smashomittmyw to slnn not more ADVISES Boy Gets Fast Reply About Slow Mother Dear Au haulers am boy ll years old whose nick namels chew bounce was born in my fathers cherro et Allrrtyiricodswerebomina let me get born in my fathers car Ihaveukedmymotbera dozen times to please explain titis to me but she always says Not now Later know how babies get here Ann Landers so please dont tellmelwarlsthprlseMy nnthukrwwlwasoomioghiy RECEIVES MEMBERSHIP Ill SALES CLUB Mrs Sandra Bealcrolt right of Canadian Security Manage ment Lid Barrie is shown rc wiring her membership to the Master Salasrnans Club from lack Ewald Director of Sales for her outstanding sales per formancc Mrs Bearcraft re sides in Shanty Roy and was former school teacher before Joining the staff of CSM last year She was honored at special dinner at the Four Sea soos Hotel in Toronto attended by the Companys lop manage ment personnel from coast to coast Elect FirstWomqn Member To Legislative Assembly hIONCmN GP Brenda Robertson of nearby Riverview is about to add fourth career to hcr busy life as the tint woman member ever elected to the New Brunswick legislative assembly She was elected Progressive Conservative member for Al bcrt County ininst Octobers provincial election and will take her seat in the assembly for the first time at this winters ses llfrs Robertson already housewife mother and business woman says silo has no qualms about tackling fourth career iler interests are political and it isnt going to bother herythat she will be the only member of her sexin the House The sellassured blueeyed blonde believes woman have place in political life especially in tha ï¬elds of health education and welfare She says each elected name sentativa should go to the House as well equipped as possible perhaps with some trainMg in poli cal science economics or municipal atfairs Mrs Robertson says under thcpresent centralized government cw Brunswick many have that been overlooked and welfare is too complicated to bizadminis tcrcd by single offic She wouldlike in see township system set up She says she thinks Van Horne leader of the opposition would have done well for the province if the Progressive Con servatlvaa had won the last election Liberals won of Lhe 56 seats During her term of officeu president of the Progressive Conservative Womens Associa tion the number of womens groups increased from to to more than 100 She plans to hand over the provinan chair at the next convention and de vote moro time to her elected office When she married Bill Robertson she joined her husband in their own business For is years she has been in management and rates fra slerlingsilvaandcrystal com pany covering the four Atlantic provinces She has trained sales still of nearly two dozen people After she graduated from Mount Allison University at Snelrville NE in home eoo nomics she taught school and later Joined the department of agriculture in Mondon as homo economist Her work included education forhoma economics teachers aid to Womens insu tuter and radio and television interviews The Robertson have three children Douglas in Leslie and Tracey Her husband who is staunch supporter at his wife in her politicaliiie says Brenda will he only one voice in Freder icton but guarantee shell be heard Paris Countries In Agreement Hemline Will Remain Short mus AhChristian morn showing Thursday rounded out the general trend of all the Pa risian couturicrs for spring and summer The miniskirt is by no means dead Hemlineswill remain chart at leastdhrough the summer Dior hikes his hemlines to four and five inches above the knees And his turnofthacentie ry dendmondaincsurplica wra povers dripping with frills and ilmrnces reveal in the front for more than has ever been sh wn Diors particu for attenti Me dioval abate tne styles long widciyzaadrslosbcdzbuhlmvtog the forearm uncovered icy feminine grace Here too is found hint of icgomutton gt slightly rising dresses some necklines plunge as at Venet and Ricci Bare backs too are in the picture for galai dinner dresses as at Molyircutr and Paton The short skirts candor swrrl ingonnvementrThis chieved th on pleatingbox pleats wide knife pleats and some sure my pleatinglend mobility and express youth Most spring suits ted skirts and assorted have Pl iacké Spring coats Diors follow three silhouettes in plev daytimefltoydate th big coatis out But fo evening it stops fortin organdyand sheer waveslike azar most yhodysfallo The silhouettés follow straigh or ï¬ttedlines The third line is the good old father