Lima Na Delegates TogPickLedder titanic EXAMINER TELEPHONES ï¬rculstioc Cissniied Adrutising 131th All 08 104th No 23 WEATHER Mainly may 3nd colder an dfl whim meaty Mmpoggl Not USSIA REJECTS PLEAAT UN LB Still Seeks Diplomatic Solution In Korean CriSis WASHINGTON APtOiiicial sources report President John Barrie Ontario Cando Saturday January 27196 More Then 10 For Copy 14 Papa nuncommunrsrcnoup normally numbers about 14000 men MItNPDWErt Minister Jean hlardiaod smiles as he moves mug delegates with Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp at the opening rally Friday the Quebec wing oil the Liberal Federation of Canada itlr hinrcband in his address said men who pleads separat ism at the price oi economic sacriliee would weaken French Canada nndeventually destroy it UP Wirephotot FBI Arrest Seven InUS Bank Plot SEATTLE AP The P81 hns arrested seven men and ae euscd tbm of plotting to blow up police station and power plant and then rob tour hanks while the police wera diverted The FBI said some were membersol the Minutemen an ultra righth organization Howaver in Narbarno Mm Robert DePugh chlet ot the Minutemen said only one name was iamilinr to hlrn The FBlrdcseribcd them utcmcn as secret anticom nunisl group whose aim is to combat thc Communists altcr they takeover this country Agents of the FBI arrested tour at the men Friday in car in parking lot In Lake City inst north at Seattle lhree oth ers were seized in another car in parking lot in Beiievue Jirtcuts said lloor plnns olvihc banks to gasoline containers rigged as lirebombs nine slicks ol dynamite blasting maps pipe bomb ncallhre pistol and two mnlibrs iound in the cars cums ro non pistols were idle FBI said the seven plane nod to rob three births in Red mond Iiew miles south and east at Lake City and Beltevue and another in Das lilolnos just south oi proposals tor iurthcr military son still seeks diplomatic sohb lion tothe Korcnncrisis but that ii the US Navy ship Pucb lo and hercrew arent released by North Korea in matter of days he will urgently consider action otliclals reporting this pointed lo the presidents televised broadcast Friday as providing evidence his dtpto matic activities at the United Nations Moscow and elsewhere are backed by the potential tor military action it peaceful means lot We have taken and are tnk ing certain precautionary meas ures to make sure that our mili tary iorces are prepared or any contingency that might Johnsons brie teievisiori ad dress was among many devel opments related to thescizurs oi the Us intelligence ship and her crew at it sailors and two clvilla Tho United States told the UN Security Councilvtt Is essen list lopcscethntstcps be taken to assuretho release of the ship and her crew But the Soviet Union sided with North Korea and rejected the us pics The council was to resume debate May deienceoliicials an being taken te Sovict bitelligenoegstbcring ship the Gldroiog is in the inth air 115 naval force including the carrier Enta prise oiiSouth Korea but no its action Seattle alter blowing up the police station in the Red mond city hall and gts power Train Robber plaiieIiIsimérzdtsdssidtht men were ledbbge lvsnhgsgl Wllson arrested Thursda by Sitn 35 RCMP at his home in nehshy 33 mtm me new waived his right 51 EFPIW pest th immigration order DeiughpaidCarlsonp ohahly handgunhis spartan 1mm wasn3Minuternhnslone time Cent An Input could have although tdqnnthavsariy re deiayed his cords helm me sixmonths arise in the are Johnson cause the scene is in interm tionni waters steam nseum rThe state department said the Soviet governmenthnd rev buiied sccondils request for bailed second 115 request for tttng Marchand Favors Constitution Review MONTREAL CP Some 1500 delegates at the snnuol meowref theQuehec has thellheral Federation nfnnlt aria today taco vigorous dismis reduction in arw forces in Vietnam The president niresdy has or dered the callup of nearly 14 000 air reserves enamkaaurmsnr the deionisedenarmint preparato so vty was uner way in th national guard bu Cromyko in Moscow hlssecand reau and reserve olllces Name meeting with 50 way oipur MONTREAL CF Blitlsil iugitlve Charles Frederick Wd son leaves tor home tonight under police escortta servo out the cinder oita soyean semester orihispiit urani nins 7500000 Great lrainRoir hery in test Several deiegotes said they understood they were to take the nvcroiiv policy riecidcd on during the weekend and carry its message out to the riding eau made many at the slauching delegates straighten up durhrg speech welcoming them to Montreal by lEunohing iiery attack on lack oi party dlscl departure at least sion in tour workshops on string oi resolutions that are designed to tailora policy that will he an alternative to the spectrum of separatist and spe cial status options that now hnve currency in Quebeeprnv inee Manpower lllinister Mar ehaad leader of the Quebec Liberal caucus in the Commons said in speech that review at the constitution would not be scandalous and urged that any such review look at the rates of the Senate and the Su preme Court of Canada He reiterated earlier state ments by the convention orgsnh zcrs that all energies should be bent to policy formulation dur ing the weekend with mini mum of time wasted on the