Ship By PHILIP DEAN Foreign Affairs Analyst As former navigator tn the Royal Navy have read from time in time of US Navy ships running aground because they were out of position There was that embarrassing case some years ago of US battleship equipped with the beat elec tronic navigation gear running aground off the US coast in calm sea and with everything visible it took several tugs an excruciatingly long time to tow htx off sand bar which is clearly marked on naval charts even Americancbarts libere was also the case it so long ago of that 115 naval his not and took his ship much closer to the North Vietnamese shore than his ordera prea crlbed He was relieved of his command of course and is now being made into some aortof hero by the American right wing ones shirt on the Pueblo not being inside North Koreas ter ritorial waters either because its navigation was wrong or its captain zealous or because he had orders to sneak in as close as possible The Pueblo of course is the US Navy ahlp capbrred by the North Koreans MIME REACllON in view of the above the Americah reaction seems ex treme To most of the world it will look like bullying espe cially since the vessel involved lswhat the Americans tbem selves call shin leex maman mecltatiicai flying or floating are fair game for those upon whom they spy Recent magarlne stories about the West German spy chief Mflor Emmi Gdiien moo tinned his constant precnutionl agar sassinatlon while on mission inside Russia but assashiation There is moreover hot con troversy about the American de stroyerr in the famous Gulf of ionkln incldent after which Lyndon Johnson began bombing North Vietnam we these de stroyers fired upon as Presi dent Johnson elahns or not Some naval offlcers involved in the incident say the destroyers were not fired upon None ofihe photograpbatbe US defence deportmenth displayed to prove the attack occurred show the tellteletrail of torpedoesa streak of bubblesln thewater at can be photographed The Associated Press dld special investigation of the incident terv wing witnesses and pro dueed report which cast doubt ntocuLstardeJibich some string several niarb es dad poekeihnife No one worried nbout the knifeahow evero it didntcontnina swhcbhla and the buy us oniyto litle with or play mumbletypeg More men smoir erg than cigarettes andprnbabiy more chevted bacco than was not printedbyrï¬anypilfloi misdittltfl Kee yourgown God get that person off py caper because in this game it is quite legitimate to have not only cloak but dagger stuck straight through the cloak into nnes back if it is legitimate for the US to use spy ship off the North Korean coast bythe age old rules otspying it In legitimate for the North Koreans to cap menu ship and it is little excessive for Lyndon Johnson to react as if this were an attack on thaUS heartland and for US spokesmen to tart talking aboutnot wanting he forced to use tea at lruclcnr weap nssisslhation not os INVITE LETTERS T0 The notion in mat immens orihntioha to its Lettersto