is always yelling at her because she is so slow Why wasnt she in the hospital where she should have beenfArker of Question Dear Arker Dont blame your mother for being slow Maybe you were fart Some ha bles give more warning the others One of these days you will find out what sort of world tblsfs and youll ask yourself what was the hurry Dear Ann Lenders The girl PMs Assistant May Be Senator OTTAWA CPI Prime Min lsfcr Pearson is reliably report ed to be considering appoint ment of Mary Macdonald his erecutiva assistant to the Son ale Miss lllacdonald is has worked for Mr Pearson for to years since she iolnccl the staff in the external affairs depart ment in 17 She is native of North Co halt 0nt and holds masters degree in political science She worked for life insurance company here for five years be fore going overseas in lots as welfare ofï¬cer for the Canadian Red Cross Miss Macdonald woiildv be come the sixth woman member of the Senate The present five women senators are Liberals Mrs Florence lnman Mrs Mu ricl Fergusson and Mrs Mary Kinncar and Conservatives Mrs Josie Quart and Mrs Olive Irvine Kitchen Minus cameo ROSS New kitchens maybe vecrinK from stark modern styling to the charm of Pennsylvania Dutch or Early American or going fancy with floorcarpeting and colorfully decorated appli ances However their mainte nance is still stark modern in Skull sponge water and suds are usually all that is needed to achiciIe the spotless cleanliness so vital to every kitchen One reason that the shine can be obtained without drudgery is the appliances and trim in stalled in most kitchens Since WWI mngcdï¬ggul 1y with and and rinses and then dried with soft clean cloth if the surface ever does become dullnor greasespattere inst brighten it ith sit or There are ust two taboosrc minus one is not braslvcs and the other is to prevent splashes of salty foods isnt so appealing hutdntlme it simplifies itself and is success ful Begin from tho tom and workupcompleting the on log and rinsing of an ar fore moving on hmpilsL How come my mother the abundance of chromium on chromiumdoesnttemish it ds gowithlsnolhbutï¬aeilsbu ooafaulttbatreailybugarne shennokerlikolcbtmneylhls girlcwghslllthetimenndshe nellslkslbepokerrwmhtbe ElksCluhthtsmoreshehsr htuoedbolesintwooinwntltr Lent week Shelt nearty set fire on the sleeve of my winter coat have never asked her to making but she knows would be happy If she did The other evening Sheila gave me 50minute locttno because she ran out of cigarettes and wouldnt let into the ear Ind drive three miles to buy her nlckISeShesskilbldslotto learn about chivalry is gentleman expected to keep his lsdy supplied with those lousy coffin MilliJess Aaktn Dear Jen if lady chooses to stay hooked on habit that might shorten her life its her business But she should not ex pect her gentleman friend to buy her miles BRUTAL MATE Deu Ana Laud hope Soddlnotes are intended to cover the geaem sods llio at the dLY District Judith annlvcrnrlrs bridal showers parties travellers and visitors are all Item of latest to undergo this page Yonr hillh FNMA will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Ex Imlner must and ask for Audrey Doulran Doolit nicr at thaWunenls Depart ment ms MEETING Mayor Robert Bentley will be guest speaker at the Jan 30 Shines rudgery ventilatorL Although cleaning methods yiny with different models most of them are wash able It is wise to set up re lan scheduio to mom both gait and thoair filtorl thentho suds rinse and dry them ao aording to manufacturers di rections It oiling is necessary do it about everysix weeksusing one or two drops of oil as ree ammcnded by the manufac turer Remember that nventiis tor may not catch your discern ing eye so often es yoin range doesco its good notto adopt the nutofsight outï¬tmind atti vapors and dustfbsvo ray of depositing mmtmtund matriarch accessory beforaone ls actually aware of same Reï¬lls care will precludethis and your va tilatnr will always be as clean as the rest of the appliances in your kitchen son EATIJRDAX flihilsdeys planetary reslrlc his most worthwhll ï¬ll in mind andjpursua them with nth slasmslf youvebad now pro lect in mind but have hesitated ow is the ye are currently in periodin which ittvould be advisable to lauhds constructive planrto ad worthwhllagoals ine Vand reshlti ofyourefforu this odwillbestepped wrwuttgiher batman the an on example fnrthcrmonotary tude about it Steam cooking now soyoushould bavaya good day Keep your ANN you can print some advice be fore somebody