iod erol leadership issue He also ended speculation that hiorJustic Minister irudeau might ambunce their positions in the leadership race this eckend by saying French asking candidates for the leadership shouldnnt do clare before nextmonths tederJ slprovincialcanstitutinnal can ierencc The on Perence was extreme pnrtaptior the eountry and especially Quebec It would be grave error for such can didate to declare his candida beforehand nrrs Dismqu LACK MontrealMayor Jean Drn piiné in Canadian politics The sterneiaoed mayor who himself runs taut ship in his own municipal civic thought are indispensable Party made knratestyle band chops at the lecternss he said discl plined democracy and unity of and action in party atterwards Today willbe hard one tor dciegatcswith the workshops all day and plenary session in theevenlng but Sunday is the gtamor day with Mr Trudeau heading the list of speakers on new directioi or the Canadian constitutt Vietnameste Gunners Open New Barrages 9n US Troops SAIGON AP North nameso gunners openedt fresh mortar barragesj US Marine combat Khe Sanh today and on yer 500 army troops were town to the northern front to the marines rick up The netwbarrages came seven hours alter the start of the sev enday Viet Cong cease tire dur ingthelunnr new year Earlier Viet Cong troops at tacked three installations eluding 115 airï¬eld and hos pita Df go rty limits and ambushed platoon ernrnent police inside Sai brigade of troops irons the US tst Air Cavalry Division was moved into the nnrther most provinces of South Viet nam Ranting the demilitarized zone apparently as backup be needed anywhere along ï¬le line includ ing Khe SanlL It was tbssecond sir cavélry brigade to move to the northern iront this week AIU spokesman reported Wednesday that some 40qorair cavalry troops wcréfmov the big marine base at Phu not near the coast 60 miles below the demilimlzed zone dividing the two vielnsms The Air Cavalry Division is primarily an assault divisionan pableor being loaded by its 500 helicopterstiatozariy area within 70 miles of its base campt in army now has about 000 men including artfllarymen along the northerotirontierhiMn rine imecs also built up over The bearded 37yearold cani vlctis scheduled to departlor chi London at 910 pm EST aboard EDAC flight 510 alter being or dered deported iromsznnds when he appeared betorc immi gration authorities Friday LaMarstt cow impatient Judy LaMarsh clashed Friday as the Cotrunans co tinned to grind lts way through clausebyclausestudy oi oblll outlhzing broadcast State can the bills sponsor accused Ralph Iowan LYorbflundier of She altered Mr Cowan $519 from her own pocket hewould agree not watch or listen hr the CBC year and shut up ahouti Shosenttbomoneyto seat in an envelope saying it repre the last few weeks total about 40000 troo seated the annual cost to each Can arrangements for mmednamapf RonaldvAil ay and was granted landedammi turnedjovsr toitheimntigratian lhclugttives wile and three idrenLeanne Tracy and Cherylll til lollow Wil son to England in several days Mrs Wilsonsgrecd to voluntary deportation which means she will leave tiller making her own home CAME more AGO Wilson arrived in Cansdsin January 1066under the grant statusfllho Wilson then hullta lumrriausï¬vmo home in ltlgaud 35 miles west at Mont real wheretbey livedaoulet lite and made friends with nelghbo 9000 believe he was dropped about ayearaga or nonpsy ment oi dues The other names are notlamlllar to me and dont knowanythtng about them Carlson was Iballeve slate chairman tor the Patriotic party and helped arrange some meetings and lectures lar me in Washington Hews arrested on charge of illegal entry into Canada and oiiiclals otter Interpoiyat the Misï¬t of Scotland Yard ired or howcooper an search loriiaeiu ve trmlng nglond with the assistcncooi sounder worldcommandotype gang and been free ev were heist ilonsl guarddivlslon but the terrltori watersep lists to The spokésma rema translation given lsts nnd ulpment inventories ckcd Some authorities speculated next mobilization move could be to call up na presldent has not announced any decision Three guard divisions have had steppedup trohtingdn re cent years and their equipment supply has been improved These are the 23th lninntry In aryluud nd Ohio the bath Indian llii nois and Michigan and the 47th in hilnnesota Oklahoma and Wiscans sinn Premier Alexei ljlosygin proposed today that the North Korean seizure of shell ship menu should he den cntherhasls nth vlotctlo dlnn spakesmnn since the seizure iet oiilciai But there were reports today in the Washington Post and ii timbrelsun lrom New Delhi say ing Soviet otltclals accompany ing Premier Alexei Kosyg who thust be vtsi ranralroadyserlotnzsltua lion broadcast from Pyong yang North Karens mpita had called the crew criminals dealt with by erpre or remarks made by Kosygin the Russlnnjremier told Indian Prime Minister in dirarGandhi the lnrldentshculd be regarded minor or ny hulndian visit indicated Mos cow is interested in lreeing the ship and her crew TThe Slate department said any move by North Korea tit try the Pueblo crew wouldgbe con sidered deliberate oIndis made his proposal during arsominuteertchango ol viewdsmitn world issues witbitlrs troop should they smhmtiwomï¬nmm