gets killed My sister is married to man who has awlid temper When he gels land which is often he behaves like mlnisc He has rocked her around choked her thrown her across the floor and knocked out her teeth His two brothers their wives enact ly the same way All three of lbose wortton have divorced their husbands and re married them One couple db vorced twice and now they are living together Im afraid one of these days ran IARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAYJANUARY IDS EEOPLEAND PLACES Call Audrey Coolsnn or Dee Winner at meeting of SL Marys Catholic Parent Teachers Association lobn Clohosey will acct as chair man of the meeting to be held in St Marys School Auditorium Codrington St at 830 pm Anya Vane interested lsinvited to at RDBBIE BURN NIGIIi Members of Squadron Grey and Slmcoe Foresters have made plans tor Robbie Burns Night to be held tomorrow ove ning In the Officers Mess Bar rie Armoury pianist will pro vide musicalentertalnment Ai terwards buffet supper will he served WEEKEND GUESTS Rev and Mrs Ralph Lyons and daughters Sheryl Janet and Jacquelhto of Waterloo will be visiting the city this weekend The iarnlly will be guests oi Mrs Lyons brother in law and sis ter Mr and Mrs John Hoare of Dunlap St West VACATION IN FLORIDA After three weeks in Florida followed by visit to her sons home in Sarnla Mrs Herbert Sperbam returned to her Theresa St residence on Tues day Mrs Sparham accompanied her son and daughterfnlaw Mr and Mrs Sparbam and children Kevin Lyn and Brian on motor trip to the sunny south The holiday was spent at cottage on hiadcirarlieach highlighted by sightseeing trips in Sarasota and St Peterahurg areas PRINCIPAL DIES Rev Caracallen pal of Mario indits collage bore madman day He was an Born in Dres dan Ont he served as United Church mislonary in China for years prior tobs appoint ment asprhrcipal oi the Ontario college and Jan Dnnot speculate lune however or you on Those engageth erratin snits bouid haven generally pe sh gems areaindiéstod during the amt throweror September on October December my sister is going to end up murderiricthn How do get the message com to her be fore in too islet001 Del DALE Any wanton who stays with man who socks her armed choker her throws her on the floor and knocks out her teeth has got to beuflckuheisllynursis ter wanted out of the situation the would get out Women who Poinsettia plants decorated Ivy Presbyterian Church for the af ternoon Wedding of Miss Fran ces Marie Hoggartb of Ivy and Kalman Mcitybart ofMount For est The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Hog gartb vy Parents of the bride groom are Mr and Mrs Kah man Menyhart of Budapest Hun Eflll Revrll Wilson officiated at the ceremony and wedding mus ic was provided by Mrs Doreen Millar of Utopia BRIDAL GOWN Given to marriage by her in ther the bride chose floor length gown of white embossed velvet with long pointed sleeves tall cathedralytrain ofmatdl in embossed velvet extended from the back of the gown pearl tiara held her shoulder length veil of scalloped tulia and shown bouquetpt red AfTENlTANB Thebrides cousin Miss Maryr EllenGlbson Dundalir attended asmald of honor Mrs Eleanor of Cumberland Beach the brides cousin was bridesmaid Thobride sister Miss Shirioy Hoar hour and tho bridesmaid were down ad silite to street length velvet dreses ESItiflnEd Von Ernpire lines Their gowns were burgun dyand green lucolnr and they carried bouquets of white earn no street length gown or white laca feel an overwhelming sense of guilt for reasons real or imag incd unconstitutst reek puan ment and they often marry bru tal males who will provide fL Confldentisl to Boob in Boston People are judged not only by what they stand for but what they fell for Fooled once abameon her Fooled twice chemo on you Photo oi Smith Studio Afternoon Bites At Ivy Church brothers Ron and Ken Hoggorth of Ivy were ushers RECEPTION Highlight oi the reception held in the brides home was telegram of congratulations from the bridegrooms parerlts in Budapest Hungary The brides mother received wearing street length gown with long sleeves fashioned of lattice silver on allurecdle Hera hat was multicolored with gold and orange trim and her cor sage consisted of orange Delight roses For travelling throughout Southern Ontario the bride wore long sleeved winter white dress trimmed with gold Amuiticoll ored hat and black accessories completed her ouflit The newlyweds will reside at no Weltingon St Alliston anomalous Harries Exclnslwe Farrier wbnrmaku and